740 research outputs found

    Penggambaran Karakter Pada Tokoh Utama Dalam Film “Maleficent”

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana penggambaran karakter ditampilkan oleh Disney melalui film Maleficent. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Eksploratif Kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Naratif. Sedangkan objek penelitian yang akan dianalisis adalah penggambaran karakter dari tokoh utama yang diikuti oleh karakter-karakter lainnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa film Disney kontemporer beradaptasi sesuai dengan perkembangan idelogi dan realita sosial pada produksi film-nya. Adaptasi yang ditampilkan melalui inovasi pergerakan karakter pada tokoh utamanya, Maleficent, yang mempengaruhi karakter dari tokoh-tokoh di dalamnya menunjukkan orientasi utama Disney dalam produksi filmnya yaitu bisnis

    Spatial interactions in agent-based modeling

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    Agent Based Modeling (ABM) has become a widespread approach to model complex interactions. In this chapter after briefly summarizing some features of ABM the different approaches in modeling spatial interactions are discussed. It is stressed that agents can interact either indirectly through a shared environment and/or directly with each other. In such an approach, higher-order variables such as commodity prices, population dynamics or even institutions, are not exogenously specified but instead are seen as the results of interactions. It is highlighted in the chapter that the understanding of patterns emerging from such spatial interaction between agents is a key problem as much as their description through analytical or simulation means. The chapter reviews different approaches for modeling agents' behavior, taking into account either explicit spatial (lattice based) structures or networks. Some emphasis is placed on recent ABM as applied to the description of the dynamics of the geographical distribution of economic activities, - out of equilibrium. The Eurace@Unibi Model, an agent-based macroeconomic model with spatial structure, is used to illustrate the potential of such an approach for spatial policy analysis.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 105 references; a chapter prepared for the book "Complexity and Geographical Economics - Topics and Tools", P. Commendatore, S.S. Kayam and I. Kubin, Eds. (Springer, in press, 2014

    Design and manufacturing of a Nd-doped phosphate glass-based jewel

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    This paper reports the results of the designing, manufacturing and characterization of a jewel obtained by means of coupling the dogmas of industrial design to the analytical engineering approach. The key role in the design of the jewel was played by an in-house synthesized Neodymium (Nd)-doped phosphate glass, selected due to its easy handling and capability to change color according to the incident light wavelength. The glass core was covered by a metal alloy to mitigate its relatively high fragility and sensitivity to thermal shock and, at the same time, to highlight and preserve its beauty. The selection of the proper metal alloy, having thermo-mechanical properties compatible with those exhibited by the glass, was carried out by means of Ashby's maps, a powerful tool commonly adopted in the field of industrial design

    Students Engagement in School, Giftedness and Creativity: A literature review

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    Este E-Book reĂșne um conjunto de investigaçÔes apresentadas no “I Congresso Internacional Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Perspetivas da Psicologia e Educação” (ICIEAE), organizado no Ăąmbito do “Projeto PTDC/CPE-CED/114362/2009 - Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Diferenciação e Promoção” (EAE-DP), financiado pela Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT).Background: The importance of the construct “students engagement in school” (SES) has been recently pointed out in research and literature; however, there is a lack of studies about the relationship between this variable and personal variables, such as giftedness and creativity. These latter variables are conceptualized as a result of the convergence of personal and contextual variables, in which development and learning processes play a relevant role. Giftedness has been studied in its relationship with creativity, which, in turn, appears related to school context. Purpose: This article reviews the literature on the relation between students’ engagement in school and each of the variables of students’ giftedness and students’ creativity, as perceived by the students and their teachers. The importance of this relation arises from the idea that students perceived as having above average capacities, or as creative, have high motivation for learning and engagement in school. Giftedness has been studied in its relationship with creativity, which, in turn, appears related to school context. Method: In order to describe the state of art of student’s engagement in school and Giftedness and Creativity, we prepared a narrative review. Conclusions: Although studies on the relationship between creativity, giftedness and the students’ behavior require further research, the use of creativity as a teaching-learning instrument appears related to school satisfaction and students’ academic performance. The literature review highlights the need to develop research, particularly of quasi-experimental type, on the relationship between students’ engagement in school and the variables giftedness and creativity, as well as on its effects on academic achievement

    Vulnerable personality and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy consequent to emotional stressful events: a clinical case report

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    Introduction: Although the onset of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) can be triggered by an acute, intense emotional stress, the exact pathogenic mechanisms still remain undefined. Presentation: A 58-year-old female was sent by ambulance to the Emergency Department (ED) for chest pain and ST elevations on ECG. Her chest pain began 3 hours before on admission after a domestic argument. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed severe systolic dysfunction with an ejection fraction of 20%. Cardiac catheterization revealed no significant coronary artery disease. The left ventriculogram showed apical ballooning with hyperdynamic proximal segments. A diagnosis of Takotsubo Cardiomyophaty (TTC) was made according to the Mayo Clinic 2008 criteria. The patient evolved with improvement of her condition and, therefore, was discharged from the hospital. Follow-up echocardiogram seven days later showed normal LV size and function with ejection fraction (EF) of 43%. Paykel Life Stress Event Scale identified as emotional trigger a domestic argument occurred 3 hours before symptom onset. History showed a major life stress event, death of a loved one, six months before symptoms. The patient underwent psychological assessment after hospital discharge by Emotional Regulation Questionnaire and BDI showing high suppression/ low reappraisal profile and moderate depression. Conclusion: This case highlights the hypothesis of a possible link between cognitive emotional processing and vulnerability to Takotsubo syndrome

    Detection and distribution of European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) in apricot cv. ‘Bergeron’ and epidemiological studies in the province of Trento (Italy)

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    The aim was to investigate the performance of ‘Bergeron’ on ‘Wavit’ in 4 experimental fields, in the province of Trento (Italy), where European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) caused by “Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum” has been constantly spreading since 2000.This included visual inspections for typical symptoms (early bud-break during dormancy and premature leaf-roll) and a highly sensitive Real time-PCR (Rt-PCR) assay. 25 % of the propagation material was checked with this method and found to be healthy, before planting in 2005.The epidemiology of the disease was also studied by focusing on: the presence of the vector Cacopsylla pruni (Scopoli) on conifers, the detection of “Ca. P. prunorum” in psyllid eggs and the transmission efficiency at different stages. This was done by exposing apricot trees in 2 locations, during 2 periods from January to July, to the overlapping presence in the orchards of the re-immigrants and the new generation of C. pruni. The results obtained demonstrated that ‘Bergeron’ seems to be highly susceptible to ESFY: typical bud-break was rarely observed, but up to 20-30% of the plants showed premature leaf-roll, fruit deformation and dieback. C. pruni was caught only once on Picea abies during winter; “Ca. P. prunorum” was found in 4 egg samples from 2 locations and the preliminary results on the exposed trees confirmed that the re-immigrants could be the most efficient vectors at least on apricot.Keywords: Prunus armeniaca, cultivar ‘Bergeron’, Real time-PCR, “Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum”,epidemiolog
