737 research outputs found

    Real-time virtual sonography in gynecology & obstetrics. literature's analysis and case series

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    Fusion Imaging is a latest generation diagnostic technique, designed to combine ultrasonography with a second-tier technique such as magnetic resonance imaging and computer tomography. It has been mainly used until now in urology and hepatology. Concerning gynecology and obstetrics, the studies mostly focus on the diagnosis of prenatal disease, benign pathology and cervical cancer. We provided a systematic review of the literature with the latest publications regarding the role of Fusion technology in gynecological and obstetrics fields and we also described a case series of six emblematic patients enrolled from Gynecology Department of Sant ‘Andrea Hospital, “la Sapienza”, Rome, evaluated with Esaote Virtual Navigator equipment. We consider that Fusion Imaging could add values at the diagnosis of various gynecological and obstetrics conditions, but further studies are needed to better define and improve the role of this fascinating diagnostic tool

    Ras signaling contributes to survival of human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax-positive T-cells

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    Ras signaling pathways play an important role in cellular proliferation and survival, and inappropriate activation of Ras frequently results in cell transformation and cancer. Human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiological agent of the adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), a severe malignancy that has a poor prognosis and exhibits resistance to conventional chemotherapy. Although the mechanisms involved in cell transformation by HTLV-1 have not been completely clarified, it is generally thought that Tax plays a pivotal role in the process. We have previously proposed that a functionally active Ras protein is needed for efficient anti-apoptotic activity of Tax. In this study we report data indicating that the apoptotic resistance of cells expressing Tax, constitutively or transiently, is linked to the intracellular levels of Ras-GTP. Indeed, we found that Tax-positive cells have a high content of active Ras, and that inhibition of Ras signaling, using the antagonist farnesyl thyosalicylic acid (FTS), increases their sensitivity to apoptosis. FTS treatment was also accompanied by a decrease in ERK, but not Akt, phosphorylation. Thus, all together our data suggest that the interaction between Tax and Ras could be important to ATLL pathogenesis, and indicate Ras as a possible target for therapeutic intervention in ATLL patients

    Modulation of the postural effects of cognitive load by hypnotizability

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    Aim of the experiment was to study whether cognitive load aVects postural control more in low (Lows) than in highly hypnotizable (Highs) subjects due to the latter\u27s greater attentional abilities. Standing Highs and Lows underwent an experimental session (closed eyes) consisting of a basal condition and of mental computation in an easy (stable support) and a diYcult (unstable support) postural condition. Variability [standard deviation (SD)] and complexity [sample entropy (SampEn)] of the movement of the centre of pressure (CoP), its mean velocity (Velocity), the area swept by the CoP (Area) and the ratio between the CoP trajectory length and area [length for surface (LFS)] were measured. Few hypnotizability-related diVerences were detected (reduction in the Highs\u27 SD and increases in the Lows\u27 LFS in the diYcult postural condition). Thus, the hypnotizability-related postural diVerences observed in previous studies during sensory alteration could not be accounted mainly by attentional abilities

    Partial protective effect of CCR5-Delta 32 heterozygosity in a cohort of heterosexual Italian HIV-1 exposed uninfected individuals

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    Despite multiple sexual exposure to HIV-1 virus, some individuals remain HIV-1 seronegative (exposed seronegative, ESN). The mechanisms underlying this resistance remain still unclear, although a multifactorial pathogenesis can be hypothesised. Although several genetic factors have been related to HIV-1 resistance, the homozigosity for a mutation in CCR5 gene (the 32 bp deletion, i.e. CCR5-Delta32 allele) is presently considered the most relevant one. In the present study we analysed the genotype at CCR5 locus of 30 Italian ESN individuals (case group) who referred multiple unprotected heterosexual intercourse with HIV-1 seropositive partner(s), for at least two years. One hundred and twenty HIV-1 infected patients and 120 individuals representative of the general population were included as control groups. Twenty percent of ESN individuals had heterozygous CCR5-Delta 32 genotype, compared to 7.5% of HIV-1 seropositive and 10% of individuals from the general population, respectively. None of the analysed individuals had CCR5-Delta 32 homozygous genotype. Sequence analysis of the entire open reading frame of CCR5 was performed in all ESN subjects and no polymorphisms or mutations were identified. Moreover, we determined the distribution of C77G variant in CD45 gene, which has been previously related to HIV-1 infection susceptibility. The frequency of the C77G variant showed no significant difference between ESN subjects and the two control groups. In conclusion, our data show a significantly higher frequency of CCR5-Delta 32 heterozygous genotype (p = 0.04) among the Italian heterosexual ESN individuals compared to HIV-1 seropositive patients, suggesting a partial protective role of CCR5-Delta 32 heterozygosity in this cohort

