137 research outputs found

    Diagnostic significance of ultrasonographic score in detection of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Cilj: Evaluirati dijagnostičku pouzdanost i efikasnost ultrazvučnih markera gestacionog dijabetesa (GDM) i predloženog ultrazvučnog skora u otkrivanju GDM-a. Metode: 132 trudnice sa jednoplodnim trudnoćama gestacione starosti veće od 24. nedelje gestacije i prisutnim najmanje jednim faktorom rizika za GDM, bilo maternalnim ili vezanog za trudnoću, podvrgnute su ultrazvučnom pregledu, a nakon toga oralnom testu opterećenja sa 100 g glukoze (oGTT). Ultrazvučni marker mereni ili determinisani tokom pregleda su: fetalno potkožno masno tkivo, asimetrična makrozomija, obim i Å”irina fetalnog srca, debljina interventrikularnog septuma, nezreli placentalni izgled, intenzivirani fetalni disajni pokreti, polihidramnion i placentalna debljina. Svaki od prisutnih pomenutih markera dobio je jedan poen, a u cilju formiranja ultrazvučnog skora za otkrivanje Å”ećerne bolesti trudnica (UGDS). Rezultati: Svi ultrazvučni markeri GDM-a su pozitivno korelirani sa boleŔću, P < 0.0001. Najjači nezavisni prediktor GDMa je nezreli placentalni izgled (RR 49.09 95% CI 7,04-342,28, P < 0.0001). Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analiza demonstrirala je povrÅ”inu ispod krive od 96.9%, potvrđujući dobru sposobnost UGDS-a da razlikuje patoloÅ”ke od normalnih vrednosti oGTT-a. Kao granična vrednost UGDS-a predložen je skor jednak ili veći od 4, koji rezultuje sveukupnom tačnoŔću od 92%, senzitivnoŔću od 93.2%, specifičnoŔću od 92%, pozitivnom prediktivnom vrednoŔću od 85,4% i negativnom prediktivnom vrednoŔću od 96,4%. Zaključci: Rezultati disertacije sugeriÅ”u da je UGDS dobar prediktor GDM-a. UGDS može biti dodatak trenutnim skrining metodama za detekciju GDM-a...Objective: To evaluate diagnostic accuracy and efficiency of ultrasound markers of gestational diabetes (GDM) and propose an ultrasound based scoring system suitable for screening (UGDS). Methods: 132 women with singleton pregnancies and established maternal and/or pregnancy related risk factors for GDM were scanned at/or after 24 weeks gestation followed by administration of a 3 hour 100-gram oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT). A number of ultrasound markers were determined/measured, including fetal adipose subcutaneous tissue, asymmetrical macrosomy, cardiac circumference, cardiac width, and interventricular septum thickness, immature appearance of placenta, intensified breathing movements, polyhydramnios and placental thickness. Each ultrasound GDM marker was assigned one point to create the ultrasound gestational diabetes screening score (UGDS). Results: All ultrasound GDM markers were positively correlated to the disease P < 0.0001. The strongest independent predictor of GDM was an immature appearance of placenta (RR 49.09 95% CI 7,04-342,28, P < 0.0001). Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) showed an area under the curve of 96.9% confirming good ability of UGDS to discriminate between positive and negative oGTT. We propose a UGDS score of 4 providing diagnostic efficiency of 92%, sensitivity 93.2%, specificity 92%, positive predictive value 85,4% and negative predictive value 96,4%. Conclusions: This study suggests that UGDS is a good predictor of GDM. UGDS may be an adjunct to current screening tools for GDM..

    6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the striatum lead to the alterations of dopamine receptor mrna in parkinsonian rats

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    The effects of four-site intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions were examined in adult male rats. Five days after the lesions the animals were checked for specific rotational behavior induced by middle dose of amphetamine and the results confirmed the effectiveness of the lesions. The RNAs from the striatum were isolated at different time points after the lesion, and the RT-PCR analyse were performed for the D1 and D2 receptor mRNA. The results show a decline in the D2 receptor mRNA level (40%) at 6 h and 24 h points while this change was not observed seven days after the lesion. In contrast, no statistically significant changes in the level of the D1 receptor mRNA after the lesion at any time point were found.Ispitivani su efekti četiri ubodne 6-hidroksidopaminske (6-OHDA) lezije striatuma kod odraslih mužjaka pacova. Pet dana nakon lezije, životinje su testirane na specifično rotaciono ponaÅ” anje pod uticajem srednje doze amfetamina i rezultati su potvrdili efikasnost lezije. RNK iz striatuma su izolovane u različitim vremenskim tačkama nakon lezije i urađena je RT-PCR analiza iRNK za D1 i D2 dopaminske receptore. Rezultati pokazuju smanjivanje nivoa iRNK za D2 receptor (40%) 6 h i 24 h nakon lezije, dok sedam dana nakon lezije nema promena. Za razliku od ovih rezultata, u nivou iRNK za D1 receptor ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u bilo kojoj vremenskoj tački

    Employing machine learning to assess the accuracy of near-infrared spectroscopy of spent dialysate fluid in monitoring the blood concentrations of uremic toxins

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    Hemodialysis (HD) removes nitrogenous waste products from patientsā€™ blood through a semipermeable mem- brane along a concentration gradient. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an underexplored method of monitoring the concentrations of several molecules that reflect the efficacy of the HD process in dialysate samples. In this study, we aimed to evaluate NIRS as a technique for the non-invasive detection of uremic solutes by assessing the correlations between the spectrum of the spent dialysate and the serum levels of urea, creatinine, and uric acid. Blood and dialysate samples were taken from 35 patients on maintenance HD. The absorption spectrum of each dialysate sample was measured three times in the wavelength range of 700-1700 nm, resulting in a dataset with 315 spectra. The artificial neural network (ANN) learn- ing technique was used to assess the correlations between the recorded NIR-absorbance spectra of the spent dialysate and serum levels of selected uremic toxins. Very good correlations between the NIR-absorbance spectra of the spent dialysate fluid with serum urea (R=0.91) and uric acid (R=0.91) and an excellent correlation with serum creatinine (R=0.97) were obtained. These results support the application of NIRS as a non-invasive, safe, accurate, and repetitive technique for online monitoring of uremic toxins to assist clinicians in assessing HD efficiency and individualization of HD treatments

    Development of Novel Approaches for Tumour Therapy based on Nanostructured Materials - MagBioVin Project

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    Research advancements and opportunities by the FP7-ERA Chairs project MagBioVin are spotlighted.[1] Topic of the project is the design of different novel magnetic nanoarchitectures (e.g. bimagnetic and polymeric core-shell systems, nanoparticles embedded in mesoporous silica structures, and radiolabeled nanostructures)[2ā€“4] for application in targeted treatment and diagnostics of cancer. These nanomaterials posses the ability for selective treatment of tumor tissues by the targeting with magnetic field.[5,6] Alternating magnetic field also provides the means for hyperthermia-induced cancer treatment.[7]Attachment of radionuclides to the synthesized nanoparticles is explored for the purpose of imaging and internal radiotherapy.[8,9] Magnetic characteristics of the prepared nanomaterials is done by SQUID magnetometry and Mƶssbauer spectroscopy. Structural characterization of the investigated nanomaterials is performed by XRD, TEM imaging, DRIFT spectroscopy, and nitrogen sorption analysis. Magnetic hyperthermia effects are monitored by using commercial setup (nB nanoScale Biomagnetics) which includes applicators for cell cultures and small animals. In vitro and in vivo (animal model) applicability of the synthesized nanomaterials regarding toxicity, biodistribution and anticancer efficacy is explored for targeted cancer treatment.1st International Symposium: program and the book of abstracts : March 29-31, 2016; University of Central Lancashire, Preston, U

    Changes in expression of GFAP, ApoE and APP mRNA and protein levels in the adult rat brain following cortical injury

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    The recovery period following cortical injury (CI) is characterized by a dynamic and highly complex interplay between beneficial and detrimental events. The aim of this study was to examine the expressions of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), all of which are involved in brain plasticity and neurodegeneration. Our results reveal that CI strongly influenced GFAP, ApoE and APP mRNA expression, as well as GFAP and ApoE protein expression. Considering the pivotal role of these proteins in the brain, the obtained results point to their potential contribution in neurodegeneration and consequent Alzheimer's disease development.Projekat ministarstva br. 17305

    Fatty acid in colorectal cancer in adult and aged patients of both sexes

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    Purpose: Colorectal cancer represents the second most common type of cancer in Serbia. Alteration of lipid metabolism begins early, and can represent a central hallmark in cancer evolution. Fatty acids have various important functions as building components of cell membranes, as signaling molecules in immune responses and also manage the general cancer signaling network. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of various fatty acids content between colorectal cancer and adjacent healthy intestinal tissue in adult and aged patients of both sexes. Methods: 52 subjects participated in this study. Healthy colon mucosa and tumor tissue samples were obtained from patients previously diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. Simplified method of Berstad et al was used for direct transesterification of total lipids in tumor and healthy mucosa tissue samples and separations of the methyl esters was carried out using a gas chromatograph equipped with a split/ splitless injector and a flame ionization detector. Results: 18 0, 18 1 n7, 20 3, 20 4, 20 5, 22 4, 22 5 22 6, SFA, PUFA, n6, n3 and AA/EPA were significantly higher in tumor tissue. On the other hand, 18 1 n9, 18 2, 18 3 n3, MUFA, n6/ n3 were significantly higher in healthy tissue. Conclusions: Saturation index (SI) could be a valuable tool to delineate robust immune response and worse prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. Our study demonstrated significant differences in fatty acid profiles between tumor tissue and healthy mucosa. Parameters, such as gender, age, stage and mucinous component didn't influence altered fatty acid content

    Collagen type I alpha 1 gene polymorphism in premature ovarian failure

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    Introduction. Premature ovarian failure (POF) is characterized by amenorrhea, hypergonadotropism and hypoestrogenism in women bellow 40 years. Osteoporosis is one of the late complications of POF. Objective. To correlate collagen type I alpha1 (COLIA1) gene polymorphism with bone mineral density (BMD) in women with POF. Methods. We determined the COLIA1 genotypes SS, Ss, ss in 66 women with POF. Single nucleotide polymorphism (G to T substitution) within the Sp 1-binding site in the first intron of the COLIA1 gene was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured at the lumbar spine region by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Statistics: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, Chisquare test, Spearman correlation test. Results. The relative distribution of COLIA1 genotype alleles was SS - 54.4%, Ss - 41.0% and ss - 4.5%. No significant differences were found between genotype groups in body mass index, age, duration of amenorrhea or BMD. A significant positive correlation was observed between BMI and parity. Conclusion. The COLIA1 gene is just one of many genes influencing bone characteristics. It may act as a marker for differences in bone quantity and quality, bone fragility and accelerated bone loss in older women. However, in young women with POF, COLIA1 cannot identify those at higher risk for osteoporosis.Uvod. Prevremena insuficijencija jajnika (PIJ) se odlikuje amenorejom, hipergonadotropizmom i hipoestrogenijom kod žena mlađih od 40 godina. Osteoporoza je kasna komplikacija ovog stanja. Cilja rada. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se uporede genski polimorfizam kolagena tip I alfa 1 (COLIA1) sa gustinom koÅ”tane mase kod žena sa PIJ. Metode rada. Određivan je COLIA1 genotip SS, Ss i ss kod 66 žena sa PIJ pomoću eseja za reakciju lančanog umnožavanja DNK (engl. polymerase chain reaction - PCR). Polimorfizam jednog nukleotida (zamena G u T) u okviru Sp1 vezujućeg mesta u prvom intronu gena COLIA1 određivan je primenom PCR, nakon čega se pristupilo analizi konformacionog polimorfizma. Gustina koÅ”tane mase je merena na nivou lumbalnog dela kičme pomoću apsorpciometrije. Hormonske analize za folikulostimuliÅ”ući hormon, luteinizirajući hormon, estradiol, prolaktin, progesteron i testosteron urađene su primenom metoda RIA. Pri statističkoj obradi podataka koriŔćeni su: Kraskal-Volisov (Kruskal-Wallis) ANOVA test, Ļ‡2-test i Spirmanov (Spearman) test korelacije. Rezultati. Relativna distribucija alela COLIA1 genotipa bila je: SS 54,4%, Ss 41,0% i ss 4,5%. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika između grupa prema genotipu za gustinu koÅ”tane mase, starost ispitanica, period amenoreje ili indeks telesne mase žena. Značajna pozitivna korelacija je uočena za indeks telesne mase i paritet. Zaključak. COLIA1 je samo jedan od mnogih gena koji utiču na karakteristike kosti. Kod žena starije životne dobi on može biti marker kvaliteta, kvantiteta i osetljivosti kosti. Kod mladih žena sa PIJ COLIA1 ne može da ukaže na one žene kod kojih postoji veći rizik za nastanak osteoporoze.Projekat ministarstva br. ON 17305

    Epitaxial growth in dislocation-free strained alloy films: Morphological and compositional instabilities

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    The mechanisms of stability or instability in the strained alloy film growth are of intense current interest to both theorists and experimentalists. We consider dislocation-free, coherent, growing alloy films which could exhibit a morphological instability without nucleation. We investigate such strained films by developing a nonequilibrium, continuum model and by performing a linear stability analysis. The couplings of film-substrate misfit strain, compositional stress, deposition rate, and growth temperature determine the stability of film morphology as well as the surface spinodal decomposition. We consider some realistic factors of epitaxial growth, in particular the composition dependence of elastic moduli and the coupling between top surface and underlying bulk of the film. The interplay of these factors leads to new stability results. In addition to the stability diagrams both above and below the coherent spinodal temperature, we also calculate the kinetic critical thickness for the onset of instability as well as its scaling behavior with respect to misfit strain and deposition rate. We apply our results to some real growth systems and discuss the implications related to some recent experimental observations.Comment: 26 pages, 13 eps figure
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