5,309 research outputs found

    Modeling of Jovian Hectometric Radiation Source Locations: Ulysses Observations

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    The Unified Radio and Plasma Wave (URAP) experiment on Ulysses has provided unique high latitude measurements of Jovian hectometric radiation (HOM) during its encounter with Jupiter in February 1992. URAP was the first radio instrument in the Jovian environment with radio direction-finding capability, which was previously used to determine the HOM source locations in the Jovian magnetosphere. These initial source location determinations were based on several assumptions, including the neglect of refractive effects, which may be tested. We have, for the first time, combined the measured incident ray-direction at the spacecraft with a model magnetosphere to directly trace the rays back to the HOM source. We concentrate on the observations of HOM from high northern latitudes when Ulysses was at distances less than 15 R(sub j). The three- dimensional ray-tracing calculations presented here indicate that the HOM sources probably lie on L shells in the range 3 less than or approximately equal to L less than 7 (tilted dipole magnetic field model) consistent with previous determinations that ignored the effects of refraction. The ray-tracing results, however, indicate that wave refraction due to the Io torus and the magnetic field can significantly influence the precise source location. We show that constraints on the locations imposed by the gyroemission mechanism suggest that the lo torus density may have experienced temporal and/or spatial fluctuations during the Ulysses observations of HOM. Finally, in the cold plasma approximation we demonstrate that even if the emission were nearly linearly polarized near the source region, almost circular polarization will be observed at Ulysses, in agreement with observations

    Reflection factorizations of Singer cycles

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    Abstract. The number of shortest factorizations into reflections for a Singer cycle inGLn(Fq) is shown to be (q n − 1) n−1. Formulas counting factorizations of any length, and counting those with reflections of fixed conjugacy classes are also given. Résumé. Nous prouvons que le nombre de factorisations de longueur minimale d’un cycle de Singer dans GLn(Fq) comme un produit de réflexions est (q n −1) n−1. Nous présentons aussi des formules donnant le nombre de factorisations de toutes les longueurs ainsi que des formules pour le nombre de factorisations comme produit de réflexions ayant des classes de conjugaison fixes

    Optical Tweezers as an Effective Tool for Spermatozoa Isolation from Mixed Forensic Samples

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    A single focus optical tweezer is formed when a laser beam is launched through a high numerical aperture immersion objective. This objective focuses the beam down to a diffraction-limited spot, which creates an optical trap where cells suspended in aqueous solutions can be held fixed. Spermatozoa, an often probative cell type in forensic investigations, can be captured inside this optical trap and dragged one by one across millimeter-length distances in order to create a cluster of cells which can be subsequently drawn up into a capillary for collection. Sperm cells are then ejected onto a sterile cover slip, counted, and transferred to a tube for DNA analysis workflow. The objective of this research was to optimize sperm cell collection for maximum DNA yield, and to determine the number of trapped sperm cells necessary to produce a full STR profile. A varying number of sperm cells from both a single-source semen sample and a mock sexual assault sample were isolated utilizing optical tweezers and processed using conventional STR analysis methods. Results demonstrated that approximately 50 trapped spermatozoa were required to obtain a consistently full DNA profile. A complete, single-source DNA profile was also achieved by isolating sperm cells via optical trapping from a mixture of sperm and vaginal epithelial cells. Based on these results, optical tweezers are a viable option for forensic applications such as separation of mixed populations of cells in forensic evidence

    Multigraded Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

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    We develop a multigraded variant of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. Motivated by toric geometry, we work with modules over a polynomial ring graded by a finitely generated abelian group. As in the standard graded case, our definition of multigraded regularity involves the vanishing of graded components of local cohomology. We establish the key properties of regularity: its connection with the minimal generators of a module and its behavior in exact sequences. For an ideal sheaf on a simplicial toric variety X, we prove that its multigraded regularity bounds the equations that cut out the associated subvariety. We also provide a criterion for testing if an ample line bundle on X gives a projectively normal embedding.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    High transport currents in mechanically reinforced MgB2 wires

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    We prepared and characterized monofilamentary MgB2 wires with a mechanically reinforced composite sheath of Ta(Nb)/Cu/steel, which leads to dense filaments and correspondingly high transport currents up to Jc = 10^5 A/cm^2 at 4.2 K, self field. The reproducibility of the measured transport currents was excellent and not depending on the wire diameter. Using different precursors, commercial reacted powder or an unreacted Mg/B powder mixture, a strong influence on the pinning behaviour and the irreversibility field was observed. The critical transport current density showed a nearly linear temperature dependency for all wires being still 52 kA/cm^2 at 20 K and 23 kA/cm^2 at 30 K. Detailed data for Jc(B,T) and Tc(B) were measured.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, revised version, to be published in Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Conditional control of quantum beats in a cavity QED system

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    We probe a ground-state superposition that produces a quantum beat in the intensity correlation of a two-mode cavity QED system. We mix drive with scattered light from an atomic beam traversing the cavity, and effectively measure the interference between the drive and the light from the atom. When a photon escapes the cavity, and upon detection, it triggers our feedback which modulates the drive at the same beat frequency but opposite phase for a given time window. This results in a partial interruption of the beat oscillation in the correlation function, that then returns to oscillate.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, XVII Reuni\'on Iberoamericana de \'Optica, X Encuentro de \'Optica, L\'aseres y Aplicaciones (RIAO-OPTILAS-2010

    Relativistic Proton Production During the 14 July 2000 Solar Event: The Case for Multiple Source Mechanisms

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    Protons accelerated to relativistic energies by transient solar and interplanetary phenomena caused a ground-level cosmic ray enhancement on 14 July 2000, Bastille Day. Near-Earth spacecraft measured the proton flux directly and ground-based observatories measured the secondary responses to higher energy protons. We have modelled the arrival of these relativistic protons at Earth using a technique which deduces the spectrum, arrival direction and anisotropy of the high-energy protons that produce increased responses in neutron monitors. To investigate the acceleration processes involved we have employed theoretical shock and stochastic acceleration spectral forms in our fits to spacecraft and neutron monitor data. During the rising phase of the event (10:45 UT and 10:50 UT) we find that the spectrum between 140 MeV and 4 GeV is best fitted by a shock acceleration spectrum. In contrast, the spectrum at the peak (10:55 UT and 11:00 UT) and in the declining phase (11:40 UT) is best fitted with a stochastic acceleration spectrum. We propose that at least two acceleration processes were responsible for the production of relativistic protons during the Bastille Day solar event: (1) protons were accelerated to relativistic energies by a shock, presumably a coronal mass ejection (CME). (2) protons were also accelerated to relativistic energies by stochastic processes initiated by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, January, 200
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