4,678 research outputs found
Vibrational excitation of diatomic molecular ions in strong-field ionization of diatomic molecules
A model based on the strong-field and Born-Oppenheimer approximations
qualitatively describes the distribution over vibrational states formed in a
diatomic molecular ion following ionization of the neutral molecule by intense
laser pulses. Good agreement is found with a recent experiment [X. Urbain et
al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 163004 (2004)]. In particular, the observed deviation
from a Franck-Condon-like distribution is reproduced. Additionally, we
demonstrate control of the vibrational distribution by a variation of the peak
intensity or a change of frequency of the laser pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Quantum Monte Carlo study of ring-shaped polariton parametric luminescence in a semiconductor microcavity
We present a quantum Monte Carlo study of the quantum correlations in the
parametric luminescence from semiconductor microcavities in the strong
exciton-photon coupling regime. As already demonstrated in recent experiments,
a ring-shaped emission is obtained by applying two identical pump beams with
opposite in-plane wavevectors, providing symmetrical signal and idler beams
with opposite in-plane wavevectors on the ring. We study the squeezing of the
signal-idler difference noise across the parametric instability threshold,
accounting for the radiative and non-radiative losses, multiple scattering and
static disorder. We compare the results of the complete multimode Monte Carlo
simulations with a simplified linearized quantum Langevin analytical model
General Cram\'er-Rao bound for parameter estimation using Gaussian multimode quantum resources
Multimode Gaussian quantum light, including multimode squeezed and/or
multipartite quadrature entangled light, is a very general and powerful quantum
resource with promising applications to quantum information processing and
metrology involving continuous variables. In this paper, we determine the
ultimate sensitivity in the estimation of any parameter when the information
about this parameter is encoded in such Gaussian light, irrespective of the
exact information extraction protocol used in the estimation. We then show
that, for a given set of available quantum resources, the most economical way
to maximize the sensitivity is to put the most squeezed state available in a
well-defined light mode. This implies that it is not possible to take advantage
of the existence of squeezed fluctuations in other modes, nor of quantum
correlations and entanglement between different modes. We show that an
appropriate homodyne detection scheme allows us to reach this Cramr-Rao bound.
We apply finally these considerations to the problem of optimal phase
estimation using interferometric techniques
From spin-Peierls to superconductivity: (TMTTF)_2PF_6 under high pressure
The nature of the attractive electron-electron interaction, leading to the
formation of Cooper-pairs in unconventional superconductors has still to be
fully understood and is subject to intensive research. Here we show that the
sequence spin-Peierls, antiferromagnetism, superconductivity observed in
(TMTTF)_2PF_6 under pressure makes the (TM)_2X phase diagram universal. We
argue that the suppression of the spin-Peierls transition under pressure, the
close vicinity of antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases at high pressure
as well as the existence of critical antiferromagnetic fluctuations above T_c
strongly support the intriguing possibility that the interchain exchange of
antiferromagnetic fluctuations provides the pairing mechanism required for
bound charge carriers.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 4 figures (jpeg,eps,png
Quantum squeezing generation versus photon localization in a disordered microcavity
We investigate theoretically the nonlinear dynamics induced by an intense
pump field in a disordered planar microcavity. Through a self-consistent
theory, we show how the generation of quantum optical noise squeezing is
affected by the breaking of the in-plane translational invariance and the
occurrence of photon localization. We find that the generation of single-mode
Kerr squeezing for the ideal planar case can be prevented by disorder as a
result of multimode nonlinear coupling, even when the other modes are in the
vacuum state. However, the excess noise is a non-monotonous function of the
disorder amplitude. In the strong localization limit, we show that the system
becomes protected with respect to this fundamental coupling mechanism and that
the ideal quadrature squeezing generation can be obtained
Bifurcations in the wake of a thick circular disk
Using DNS, we investigate the dynamics in the wake of a circular disk of aspect ratio χ = d/w = 3(where d is the diameter and w the thickness) embedded in a uniform flow of magnitude U0 perpendicular to its symmetry axis. As the Reynolds number Re = U0d/ν is increased, the flow is shown to experience an original series of bifurcations leading to chaos. The range Re ∈ [150, 218] is analysed in detail. In this range, five different non-axisymmetric regimes are successively encountered, including states similar to those previously identified in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk, as well as a new regime characterised by the presence of two distinct frequencies. A theoretical model based on the theory of mode interaction with symmetries, previously introduced to explain the bifurcations in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk (Fabre et al. in Phys Fluids 20:051702, 2008), is shown to explain correctly all these results. Higher values of the Reynolds number, up to 270, are also considered. Results indicate that the flow encounters at least four additional bifurcations before reaching a chaotic state
Three-Nucleon Continuum by means of the Hyperspherical Adiabatic Method
This paper investigates the possible use of the Hyperspherical Adiabatic
basis in the description of scattering states of a three-body system. In
particular, we analyze a 1+2 collision process below the three-body breakup.
The convergence patterns for the observables of interest are analyzed by
comparison to a unitary equivalent Hyperspherical Harmonic expansion.
Furthermore, we compare and discuss two different possible choices for
describing the asymptotic configurations of the system, related to the use of
Jacobi or hyperspherical coordinates. In order to illustrate the difficulties
and advantages of the approach two simple numerical applications are shown in
the case of neutron-deuteron scattering at low energies using s-wave
interactions. We found that the optimization driven by the Hyperspherical
Adiabatic basis is not as efficient for scattering states as in bound state
applications.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Few-Body Systems (in
Spatio-temporal development of the long and short-wave vortex-pair instabilities
International audienceWe consider the spatio-temporal development of the long-wave and short-wave instabilities in a pair of counter-rotating vortices in the presence of a uniform axial advection velocity. The stability properties depend upon the aspect ratio a/b of the vortex pair, where a is the core radius of the vortices and b their separation, and upon W0/U0 the ratio between the self-induced velocity of the pair and the axial advection velocity. For sufficiently small W0/U0, the instabilities are convective, but an increase of W0/U0 may lead to an absolute instability. Near the absolute instability threshold, spatial growth rates are larger than those predicted by temporal stability theory. Considering aeronautical applications, it is shown that instabilities of the type considered in this communication cannot become absolute in farfield wakes of high aspect ratio wings. © 2000 American Institute of Physics
Synchronization of Sound Sources
Sound generation and -interaction is highly complex, nonlinear and
self-organized. Already 150 years ago Lord Rayleigh raised the following
problem: Two nearby organ pipes of different fundamental frequencies sound
together almost inaudibly with identical pitch. This effect is now understood
qualitatively by modern synchronization theory (M. Abel et al., J. Acoust. Soc.
Am., 119(4), 2006). For a detailed, quantitative investigation, we substituted
one pipe by an electric speaker. We observe that even minute driving signals
force the pipe to synchronization, thus yielding three decades of
synchronization -- the largest range ever measured to our knowledge.
Furthermore, a mutual silencing of the pipe is found, which can be explained by
self-organized oscillations, of use for novel methods of noise abatement.
Finally, we develop a specific nonlinear reconstruction method which yields a
perfect quantitative match of experiment and theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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