612 research outputs found

    Glueball masses in the large N limit

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    The lowest-lying glueball masses are computed in SU(NN) gauge theory on a spacetime lattice for constant value of the lattice spacing aa and for NN ranging from 3 to 8. The lattice spacing is fixed using the deconfinement temperature at temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T = 6. The calculation is conducted employing in each channel a variational ansatz performed on a large basis of operators that includes also torelon and (for the lightest states) scattering trial functions. This basis is constructed using an automatic algorithm that allows us to build operators of any size and shape in any irreducible representation of the cubic group. A good signal is extracted for the ground state and the first excitation in several symmetry channels. It is shown that all the observed states are well described by their large NN values, with modest O(1/N2){\cal O}(1/N^2) corrections. In addition spurious states are identified that couple to torelon and scattering operators. As a byproduct of our calculation, the critical couplings for the deconfinement phase transition for N=5 and N=7 and temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T=6 are determined.Comment: 1+36 pages, 22 tables, 21 figures. Typos corrected, conclusions unchanged, matches the published versio

    Chronic fatigue syndrome: A hypothesis focusing on the autonomic nervous system

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating illness of unknown aetiology, with estimated levels of prevalence of up to about 8.7/100,000 in the U.S.A. Like pain fatigue it is a personal, emotionally rich experience, which may originate from peripheral or central sites (or both). The nature of the symptoms is complex and reflects the interaction of the patient with the environment and cultural milieu. Accordingly the common use of the same terminology for different types of fatigue may be misleading. Autonomic activation is a key component of both real and simulated physical exercise. Alterations in autonomic nervous system activity are a key component of several physiopathological conditions. In chronic fatigue syndrome disturbances in autonomic activity, and in other homoeostatic mechanisms, such as the hormonal and immune systems, have been reported recently. In this review we followed the hypothesis that in chronic fatigue syndrome the paradoxical condition of disturbing somatic symptoms in the absence of organic evidence of disease might be addressed by focusing on attending functional correlates. In particular we addressed possible alterations in cardiovascular autonomic control, as can be assessed by spectral analysis of R-R interval and systolic arterial pressure variability. With this approach, in subjects complaining of unexplained fatigue, we obtained data suggesting a condition of prevailing sympathetic modulation of the sino-atrial node at rest, and reduced responsiveness to excitatory stimuli. Far from considering the issue resolved, we propose that in the context of the multiple physiological and psychological interactions involved in the perception and self-reporting of symptoms, attendant changes in physiological equivalents might furnish a convenient assessment independent from subjective components. Indices of sympathetic modulation could, accordingly, provide quantifiable signs of the interaction between subject's efforts and environmental demands, independently of self descriptions, which could provide convenient measurable outcomes, both for diagnosis and treatment titration in chronic fatigue syndrome

    SO(2N) and SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions

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    We perform an exploratory investigation of how rapidly the physics of SO(2N) gauge theories approaches its N=oo limit. This question has recently become topical because SO(2N) gauge theories are orbifold equivalent to SU(N) gauge theories, but do not have a finite chemical potential sign problem. We consider only the pure gauge theory and, because of the inconvenient location of the lattice strong-to-weak coupling 'bulk' transition in 3+1 dimensions, we largely confine our numerical calculations to 2+1 dimensions. We discuss analytic expectations in both D=2+1 and D=3+1, show that the SO(6) and SU(4) spectra do indeed appear to be the same, and show that a number of mass ratios do indeed appear to agree in the large-N limit. In particular SO(6) and SU(3) gauge theories are quite similar except for the values of the string tension and coupling, both of which differences can be readily understood.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    A three-dimensional scalar field theory model of center vortices and its relation to k-string tensions

