327 research outputs found

    Conditional quantum logic using two atomic qubits

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a feasible scheme where the detection of a single scattered photon from two trapped atoms or ions performs a conditional unitary operation on two qubits. As examples we consider the preparation of all four Bell states, the reverse operation that is a Bell measurement, and a CNOT gate. We study the effect of atomic motion and multiple scattering, by evaluating Bell inequalities violations, and by calculating the CNOT gate fidelity.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures in 11 file

    A setup for adjustment of process parameters for CBM module production

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    Quantum Noise Limits for Nonlinear, Phase-Invariant Amplifiers

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    Any quantum device that amplifies coherent states of a field while preserving their phase generates noise. A nonlinear, phase-invariant amplifier may generate less noise, over a range of input field strengths, than any linear amplifier with the same amplification. We present explicit examples of such nonlinear amplifiers, and derive lower bounds on the noise generated by a nonlinear, phase-invariant quantum amplifier.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages + 4 figures (included in file; hard copy sent on request

    Setup for adjustment of process parameters for CBM module production

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    Comparison of bend angle measurements in fresh cryopreserved cartilage specimens after electromechanical reshaping

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    Cryopreservation of cartilage has been investigated for decades and is currently an established protocol. However, the reliability and applicability of cartilage cryopreservation for the use in electromechanical reshaping (EMR) has not been studied exclusively. A system to cryopreserve large numbers of tissue specimens provides a steady source of cartilage of similar quality for experimentation at later dates. This will reduce error that may arise from different cartilage stock, and has the potential to maximize efficiency under time constraints. Our study utilizes a unique methodology to cryopreserve septal cartilage for use in EMR studies. Rabbit septal cartilage specimens were harvested and standardized to 20 x 8 x 1 mm, and placed in one of three solutions (normal saline, PBS, 10% DMSO in PBS) for four hours in a cold storage room at 4 degrees Celsius. Then, each cartilage specimen was vacuumed and sealed in an anti-frost plastic bag and stored in a freezer at -80 degrees Celsius for 1 to 3 weeks duration. EMR was performed using 2 and 6 volts for 2 minutes application time. Bend angle measurements of the cryopreserved cartilage specimens were compared to bend angles of fresh cartilage which underwent EMR using the same parameters. Results demonstrate that normal saline, phosphate buffered saline (PBS), and PBS with DMSO were effective in cryopreservation, and indicated no significant differences in bend angle measurements when compared to no cryopreservation. Our methodology to cryopreserve cartilage specimens provides a successful approach for use in conducting large-scale EMR studies. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

    Biodiversity of Sciaridae (Diptera) in Ukraine

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    Sciarids (Diptera, Sciaridae) or black fungus gnats are small, mainly dark coloured insects whose larvae usually develop in rotting plant remains permeated by fungal hyphae. Typical habitats for sciarids are shaded forests and wet meadows, but some species can migrate from natural biotopes to anthropogenic ecosystems and live as synanthropes. We have investigated ecological and chorological features of sciarids in Ukraine since 2012. Within this work, we collected imagoes during expeditions and excursions in different biotopes using the Malaise trap, by the method of sweeping and with exhauster directly from substrate. Collected imagoes were placed into 5 mL vials with 70% ethanol. In the lab fixed material was dehydrated in absolute ethanol and mounted on the slides in Euparal. Previous registrations are based on 6 field collections, two of them were carried out in the XIX century, 4 observations of “army worms” and two pest records. From published material of these collections 78 sciarid species were known from 17 genera in 8 more or less specified localities of Ukraine. Our sciarid study in the country expanded the data on registered sciarids by adding 18 new species and enriched information about the distribution of sciarids by 86 new findings of previously known species in 12 regions (Volyn, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Khmelnytsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne and Ternopil) of Ukraine. The current checklist of Sciaridae of Ukraine contains 96 species from 17 genera in 168 localities. Through comparison with Germany, whose sciarid fauna is studied much better, for Ukraine we can predict the presence approximately 400 sciarid species, so the species diversity of Sciaridae in Ukraine still poorly known for the known species does not exceed 25 percent of presumed existing species here. The majority of sciarid findings are registered in different types of broadleaf forest biotopes, only a few species have been found also in grassland habitats. Some sciarid species show synanthropic attraction and have been registered in anthropogenic habitats, for example Bradysia fenestralis (pest of cultivated plants in greenhouses), Corynoptera dentiforceps, Scatopsciara atomaria and Corynoptera tridentata. Larvae of Bradysia placida develop in rotten wood, also development of Corynoptera membranigera preimaginal phases possibly takes place in the fruit bodies of fungi (Neoboletus luridiformis, Russula sp.) and Mycetozoa (Fuligo septica)

    Full-size prototype microstrip sensors for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

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    Сочетанное применение эритропоэтина и препаратов железа для коррекции постгеморрагической анемии у родильниц: систематический обзор и метаанализ

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Относительно эффективности эритропоэтина в сочетании с пероральной ферротерапией для коррекции послеродовой анемии имеются ограниченные данные. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Оценить эффективность эритропоэтина в сочетании с пероральными добавками железа по сравнению с пероральной ферротерапией у родильниц, перенесших послеродовое кровотечение. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: В MEDLINE, Scopus, EBSCOhost и 5 других базах (с января 1980 г. по февраль 2023 г.) проведен поиск статей о применении пероральных препаратов железа в комбинации с эритропоэтином и без него для лечения постгеморрагической анемии у родильниц. Первичные конечные точки: уровень гемоглобина, прирост гемоглобина, гематокрит, число гемотрансфузий, вторичные: уровень ферритина, сывороточного железа, способность к лактации. Анализ выполнен в соответствии с руководством PRISMA, 2020. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Проанализировано 4 исследования, 198 женщин. При использовании эритропоэтина в сочетании с пероральной ферротерапией накопленное значение прироста концентрации гемоглобина через 5 дней, 2 нед. от начала лечения значимо выше по сравнению с контролем (разность средних, mean difference [MD] 11,83 г/л, 95%-й доверительный интервал [95% ДИ] 4,43–19,23; p = 0,002; MD 10,13 г/л; 95% ДИ 4,97–15,29; р = 0,0001) соответственно. Накопленное среднее значение концентрации гемоглобина через 40 дней значимо выше в группе эритропоэтина (MD 11,00 г/л, 95% ДИ 1,70–20,30; р = 0,02). Накопленное среднее значение гематокрита через 2 нед. значимо выше в группе эритропоэтина (MD 3,35 %, 95% ДИ 0,31–6,39); р = 0,03). Применение эритропоэтина в комбинации с пероральной ферротерапией снижает вероятность гемотрансфузии (относительный риск 0,12, 95% ДИ 0,02–0,95; р = 0,04). ВЫВОДЫ: Показан более быстрый гематологический ответ при сочетанном применении эритропоэтина с пероральной ферротерапией по сравнению с монотерапией препаратами железа при коррекции постгеморрагической анемии у родильниц. Требуются дальнейшие исследования с достаточными объемами выборок