1,175 research outputs found

    Hoisting frame facilitates handling of large objects

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    Hoisting frame can be used with a standard 5-ton forklift to handle the large spreader bars, or other bulky pieces of equipment, much faster and more efficiently than with a boom or gantry crane. In addition forklifts of this type are more readily available

    Diversity Of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows From Compact Binary Mergers Hosting Pulsars

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    Short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) are widely believed to result from the mergers of compact binaries. This model predicts an afterglow that bears the characteristic signatures of a constant, low density medium, including a smooth prompt-afterglow transition, and a simple temporal evolution. However, these expectations are in conflict with observations for a non-negligible fraction of sGRB afterglows. In particular, the onset of the afterglow phase for some of these events appears to be delayed and, in addition, a few of them exhibit late- time rapid fading in their lightcurves. We show that these peculiar observations can be explained independently of ongoing central engine activity if some sGRB progenitors are compact binaries hosting at least one pulsar. The Poynting flux emanating from the pulsar companion can excavate a bow-shock cavity surround- ing the binary. If this cavity is larger than the shock deceleration length scale in the undisturbed interstellar medium, then the onset of the afterglow will be delayed. Should the deceleration occur entirely within the swept-up thin shell, a rapid fade in the lightcurve will ensue. We identify two types of pulsar that can achieve the conditions necessary for altering the afterglow: low field, long lived pulsars, and high field pulsars. We find that a sizable fraction (~20-50%) of low field pulsars are likely to reside in neutron star binaries based on observations, while their high field counterparts are not. Hydrodynamical calculations motivated by this model are shown to be in good agreement with observations of sGRB afterglow lightcurves.Comment: Accepted to ApjL. Direct comparison to observed X-Ray afterglows now included. 5 Figure

    Information retrieval system

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    Generalized information storage and retrieval system capable of generating and maintaining a file, gathering statistics, sorting output, and generating final reports for output is reviewed. File generation and file maintenance programs written for the system are general purpose routines

    Search for Ferromagnetism in doped semiconductors in the absence of transition metal ions

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    In contrast to semiconductors doped with transition metal magnetic elements, which become ferromagnetic at temperatures below ~ 100K, semiconductors doped with non-magnetic ions (e.g. silicon doped with phosphorous) have not shown evidence of ferromagnetism down to millikelvin temperatures. This is despite the fact that for low densities the system is expected to be well modeled by the Hubbard model, which is predicted to have a ferromagnetic ground state at T=0 on 2- or 3-dimensional bipartite lattices in the limit of strong correlation near half-filling. We examine the impurity band formed by hydrogenic centers in semiconductors at low densities, and show that it is described by a generalized Hubbard model which has, in addition to strong electron-electron interaction and disorder, an intrinsic electron-hole asymmetry. With the help of mean field methods as well as exact diagonalization of clusters around half filling, we can establish the existence of a ferromagnetic ground state, at least on the nanoscale, which is more robust than that found in the standard Hubbard model. This ferromagnetism is most clearly seen in a regime inaccessible to bulk systems, but attainable in quantum dots and 2D heterostructures. We present extensive numerical results for small systems that demonstrate the occurrence of high-spin ground states in both periodic and positionally disordered 2D systems. We consider how properties of real doped semiconductors, such as positional disorder and electron-hole asymmetry, affect the ground state spin of small 2D systems. We also discuss the relationship between this work and diluted magnetic semiconductors, such as Ga_(1-x)Mn_(x)As, which though disordered, show ferromagnetism at relatively high temperatures.Comment: 47 page

    Cold Plasma Dispersion Relations in the Vicinity of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Horizon

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    We apply the ADM 3+1 formalism to derive the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations for cold plasma in spatially flat Schwarzschild metric. Respective perturbed equations are linearized for non-magnetized and magnetized plasmas both in non-rotating and rotating backgrounds. These are then Fourier analyzed and the corresponding dispersion relations are obtained. These relations are discussed for the existence of waves with positive angular frequency in the region near the horizon. Our results support the fact that no information can be extracted from the Schwarzschild black hole. It is concluded that negative phase velocity propagates in the rotating background whether the black hole is rotating or non-rotating.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures accepted for publication in Gen. Relat. & Gravi

    Embedded Sensors and Controls to Improve Component Performance and Reliability Conceptual Design Report

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    The objective of this project is to demonstrate improved reliability and increased performance made possible by deeply embedding instrumentation and controls (I&C) in nuclear power plant (NPP) components and systems. The project is employing a highly instrumented canned rotor, magnetic bearing, fluoride salt pump as its I&C technology demonstration platform. I&C is intimately part of the basic millisecond-by-millisecond functioning of the system; treating I&C as an integral part of the system design is innovative and will allow significant improvement in capabilities and performance. As systems become more complex and greater performance is required, traditional I&C design techniques become inadequate and more advanced I&C needs to be applied. New I&C techniques enable optimal and reliable performance and tolerance of noise and uncertainties in the system rather than merely monitoring quasistable performance. Traditionally, I&C has been incorporated in NPP components after the design is nearly complete; adequate performance was obtained through over-design. By incorporating I&C at the beginning of the design phase, the control system can provide superior performance and reliability and enable designs that are otherwise impossible. This report describes the progress and status of the project and provides a conceptual design overview for the platform to demonstrate the performance and reliability improvements enabled by advanced embedded I&C

