45 research outputs found

    Non-commutative holonomies in 2+1 LQG and Kauffman's brackets

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    We investigate the canonical quantization of 2+1 gravity with {\Lambda} > 0 in the canonical framework of LQG. A natural regularization of the constraints of 2+1 gravity can be defined in terms of the holonomies of A\pm = A \PM \surd{\Lambda}e, where the SU(2) connection A and the triad field e are the conjugated variables of the theory. As a first step towards the quantization of these constraints we study the canonical quantization of the holonomy of the connection A_{\lambda} = A + {\lambda}e acting on spin network links of the kinematical Hilbert space of LQG. We provide an explicit construction of the quantum holonomy operator, exhibiting a close relationship between the action of the quantum holonomy at a crossing and Kauffman's q-deformed crossing identity. The crucial difference is that the result is completely described in terms of standard SU(2) spin network states.Comment: 4 pages; Proceedings of Loops'11, Madrid, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Gravity from symmetry: duality and impulsive waves

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    We show that we can derive the asymptotic Einstein’s equations that arises at order 1/r in asymptotically flat gravity purely from symmetry considerations. This is achieved by studying the transformation properties of functionals of the metric and the stress-energy tensor under the action of the Weyl BMS group, a recently introduced asymptotic symmetry group that includes arbitrary diffeomorphisms and local conformal transformations of the metric on the 2-sphere. Our derivation, which encompasses the inclusion of matter sources, leads to the identification of covariant observables that provide a definition of conserved charges parametrizing the non-radiative corner phase space. These observables, related to the Weyl scalars, reveal a duality symmetry and a spin-2 generator which allow us to recast the asymptotic evolution equations in a simple and elegant form as conservation equations for a null fluid living at null infinity. Finally we identify non-linear gravitational impulse waves that describe transitions among gravitational vacua and are non-perturbative solutions of the asymptotic Einstein’s equations. This provides a new picture of quantization of the asymptotic phase space, where gravitational vacua are representations of the asymptotic symmetry group and impulsive waves are encoded in their couplings

    A discrete basis for celestial holography

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    Celestial holography provides a reformulation of scattering amplitudes in four dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes in terms of conformal correlators of operators on the two dimensional celestial sphere in a basis of boost eigenstates. A basis of massless particle states has been previously identified in terms of conformal primary wavefunctions labeled by a boost weight ∆ = 1+iλ with λ ∈ R. Here we show that a discrete orthogonal and complete basis exists for ∆ ∈ Z. This new basis consists of a tower of discrete memory and Goldstone observables, which are conjugate to each other and allow to reconstruct gravitational signals belonging to the Schwartz space. We show how generalized dressed states involving the whole tower of Goldstone operators can be constructed and evaluate the higher spin Goldstone 2-point functions. Finally, we recast the tower of higher spin charges providing a representation of the w1+∞ loop algebra (in the same helicity sector) in terms of the new discrete basis

    On infinite symmetry algebras in Yang-Mills theory

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    Similar to gravity, an infinite tower of symmetries generated by higher-spin charges has been identified in Yang-Mills theory by studying collinear limits or celestial operator products of gluons. This work aims to recover this loop symmetry in terms of charge aspects constructed on the gluonic Fock space. We propose an explicit construction for these higher spin charge aspects as operators which are polynomial in the gluonic annihilation and creation operators. The core of the paper consists of a proof that the charges we propose form a closed loop algebra to quadratic order. This closure involves using the commutator of the cubic order expansion of the charges with the linear (soft) charge. Quite remarkably, this shows that this infinite-dimensional symmetry constrains the non-linear structure of Yang-Mills theory. We provide a similar all spin proof in gravity for the so-called global quadratic (hard) charges which form the loop wedge subalgebra of w 1+∞

    Black hole quantum atmosphere for freely falling observers

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    We analyze Hawking radiation as perceived by a freely-falling observer and try to draw an inference about the region of origin of the Hawking quanta. To do so, first we calculate the energy density from the stress energy tensor, as perceived by a freely-falling observer. Then we compare this with the energy density computed from an effective temperature functional which depends on the state of the observer. The two ways of computing these quantities show a mismatch at the light ring outside the black hole horizon. To better understand this ambiguity, we show that even taking into account the (minor) breakdown of the adiabatic evolution of the temperature functional which has a peak in the same region of the mismatch, is not enough to remove it. We argue that the appearance of this discrepancy can be traced back to the process of particle creation by showing how the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation for the field modes breaks down between the light ring at 3M and 4M, with a peak at r=3.3M exactly where the energy density mismatch is maximized. We hence conclude that these facts strongly support a scenario where the Hawking flux does originate from a “quantum atmosphere” located well outside the black hole horizon. © 2019 The Author