    ICADA: indice de calidad acústica de la arquitectura interior

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    ICADA es una propuesta de desarrollo de un Índice de Calidad Acústica Arquitectónica que sintetice en forma numérica el nivel de confort de un local interior. El proceso de obtención de ICADA se basa en una herramienta matemática que, gracias a su innovadora estructura matricial, permite involucrar un número variable de aspectos relevantes que determinan la acústica de un local, como el nivel de ruido de fondo, la inteligibilidad de la palabra, los materiales constitutivos del revestimiento, la geometría espacial, etc. El método de cálculo sobre el que se basa ICADA se pretende que sea adaptable a cualquier clase de edificio o uso arquitectónico estudiado, que su implementación se pueda realizar “in situ” y que su uso sea accesible a personas no necesariamente especializadas en acústica pero si en arquitectura. ICADA tiene diversas utilidades: puede utilizarse como sello de acreditación de la calidad acústica en el momento de comparar varios locales existentes; se revela también como un instrumento válido para detectar la jerarquía de los problemas acústicos que presenta un espacio a rehabilitar e incluso, en fase de proyecto, puede servir para comparar la eficiencia de dos alternativas posibles de intervención. Segunda parte

    Study Design and Evaluation of Risk Minimization Measures: A Review of Studies Submitted to the European Medicines Agency for Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Drugs

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    Introduction: Studies measuring the effectiveness of risk minimization measures (RMMs) submitted by pharmaceutical companies to the European Medicines Agency are part of the post-authorization regulatory requirements and represent an important source of data covering a range of medicinal products and safety-related issues. Their objectives, design, and the associated regulatory outcomes were reviewed, and conclusions were drawn that may support future progress in risk minimization evaluation. Methods: Information was obtained from risk management plans, study protocols, clinical study reports, and assessment reports of 157 medicinal products authorized for cardiovascular, endocrinology, and metabolic indications. We selected observational studies measuring, as outcomes o

    Fixed Versus Free Combinations of Antihypertensive Drugs: Analyses Of Real-World Data Of Persistence With Therapy In Italy

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    Purpose: To analyse the pattern of use and cost of antihypertensive drugs in new users in an Italian population, and explore the patient/treatment factors associated with the risk of therapy discontinuation. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, information was collected from a population-based electronic primary-care database. Persistence with medication use 1 year from therapy initiation was evaluated for each user using the gap method. Each new user was classified according to his/her pattern of use as: \u201ccontinuer\u201d, \u201cdiscontinuer\u201d \u201cswitching\u201d or \u201cadd-on\u201d. A Cox regression model was used to analyse the factors influencing therapy discontinuation. Primary-care costs comprised specialists\u2019 visits, diagnostic procedures and pharmacologic therapies. Results: Among 14,999 subjects included in persistence analyses, 55.1% of cases initially started on monotherapy were classified as discontinuers vs 36.5% of cases taking combination therapy (42.3% vs 32.7%, respectively, for free and fixed combinations, P < 0.01). Old age, high cardiovascular risk and being in receipt of fixed-combination therapy were associated with greater persistence. Overall, the primary-care cost/person/year of hypertension management was 3c\u20ac95.3 (IQR, 144.9). The monotherapy cost was \u20ac88 per patient (IQR, 132.9), and that for combination therapy was \u20ac151\ub1148.3. The median cost/patient with a fixed combination was lower than that for a free combination (\u20ac98.4 (IQR, 155.3) and \u20ac154.9 (IQR, 182.6), respectively). Conclusion: The initial type of therapy prescribed influences persistence. Prescribing fixed combinations might be a good choice as initial therapy

    Reduced resting-state functional connectivity of the somatosensory cortex predicts psychopathological symptoms in women with bulimia nervosa.

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    Background: Alterations in the resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) of several brain networks have been demonstrated in eating disorders. However, very few studies are currently available on brain network dysfunctions in bulimia nervosa (BN). The somatosensory network is central in processing body-related stimuli and it may be altered in BN. The present study therefore aimed to investigate rs-FC in the somatosensory network in bulimic women. Methods: Sixteen medication-free women with BN (age = 23 ± 5 years) and 18 matched controls (age = 23 ± 3 years) underwent a functional magnetic resonance resting-state scan and assessment of eating disorder symptoms. Within-network and seed-based functional connectivity analyses were conducted to assess rs-FC within the somatosensory network and to other areas of the brain. Results: Bulimia nervosa patients showed a decreased rs-FC both within the somatosensory network (t = 9.0, df = 1, P = 0.005) and with posterior cingulate cortex and two visual areas (the right middle occipital gyrus and the right cuneus) (P = 0.05 corrected for multiple comparison). The rs-FC of the left paracentral lobule with the right middle occipital gyrus correlated with psychopathology measures like bulimia (r = −0.4; P = 0.02) and interoceptive awareness (r = −0.4; P = 0.01). Analyses were conducted using age, BMI (body mass index), and depressive symptoms as covariates. Conclusion: Our findings show a specific alteration of the rs-FC of the somatosensory cortex in BN patients, which correlates with eating disorder symptoms. The region in the right middle occipital gyrus is implicated in body processing and is known as extrastriate body area (EBA). The connectivity between the somatosensory cortex and the EBA might be related to dysfunctions in body image processing. The results should be considered preliminary due to the small sample size