128 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis of 'White Riesling' (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa L.) clonal performance at 16 locations in the Rheinland-Pfalz region of Germany between 1971 and 2007

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    Performance trials have been evaluated of 30 'White Riesling' clones grown at 16 locations in the Rheinland-Pfalz region between 1971 and 2007. A mixed linear model approach was used to handle the highly-unbalanced data structure. Environmental factors accounted for about 95 % of the variation for individual observations. Genotypic clone variation contributed only 0.65 % to the total variation for grape yield, 0.29 % for total soluble solids (TSS) and 0.22 % for acidity. F-tests for clonal differences showed significant F-values for each characteristic. Estimated clone means ranged from 107.4 to 130.8 kg·ar-1 (1 ar = 100 m2) for grape yield, from 72.0 to 75.2 °Oechsle for TSS and from 12.5 to 13.4 g·l-1 for acidity. Significant mean differences were found only for clones located near the lower and upper extremes of the performance range. Long-term time trends of clonal performance are also present. On average over the 36 year period, grape yields increased by 2.00 kg·ar-1 each year and TSS by 0.87 °Oechsle each year, whereas acidity decreased by 0.21 g·l-1 each year. No significant deviations of individual clones from the general long-term trends were verifiable for grape yield but some clones showed significant deviations for TSS and acidity.A closer look at the linear trend for grape yield displayed a discontinuity around 1989. Before 1989 a linear gain of about 3.99 kg·ar-1 was apparent whereas, after this time a very slight decrease of 0.28 kg·ar-1 was observed. For mean daily temperature, the long-term trend was remarkably parallel to that of grape yield and TSS. For the Rheinland-Pfalz region, daily temperature increased significantly by 0.046 °C per year, whereas average daily sunshine showed a no significant change over time.

    Analysis of the accuracy of ten algorithms for orientation estimation using inertial and magnetic sensing under optimal conditions: One size does not fit all

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    The orientation of a magneto and inertial measurement unit (MIMU) is estimated by means of sensor fusion algorithms (SFAs) thus enabling human motion tracking. However, despite several SFAs implementations proposed over the last decades, there is still a lack of consensus about the best performing SFAs and their accuracy. As suggested by recent literature, the filter parameters play a central role in determining the orientation errors. The aim of this work is to analyze the accuracy of ten SFAs while running under the best possible conditions (i.e., their parameter values are set using the orientation reference) in nine experimental scenarios including three rotation rates and three commercial products. The main finding is that parameter values must be specific for each SFA according to the experimental scenario to avoid errors comparable to those obtained when the de-fault parameter values are used. Overall, when optimally tuned, no statistically significant differ-ences are observed among the different SFAs in all tested experimental scenarios and the absolute errors are included between 3.8 deg and 7.1 deg. Increasing the rotation rate generally leads to a significant performance worsening. Errors are also influenced by the MIMU commercial model. SFA MATLAB implementations have been made available online

    Association mapping of malting quality traits in UK spring and winter barley cultivar collections

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    Key Message: Historical malting quality data was collated from UK national and recommended list trial data and used in a GWAS. 25 QTL were identified, with the majority from spring barley cultivar sets. Abstract: In Europe, the most economically significant use of barley is the production of malt for use in the brewing and distilling industries. As such, selection for traits related to malting quality is of great commercial interest. In order to study the genetic basis of variation for malting quality traits in UK cultivars, a historical set of trial data was collated from national and recommended list trials from the period 1988 to 2016. This data was used to estimate variety means for 20 quality related traits in 451 spring barley cultivars, and 407 winter cultivars. Genotypes for these cultivars were generated using iSelect 9k and 50k genotyping platforms, and a genome wide association scan performed to identify malting quality quantitative trait loci (QTL). 24 QTL were identified in spring barley cultivars, and 2 from the winter set. A number of these correspond to known malting quality related genes but the remainder represents novel genetic variation that is accessible to breeders for the genetic improvement of new cultivars.Mark E. Looseley, Luke Ramsay, Hazel Bull, J. Stuart Swanston, Paul D. Shaw, Malcolm Macaulay, Allan Booth, Joanne R. Russell, Robbie Waugh, on behalf of the IMPROMALT Consortium, William T.B. Thoma

    Event-based Sampling for Reducing Communication Load in Realtime Human Motion Analysis by Wireless Inertial Sensor Networks

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    We examine the usefulness of event-based sampling approaches for reducing communication in inertial-sensor-based analysis of human motion. To this end we consider realtime measurement of the knee joint angle during walking, employing a recently developed sensor fusion algorithm. We simulate the effects of different event-based sampling methods on a large set of experimental data with ground truth obtained from an external motion capture system. This results in a reduced wireless communication load at the cost of a slightly increased error in the calculated angles. The proposed methods are compared in terms of best balance of these two aspects. We show that the transmitted data can be reduced by 66% while maintaining the same level of accuracy


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    Volume: 29Start Page: 151End Page: 15