    Ferromagnetism in magnetically doped III-V semiconductors

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    The origin of ferromagnetism in semimagnetic III-V materials is discussed. The indirect exchange interaction caused by virtual electron excitations from magnetic impurity level in the bandgap to the valence band can explain ferromagnetism in GaAs(Mn) no matter samples are degenerated or not. Formation of ferromagnetic clusters and percolation picture of phase transition describes well all available experimental data and allows to predict the Mn-composition dependence of transition temperature in wurtzite (Ga,In,Al)N epitaxial layers.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figure

    Wavelet and R/S analysis of the X-ray flickering of cataclysmic variables

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    Recently, wavelets and R/S analysis have been used as statistical tools to characterize the optical flickering of cataclysmic variables. Here we present the first comprehensive study of the statistical properties of X-ray flickering of cataclysmic variables in order to link them with physical parameters. We analyzed a sample of 97 X-ray light curves of 75 objects of all classes observed with the XMM-Newton space telescope. By using the wavelets analysis, each light curve has been characterized by two parameters, alpha and Sigma, that describe the energy distribution of flickering on different timescales and the strength at a given timescale, respectively. We also used the R/S analysis to determine the Hurst exponent of each light curve and define their degree of stochastic memory in time. The X-ray flickering is typically composed of long time scale events (1.5 < alpha < 3), with very similar strengths in all the subtypes of cataclysmic variables (-3 < Sigma < -1.5). The X-ray data are distributed in a much smaller area of the alpha-Sigma parameter space with respect to those obtained with optical light curves. The tendency of the optical flickering in magnetic systems to show higher Sigma values than the non-magnetic systems is not encountered in the X-rays. The Hurst exponents estimated for all light curves of the sample are larger than those found in the visible, with a peak at 0.82. In particular, we do not obtain values lower than 0.5. The X-ray flickering presents a persistent memory in time, which seems to be stronger in objects containing magnetic white dwarf primaries. The similarity of the X-ray flickering in objects of different classes together with the predominance of a persistent stochastic behavior can be explained it terms of magnetically-driven accretion processes acting in a considerable fraction of the analyzed objects.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Language revision. Accepted for publication in A&

    Transverse Wave Propagation in Relativistic Two-fluid Plasmas in de Sitter Space

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    We investigate transverse electromagnetic waves propagating in a plasma in the de Sitter space. Using the 3+1 formalism we derive the relativistic two-fluid equations to take account of the effects due to the horizon and describe the set of simultaneous linear equations for the perturbations. We use a local approximation to investigate the one-dimensional radial propagation of Alfv\'en and high frequency electromagnetic waves and solve the dispersion relation for these waves numerically.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Persistent starspot signals on M dwarfs: multi-wavelength Doppler observations with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder and Keck/HIRES

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    Young, rapidly-rotating M dwarfs exhibit prominent starspots, which create quasiperiodic signals in their photometric and Doppler spectroscopic measurements. The periodic Doppler signals can mimic radial velocity (RV) changes expected from orbiting exoplanets. Exoplanets can be distinguished from activity-induced false positives by the chromaticity and long-term incoherence of starspot signals, but these qualities are poorly constrained for fully-convective M stars. Coherent photometric starspot signals on M dwarfs may persist for hundreds of rotations, and the wavelength dependence of starspot RV signals may not be consistent between stars due to differences in their magnetic fields and active regions. We obtained precise multi-wavelength RVs of four rapidly-rotating M dwarfs (AD Leo, G 227-22, GJ 1245B, GJ 3959) using the near-infrared (NIR) Habitable-zone Planet Finder, and the optical Keck/HIRES spectrometer. Our RVs are complemented by photometry from Kepler, TESS, and the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) network of telescopes. We found that all four stars exhibit large spot-induced Doppler signals at their rotation periods, and investigated the longevity and optical-to-NIR chromaticity for these signals. The phase curves remain coherent much longer than is typical for Sunlike stars. Their chromaticity varies, and one star (GJ 3959) exhibits optical and NIR RV modulation consistent in both phase and amplitude. In general, though, we find that the NIR amplitudes are lower than their optical counterparts. We conclude that starspot modulation for rapidly-rotating M stars frequently remains coherent for hundreds of stellar rotations, and gives rise to Doppler signals that, due to this coherence, may be mistaken for exoplanets.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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