4,740 research outputs found

    A List of Wisconsin Springtails With New Records and Annotations (Hexapoda: Parainsecta: Collembola)

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    Twenty Collembola species new to Wisconsin were collected from soil at two agricultural sites in southern Wisconsin, including an undescribed species of Isotomidae. The state faunal list now contains 52 species representing seven families

    The dependence on morphology of the gas content in galactic disks

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    The classification S0 was introduced by Hubble to serve as a description of galaxies whose morphological characteristics seemed to lie between the disk-dominated spirals and the spheroidal elliptical systems. Since then there has been extensive discussion as to whether this classification sequence is also an evolutionary sequence. Many studies have focussed on a particular feature such as the luminosity profile, the bulge-to-disk ratio, or the nature of the interstellar matter, but the question of the evolution remains contentious. Equally contentious is the question of the classification itself. For systems with well-developed disks there usually is no problem. Many spheroidal systems also are unambiguously classified as ellipticals in most catalogs. However, there are a number of early systems which have been reclassified following review using improved optical material. For example, Eder et al. (AJ, 102, 572, 1991) found that many of the S0 galaxies which are rich in neutral hydrogen have faint spiral features. The confusion about classification propagates into the discussion of the properties of early-type systems. Attempts to put the classification system on a quantitative basis have in general been unsuccessful. Recently Sandage (private communication) has reviewed the classification of early systems and has defined a set of sub-classes for these objects. The S0 galaxies are divided into three groups, depending on the prominence of the disk. There are six subdivisions of Sa galaxies, depending upon the relative prominence of knots and other arm-like characteristics. We have explored the total gas content in these objects to see if there is a dependence on the galaxy morphology, as denoted by these new subclasses

    Intending to be ethical: An examination of consumer choice in sweatshop avoidance

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    While much research in ethical consumption has focused on contexts such as food, this research explores ethical consumer decision-making in the context of intention to avoid sweatshop apparel. This research seeks to deepen the Theory of Planned Behavior with respect to the motivation and volitional stages underlying behavior. The findings of the research, based on 794 consumers, are novel and support an enriched framework which reveals that the role of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control are mediated by desire, intention and plan. The findings have implications for research seeking to address the ‘intention-behavior’ gap

    Feature space analysis for human activity recognition in smart environments

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    Activity classification from smart environment data is typically done employing ad hoc solutions customised to the particular dataset at hand. In this work we introduce a general purpose collection of features for recognising human activities across datasets of different type, size and nature. The first experimental test of our feature collection achieves state of the art results on well known datasets, and we provide a feature importance analysis in order to compare the potential relevance of features for activity classification in different datasets

    A survey of the properties of early-type galaxies

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    A compilation of the properties of elliptical and early disk galaxies was completed. In addition to material from the literature, such as Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) fluxes, the compilation includes recent measurements of HI and CO, as well as a review of the x ray properties by Forman and Jones. The data are used to evaluate the gas content of early systems and to search for correlations with x ray emission. The interstellar medium in early-type galaxies is generally dominated by hot interstellar gas (T approx. 10 to the 7th power K; c.f. the review by Fabbiano 1989 and references therein). In addition, a significant fraction of these galaxies show infrared emission (Knapp, et al., 1989), optical emission lines, and visible dust. Sensitive studies in HI and CO of a number of these galaxies have been completed recently, resulting in several detections, particularly of the later types. Researchers wish to understand the connection among these different forms of the interstellar medium, and to examine the theoretical picture of the fate of the hot gas. To do so, they compiled observations of several forms of interstellar matter for a well-defined sample of early-type galaxies. Here they present a statistical analysis of this data base and discuss the implications of the results

    A maximum-likelihood method to improve faint source flux and color estimates

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    Flux estimates for faint sources or transients are systematically biased high because there are far more truly faint sources than bright. Corrections which account for this effect are presented as a function of signal-to-noise ratio and the (true) slope of the faint-source number-flux relation. The corrections depend on the source being originally identified in the image in which it is being photometered. If a source has been identified in other data, the corrections are different; a prescription for calculating the corrections is presented. Implications of these corrections for analyses of surveys are discussed; the most important is that sources identified at signal-to-noise ratios of three or less are practically useless

    A feasibility study for a remote laser water turbidity meter

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    A technique to remotely determine the attenuation coefficient (alpha) of the water was investigated. The backscatter energy (theta = 180 deg) of a pulse laser (lambda = 440 - 660 nm) was found directly related to the water turbidity. The greatest sensitivity was found to exist at 440 nm. For waters whose turbidity was adjusted using Chesapeake Bay sediment, the sensitivity in determining alpha at 440 nm was found to be approximately 5 - 10%. A correlation was also found to exist between the water depth (time) at which the peak backscatter occurs and alpha

    Double crystal x-ray diffraction simulations of diffusion in semiconductor microstructures

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    Diffusion in group IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors is an interesting problem not only from a fundamental physics viewpoint but also in practical terms, since it could determine the useful lifetime of a device. Any attempt to control the amount of diffusion in a semiconductor device, whether it be a quantum well structure or not, requires an accurate determination of the diffusion coefficient. The present theoretical study shows that this could be achieved via x-ray diffraction studies in quantum well structures. It is demonstrated that the rocking curves of single quantum wells are not sensitive to diffusion. However the intensity of the first order satellite, which is characteristic of superlattice rocking curves, is strongly dependent upon diffusion and it is proposed that this technique could be used to measure the diffusion coefficient D. © 1998 American Institute of Physics