20 research outputs found

    Effect of enzymatic conversion of lactose on the flavour profile of goat milk kefir and its permeate after microfiltration

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the flavour profile and general lust of innovative dairy products – kefir, which has increased health-oriented values resulting from an increase in the ratio of whey protein and an enzymatic bioconversion of lactose. Kefir was prepared from a mixture of goat milk and its permeate concentrated with microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes, combined in a ratio of 6:4. The permeate addition increases sweetness and reduces overall flavour of the dairy. The enzymatic conversion of lactose into galactooligosaccharides further increases the sweetness of the dairy mixture, while simultaneously weakening the odours both goatish and processed

    The effect of Camelina sativa cake diet supplementation on sensory and volatile profiles of ewe’s milk

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory profile based on the principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis of Euclidean distances as well as evaluate a volatile profile in ewes’ milk. The analysis was conducted using SPME GC/TOFMS. Tested milk came from ewes fed concentrate supplemented with 10 and 20% Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz cake (CSC). This plant containing unsaturated fatty acids as well as natural antioxidants (for example, tocopherol), may constitute an excellent source of energy in the feed ratio for animals, at the same time improving the composition of fatty acids in milk fats. Milk of ewes fed CSC had a distinct animal, grainy and processed aroma. After pasteurization, the cooked and dairy fat aroma intensified. At the same time the overall dairy aroma, highly characteristic of the control milk, was considerably reduced. An addition of CSC to the diet of ewes resulted in an increase in the content of volatiles, primarily fatty acids. The applied milk pasteurization had a significant effect on a further increase in the contents of volatiles. First of all furans, furanones and furfural, being the Maillard reaction products, were accumulated.Key words: Sheep milk, sensory analysis, flavor analysis, volatiles in milk

    Measuring the brightness and coordinate trichromaticity milk protein preparations

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    Celem badań było wykorzystanie pomiarów kolorymetrycznych do analizy barwy w systemie CIE XYZ, układzie L*C*h° i systemie CIELAB wybranych preparatów białek mleka i serwatki w proszku, które charakteryzowały się zróżnicowaną zawartością laktozy od 0,3% do 80,9% i białka w granicach od 10,8% do 90,6%. Największe zróżnicowanie jasności i współrzędnych trójchromatyczności odpowiadające zróżnicowaniu badanych produktów pod względem składu otrzymano w systemie CIELAB. Najbardziej jasnymi próbkami na podstawie indeksu oddalenia od bieli WI były: izolat białek serwatkowych, odtłuszczone i pełne mleko w proszku oraz koncentrat białek serwatkowych o największym udziale białka. Stopień nasycenia barwy serwatki w proszku i serwatki demineralizowanej w proszku był 2,4-krotnie większy od pozostałych próbek i wyniósł C*śr=36,92(-). Różnica barwy pomiędzy próbką koncentratu białek serwatkowych WPC 80 i izolatem białek serwatkowych AE=5,40, powinna być zauważalna przez obserwatora, a nie znalazła odzwierciedlenia w wynikach sensorycznej oceny jasności i nasycenia barwy.The aim of the study was the use of colorimetric measurements to analyze the colors in the CIE XYZ system L*C*h° and the CIELAB system, certain preparations of milk protein and whey powder, which were characterized by diverse lactose from 0.3% to 80.9% and protein in the range of 10.8% to 90.6%. The largest difference in brightness and trichromaticity coordinates corresponding to the tested product differentiation in terms of composition was prepared in the CIELAB system. The most clear samples on the basis of an index of remoteness from white WI were: whey protein isolate, skimmed and whole milk powder and whey protein concentrate with the highest proportion of protein. The degree of saturation of whey powder and demineralized whey powder was 2.4-fold more of the other samples and was C*=36.92(-). Color difference between the sample whey protein concentrate WPC 80 and whey protein isolate AE=5.40 should be noticeable by the observer and not reflected in the results of sensory evaluation of brightness and saturation

    Sensory properties and volatile composition of full and non-fat cheese produce from curd — Ripened fried acid tvarog

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    The study was aimed at sensory analysis and volatile content determination in fried cheese. Fried cheese was produced under commercial conditions from acid tvarog ripened and fried with no butter added (non-fat) and with an addition of butter at 4:1 (reference cheese). Cheese was evaluated immediately after production and after 6 weeks of storage at 4 °C. Total and casein nitrogen, water and fat were assayed in cheese. Sensory analyses of cheese descriptors were conducted by profiling on a 0–10 scale, while volatiles were isolated by solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique. The dominant aroma in reference cheese was cowy/phenolic and cooked, while in non-fat cheese it was cooked and free fatty acid. Sulphur aroma was least perceptible in reference and non-fat cheese. After 6-week storage the only significant changes were weakened cooked aroma in non-fat cheese and waxy/crayon aroma in reference cheese. Differences in profile analysis of full and non-fat cheese were reflected in amounts of determined volatiles, especially total sulphur compounds, acids, methyl ketones, terpenes and esters

    Water thermodynamics and lipid oxidation in stored whey butter

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    S1 Fat, water content and water thermodynamic in whey butter and milk cream butter after storageS2 Color and gloss of whey butter and milk cream butterTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Color measurement of yogurts available on the Polish market.

