194 research outputs found

    Altered blood vessel responses in the eye and finger in coronary artery disease

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    Cardiac function, such as heart rate variability, is abnormal in coronary artery disease, but its relation with the function of ocular and nail-fold blood vessels is unknown. The hypothesis was that there is abnormal retinal and peripheral microvascular endothelial function compared with large blood vessel and cardiac function. Twenty-four patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 30 healthy, age- and sex-matched control subjects were enrolled in the study

    Steady-state response feature extraction optimization to enhance electronic nose performance

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    Feature extraction of electronic nose (e-nose) output response aims to reduce information redundancy so that the e-nose performance can be improved. The use of different sensor types and sample targets can affect the optimization of feature extraction. This research used six types of metal oxide sensors, TGS 813, 822, 825, 826, 2620, and 2611 in an e-nose system to detect three types of herbal drink. Five kinds of feature extraction methods on the original response curve in a steady-state response were used, namely, baseline difference, logarithmic difference, local normalization, global normalization, and global autoscaling. The results of feature extraction were fed into a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) system. As a result, global autoscaling and normalization had the highest total sum of the first and second principal components of 96.96%, followed by local normalization (90.18%), logarithm, and baseline difference (88.92% and 79.26%, respectively). The validation of PCA results was performed using a Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN). The highest accuracy, 97.44%, was obtained from the global autoscaling method, followed by global normalization, local normalization, logarithm, and baseline difference, with an accuracy level of 94.87%, 92.31%, 89.74%, and 82.05%, respectively. This demonstrates that the selection of the feature extraction method can affect the classification results and improve e-nose performance

    Continuous retinal vessel diameter m easurements: the future in retinal vessel assessment?

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    PURPOSE. To establish an alternative method, sequential and diameter response analysis (SDRA), to determine dynamic retinal vessel responses and their time course in serial stimulation compared with the established method of averaged diameter responses and standard static assessment. METHODS. SDRA focuses on individual time and diameter responses, taking into account the fluctuation in baseline diameter, providing improved insight into reaction patterns when compared with established methods as delivered by retinal vessel analyzer (RVA) software. SDRA patterns were developed with measurements from 78 healthy nonsmokers and subsequently validated in a group of 21 otherwise healthy smokers. Fundus photography and retinal vessel responses were assessed by RVA, intraocular pressure by contact tonometry, and blood pressure by sphygmomanometry. RESULTS. Compared with the RVA software method, SDRA demonstrated a marked difference in retinal vessel responses to flickering light (P 0.05). As a validation of that finding, SDRA showed a strong relation between baseline retinal vessel diameter and subsequent dilatory response in both healthy subjects and smokers (P 0.001). The RVA software was unable to detect this difference or to find a difference in retinal vessel arteriovenous ratio between smokers and nonsmokers (P 0.243). However, SDRA revealed that smokers’ vessels showed both an increased level of arterial baseline diameter fluctuation before flicker stimulation (P 0.005) and an increased stiffness of retinal arterioles (P 0.035) compared with those in nonsmokers. These differences were unrelated to intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS. SDRA shows promise as a tool for the assessment of vessel physiology. Further studies are needed to explore its application in patients with vascular diseases

    Meat Product Reformulation: Nutritional Benefits and Effects on Human Health

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    This chapter aims to present the current state of the art in the field of meat product reformulation with respect to issues concerning the nutritional improvement and overall health benefits of such products. Our research team has recently finalised a national research project concerning this topic, and we feel that other food scientists could benefit from the theoretical and practical knowledge gathered during this time. The chapter will be divided into four subchapters. The first subsection will present the main targets of meat reformulation, such as lipid or protein profile modification, the use of bioactive compounds as additives, etc. The second subsection will discuss the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of carotenoids, phenolic compounds and other bioactive compounds, presenting these parameters from a nutraceutical perspective. The last subsections will include reported consumer attitudes. In this work, we will present data that could aid scientists in the field of food science to better grasp notions concerning consumer benefit, such as bioavailability, not only of a specific bioactive compound but also as part of a complex food matrix

