33 research outputs found
The selection of braking pancreatic enzyme ending in the intraduodenal amylase introduction.
The removal of pancreatic juice from the duodenum increases the secretion of the pancreas, and the reverse introduction of juice inhibits it. The mechanism of this effect has been the subject of lively discussion for many years. The study of this issue is not only theoretical, but also of practical importance, including for improving the methods of functional diagnostics and replacement enzyme therapy. Thus, based on the accumulated data, it can be assumed that during continuous aspiration of the pancreatic juice probe from the duodenum, the hypersecretory reaction of the gland appears if secretion is caused by the introduction of a stimulant (eg hydrochloric acid) and is absent if it is caused by parenteral administration of secretin with pancreasimine. Most researchers have an effect of inhibition of secretion associated with the action of trypsinogen or its hexapeptitic fragment on the endocrine apparatus of the duodenum. However, it is said that oral administration of amylase reduces the amylolytic activity of rat pancreatic homogenat
Prevalence of Ecto-and Endoparasites in Animals
The article presents information on the spreading of common pest ecto- and endoparasites among farm and laboratory animals, as well as in the areas of livestock farms
Morphological changes of the lymforush of the wall of the subtle intestine after different methods of the stomach.
In the extensive literature on the evaluation of the effectiveness of surgical interventions (1,3,4,6), information about the functional state of the resected stomach (2, 5, 6) is insufficiently compared with other organs of the abdominal cavity. However, judging the nature of changes in the abdominal organs after various interventions requires the study of not only functional, but also morphological rearrangements, in particular of the lymphatic system of the gastrointestinal tract
Evaluating multi-year, multi-site data on the energy balance closure of eddy-covariance flux measurements at cropland sites in southwestern Germany
The energy balance of eddy-covariance (EC) measurements is
typically not closed, resulting in one of the main challenges in evaluating
and interpreting EC flux data. Energy balance closure (EBC) is crucial for
validating and improving regional and global climate models. To investigate
the nature of the gap in EBC for agroecosystems, we analyzed EC measurements
from two climatically contrasting regions (Kraichgau – KR – and Swabian Jura – SJ) in southwestern Germany. Data were taken at six fully equipped EC sites
from 2010 to 2017. The gap in EBC was quantified by ordinary linear
regression, relating the energy balance ratio (EBR), calculated as the
quotient of turbulent fluxes and available energy, to the residual energy
term. In order to examine potential reasons for differences in EBC, we
compared the EBC under varying environmental conditions and investigated a
wide range of possible controls. Overall, the variation in EBC was found to
be higher during winter than summer. Moreover, we determined that the site had a
statistically significant effect on EBC but no significant effect on either crop or region (KR
vs SJ). The time-variable footprints of all EC stations were estimated based
on data measured in 2015, complimented by micro-topographic analyses along
the prevailing wind direction. The smallest mean annual energy balance gap
was 17 % in KR and 13 % in SJ. Highest EBRs were mostly found for winds
from the prevailing wind direction. The spread of EBRs distinctly narrowed
under unstable atmospheric conditions, strong buoyancy, and high friction
velocities. Smaller footprint areas led to better EBC due to increasing
homogeneity. Flow distortions caused by the back head of the anemometer
negatively affected EBC during corresponding wind conditions.</p
Изучение маркеров апоптоза, пролиферации и ангиогенеза у больных раком яичника, получивших сопроводительную иммунотерапию
The aim of the work was to study a number of molecular biological tumor markers as selection criteria methods of accompanying extracorporeal immunopharmacotherapy(EIFT) in patients with ovarian cancer (OC). The object of the study were 30 patients with OC with II–III clinical stages of the disease who were treated in gynecological cancer RORC MoH Uzbekistan office from 2009 to 2011 years and treated with standard combination therapy. Most of the patients with OC (83.3, 86.7 and 80.0%, respectively) were present molecular biological markers p53, VEGF and Ki‑67. At the same time, themarkers HER‑2/neu and EGFR were found in 20.0% of patients and 30.0 respectively. It is shown that the greatest prognostic value regarding the efficacy of the treatment of patients with OC have tumor markers p53, VEGF and Ki‑67, and the level of proliferative activity (PA) of the tumor. The greatest effect in increasing the 5-year survival of patients immunotherapy has provided the accompanying diagram including EIFT withplasmapheresis. Positive okomarkerov level of p53, VEGF and Ki‑67 in patients with OC, along with high PA tumors can serve as a basis for this category of patients with immunotherapy accompanying EIFT. In the case of positive values of all the above molecular biological factors, we recommend carrying out the accompanying EIFT with plasmapheresis, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of standard anticancertreatment schemes.