1,300 research outputs found
Strontium Isotope Zoning in Garnet: Implications for Metamorphic Matrix Equilibration, Geochronology and Phase Equilibrium Modelling
In principle, garnet growth rates may be calculated from 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr measurements in garnet subsamples and the surrounding rock matrix. Because of low Rb/Sr, garnet should passively record the matrix decay of 87Rb to 87Sr as a progressive increase in 87Sr/86Sr from core to rim. This concept was tested by collecting Rb-Sr data for five garnet grains from four major orogenic belts: eastern Vermont (c. 380 Ma), western New Hampshire (c. 320 Ma), southern Chile (c. 75 Ma) and northwestern Italy (c. 35 Ma). Both normal Sr isotope zoning (increasing 87Sr/86Sr from core to rim) and inverse Sr zoning (decreasing 87Sr/86Sr from core to rim) were observed. Garnet and matrix isotope data commonly yielded grossly inaccurate model ages. Incomplete Rb and Sr equilibration among matrix minerals is invoked to explain the deviations between theoretical v. measured zoning patterns and the age disparities. Initially, the reactive matrix is dominated by rapidly equilibrating Rb-rich mica, which imparts high 87Sr/86Sr values in garnet cores. Progressive participation of slower equilibrating Sr-rich plagioclase buffers or even reduces 87Sr/86Sr, possibly leading to flat or decreasing 87Sr/86Sr from garnet cores to rims. Unusually high 87Sr/86Sr in garnet in combination with bulk matrix compositions causes erroneously young apparent ages, so metamorphic ages, growth rates, and associated heating and loading rates are likely suspect. Although Rb-Sr may be the most susceptible because of the profound disparities between mica and feldspar, zircon reactivity might influence the Lu-Hf system by up to a few per cent. The Sm-Nd system seems generally immune to these effects. Pseudosection analysis and conventional garnet geochronology, which presume complete matrix equilibration during metamorphism, may require modification to account for differences between whole-rock v. reactive matrix compositions
Helical vs. fundamental solitons in optical fibers
We consider solitons in a nonlinear optical fiber with a single polarization
in a region of parameters where it carries exactly two distinct modes, the
fundamental one and the first-order helical mode. From the viewpoint of
applications to dense-WDM communication systems, this opens way to double the
number of channels carried by the fiber. Aside from that, experimental
observation of helical (spinning) solitons and collisions between them and with
fundamental solitons are issues of fundamental interest. We introduce a system
of coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations for fundamental and helical modes,
which have nonstandard values of the cross-phase-modulation coupling constants,
and investigate, analytically and numerically, results of "complete" and
"incomplete" collisions between solitons carried by the two modes. We conclude
that the collision-induced crosstalk is partly attenuated in comparison with
the usual WDM system, which sometimes may be crucially important, preventing
merger of the colliding solitons into a breather. The interaction between the
two modes is found to be additionally strongly suppressed in comparison with
that in the WDM system in the case when a dispersion-shifted or
dispersion-compensated fiber is used.Comment: a plain latex file with the text and two ps files with figures.
Physica Scripta, in pres
Exploiting barrier distributions to investigate breakup effects in the fusion of 9Be + 208Pb
Preliminary data on the fusion of 36 S + 96 Zr are reported; the excitation function near the barrier is intermediate between those of 40 Ca + 90;96 Zr. The peculiar role of the strong 3` octupole vibration of 96 Zr is pointed out, in addition to the couplings to neutron transfer channels with positive Q-values. Recent data on 40 Ca + 124 Sn are also shown; for that system the fusion barrier distribution is wide without separated peaks, similar to the case of 40 Ca + 96 Zr. Simplified coupled-channel calculations have been performed, including surface vibrations and sequential neutron pick-up channels, with form factors that fit the single- and multi-nucleon transfer data for 40 Ca + 124 Sn. A good agreement with the data is found
Fusion around the barrier for 7Li + 12C
Fusion cross-sections for the 7Li + 12C reaction have been measured at energies above the Coulomb barrier by the direct detection of evaporation residues. The heavy evaporation residues with energies below 3 MeV could not be separated out from the a-particles in the spectrum and hence their contribution was estimated using statistical model calculations. The present work indicates that suppression of fusion cross-sections due to the breakup of 7Li may not be significant for 7Li + 12C reaction at energies around the barrier
Designer diatom episomes delivered by bacterial conjugation.