    Effective Strategic Management - Manager Performance

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    Managers are a very important component of human resources within an organization, and they make a decisive contribution to establishing and achieving the company's goals. In the context of the global development of the economy, both the roles and the tasks of the managers of any type of organization have changed; which is why the success of an enterprise / institution / school, etc. depends on the quality of managers. Exercising a performance management must transform the organization so that it becomes the "ideal employer" in which the employee is enthusiastic and devoted to his work. Through their position and role in organizations, leaders must be able to exercise effective leadership at all levels to make their employees feel valued, productive and listening; to offer opportunities for learning and improving each employee; to create a productive climate that allows the balance between work and personal life to be maintained

    Pneumoniile severe la pacienţii cu gripa 2009 A(H1N1): perspectivă clinic-radiologică

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    Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica Moldova2009 A H1N1 will continue to be the most frequent isolated viral type during influenza seasons of following 2-3 years. Thus summarizing of the clinico-radiological features of sever pneumonia associated with 2009 A H1N1 infection, presents a practical importance for the management of these patients during the next following periods.Actualitate. Experţii OMS consideră că tipul grpipal 2009 A H1N1 va continua să domine în sezonul gripal din următorii 2-3 ani. Astfel, sumarea particularităţilor evoluţiei clinico-radiologice a complicaţiilor severe ale infecţiei 2009 A H1N1, inclusiv a pneumoniilor, este deosebit de importantă pentru managementul acestor bolnavi în perioadele imediat următoare. Scopul lucrării: evaluarea particularităţilor de evoluţie clinică şi a dinamicii modificărilor radiologice ale pneumoniilor la pacienţii cu gripă pandemică 2009 AH1N1.Material şi metode. Au fost analizate datele clinico-radiologice la interanre şi dinamica acestora 75 de pacienţi cu gripă 2009 A, complicată cu pneumonie cu evoluţie severă. Lotul studiat a fost divizat în două grupuri de pacienţi: grupul 1 (47) – pacienţi cu insuficienţă respiratorie acută (IRA) care nu au necesitat ventilaţie mecanică, grupul 2 (28) – bolnavi cu IRA care au necesitat ventilaţie mecanică. Rezultate. Simptomul clinic de bază care diferenţiază grupuri studiate a fost dispneea. Cele mai frecvente complicaţii la pacienţii studiaţi au fost SDRA şi sepsisul. 16 bolnavi din grupul 2 au decedat, letalitatea în lotul de studiu constituind 21,3 % (16/75). Tabloul radiologic al grupului 2 de studiu a fost dominat de opacităţi de tip alveolar, cu o distribuţie mai extinsă a acestora comparativ cu grupul 1, în care predominante sunt modificările de tip sticlă mată şi cele reticulare. La supravieţuitorii din grupul 2 s-a înregistrat o dinamică radiologică mai trenantă, comparativ cu pacienţii din grupul 1. La o doime dintre aceştia persistenţa modificărilor radiologice restante a fost înregistrată la un termen de 3-6 luni. Concluzii. Pneumoniile asociate gripei 2009 A H1N1 pot avea o evoluţie deosebit de gravă, asociată cu o rată semnificativă a letalităţii. La unii suparvieţuitori dinamica ameliorării clinico-radiologice înregistrează tempouri foarte lente

    Single center experience of over 130 pancreatic resection between 2015 and 2019 – „Saint Mary” surgery and transplant department