Целью работы явилось изучение ряда молекулярно-биологических маркеров опухоли в качестве критериев выбора методов сопроводительной экстракорпоральнойиммунофармакотерапии (ЭИФТ) у больных раком яичника (РЯ). Объектом исследования служили 30 больных РЯ с II–III клиническими стадиями заболевания, проходивших лечение в онкогинекологическом отделении РОНЦ МЗ РУз с 2009 по 2011 гг. и получивших стандартное комбинированное лечение. У большей части больных РЯ (у 83,3, 86,7 и 80,0% соответственно) присутствовали молекулярно-биологические маркеры p53, VEGF и Ki‑67. В то же время, маркеры HER‑2/neu и EGFR обнаруживались у 20,0 и 30,0% пациенток соответственно. Показано, что наибольшей прогностической значимостью в отношении эффективности лечения больных РЯ обладают онкомаркеры p53, VEGF и Ki‑67, а также уровень пролиферативной активности (ПА) опухоли. Наибольший эффект в увеличении5-летней выживаемости пациенток оказывала схема сопроводительной иммунотерапии, включающая ЭИФТ с плазмаферезом. Положительный уровень окомаркеров p53, VEGF и Ki‑67 у больных РЯ наряду с высокой ПА опухоли могут служить основанием для проведения данной категории пациенток сопроводительной иммунотерапии с ЭИФТ. В случае положительных значений всех рассмотренных молекулярно-биологических факторов, мы рекомендуем проведение сопроводительной ЭИФТ с плазмаферезом, что может существенно увеличитьэффективность стандартных схем противоопухолевого лечения
Technology of fabrication of CdSxTe1-x solid solution on silicon substrate
Heterojunction between Si and CdSxTe1-x have been obtained by the method of vacuum deposition of powders of cadmium sulfide and cadmium telluride on the surface of monocrystalline silicon. The optimal temperature regime for the growth of the CdSxTe1-x solid solution on the silicon surface has been determined. The values of the crystal lattice constant and the thickness of the CdSxTe1-x solid solution at the interface of the n/Si – n/CdSxTe1-x heterostructure are calculated
Soil salinity mapping by different interpolation methods in Mirzaabad district, Syrdarya Province
Soil salinity is an important global issue and especially on irrigated areas due to its great impact on a crop production system. Proper soil salinity mapping can improve land use management. The goal of this study was to improve the accuracy of soil salinity mapping with the two objectives (1) to evaluate different interpolation methods during soil salinity mapping and (2) to identify of differences in soil salinity assessments in irrigated land of Mirzaabad district which is most affected by salinity in Syrdarya province of Uzbekistan. Soil salinity data measured by EC meter was obtained from Syrdarya Hydromelioration Expedition. Different four interpolation methods such as Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) with power 1, 2, and 3, and Kriging techniques were used for the generation continuous surface of soil salinity maps. The cross-Validation method with the assessment of Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) shows that IDW with power 2 (IDW-2) most accurate. The maximum difference reached between IDW-2 and IDW-1 on the slightly saline area where the value decreased by 55% of the total irrigated land of the district. Minimum differences reached on IDW-3 on moderated saline class and higher than IDW-2 on 408.6 ha
Soil salinity mapping by different interpolation methods in Mirzaabad district, Syrdarya Province
Soil salinity is an important global issue and especially on irrigated areas due to its great impact on a crop production system. Proper soil salinity mapping can improve land use management. The goal of this study was to improve the accuracy of soil salinity mapping with the two objectives (1) to evaluate different interpolation methods during soil salinity mapping and (2) to identify of differences in soil salinity assessments in irrigated land of Mirzaabad district which is most affected by salinity in Syrdarya province of Uzbekistan. Soil salinity data measured by EC meter was obtained from Syrdarya Hydromelioration Expedition. Different four interpolation methods such as Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) with power 1, 2, and 3, and Kriging techniques were used for the generation continuous surface of soil salinity maps. The cross-Validation method with the assessment of Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) shows that IDW with power 2 (IDW-2) most accurate. The maximum difference reached between IDW-2 and IDW-1 on the slightly saline area where the value decreased by 55% of the total irrigated land of the district. Minimum differences reached on IDW-3 on moderated saline class and higher than IDW-2 on 408.6 ha. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Prospects for the use of Natural Gas as an Alternative to Traditional Aviation Fuel
In this article, the problem of aviation fuel is widely covered, the constantly increasing cost of fuel and environmental pollution, changes in the structure of the global energy balance, the comparative content of harmful emissions during combustion of gasoline and natural gas in engines. Potential resources of natural gas are many times greater than oil resources. Modern technologies for dehydrating natural gas require improvement, since at the moment they are quite expensive and hot always effective. Therefore, the creation of highly efficient and energy-saving technologies for drying natural gas is an urgent task
Thermodynamic Foundations of the Processes of Chlorination and Sublimbation of Residual Metals from Flot Waste during the Synthesis of Silicate Materials
The main kinetic parameters and thermodynamic characteristics of the process of chlorination and sublimation of highly volatile compounds of residual metals, rate constants, activation energies and other physicochemical characteristics that describe the ongoing processes of high-temperature chlorinating roasting of silicate raw mixtures during the synthesis of Portland cement and agloporite are calculated using mathematical and graphical modeling methods