415 research outputs found

    Nuclear Analyses for the Assessment of the Loads on the ITER Radial Neutron Camera In-Port System and Evaluation of Its Measurement Performances

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    The radial neutron camera (RNC) is a key ITER diagnostic system designed to measure the uncollided 14- and 2.5-MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reactions, through an array of detectors covering a full poloidal plasma section along collimated lines of sight (LoS). Its main objective is the assessment of the neutron emissivity/alpha source profile and the total neutron source strength, providing spatially resolved measurements of several parameters needed for fusion power estimation, plasma control, and plasma physics studies. The present RNC layout is composed of two fan-shaped collimating structures viewing the plasma radially through vertical slots in the diagnostic shielding module (DSM) of ITER Equatorial Port 1 (EP01): the ex-port subsystem and the in-port one. The ex-port subsystem, devoted to the plasma core coverage, extends from the Port Interspace to the Bioshield Plug: it consists of a massive shielding unit hosting two sets of collimators lying on different toroidal planes, leading to a total of 16 interleaved LoS. The in-port system consists of a cassette, integrated inside the port plug DSM, containing two detectors per each of the six LoS looking at the plasma edges. The in-port system must guarantee the required measurement performances in critical operating conditions in terms of high radiation levels, given its proximity to the plasma neutron source. This article presents an updated neutronic analysis based on the latest design of the in-port system and port plug. It has been performed by means of the Monte Carlo MCNP code and provides nuclear loads on the in-port RNC during normal operating conditions (NOC) and inputs for the measurement performance analysis

    Nuclear design of a shielded cabinet for electronics: The ITER radial neutron camera case study

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    The Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system located in ITER Equatorial Port #1 providing several spatial and time-resolved parameters for the fusion power estimation, plasma control and physics studies. The RNC measures the uncollided 14 MeV and 2.5 MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium deuterium (DD) fusion reactions through an array of neutron flux detectors located in collimated Lines of Sight. Signals from RNC detectors (fission chambers, single Crystal Diamonds and scintillators) need pre amplification because of their low amplitude. These preamplifiers have to be as close as possible to the detectors in order to minimize signal degradation and must be protected against fast and thermal neutrons, gamma radiation and electromagnetic fields. The solution adopted is to host the preamplifiers in a shielded cabinet located in a dedicated area of the Port Cell, behind the Bioshield Plug. The overall design of the cabinet must ensure the necessary magnetic, thermal and nuclear shielding and, at the same, satisfy weight and allocated volume constraints and maintain its structural integrity. The present paper describes the nuclear design of the shielded cabinet, performed by means of 3D particle transport calculations (MCNP), taking into account the radiation streaming through the Bioshield penetrations and the cross-talk effect from the neighboring Lower and Upper Ports. We present the assessment of its nuclear shielding performances and analyze the compliancy with the alert thresholds for commercial electronics in terms of neutron flux and cumulated ionizing dose

    Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting

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    Faulting and earthquakes occur extensively along the flanks of the East African Rift System, including an offshore branch in the western Indian Ocean, resulting in remobilization of sediment in the form of landslides. To date, constraints on the occurrence of submarine landslides at margin scale are lacking, leaving unanswered a link between rifting and slope instability. Here, we show the first overview of landslide deposits in the post-Eocene stratigraphy of the Tanzania margin and we present the discovery of one of the biggest landslides on Earth: the Mafia mega-slide. The emplacement of multiple landslides, including the Mafia mega-slide, during the early-mid Miocene is coeval with cratonic rifting in Tanzania, indicating that plateau uplift and rifting in East Africa triggered large and potentially tsunamigenic landslides likely through earthquake activity and enhanced sediment supply. This study is a first step to evaluate the risk associated with submarine landslides in the region

    The electron capture in 163^{163}Ho experiment – ECHo

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    Neutrinos, and in particular their tiny but non-vanishing masses, can be considered one of the doors towards physics beyond the Standard Model. Precision measurements of the kinematics of weak interactions, in particular of the 3^{3}H β-decay and the 163^{163}Ho electron capture (EC), represent the only model independent approach to determine the absolute scale of neutrino masses. The electron capture in 163^{163}Ho experiment, ECHo, is designed to reach sub-eV sensitivity on the electron neutrino mass by means of the analysis of the calorimetrically measured electron capture spectrum of the nuclide 163^{163}Ho. The maximum energy available for this decay, about 2.8 keV, constrains the type of detectors that can be used. Arrays of low temperature metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) are being developed to measure the 163^{163}Ho EC spectrum with energy resolution below 3 eV FWHM and with a time resolution below 1 μs. To achieve the sub-eV sensitivity on the electron neutrino mass, together with the detector optimization, the availability of large ultra-pure 163^{163}Ho samples, the identification and suppression of background sources as well as the precise parametrization of the 163^{163}Ho EC spectrum are of utmost importance. The high-energy resolution 163^{163}Ho spectra measured with the first MMC prototypes with ion-implanted 163^{163}Ho set the basis for the ECHo experiment. We describe the conceptual design of ECHo and motivate the strategies we have adopted to carry on the present medium scale experiment, ECHo-1K. In this experiment, the use of 1 kBq 163^{163}Ho will allow to reach a neutrino mass sensitivity below 10 eV/c2^{2}. We then discuss how the results being achieved in ECHo-1k will guide the design of the next stage of the ECHo experiment, ECHo-1M, where a source of the order of 1 MBq 163^{163}Ho embedded in large MMCs arrays will allow to reach sub-eV sensitivity on the electron neutrino mass