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    Clinica de Chirurgie și Transplant, Spitalul „Sf. Maria”, Clinica de Chirurgie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, București, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Acest studiu a fost propus pentru a putea aduce noi informații despre centrul nostru de chirurgie hepato-bilio-pancreatică, mai cu seama deoarece în ce privește rezecțiile pancreatice (propuse și efectuate pentru tumori cefalopancreatice, ale ampulei Vater, ale corpului sau cozii de pancreas cât si ale coledocului distal). Evoluția în timp a echipei operatorii a avut un rol important în menținerea rezultatelor apropiate de cele din marile centre de chirurgie hepato-bilio-pancreatică din lume. Material și metode: Scopul acestui studiu este de a prezenta experiența clinicii in rezecțiile pancreatice, dar și să analizeze și să compare rezultatele noastre cu cele din literatură. Inițial, numărul mediu anual de rezecții pancreatice a fost relativ mic, însa în ultimii doi ani, am efectuat cu mai mult de 40% de rezecții pancreatice. Prezentarea această are, de asemenea, rolul de a evidenția importanța unei baze de date naționale ce facilitează urmărirea postoperatorie a pacienților și calcularea ratei de supraviețuire. Rezultate: Am analizat numărul total de rezecții pancreatice (cefalice, centrale, distale) țn perioada 2014-2019, efectuate de mai mulți operatori pentru patologii pancreatice și de calea biliară principală distală, țn cadrul centrului de Chirurgie Generală si Transplant a Spitalului Clinic “Sfânta Maria”, București. Pe baza analizei acestora, am obținut rezultate mult similare cu cele din literatură. Concluzii: Recuperarea postoperatorie a unui pacient ce a suferit o rezectie pancreatică este țn mod cert influențata de comorbiditățile preexistente și de experiența chirurgului. Analizând rezultatele obținute în clinica noastră si comparându-le cu cele din literatură, considerăm ca nivelul nostru de performanța este unul mediu-mare, în special deoarece numărul de rezecții pancreatice anuale a crescut considerabil în ultimii doi ani.Background: This study is meant to bring new pieces of information regarding our hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgical center, especially regarding pancreatic resections (suggested and conducted for cephalopancreatic tumors, ampullary tumors, tumors of the body and tail of the pancreas or distal choledocus tumors). Our team’s evolution and progress has an important role in keeping our results similar to those of the large international hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgical centers. Methods and materials: The aim of this study is to present our clinic’s experience with pancreatic resections, as well as to analyze and compare our results with those described in literature. At the beginning, the mean number of pancreatic resections was small, but in the last two years, we have performed at least 40% more pancreatic resections. The presentation is also meant to emphasize the importance of a national database to facilitate patient follow-up and survival rate calculus). Results: We analyzed a number of patients who underwent pancreatic resections (cephalic, central, distal) performed in our clinic for malignant and benign pathologies of the pancreas, but also biliary pathologies, between 2014 and 2019. After studying the results, the morbidity and mortality rates obtained in our surgical clinic can be compared to those described in literature. Conclusion: The postoperative recovery of a patient that underwent a pancreatic resection is definitely influenced by the preexistent comorbidities and the experience of the main surgeon. By analyzing the results obtained in our clinic and comparing them with those mentioned in literature, we think that our performance level can be considered medium-large, particularly since the number of annual pancreatic resections has grown considerably in the last two years

    Visual framing of European Years in Romanian public communication campaign blogs

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    Since 1983, European Years (EY) have been implemented by the European Parliament and the European Council to raise the awareness of the local, regional, and national authorities on a common European issue. This article develops a visual framing analysis of the photographic representation of the European Year of Volunteering (2011) and the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (2012) at a national level. The data will focus on the photographic images uploaded on the campaign blogs of two Romanian non-governmental organizations. This study has a threefold aim: first, to compare and contrast the use of photographic images in the blogs of two Romanian public communication campaigns; second, to develop a model of visual framing analysis focused on types of represented participants, social actions, and shots; third, to argue that the objectives and outcomes of the public communication campaigns on EY issues depend on the type of “I-ness” versus “we-ness” society a country is.Desde 1983, los Años Europeos son aplicados por el Este artículo desarrolla un análisis de encuadre visual de la representación fotográfica del Año Europeo del Voluntariado (2011) y del Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo y la Solidaridad Intergeneracional (2012) a escala nacional. Los datos se centrarán en las imágenes fotográficas subidas en los blogs de campaña de dos organizaciones no gubernamentales rumanas. Este estudio tiene un triple objetivo: primero, comparar y contrastar el uso de las imágenes fotográficas en los blogs de dos campañas de comunicación rumanas; segundo, desarrollar un modelo de análisis de encuadre visual centrado en tipos de participantes representados, acciones sociales y tomas fotográficas; tercero, argumentar que los objetivos y los resultados de las campañas de comunicación pública de los Años Europeos dependen de la representación social desde el tipo "yo" frente al "nosotros"

