109 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Human Hepatocyte Transplantation in a SCID/uPA Mouse Model with Inducible Liver Disease

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    Severe Combined Immune Deficient (SCID)/Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) mice undergo liver failure and are useful hosts for the propagation of transplanted human hepatocytes (HH) which must compete with recipient-derived hepatocytes for replacement of the diseased liver parenchyma. While partial replacement by HH has proven useful for studies with Hepatitis C virus, complete replacement of SCID/uPA mouse liver by HH has never been achieved and limits the broader application of these mice for other areas of biomedical research. The herpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase (HSVtk)/ganciclovir (GCV) system is a powerful tool for cell-specific ablation in transgenic animals. The aim of this study was to selectively eliminate murine-derived parenchymal liver cells from humanized SCID/uPA mouse liver in order to achieve mice with completely humanized liver parenchyma. Thus, we reproduced the HSVtk (vTK)/GCV system of hepatic failure in SCID/uPA mice.In vitro experiments demonstrated efficient killing of vTK expressing hepatoma cells after GCV treatment. For in vivo experiments, expression of vTK was targeted to the livers of FVB/N and SCID/uPA mice. Hepatic sensitivity to GCV was first established in FVB/N mice since these mice do not undergo liver failure inherent to SCID/uPA mice. Hepatic vTK expression was found to be an integral component of GCV-induced pathologic and biochemical alterations and caused death due to liver dysfunction in vTK transgenic FVB/N and non-transplanted SCID/uPA mice. In SCID/uPA mice with humanized liver, vTK/GCV caused death despite extensive replacement of the mouse liver parenchyma with HH (ranging from 32-87%). Surprisingly, vTK/GCV-dependent apoptosis and mitochondrial aberrations were also localized to bystander vTK-negative HH.Extensive replacement of mouse liver parenchyma by HH does not provide a secure therapeutic advantage against vTK/GCV-induced cytotoxicity targeted to residual mouse hepatocytes. Functional support by engrafted HH may be secured by strategies aimed at limiting this bystander effect

    Host-Specific Response to HCV Infection in the Chimeric SCID-beige/Alb-uPA Mouse Model: Role of the Innate Antiviral Immune Response

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    The severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID)-beige/albumin (Alb)-urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) mouse containing a human-mouse chimeric liver is currently the only small animal model capable of supporting hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. This model was utilized to characterize the host transcriptional response to HCV infection. The purpose of these studies was to investigate the genetic component of the host response to HCV infection and also to distinguish virus-induced gene expression changes from adaptive HCV-specific immune-mediated effects. Gene expression profiles from HCV-infected mice were also compared to those from HCV-infected patients. Analyses of the gene expression data demonstrate that host factors regulate the response to HCV infection, including the nature of the innate antiviral immune response. They also indicate that HCV mediates gene expression changes, including regulation of lipid metabolism genes, which have the potential to be directly cytopathic, indicating that liver pathology may not be exclusively mediated by HCV-specific adaptive immune responses. This effect appears to be inversely related to the activation of the innate antiviral immune response. In summary, the nature of the initial interferon response to HCV infection may determine the extent of viral-mediated effects on host gene expression

    Reductions in circulating levels of IL-16, IL-7 and VEGF-A in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Recently, differences in the levels of various chemokines and cytokines were reported in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) as compared with controls. Moreover, the analyte profile differed between chronic ME/CFS patients of long duration versus patients with disease of less than 3 years. In the current study, we measured the plasma levels of 34 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors in 100 chronic ME/CFS patients of long duration and in 79 gender and age-matched controls. We observed highly significant reductions in the concentration of circulating interleukin (IL)-16, IL-7, and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) in ME/CFS patients. All three biomarkers were significantly correlated in a multivariate cluster analysis. In addition, we identified significant reductions in the concentrations of fractalkine (CX3CL1) and monokine-induced-by-IFN-γ (MIG; CXCL9) along with increases in the concentrations of eotaxin 2 (CCL24) in ME/CFS patients. Our data recapitulates previous data from another USA ME/CFS cohort in which circulating levels of IL-7 were reduced. Also, a reduced level of VEGF-A was reported previously in sera of patients with Gulf War Illness as well as in cerebral spinal fluid samples from a different cohort of USA ME/CFS patients. To our knowledge, we are the first to test for levels of IL-16 in ME/CFS patients. In combination with previous data, our work suggests that the clustered reduction of IL-7, IL-16 and VEGF-A may have physiological relevance to ME/CFS disease. This profile is ME/CFS-specific since measurement of the same analytes present in chronic infectious and autoimmune liver diseases, where persistent fatigue is also a major symptom, failed to demonstrate the same changes. Further studies of other ME/CFS and overlapping disease cohorts are warranted in future

    HCV Induces Oxidative and ER Stress, and Sensitizes Infected Cells to Apoptosis in SCID/Alb-uPA Mice