    ITER oriented neutronics benchmark experiments on neutron streaming and shutdown dose rate at JET

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    Neutronics benchmark experiments are conducted at JET in the frame of WPJET3 NEXP within EUROfusion Consortium for validating the neutronics codes and tools used in ITER nuclear analyses to predict quantities such as the neutron flux along streaming paths and dose rates at the shutdown due to activated components. The preparation of neutron streaming and shutdown dose rate experiments for the future Deuterium-Tritium operations (DTE2 campaign) are in progress. This paper summarizes the status of measurements and analyses in progress in the current Deuterium–Deuterium (DD) campaign and the efforts in preparation for DTE2

    A New Crocodylian from the Late Maastrichtian of Spain: Implications for the Initial Radiation of Crocodyloids

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    The earliest crocodylians are known primarily from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Europe. The representatives of Gavialoidea and Alligatoroidea are known in the Late Cretaceous of both continents, yet the biogeographic origins of Crocodyloidea are poorly understood. Up to now, only one representative of this clade has been known from the Late Cretaceous, the basal crocodyloid Prodiplocynodon from the Maastrichtian of North America.The fossil studied is a skull collected from sandstones in the lower part of the Tremp Formation, in Chron C30n, dated at -67.6 to 65.5 Ma (late Maastrichtian), in Arén (Huesca, Spain). It is located in a continuous section that contains the K/P boundary, in which the dinosaur faunas closest to the K/P boundary in Europe have been described, including Arenysaurus ardevoli and Blasisaurus canudoi. Phylogenetic analysis places the new taxon, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum, at the base of Crocodyloidea.The new taxon is the oldest crocodyloid representative in Eurasia. Crocodyloidea had previously only been known from the Palaeogene onwards in this part of Laurasia. Phylogenetically, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum is situated at the base of the first radiation of crocodyloids that occurred in the late Maastrichtian, shedding light on this part of the cladogram. The presence of basal crocodyloids at the end of the Cretaceous both in North America and Europe provides new evidence of the faunal exchange via the Thulean Land Bridge during the Maastrichtian

    Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET

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    Effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W target of JET ITER-Like Wall was studied with multi-scale calculations. Plasma input parameters were taken from ELMy H-mode plasma experiment. The energetic intra-ELM fuel particles get implanted and create near-surface defects up to depths of few tens of nm, which act as the main fuel trapping sites during ELMs. Clustering of implantation-induced vacancies were found to take place. The incoming flux of inter-ELM plasma particles increases the different filling levels of trapped fuel in defects. The temperature increase of the W target during the pulse increases the fuel detrapping rate. The inter-ELM fuel particle flux refills the partially emptied trapping sites and fills new sites. This leads to a competing effect on the retention and release rates of the implanted particles. At high temperatures the main retention appeared in larger vacancy clusters due to increased clustering rate

    DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility: A testbed for DEMO

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    The effective treatment of the heat and power exhaust is a critical issue in the road map to the realization of the fusion energy. In order to provide possible, reliable, well assessed and on-time answers to DEMO, the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) has been conceived and projected to be carried out and operated within the European strategy in fusion technology. This paper, based on the invited plenary talk at the 31st virtual SOFT Conference 2020, provides an overview of the DTT scientific proposal, which is deeply illustrated in the 2019 DTT Interim Design Report

    Modelling of tungsten erosion and deposition in the divertor of JET-ILW in comparison to experimental findings

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    The erosion, transport and deposition of tungsten in the outer divertor of JET-ILW has been studied for an HMode discharge with low frequency ELMs. For this specific case with an inter-ELM electron temperature at the strike point of about 20 eV, tungsten sputtering between ELMs is almost exclusively due to beryllium impurity and self-sputtering. However, during ELMs tungsten sputtering due to deuterium becomes important and even dominates. The amount of simulated local deposition of tungsten relative to the amount of sputtered tungsten in between ELMs is very high and reaches values of 99% for an electron density of 5E13 cm3^{-3} at the strike point and electron temperatures between 10 and 30 eV. Smaller deposition values are simulated with reduced electron density. The direction of the B-field significantly influences the local deposition and leads to a reduction if the E×B drift directs towards the scrape-off-layer. Also, the thermal force can reduce the tungsten deposition, however, an ion temperature gradient of about 0.1 eV/mm or larger is needed for a significant effect. The tungsten deposition simulated during ELMs reaches values of about 98% assuming ELM parameters according to free-streaming model. The measured WI emission profiles in between and within ELMs have been reproduced by the simulation. The contribution to the overall net tungsten erosion during ELMs is about 5 times larger than the one in between ELMs for the studied case. However, this is due to the rather low electron temperature in between ELMs, which leads to deuterium impact energies below the sputtering threshold for tungsten