121 research outputs found

    Numerical methods for meteorology and climatology

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    Efficient numerical methods for long term weather forecasting are developed. One implicit and one explicit scheme are compared as to accuracy

    Steam injection into water-saturated porous rock

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    We formulate conservation laws governing steam injection in a linear porous medium containing water. Heat losses to the outside are neglected. We find a complete and systematic description of all solutions of the Riemann problem for the injection of a mixture of steam and water into a water-saturated porous medium. For ambient pressure, there are three kinds of solutions, depending on injection and reservoir conditions. We show that the solution is unique for each initial data

    Nonlinear wave interactions in geochemical modeling

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    This paper is concerned with the study of the main wave interactions in a system of conservation laws in geochemical modeling. We study the modeling of the chemical complexes on the rock surface. The presence of stable surface complexes affects the relative permeability. We add terms representing surface complexes to the accumulation function in the model presented in \cite{lambert2019nonlinear1}. This addition allows to take into account the interaction of ions with the rock surface in the modeling of the oil recovery by the injection of carbonated water. Compatibility hypotheses with the modeling are made on the coefficients of the system to obtain meaningful solutions. We developed a Riemann solver taking into account the complexity of the interactions and bifurcations of nonlinear waves. Such bifurcations occur at the inflection and resonance surfaces. We present the solution of a generalized eigenvalue problem in a (n+1)-dimensional case, which allows the construction of rarefaction curves. A method to find the discontinuous solutions is also presented. We find the solution path for some examples

    Steam injection into water-saturated porous rock

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    Subtransmission overhead lines mechanical monitoring for fast detection of damaging events

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    Different harmful events affecting high voltage overhead lines (OHLs) cause changes in the mechanical tension (tensile strength) of conductors. A mechanical monitoring of OHLs, therefore, can provide useful additional information (compared with the information provided by the widely used SCADA systems) about the power system state. The tension measurements combined with a few environmental measurements (air temperature, wind speed) can be used for an automatic (fast) detection of different events and for their approximate location along an OHL, reducing the impact of these events. Referring to 132-150 kV sub-transmission OHLs, this paper proposes some original algorithms, based on the mechanical monitoring of OHLs, for the automatic detection of the following events: conductor breaking, fall of trees on the conductors, ice/snow sleeve accretion on the conductors, strands breaking and galloping. The proposed algorithms require a limited number of sensors placed along the OHLs for measurements of the conductor tension and weather-related quantities

    Loss of hyperbolicity changes the number of wave groups in Riemann problems

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    Themain goal of ourwork is to showthat there exists a class of 2x2 Riemann problems for which the solution comprises a singlewave group for an open set of initial conditions. This wave group comprises a 1-rarefaction joined to a 2-rarefaction, not by an intermediate state, but by a doubly characteristic shock, 1-left and 2-right characteristic. In order to ensure that perturbations of initial conditions do not destroy the adjacency of the waves, local transversality between a composite curve foliation and a rarefaction curve foliation is necessary

    Megawatt power generation of the dual-frequency gyrotron for TCV at 84 and 126 GHz, in long pulses

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    In the frame of the TCV Tokamak upgrade, two 84/126 GHz/2 s dual frequency gyrotrons designed by SPC and KIT and manufactured by THALES will be added to the existing EC-System. The first unit has been delivered to EPFLSPC and tested. In the commissioning configuration, a matching optics unit (MOU) is connected to the gyrotron window. The RF is then coupled to the HE11 mode of a 63.5mm corrugated waveguide and dissipated in a load procured by CNR after 4m of waveguide and 2 miter bends. Owing to the flexible triode gun design giving the possibility to adjust the pitch angle parameter, the specifications were met at both frequencies. At 84 GHz (TE17,5 mode), a power of 0.930 MW was measured in the calorimeter, with a pulse duration of 1.1 s. At the high frequency (126 GHz, TE26,7 mode), a power of 1.04 MW was reached for a pulse length of 1.2 s. Accounting for the load reflection and the ohmic losses in the various subcomponents of the transmission line and the tube, it is estimated that the output power at the gyrotron window is in excess of 1 MW at both frequencies, with an electronic efficiency of 32% and 34% at 84 GHz and 126 GHz respectively. The gyrotron behavior is remarkably robust and reproducible, and the pulse length is limited by external systems that will be improved shortly