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a blood-borne pathogen and a major cause of liver disease worldwide. Gene expression profiling was used to characterize the transcriptional response to HCV H77c infection. Evidence is presented for activation of innate antiviral signaling pathways as well as induction of lipid metabolism genes, which may contribute to oxidative stress. We also found that infection of chimeric SCID/Alb-uPA mice by HCV led to signs of hepatocyte damage and apoptosis, which in patients plays a role in activation of stellate cells, recruitment of macrophages, and the subsequent development of fibrosis. Infection of chimeric mice with HCV H77c also led an inflammatory response characterized by infiltration of monocytes and macrophages. There was increased apoptosis in HCV-infected human hepatocytes in H77c-infected mice but not in mice inoculated with a replication incompetent H77c mutant. Moreover, TUNEL reactivity was restricted to HCV-infected hepatocytes, but an increase in FAS expression was not. To gain insight into the factors contributing specific apoptosis of HCV infected cells, immunohistological and confocal microscopy using antibodies for key apoptotic mediators was done. We found that the ER chaperone BiP/GRP78 was increased in HCV-infected cells as was activated BAX, but the activator of ER stress–mediated apoptosis CHOP was not. We found that overall levels of NF-κB and BCL-xL were increased by infection; however, within an infected liver, comparison of infected cells to uninfected cells indicated both NF-κB and BCL-xL were decreased in HCV-infected cells. We conclude that HCV contributes to hepatocyte damage and apoptosis by inducing stress and pro-apoptotic BAX while preventing the induction of anti-apoptotic NF-κB and BCL-xL, thus sensitizing hepatocytes to apoptosis

    Zinc Finger Proteins Designed To Specifically Target Duck Hepatitis B Virus Covalently Closed Circular DNA Inhibit Viral Transcription in Tissue Culture▿

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    Duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) is a model virus for human hepatitis B virus (HBV), which infects approximately 360 million individuals worldwide. Nucleoside analogs can decrease virus production by inhibiting the viral polymerase; however, complete clearance by these drugs is not common because of the persistence of the HBV episome. HBV DNA is present in the nucleus as a covalently closed circular (cccDNA) form, where it drives viral transcription and progeny virus production. cccDNA is not the direct target of antiviral nucleoside analogs and is the source of HBV reemergence when antiviral therapy is stopped. To target cccDNA, six different zinc finger proteins (ZFP) were designed to bind DNA sequences in the DHBV enhancer region. After the binding kinetics were assessed by using electrophoretic mobility shift assays and surface plasmon resonance, two candidates with dissociation constants of 12.3 and 40.2 nM were focused on for further study. The ZFPs were cloned into a eukaryotic expression vector and cotransfected into longhorn male hepatoma cells with the plasmid pDHBV1.3, which replicates the DHBV life cycle. In the presence of each ZFP, viral RNA was significantly reduced, and protein levels were dramatically decreased. As a result, intracellular viral particle production was also significantly decreased. In summary, designed ZFPs are able to bind to the DHBV enhancer and interfere with viral transcription, resulting in decreased production of viral products and progeny virus genomes

    Enhanced activation of memory, but not naive, B cells in chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients with cryoglobulinemia and advanced liver fibrosis.

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    Mixed cryoglobulinemia is the most common extrahepatic disease manifestation of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, where immunoglobulins precipitate at low temperatures and cause symptoms such as vasculitis, glomerulonephritis and arthralgia. HCV-associated cryoglobulinemia is also strongly linked with the development of B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Abnormal B cell function in HCV infections can lead to the formation of HCV cryoglobulin complexes that usually comprise monoclonal rheumatoid factor and HCV-specific immune complexes. The aim of this study was to characterize the activation phenotype of B cells from patients with chronic HCV infection in comparison to healthy controls using flow cytometry. In addition, we determined how the activation status varies depending on the presence of cryoglobulinemia and advanced liver fibrosis. We found that only memory B cells, not naïve cells, were significantly activated in chronic HCV infection when compared with healthy controls. We also identified markers of memory B cell activation that were specific for HCV patients with cryoglobulinemia (CD86, CD71, HLA-DR) and advanced liver disease (CD86). Our results demonstrate that HCV infection has differential effects on B cells depending on the severity of hepatic and extrahepatic disease

    Superinfection Exclusion in Duck Hepatitis B Virus Infection Is Mediated by the Large Surface Antigen

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    Superinfection exclusion is the phenomenon whereby a virus prevents the subsequent infection of an already infected host cell. The Pekin duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) model was used to investigate superinfection exclusion in hepadnavirus infections. Superinfection exclusion was shown to occur both in vivo and in vitro with a genetically marked DHBV, DHBV-ClaI, which was unable to establish an infection in either DHBV-infected ducklings or DHBV-infected primary duck hepatocytes (PDHs). In addition, exclusion occurred in vivo even when the second virus had a replicative advantage. Superinfection exclusion appears to be restricted to DHBV, as adenovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1, and vesicular stomatitis virus were all capable of efficiently infecting DHBV-infected PDHs. Exclusion was dependent on gene expression by the original infecting virus, since UV-irradiated DHBV was unable to mediate the exclusion of DHBV-ClaI. Using recombinant adenoviruses expressing DHBV proteins, we determined that the large surface antigen mediated exclusion. The large surface antigen is known to cause down-regulation of a DHBV receptor, carboxypeptidase D (CPD). Receptor down-regulation is a mechanism of superinfection exclusion seen in other viral infections, and so it was investigated as a possible mechanism of DHBV-mediated exclusion. However, a mutant large surface antigen which did not down-regulate CPD was still capable of inhibiting DHBV infection of PDHs. In addition, exclusion of DHBV-ClaI did not correlate with a decrease in CPD levels. Finally, virus binding assays and confocal microscopy analysis of infected PDHs indicated that the block in infection occurs after internalization of the second virus. We suggest that superinfection exclusion may result from the role of the L surface antigen as a regulator of intracellular trafficking