638 research outputs found

    Boron Abundances in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds

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    We present a comprehensive survey of B abundances in diffuse interstellar clouds from HST/STIS observations along 56 Galactic sight lines. Our sample is the result of a complete search of archival STIS data for the B II resonance line at 1362 angstroms, with each detection confirmed by the presence of absorption from other dominant ions at the same velocity. The data probe a range of astrophysical environments including both high-density regions of massive star formation as well as low-density paths through the Galactic halo, allowing us to clearly define the trend of B depletion onto interstellar grains as a function of gas density. Many extended sight lines exhibit complex absorption profiles that trace both local gas and gas associated with either the Sagittarius-Carina or Perseus spiral arm. Our analysis indicates a higher B/O ratio in the inner Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm than in the vicinity of the Sun, which may suggest that B production in the current epoch is dominated by a secondary process. The average gas-phase B abundance in the warm diffuse ISM is consistent with the abundances determined for a variety of Galactic disk stars, but is depleted by 60 percent relative to the solar system value. Our survey also reveals sight lines with enhanced B abundances that potentially trace recent production of B-11 either by cosmic-ray or neutrino-induced spallation. Such sight lines will be key to discerning the relative importance of the two production routes for B-11 synthesis.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 268, Light Elements in the Universe, C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas & C. Chiappini, ed

    The Interstellar Rubidium Isotope Ratio toward Rho Ophiuchi A

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    The isotope ratio, 85Rb/87Rb, places constraints on models of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements, but there is no precise determination of the ratio for material beyond the Solar System. We report the first measurement of the interstellar Rb isotope ratio. Our measurement of the Rb I line at 7800 A for the diffuse gas toward rho Oph A yields a value of 1.21 +/- 0.30 (1-sigma) that differs significantly from the meteoritic value of 2.59. The Rb/K elemental abundance ratio for the cloud also is lower than that seen in meteorites. Comparison of the 85Rb/K and 87Rb/K ratios with meteoritic values indicates that the interstellar 85Rb abundance in this direction is lower than the Solar System abundance. We attribute the lower abundance to a reduced contribution from the r-process. Interstellar abundances for Kr, Cd, and Sn are consistent with much less r-process synthesis for the solar neighborhood compared to the amount inferred for the Solar System.Comment: 12 pages with 2 figures and 1 table; will appear in ApJ Letter

    Oscillator Strengths for B-X, C-X, and E-X Transitions in Carbon Monoxide

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    Band oscillator strengths for electronic transitions in CO were obtained at the Synchrotron Radiation Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Our focus was on transitions that are observed in interstellar spectra with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer; these transitions are also important in studies of selective isotope photodissociation where fractionation among isotopomers can occur. Absorption from the ground state (X ^1Sigma^+ v'' = 0) to A ^1Pi (v'= 5), B ^1Sigma^+ (v' = 0, 1), C ^1Sigma^+ (v' = 0, 1), and E ^1Pi (v' = 0) was measured. Fits to the A - X (5, 0) band, whose oscillator strength is well known, yielded the necessary column density and excitation temperature. These parameters were used in a least-squares fit of the observed profiles for the transitions of interest to extract their band oscillator strengths. Our oscillator strengths are in excellent agreement with results from recent experiments using a variety of techniques. This agreement provides the basis for a self-consistent set of f-values at far ultraviolet wavelengths for studies of interstellar (and stellar) CO.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, ApJS (in press

    What is the Total Deuterium Abundance in the Local Galactic Disk?

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    Analyses of spectra obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite, together with spectra from the Copernicus and IMAPS instruments, reveal an unexplained very wide range in the observed deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratios for interstellar gas in the Galactic disk beyond the Local Bubble. We argue that spatial variations in the depletion of deuterium onto dust grains can explain these local variations in the observed gas-phase D/H ratios. We present a variable deuterium depletion model that naturally explains the constant measured values of D/H inside the Local Bubble, the wide range of gas-phase D/H ratios observed in the intermediate regime (log N(H I} = 19.2-20.7), and the low gas-phase D/H ratios observed at larger hydrogen column densities. We consider empirical tests of the deuterium depletion hypothesis: (i) correlations of gas-phase D/H ratios with depletions of the refractory metals iron and silicon, and (ii) correlation with the molecular hydrogen rotational temperature. Both of these tests are consistent with deuterium depletion from the gas phase in cold, not recently shocked, regions of the ISM, and high gas-phase D/H ratios in gas that has been shocked or otherwise heated recently. We argue that the most representative value for the total (gas plus dust) D/H ratio within 1 kpc of the Sun is >=23.1 +/- 2.4 (1 sigma) parts per million (ppm). This ratio constrains Galactic chemical evolution models to have a very small deuterium astration factor, the ratio of primordial to total (D/H) ratio in the local region of the Galactic disk, which we estimate to be f_d <= 1.19 +/-0.16 (1 sigma) or <= 1.12 +/- 0.14 (1 sigma) depending on the adopted light element nuclear reaction rates.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Religion and religious education : comparing and contrasting pupils’ and teachers’ views in an English school