Eukaryotic microalgae hold great promise for the bioproduction of fuels and higher value chemicals. However, compared with model genetic organisms such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, characterization of the complex biology and biochemistry of algae and strain improvement has been hampered by the inefficient genetic tools. To date, many algal species are transformable only via particle bombardment, and the introduced DNA is integrated randomly into the nuclear genome. Here we describe the first nuclear episomal vector for diatoms and a plasmid delivery method via conjugation from Escherichia coli to the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. We identify a yeast-derived sequence that enables stable episome replication in these diatoms even in the absence of antibiotic selection and show that episomes are maintained as closed circles at copy number equivalent to native chromosomes. This highly efficient genetic system facilitates high-throughput functional characterization of algal genes and accelerates molecular phytoplankton research
Leveraging the power of place in citizen science for effective conservation decision making
Many citizen science projects are place-based - built on in-person participation and motivated by local conservation. When done thoughtfully, this approach to citizen science can transform humans and their environment. Despite such possibilities, many projects struggle to meet decision-maker needs, generate useful data to inform decisions, and improve social-ecological resilience. Here, we define leveraging the ‘power of place’ in citizen science, and posit that doing this improves conservation decision making, increases participation, and improves community resilience. First, we explore ‘place’ and identify five place dimensions: social-ecological, narrative and name-based, knowledge-based, emotional and affective, and performative. We then thematically analyze 134 case studies drawn from CitSci.org (n = 39), The Stewardship Network New England (TSN-NE; n = 39), and Earthwatch (n = 56) regarding: (1) use of place dimensions in materials (as one indication of leveraging the power of place), (2) intent for use of data in decision-making, and (3) evidence of such use. We find that 89% of projects intend for data to be used, 46% demonstrate no evidence of use, and 54% provide some evidence of use. Moreover, projects used in decision making leverage more (t = − 4.8, df = 117; p \u3c 0.001) place dimensions (= 3.0; s = 1.4) than those not used in decision making (= 1.8; s = 1.2). Further, a Principal Components Analysis identifies three related components (aesthetic, narrative and name-based, and social-ecological). Given these findings, we present a framework for leveraging place in citizen science projects and platforms, and recommend approaches to better impart intended outcomes. We discuss place in citizen science related to relevance, participation, resilience, and scalability and conclude that effective decision making as a means towards more resilient and sustainable communities can be strengthened by leveraging the power of place in citizen science
Comparing families of dynamic causal models
Mathematical models of scientific data can be formally compared using Bayesian model evidence. Previous applications in the biological sciences have mainly focussed on model selection in which one first selects the model with the highest evidence and then makes inferences based on the parameters of that model. This “best model” approach is very useful but can become brittle if there are a large number of models to compare, and if different subjects use different models. To overcome this shortcoming we propose the combination of two further approaches: (i) family level inference and (ii) Bayesian model averaging within families. Family level inference removes uncertainty about aspects of model structure other than the characteristic of interest. For example: What are the inputs to the system? Is processing serial or parallel? Is it linear or nonlinear? Is it mediated by a single, crucial connection? We apply Bayesian model averaging within families to provide inferences about parameters that are independent of further assumptions about model structure. We illustrate the methods using Dynamic Causal Models of brain imaging data
Anomalous scattering analysis of Agrobacterium radiobacter phosphotriesterase: the prominent role of iron in the heterobinuclear active site
Bacterial phosphotriesterases are binuclear metalloproteins from which the catalytic
mechanism has been studied with a variety of techniques, principally using active sites
reconstituted in vitro from apo-enzymes. Here, atomic absorption spectroscopy and
anomalous X-ray scattering and have been used to determine the identity of the metals
incorporated into the active site in vivo. We have recombinantly expressed the
phosphotriesterase from Agrobacterium radiobacter (OpdA) in Escherichia coli grown in
medium supplemented with 1 mM CoCl2, and in unsupplemented medium. Anomalous
scattering data, collected from a single crystal at the Fe-K, Co-K and Zn-K edges,
indicate that iron and cobalt are the primary constituents of the two metal binding sites in
the catalytic centre ( and ), in protein expressed in E. coli grown in supplemented
medium. Comparison to OpdA expressed in unsupplemented medium demonstrates that
the cobalt present in the supplemented medium replaced zinc at the -position of the
active site, which results in an increase in the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. These
results suggest an essential role for iron in the catalytic mechanism of bacterial
phosphotriesterases, and that they are natively heterobinuclear iron-zinc enzymes
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