318 research outputs found

    Specifying and Analysing SOC Applications with COWS

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    COWS is a recently defined process calculus for specifying and combining service-oriented applications, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. Since its introduction, a number of methods and tools have been devised to analyse COWS specifications, like e.g. a type system to check confidentiality properties, a logic and a model checker to express and check functional properties of services. In this paper, by means of a case study in the area of automotive systems, we demonstrate that COWS, with some mild linguistic additions, can model all the phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, orchestration, deployment, reconfiguration and execution. We also provide a flavour of the properties that can be analysed by using the tools mentioned above

    Timed Multiparty Session Types

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    We propose a typing theory, based on multiparty session types, for modular verification of real-time choreographic interactions. To model real-time implementations, we introduce a simple calculus with delays and a decidable static proof system. The proof system ensures type safety and time-error freedom, namely processes respect the prescribed timing and causalities between interactions. A decidable condition on timed global types guarantees time-progress for validated processes with delays, and gives a sound and complete characterisation of a new class of CTAs with general topologies that enjoys progress and liveness

    On Secure Implementation of an IHE XUA-Based Protocol for Authenticating Healthcare Professionals

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    The importance of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been addressed in recent years by governments and institutions.Many large scale projects have been funded with the aim to allow healthcare professionals to consult patients data. Properties such as confidentiality, authentication and authorization are the key for the success for these projects. The Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiative promotes the coordinated use of established standards for authenticated and secure EHR exchanges among clinics and hospitals. In particular, the IHE integration profile named XUA permits to attest user identities by relying on SAML assertions, i.e. XML documents containing authentication statements. In this paper, we provide a formal model for the secure issuance of such an assertion. We first specify the scenario using the process calculus COWS and then analyse it using the model checker CMC. Our analysis reveals a potential flaw in the XUA profile when using a SAML assertion in an unprotected network. We then suggest a solution for this flaw, and model check and implement this solution to show that it is secure and feasible

    Orchestrating Tuple-based Languages

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    The World Wide Web can be thought of as a global computing architecture supporting the deployment of distributed networked applications. Currently, such applications can be programmed by resorting mainly to two distinct paradigms: one devised for orchestrating distributed services, and the other designed for coordinating distributed (possibly mobile) agents. In this paper, the issue of designing a pro- gramming language aiming at reconciling orchestration and coordination is investigated. Taking as starting point the orchestration calculus Orc and the tuple-based coordination language Klaim, a new formalism is introduced combining concepts and primitives of the original calculi. To demonstrate feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach, a prototype implementation of the new formalism is described and it is then used to tackle a case study dealing with a simplified but realistic electronic marketplace, where a number of on-line stores allow client applications to access information about their goods and to place orders

    Safety of anti-tumor necrosis factor-α therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic hepatitis C virus infection

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    The prevalence of concurrent rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is probably underestimated because of the increasing spread of this virus worldwide, especially in developing countries. In these patients, anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (anti-TNF-alpha) therapy may aggravate hepatitis and increase viremia. We evaluated the safety of these treatments, which remain controversial. Thirty-one HCV-positive patients (23 women, 8 men, mean age 59+/-13 yrs, mean disease duration 13+/-11.5 SD yrs) with active RA [Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28)>3.2] unresponsive to conventional therapies were treated with TNF-alpha blockers (infliximab 11, etanercept 17, adalimumab 3) at standard dosages. Safety and efficacy were evaluated at the third month of treatment and at the patient's last observation. A significant clinical-serological improvement was recorded at the 3-month reevaluation. Mean values of patients assessment of general health on visual analog scale (range 0.100) decreased from 69+/-29 (SD) to 35+/-27 (por=2 log10) in 4 cases. Previous observations had suggested the safety of TNF-alpha blockers for treatment of RA in patients with concurrent HCV infection. Given the clinical-therapeutic implications, our results support the safety of TNF-alpha blockers in patients with HCV, provided there is close monitoring of clinical and virological data (mainly ALT and HCV viremia)

    Degeneracija aksona i esteraza povezana s neuropatskim djelovanjem organofosfornih spojeva - pregled

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    This brief review summarises recent observations which suggest a possible mechanism for organophosphateinduced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). Neuropathy target esterase (NTE) has been shown to deacylate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho). Raised levels of PtdCho are present in the brains of swiss cheese/NTE mutant Drosophila together with abnormal membrane structures, axonal and dendritic degeneration and neural cell loss. Similar vacuolated pathology is found in the brains of mice with brain-specific deletion of the NTE gene and, in old age, these mice show clinical and histopathological features of neuropathy resembling those in wild-type mice chronically dosed with tri-ortho-cresylphosphate. It is suggested that OPIDN results from the loss of NTE’s phospholipase activity which in turn causes ER malfunction and perturbation of axonal transport and glial-axonal interactions.Ovim se kratkim pregledom razmatraju nedavna opažanja koja upućuju na mogući mehanizam odgođene neuropatije uzrokovane organofosfatima (engl. organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy, krat. OPIDN). Za esterazu povezanu s neuropatskim djelovanjem organofosfornih spojeva (engl. neuropathy target esterase, krat. NTE) dokazano je da deacilira fosfatidilkolin (PtdCho) membrane endoplazmatskog retikuluma (ER). Povišene razine PtdCho prisutne su u mozgu swiss cheese/NTE mutanta mušice Drosophila uz abnormalne membranske strukture, degeneraciju aksona i dendrita te gubitak neurona. Slična je vakuolarna patologija zamijećena u mozgu miševa u kojih je obrisan NTE gen u mozgu te koji u starijoj dobi pokazuju kliničke i histopatološke znakove neuropatije koja je slična onoj u običnih miševa kronično tretiranih tri-ortho-krezilfosfatom. Odgođena neuropatija uzrokovana organofosfatima mogla bi biti posljedicom prestanka djelovanja fosfolipaze NTE, što potom uzrokuje zatajenje endoplazmatskog retikuluma i smetnje u prijenosu signala putem aksona te interakcije između glija i aksona

    Activity of the olm (Proteus anguinus) in surface habitats: ecological and evolutionary insights

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    The olm is considered as a classic example of troglobiont organism. However, in the past different observations of individuals of the typical troglomorphic populations have been reported for springs of Venetia Giulia. The aim of this work is to point out the non-random active use of surface habitats by the olm, providing a comparison with the occurrence observed in caves and performing an assessment of factors favouring ecotone habitats exploitation. Since 2020 we started multiple day and night surveys of olms in both springs and caves. Each spring and cave habitat monitored has been characterised by respect to abiotic and biotic features, including planktonic and benthic prey availability. We detected the olm at least once in 10 springs, with a maximum of 9 individuals occurring together. Detection probability in springs and caves was similar. Spring habitats provided higher density of potential prey available. Olms seems to prefer springs without predator fish and temporary hydroperiod. We recorded in one spring a larva of 3.5 cm which could be the smallest ever recorded in the field. We suggest that epigean habitats and borders with surface may have an underestimated importance for animals adapted to subterranean environments, including the olm. Our results stimulate for testing if exploitation of ecotones between surface and groundwater can lead to differentiation in populations/subpopulations of stygobiont animals

    A criterion for separating process calculi

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    We introduce a new criterion, replacement freeness, to discern the relative expressiveness of process calculi. Intuitively, a calculus is strongly replacement free if replacing, within an enclosing context, a process that cannot perform any visible action by an arbitrary process never inhibits the capability of the resulting process to perform a visible action. We prove that there exists no compositional and interaction sensitive encoding of a not strongly replacement free calculus into any strongly replacement free one. We then define a weaker version of replacement freeness, by only considering replacement of closed processes, and prove that, if we additionally require the encoding to preserve name independence, it is not even possible to encode a non replacement free calculus into a weakly replacement free one. As a consequence of our encodability results, we get that many calculi equipped with priority are not replacement free and hence are not encodable into mainstream calculi like CCS and pi-calculus, that instead are strongly replacement free. We also prove that variants of pi-calculus with match among names, pattern matching or polyadic synchronization are only weakly replacement free, hence they are separated both from process calculi with priority and from mainstream calculi.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS'10, arXiv:1011.601

    Reasoning About a Service-oriented Programming Paradigm

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    This paper is about a new way for programming distributed applications: the service-oriented one. It is a concept paper based upon our experience in developing a theory and a language for programming services. Both the theoretical formalization and the language interpreter showed us the evidence that a new programming paradigm exists. In this paper we illustrate the basic features it is characterized by