589 research outputs found

    Magnetic studies on the metallic perovskite-type compound Mn 3SnN

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    Mn3SnN is a metallic compound of perovskite-type structure which shows four different crystallographic and magnetically ordered phases. From neutron diffraction data, magnetic measurements and Mössbauer experiments performed at different temperatures it is concluded that the magnetic properties depend critically on the existence of singularities in the density of states.Le composé métallique Mn3SnN de structure-type pérovskite présente quatre phases cristallographiques et magnétiques ordonnées différentes. Les expériences de diffraction neutronique, les mesures magnétiques et la spectroseopie Mössbauer effectuées en fonction de la température font apparaître un comportement critique des propriétés magnétiques révélant l'existence de singularités dans la densité d'états

    Fast computation of magnetostatic fields by Non-uniform Fast Fourier Transforms

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    The bottleneck of micromagnetic simulations is the computation of the long-ranged magnetostatic fields. This can be tackled on regular N-node grids with Fast Fourier Transforms in time N logN, whereas the geometrically more versatile finite element methods (FEM) are bounded to N^4/3 in the best case. We report the implementation of a Non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform algorithm which brings a N logN convergence to FEM, with no loss of accuracy in the results

    Third type of domain wall in soft magnetic nanostrips

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    Magnetic domain walls (DWs) in nanostructures are low-dimensional objects that separate regions with uniform magnetisation. Since they can have different shapes and widths, DWs are an exciting playground for fundamental research, and became in the past years the subject of intense works, mainly focused on controlling, manipulating, and moving their internal magnetic configuration. In nanostrips with in-plane magnetisation, two DWs have been identified: in thin and narrow strips, transverse walls are energetically favored, while in thicker and wider strips vortex walls have lower energy. The associated phase diagram is now well established and often used to predict the low-energy magnetic configuration in a given magnetic nanostructure. However, besides the transverse and vortex walls, we find numerically that another type of wall exists in permalloy nanostrips. This third type of DW is characterised by a three-dimensional, flux closure micromagnetic structure with an unusual length and three internal degrees of freedom. Magnetic imaging on lithographically-patterned permalloy nanostrips confirms these predictions and shows that these DWs can be moved with an external magnetic field of about 1mT. An extended phase diagram describing the regions of stability of all known types of DWs in permalloy nanostrips is provided.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    High-Temperature Activated AB2 Nanopowders for Metal Hydride Hydrogen Compression

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    A reliable process for compressing hydrogen and for removing all contaminants is that of the metal hydride thermal compression. The use of metal hydride technology in hydrogen compression applications though, requires thorough structural characterization of the alloys and investigation of their sorption properties. The samples have been synthesized by induction - levitation melting and characterized by Rietveld analysis of the X-Ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. Volumetric PCI (Pressure-Composition Isotherm) measurements have been conducted at 20, 60 and 90 oC, in order to investigate the maximum pressure that can be reached from the selected alloys using water of 90oC. Experimental evidence shows that the maximum hydrogen uptake is low since all the alloys are consisted of Laves phases, but it is of minor importance if they have fast kinetics, given a constant volumetric hydrogen flow. Hysteresis is almost absent while all the alloys release nearly all the absorbed hydrogen during desorption. Due to hardware restrictions, the maximum hydrogen pressure for the measurements was limited at 100 bars. Practically, the maximum pressure that can be reached from the last alloy is more than 150 bars.Comment: 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1207.354

    Thermogravimetry and neutron thermodiffractometry studies of the H-YBa2Cu3O7 system.

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    The high Tc superconducting oxide YBa2Cu3O7¿x reacts with hydrogen gas. Thermogravimetric, X-ray and neutron scattering experiments allow us to propose a two-step type of hydrogen bonding. Firstly, a few hydrogen atoms fill some oxygen vacancies and may favourably modify the electron state, giving rise to a slight increase in the critical temperature. Secondly, after a prolonged heating period, the collapse of the YBa2Cu3O7¿x type framework and of superconductivity were observed, and a new, highly hydrogenated material appeared

    Two Gap State Density in MgB2_{2}: A True Bulk Property or A Proximity Effect?

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    We report on the temperature dependence of the quasiparticle density of states (DOS) in the simple binary compound MgB2 directly measured using scanning tunneling microscope (STM). To achieve high quality tunneling conditions, a small crystal of MgB2 is used as a tip in the STM experiment. The ``sample'' is chosen to be a 2H-NbSe2 single crystal presenting an atomically flat surface. At low temperature the tunneling conductance spectra show a gap at the Fermi energy followed by two well-pronounced conductance peaks on each side. They appear at voltages VS±3.8_{S}\simeq \pm 3.8 mV and VL±7.8_{L}\simeq \pm 7.8 mV. With rising temperature both peaks disappear at the Tc of the bulk MgB2, a behavior consistent with the model of two-gap superconductivity. The explanation of the double-peak structure in terms of a particular proximity effect is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetotransport and the upper critical magnetic field in MgB2

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    Magnetotransport measurements are presented on polycrystalline MgB2 samples. The resistive upper critical magnetic field reveals a temperature dependence with a positive curvature from Tc = 39.3 K down to about 20 K, then changes to a slightly negative curvature reaching 25 T at 1.5 K. The 25- Tesla upper critical field is much higher than what is known so far on polycrystals of MgB2 but it is in agreement with recent data obtained on epitaxial MgB2 films. The deviation of Bc2(T) from standard BCS might be due to the proposed two-gap superconductivity in this compound. The observed quadratic normal-state magnetoresistance with validity of Kohler's rule can be ascribed to classical trajectory effects in the low-field limit.Comment: 6 pages, incl. 3 figure

    Non-universality of artificial frustrated spin systems

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    Magnetic frustration effects in artificial kagome arrays of nanomagnets with out-of-plane magnetization are investigated using Magnetic Force Microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental and theoretical results are compared to those found for the artificial kagome spin ice, in which the nanomagnets have in-plane magnetization. In contrast with what has been recently reported, we demonstrate that long range (i.e. beyond nearest-neighbors) dipolar interactions between the nanomagnets cannot be neglected when describing the magnetic configurations observed after demagnetizing the arrays using a field protocol. As a consequence, there are clear limits to any universality in the behavior of these two artificial frustrated spin systems. We provide arguments to explain why these two systems show striking similarities at first sight in the development of pairwise spin correlations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Dimensionality cross-over in magnetism: from domain walls (2D) to vortices (1D)

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    Dimensionality cross-over is a classical topic in physics. Surprisingly it has not been searched in micromagnetism, which deals with objects such as domain walls (2D) and vortices (1D). We predict by simulation a second-order transition between these two objects, with the wall length as the Landau parameter. This was conrmed experimentally based on micron-sized ux-closure dots