    A mediastinal germ cell tumor of Yolk sac type -case report

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    Rezumat Tumorã cu celule germinale tip Yolk sac -prezentare de caz Obiectiv: Raportãm un caz extrem de rar de tumorã cu celule germinale localizatã la nivelul mediastinului anterior. Este cazul unui bãrbat de 36 de ani care s-a prezentat cu trombozã de venã subclavie stângã şi a fost admis pentru tratament de specialitate. Tomografia computerizatã toracicã a relevat o masã tumoralã mare în mediastinul anterior. Intervenåia chirurgicalã a evidenåiat o tumorã infiltrativã mediastinalã cu implicarea venei subclavii stângi, care a fost biopsiatã pentru examinare morfologicã. Histologic, masa tumoralã s-a dovedit a fi un carcinom, cu mod de creştere papilar şi tubular. Examenul imunohistochimic a relevat imunoreactivitate pozitivã pentru alfa-fetoproteina în celulele tumorale si negativã pentru antigenul carcinoembrionar şi fosfataza alcalinã placentarã. Nivelul seric al alfa-fetoproteinei la acest pacient a fost, de asemenea, ridicat. Acest lucru a susåinut diagnosticul de tumorã Yolk sac, care este o tumorã primarã rarã în mediastin. Post-chirurgical, pacientul a primit o combinaåie chimioterapicã constând din cisplatinã, vespezid şi bleomicinã, fiecare timp de 3 sãptãmâni, în total 4 cicluri. În timpul tratamentului, nivelul alfa-fetoproteinei, a fost în scãdere. Concluzie: Tumora Yolk sac primarã mediastinalã este o tumorã rarã. Diagnosticul ar trebui sã fie fãcut nu numai pe studii morfologice, dar, de asemenea, luând în considerare vârsta pacientului şi nivelul seric crescut al alfa-fetoproteinei. În ciuda chimioterapiei moderne, prognosticul tumorii Yolk sac mediastinale rãmâne sumbru. Cel mai important indicator prognostic este excizia completã a masei tumorale înainte de chimioterapie. Cuvinte cheie: tumora cu celule germinale, tumora Yolk sac, tumora sinusului endodermic Abstract Objective: We report an extremely rare case of germ-cell tumor localized at the level of the anterior mediastinum. Clinical presentation: A 36-year-old man who presented with left subclavial vein thrombosis was admitted to our hospital for specific cure. Computed tomographic scan of the chest showed a large anterior mediastinal mass. Surgical intervention revealed an infiltrative mediastinal tumor involving the left subclavial vein, which was biopsied for morphological examination. Histologically, the tumoral mass proved to be a carcinoma, with papillary and tubular growth patterns. Immunohistochemical stains for alpha-fetoprotein were positive in the tumor cells while stains for carcinoembryonic antigen and placental like alkaline phosphatase were negative. The serum level of alpha-fetoprotein of this patient was elevated, as well. This supported the diagnosis of Yolk sac tumor, a rare primary tumor within the mediastinum. Postsurgery, the patient received a combination chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, vespezid and bleomycin every 3 weeks for a total of 4 cycles. During the treatment, the alpha-fetoprotein level, was decreasing. Conclusion: Primary mediastinal Yolk sac neoplasm is a rare tumor. The diagnosis should be A mediastinal germ cell tumor of Yolk sac type -case repor