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    In d=3 SU(N) gauge theory, we study a scalar field theory model of center vortices that furnishes an approach to the determination of so-called k-string tensions. This model is constructed from string-like quantum solitons introduced previously, and exploits the well-known relation between string partition functions and scalar field theories in d=3. Center vortices corresponding to magnetic flux J (in units of 2\pi /N) are composites of J elementary J=1 constituent vortices that come in N-1 types, with repulsion between like constituents and attraction between unlike constituents. The scalar field theory involves N scalar fields \phi_i (one of which is eliminated) that can merge, dissociate, and recombine while conserving flux mod N. The properties of these fields are deduced directly from the corresponding gauge-theory quantum solitons. Every vacuum Feynman graph of the theory corresponds to a real-space configuration of center vortices. We study qualitatively the problem of k-string tensions at large N, whose solution is far from obvious in center-vortex language. We construct a simplified dynamical picture of constituent-vortex merging, dissociation, and recombination, which allows in principle for the determination of vortex areal densities and k-string tensions. This picture involves point-like "molecules" (cross-sections of center vortices) made of constituent "atoms" that combine and disassociate dynamically in a d=2 test plane . The vortices evolve in a Euclidean "time" which is the location of the test plane along an axis perpendicular to the plane. A simple approximation to the molecular dynamics is compatible with k-string tensions that are linear in k for k<< N, as naively expected.Comment: 21 pages; RevTeX4; 4 .eps figure

    Deconfinement and Thermodynamics in 5D Holographic Models of QCD

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    We review 5D holographic approaches to finite temperature QCD. Thermodynamic properties of the "hard-wall" and the "soft-wall" models are derived. Various non-realistic features in these models are cured by the set-up of improved holographic QCD, that we review here.Comment: Invited review paper for Mod. Phys. Let

    QCD strings and the thermodynamics of the metastable phase of QCD at large NcN_c

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    The thermodyanmics of a metastable hadronic phase of QCD at large NCN_C are related to properties of an effective QCD string. In particular, it is shown that in the large NcN_c limit and near the maximum hadronic temperature, THT_H, the energy density and pressure of the metastable phase scale as E(THT)(D6)/2{\cal E} \sim (T_H-T)^{-(D_\perp-6)/2} (for D<6D_\perp <6) and P(THT)(D4)/2P \sim (T_H-T)^{-(D_\perp-4)/2} (for D<4D_\perp <4) where DD_\perp is the effective number of transverse dimensions of the string theory. It is shown, however, that for the thermodynamic quantities of interest the limits TTHT \to T_H and NcN_c \to \infty do not commute. The prospect of extracting DD_\perp via lattice simulations of the metastable hadronic phase at moderately large NcN_c is discussed.Comment: After this paper was published, the author became aware of an important early paper by Charles Thorn on the subject of the QCD phase transition at large N_c and its relation to the Hagedorn spectrum. Given the pioneering nature of Thorn's paper, and the fact that it is not as widely known as it should be, it is important to cite it in the present work. This updated version cites Thorn's wor

    Inverse Renormalization Group in Quantum Field Theory

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    We propose inverse renormalization group transformations within the context of quantum field theory that produce the appropriate critical fixed point structure, give rise to inverse flows in parameter space, and evade the critical slowing down effect in calculations pertinent to criticality. Given configurations of the two-dimensional φ4 scalar field theory on sizes as small as V=82, we apply the inverse transformations to produce rescaled systems of size up to V′=5122 which we utilize to extract two critical exponents. We conclude by discussing how the approach is generally applicable to any method that successfully produces configurations from a statistical ensemble and how it can give novel insights into the structure of the renormalization group

    Ergodic sampling of the topological charge using the density of states

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    In lattice calculations, the approach to the continuum limit is hindered by the severe freezing of the topological charge, which prevents ergodic sampling in configuration space. In order to significantly reduce the autocorrelation time of the topological charge, we develop a density of states approach with a smooth constraint and use it to study SU(3) pure Yang Mills gauge theory near the continuum limit. Our algorithm relies on simulated tempering across a range of couplings, which guarantees the decorrelation of the topological charge and ergodic sampling of topological sectors. Particular emphasis is placed on testing the accuracy, efficiency and scaling properties of the method. In their most conservative interpretation, our results provide firm evidence of a sizeable reduction of the exponent z related to the growth of the autocorrelation time as a function of the inverse lattice spacing