    Higher spin dynamics in gravity and w1+∞ celestial symmetries

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    In this paper we extract from a large-r expansion of the vacuum Einstein's equations a dynamical system governing the time evolution of an infinity of higher-spin charges. Upon integration, we evaluate the canonical action of these charges on the gravity phase space. The truncation of this action to quadratic order and the associated charge conservation laws yield an infinite tower of soft theorems. We show that the canonical action of the higher spin charges on gravitons in a conformal primary basis, as well as conformally soft gravitons reproduces the higher spin celestial symmetries derived from the operator product expansion. Finally, we give direct evidence that these charges form a canonical representation of a w1+∞ loop algebra on the gravitational phase space

    Entropy in the Classical and Quantum Polymer Black Hole Models

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    We investigate the entropy counting for black hole horizons in loop quantum gravity (LQG). We argue that the space of 3d closed polyhedra is the classical counterpart of the space of SU(2) intertwiners at the quantum level. Then computing the entropy for the boundary horizon amounts to calculating the density of polyhedra or the number of intertwiners at fixed total area. Following the previous work arXiv:1011.5628, we dub these the classical and quantum polymer models for isolated horizons in LQG. We provide exact micro-canonical calculations for both models and we show that the classical counting of polyhedra accounts for most of the features of the intertwiner counting (leading order entropy and log-correction), thus providing us with a simpler model to further investigate correlations and dynamics. To illustrate this, we also produce an exact formula for the dimension of the intertwiner space as a density of "almost-closed polyhedra".Comment: 24 page

    Canonical quantization of non-commutative holonomies in 2+1 loop quantum gravity

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    In this work we investigate the canonical quantization of 2+1 gravity with cosmological constant Λ>0\Lambda>0 in the canonical framework of loop quantum gravity. The unconstrained phase space of gravity in 2+1 dimensions is coordinatized by an SU(2) connection AA and the canonically conjugate triad field ee. A natural regularization of the constraints of 2+1 gravity can be defined in terms of the holonomies of A+=A+ΛeA+=A + \sqrt\Lambda e. As a first step towards the quantization of these constraints we study the canonical quantization of the holonomy of the connection Aλ=A+λeA_{\lambda}=A+\lambda e on the kinematical Hilbert space of loop quantum gravity. The holonomy operator associated to a given path acts non trivially on spin network links that are transversal to the path (a crossing). We provide an explicit construction of the quantum holonomy operator. In particular, we exhibit a close relationship between the action of the quantum holonomy at a crossing and Kauffman's q-deformed crossing identity. The crucial difference is that (being an operator acting on the kinematical Hilbert space of LQG) the result is completely described in terms of standard SU(2) spin network states (in contrast to q-deformed spin networks in Kauffman's identity). We discuss the possible implications of our result.Comment: 19 pages, references added. Published versio

    Quantum simplicial geometry in the group field theory formalism: reconsidering the Barrett-Crane model

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    A dual formulation of group field theories, obtained by a Fourier transform mapping functions on a group to functions on its Lie algebra, has been proposed recently. In the case of the Ooguri model for SO(4) BF theory, the variables of the dual field variables are thus so(4) bivectors, which have a direct interpretation as the discrete B variables. Here we study a modification of the model by means of a constraint operator implementing the simplicity of the bivectors, in such a way that projected fields describe metric tetrahedra. This involves a extension of the usual GFT framework, where boundary operators are labelled by projected spin network states. By construction, the Feynman amplitudes are simplicial path integrals for constrained BF theory. We show that the spin foam formulation of these amplitudes corresponds to a variant of the Barrett-Crane model for quantum gravity. We then re-examin the arguments against the Barrett-Crane model(s), in light of our construction.Comment: revtex, 24 page

    A Note on the Symmetry Reduction of SU(2) on Horizons of Various Topologies

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    It is known that the SU(2) degrees of freedom manifest in the description of the gravitational field in loop quantum gravity are generally reduced to U(1) degrees of freedom on an S2S^2 isolated horizon. General relativity also allows black holes with planar, toroidal, or higher genus topology for their horizons. These solutions also meet the criteria for an isolated horizon, save for the topological criterion, which is not crucial. We discuss the relevant corresponding symmetry reduction for black holes of various topologies (genus 0 and ≄2\geq 2) here and discuss its ramifications to black hole entropy within the loop quantum gravity paradigm. Quantities relevant to the horizon theory are calculated explicitly using a generalized ansatz for the connection and densitized triad, as well as utilizing a general metric admitting hyperbolic sub-spaces. In all scenarios, the internal symmetry may be reduced to combinations of U(1).Comment: 13 pages, two figures. Version 2 has several references updated and added, as well as some minor changes to the text. Accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra