1,251 research outputs found

    Impact indicators of educational innovations based on active methodologies

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    "Think global, act locally" is one of the phrases that define the idea of any innovation. It denotes that the impact must be global and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a specific sector, for example. The innovation applied in the classroom is known as “teaching educational innovation” and thinking in global is complicated because innovation is carried out in a specific subject. Specific contexts have needs and conditions that difficult the transference outside the subject itself. This work provides a method to consider any teaching educational innovation in global terms, even before knowing the specific innovation method to apply. In this way, transferability would be enhanced and the global impact on the change of the educational model would be improved. For this purpose, a study has been carried out with more than 85 professors from different universities. The objective of the study is to show that they have a common vision on the indicators to measure the leaning impact when they apply teaching educational innovation in their own subjects

    Vulnerabilidade dos solos à erosão: estimativa da perda de solos na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Guapi-Macacu - RJ.

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    Este trabalho apresenta metodologias para estimativa de perda de solos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Guapi-Macacu - RJ. Para a estimativa anual de perdas de solo foi utilizada a ferramenta InVest (Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs) através do módulo que desenvolve retenção de sedimentos. Esse módulo permite calcular a perda de solo média anual de cada parcela de terra, além de determinar o quanto de solo pode chegar a um determinado ponto de interesse. Para identificar a perda potencial de solo, o modelo emprega a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) na escala do pixel, integrando informações sobre relevo, precipitação, padrões de uso da terra e propriedades do solo. Seus resultados são dados em toneladas por sub-bacias. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho permitiram concluir que embora haja limitações no uso da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo, o modelo possibilitou a espacialização de classes de perdas de solos com indicações de áreas consideradas mais ou menos vulneráveis aos processos erosivos, considerando os dados disponíveis e suas escalas. O uso do InVest para calcular a USLE apresentou como principal vantagem a possibilidade de integração dos dados necessários em um único ambiente, reduzindo a possibilidade de erros na conversão de dados. Contudo, a maior limitação encontrada a sua aplicação está na dificuldade de obtenção de dados de entrada necessários ao modelo.bitstream/item/129097/1/BPD-237-Vulnerabilidade-Solos.pd

    Estimativa da perda de solos por meio da equação universal de perdas de solos (USLE) com uso do invest para a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Guapi-Macacu.

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    Este trabalho apresenta metodologia para estimativa de perda de solos na bacia hidrográfica do rio Guapi-Macacu ? RJ, a partir do módulo de estimativa de retenção de sedimentos da ferramenta InVest (Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs). Para identificar a perda potencial de solo, o módulo emprega a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), integrando informações sobre relevo, precipitação, padrões de uso da terra e propriedades do solo. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que embora haja limitações no uso da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo, o modelo possibilitou a espacialização de classes de perdas de solos com indicações de áreas consideradas mais ou menos vulneráveis aos processos erosivos, considerando os dados disponíveis e suas escalas. O uso do InVest para calcular a USLE apresentou como principal vantagem a possibilidade de integração dos dados necessários em um único ambiente, reduzindo a possibilidade de erros na conversão de dados. Contudo, a maior limitação encontrada a sua aplicação esta na dificuldade de obtenção de dados de entrada necessários ao model

    MAGIC sensitivity to millisecond-duration optical pulses

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    The MAGIC telescopes are a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) designed to observe very high energy (VHE) gamma rays above ~50 GeV. However, as IACTs are sensitive to Cherenkov light in the UV/blue and use photo-detectors with a time response well below the ms scale, MAGIC is also able to perform simultaneous optical observations. Through an alternative system installed in the central PMT of MAGIC II camera, the so-called central pixel, MAGIC is sensitive to short (1ms - 1s) optical pulses. Periodic signals from the Crab pulsar are regularly monitored. Here we report for the first time the experimental determination of the sensitivity of the central pixel to isolated 1-10 ms long optical pulses. The result of this study is relevant for searches of fast transients such as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs).Comment: Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea (arXiv:1708.05153

    Good Sleep Quality Improves the Relationship Between Pain and Depression Among Individuals With Chronic Pain

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    Individuals with chronic pain often experience co-existing sleep problems and depression-related states. Chronic pain, sleep problems, and depression interrelate, and have been shown to exacerbate one another, which negatively impacts quality of life. This study explored the relationships between pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality, and depression among individuals with chronic pain. Secondly, we tested whether sleep quality may moderate the relationship between pain and depression. A cross-sectional survey was completed by 1,059 adults with non-malignant chronic pain conditions (Mage 43 years, 88% identified as women) and collected measures related to pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality and depression. Multiple regression analyses found that pain severity, pain interference and sleep quality are all significantly associated with depression. Secondly, moderated regression analyses revealed that sleep quality moderates the relationship between pain interference and depression among individuals with chronic pain such that good sleep quality attenuates the effect of pain interference on depression, and poor sleep quality amplifies the effect of pain interference on depression. These findings suggest that sleep quality may be a relevant therapeutic target for individuals with chronic pain and co-existing depression

    Role of advanced technology in the detection of sight-threatening eye disease in a UK community setting.

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    Background/aims: To determine the performance of combinations of structural and functional screening tests in detecting sight-threatening eye disease in a cohort of elderly subjects recruited from primary care. Methods: 505 subjects aged ≥60 years underwent frequency doubling technology (FDT) perimetry, iVue optical coherence tomography (iWellness and peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) scans) and intraocular pressure with the Ocular Response Analyzer, all performed by an ophthalmic technician. The reference standard was a full ophthalmic examination by an experienced clinician who was masked to the index test results. Subjects were classified as presence or absence of sight-threatening eye disease (clinically significant cataract, primary open-angle glaucoma, intermediate or advanced age-related macular degeneration and significant diabetic retinopathy). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between abnormal screening test results and the presence of sight-threatening eye disease. Results: 171 subjects (33.8%) had one or more sight-threatening eye diseases. The multivariate analysis found significant associations with any of the target conditions for visual acuity of <6/12, an abnormal FDT and peripapillary RNFL thickness outside the 99% normal limit. The sensitivity of this optimised screening panel was 61.3% (95% CI 53.5 to 68.7), with a specificity of 78.8% (95% CI 74.0 to 83.1), a positive predictive value of 59.5% (95% CI 53.7 to 65.2) and an overall diagnostic accuracy of 72.9% (95% CI 68.8 to 76.8). Conclusions: A subset of screening tests may provide an accurate and efficient means of population screening for significant eye disease in the elderly. This study provides useful preliminary data to inform the development of further larger, multicentre screening studies to validate this screening panel

    Restyling the higher education landscape: regional (a)symmetries across Portugal

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    This work studies the disparities found in higher education institutions across Portugal - in terms of geographical location, being polytechnics institutes or universities, and operating in the private or public sector - in relation to their offering of 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle study programmes and scientific areas. Bearing in mind that, on the one hand, any education institution must adapt to the surrounding population, and that, on the other hand, the population also ends up adapting to the existing educational offer, there is always some synergy between the characteristics of higher education institutions and local population/social context. Therefore, it is of surmount importance to characterize the educational system and verify the presence of asymmetries, by evaluation of the way it relates and is related to the physical and social setting. At an initial stage of the accreditation process, HEI submit an accreditation proposal to national accreditation agency. In the description of each study programme for evaluation, HEI must describe what are the “intended learning outcomes” they expected students will achieve at the end of a specific period of learning. Data analysis focused on information included in this question, and which is limited to 1000 characters. All proposal of study programs submitted to accreditation, from 2009 to 2014, were examined (n = 2961). A content analysis was carried out using the MAXQDA software for qualitative data analysis (version 12). Adopting a theoretical thematic analysis approach, instead of a data-driven option (Braun & Clarke, 2006), a competence matrix of technical and generic skills were identified. Based on a descriptive analysis of the data, it was possible to cross-tabulate several variables and to do a thorough discussion, highlighting the influence of different internal aspects of the Portuguese Higher Education System. This data-based reflection is a contribute for future works aiming to understand the underlying dynamics behind such asymmetries. Knowing the regional asymmetries may provide opportunities to find innovative solutions that foster education on disadvantaged regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Acute impact of a national lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on wellbeing outcomes among individuals with chronic pain

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    Changes to wellbeing in a community- based sample of 638 adults with non-malignant chronic pain were assessed during a period of mandated lockdown measures in the UK to control the COVID-19 outbreak. Participants completed an online survey pre-lockdown and were followed up during lockdown. Multivariate analysis demonstrate that decreased ability to self-manage, restricted access to healthcare and increased dependence on others were associated with negative wellbeing outcomes related to sleep, anxiety and depression. Essential but nonurgent services are required during periods of lockdown to maintain independence and self-management in order to preserve wellbeing in this population