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    This publication builds on and develops the English findings of the qualitative study of European teenagers’ perspectives on religion and religious education (Knauth et al. 2008), part of ‘Religion in Education: A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European countries?’ (REDCo) project. It uses data gathered from 27 pupils, aged 15-16, from a school in a multicultural Northern town in England and compares those findings with data gathered from ten teachers in the humanities faculty of the same school, collected during research for the Warwick REDCo Community of Practice. Comparisons are drawn between the teachers’ and their pupils’ attitudes and values using the same structure as the European study: personal views and experiences of religion, the social dimension of religion, and religious education in school. The discussion offers an analysis of the similarities and differences in worldviews and beliefs which emerged. These include religious commitment/observance differences between the mainly Muslim-heritage pupils and their mainly non-practising Christian-heritage teachers. The research should inform the ways in which the statutory duties to promote community cohesion and equalities can be implemented in schools. It should also facilitate intercultural and interreligious understanding between teachers and the pupils from different ethnic and religious backgrounds

    Molecular tracers of PDR-dominated galaxies

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    Photon-dominated regions (PDRs) are powerful molecular line emitters in external galaxies. They are expected in galaxies with high rates of massive star formation due to either starburst (SB) events or starburst coupled with active galactic nuclei (AGN) events. We have explored the PDR chemistry for a range of physical conditions representing a variety of galaxy types. Our main result is a demonstration of the sensitivity of the chemistry to changes in the physical conditions. We adopt crude estimates of relevant physical parameters for several galaxy types and use our models to predict suitable molecular tracers of those conditions. The set of recommended molecular tracers differs from that which we recommended for use in galaxies with embedded massive stars. Thus, molecular observations can in principle be used to distinguish between excitation by starburst and by SB+AGN in distant galaxies. Our recommendations are intended to be useful in preparing Herschel and ALMA proposals to identify sources of excitation in galaxies.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in Ap

    Potential Variations in the Interstellar N I Abundance

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    We present Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations of the weak interstellar N I doublet at 1160 Angstroms toward 17 high-density sight lines [N(Htot)>=10^21 cm^-2]. When combined with published data, our results reveal variations in the fractional N I abundance showing a systematic deficiency at large N(Htot). At the FUSE resolution (~20 km s^-1), the effects of unresolved saturation cannot be conclusively ruled out, although O I at 1356 Angstroms shows little evidence of saturation. We investigated the possibility that the N I variability is due to the formation of N_2 in our mostly dense regions. The 0-0 band of the c'_4 ^1Sigma^+_u - X ^1Sigma^+_g transition of N_2 at 958 Angstroms should be easily detected in our FUSE data; for 10 of the denser sight lines, N_2 is not observed at a sensitivity level of a few times 10^14 cm^-2. The observed N I variations are suggestive of an incomplete understanding of nitrogen chemistry. Based on observations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, which is operated for NASA by the Johns Hopkins University under NASA contract NAS 5-32985, and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under the NASA contract NAS 5-26555.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Observation of interstellar lithium in the low-metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud

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    The primordial abundances of light elements produced in the standard theory of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) depend only on the cosmic ratio of baryons to photons, a quantity inferred from observations of the microwave background. The predicted primordial 7Li abundance is four times that measured in the atmospheres of Galactic halo stars. This discrepancy could be caused by modification of surface lithium abundances during the stars' lifetimes or by physics beyond the Standard Model that affects early nucleosynthesis. The lithium abundance of low-metallicity gas provides an alternative constraint on the primordial abundance and cosmic evolution of lithium that is not susceptible to the in situ modifications that may affect stellar atmospheres. Here we report observations of interstellar 7Li in the low-metallicity gas of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a nearby galaxy with a quarter the Sun's metallicity. The present-day 7Li abundance of the Small Magellanic Cloud is nearly equal to the BBN predictions, severely constraining the amount of possible subsequent enrichment of the gas by stellar and cosmic-ray nucleosynthesis. Our measurements can be reconciled with standard BBN with an extremely fine-tuned depletion of stellar Li with metallicity. They are also consistent with non-standard BBN.Comment: Published in Nature. Includes main text and Supplementary Information. Replaced with final title and abstrac