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    The data was obtained by analyzing dairy products – yogurts available on the Polish market. Yogurts are divided into two categories: stirred yogurt and drinking yogurt. Based on the manufacturer's data, the following information was entered: taste, fat content (including saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates (including sugars), protein, salt. The color coordinates L, a*, b* and X, Y, Z were measured in the SPIN and SPEX system. On the basis of the L coordinates (lightness), a* and b*, the following were calculated: (WI) white index, (YI) yellowness index, (C) chroma, (BI) brownness index.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Texture profile analyzes of stirred and drinking yogurts available on the Polish market and their classification according to IDDSI.

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    The data was obtained by analyzing dairy products – yogurts available on the Polish market. Yogurts are divided into two categories: stirred yogurt and drinking yogurt. Based on the manufacturer's data, the following information was entered: taste, fat content (including saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates (including sugars), protein, salt. The following texture parameters were instrumentally measured: firmness, consistency, cohesiveness, and work of cohesion. IDDSI Flow Test: syringe flow test developed by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI); Level 0 Thin (0–1 mL liquid remaining), Level 1 Slightly-Thick (1–4 mL), Level 2 Mildly Thick (4–8 mL) and Level 3, Moderately Thick (8–10 mL).THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Spoistość i zwięzłość mleka fermentowanego o zwiększonym udziale białek serwatkowych

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    Milk fermentation process can be controlled not only by the choice of a type and dose of characteristic microflora, but also by altering the composition of the processed milk. The scope and dynamics of milk souring process affect many physical characteristics of finished products. Most frequently is refers to changes of rheological characteristics, including parameters of the texture. The material for studies was processed milk, which composition was modified by the addition of skimmed powdered milk and whey protein concentrate thus increasing the dry substance from 11 to 16, 21 and 26%. The obtained results revealed that parameters of the fermented milk’s texture can be freely modified by changing the composition of processed milk. The higher content of dry substance the greater consistency and firmness of fermented milk were obtained. Regardless of the dry substance content, the greater share of whey proteins the higher firmness of fermented milk was observed. A similar trend was noted by measuring the consistency.Proces fermentacji mleka można kontrolować nie tylko poprzez dobór rodzaju i dawki mikroflory charakterystycznej, ale także poprzez zmianę składu mleka przerobowego. Zakres i dynamika procesu ukwaszania mleka mają wpływ na wiele cech fizycznych gotowych produktów. Najczęściej dotyczy to zmian cech reologicznych, w tym i parametrów tekstury. Materiałem do badań było mleko przerobowe, którego skład modyfikowano poprzez dodatek odtłuszczonego mleka w proszku oraz koncentratu białek serwatkowych, zwiększając tym samym suchą substancję z 11 do 16, 21 i 26%. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że parametry tekstury mleka fermentowanego można dowolnie modyfikować poprzez zmianę składu mleka przerobowego. Konsystencja oraz zwięzłość mleka fermentowanego były tym większe, im większa była zawartość suchej substancji. Niezależnie od zawartości suchej substancji, im większy był udział białek serwatkowych, tym mleko fermentowane było bardziej zwięzłe. Podobny kierunek zauważono mierząc konsystencję

    Storage stability of texture and sensory properties of yogurt with the addition of polymerized whey proteins

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    Herein, we examined the possibility of producing probiotic yogurt with the addition of polymerized whey protein (PWP). It was determined that the yogurt was stable in terms of syneresis, texture, and sensory features. No spontaneous whey syneresis (SWS) was found in PWP yogurt during 21 days of refrigerated storage at 3 ± 0.5 °C. PWP yogurt had a 5.3% higher water retention capacity (WHC) than yogurt with whey protein concentrate (WPC). Compared with yogurt with unpolymerized protein, PWP yogurt had a higher absolute cohesiveness and viscosity index. The addition of whey protein concentrates to native and polymerized form resulted in longer maintenance of the original yogurt coherence than the control yogurt during storage. PWP yogurt had the same color saturation as the control yogurt. The polymerization of whey proteins resulted in a vanilla pudding aftertaste in yogurt and increased butter flavor 2.5-fold

    Water thermodynamics and lipid oxidation in stored whey butter

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    ABSTRACT: Whey butter is the result of the rational use of the whey component, which is cream whey. It is an alternative to milk cream butter. The aim of the presented study was to analyze the effect of storage conditions on water thermodynamics and cholesterol oxidation products as reliable markers of quality and safety. After 4 mo of storage, the water loss (at 3°C and 13°C) and water activity in whey butter (only at 13°C) were reduced. Three-factorial ANOVA showed that the value of water activity was independent of the type of butter in interaction with the storage temperature. The duration of the translational movement of water molecules from the inside of whey butter was definitely longer than in butter and shortened with storage time. This was in contrast to butter. For whey butter stored at 13°C, the kinetics of the movement of water molecules was at the highest speed. In the case of whey butter and butter, the higher storage temperature almost doubled the gloss. Increasing the temperature to 13°C resulted in different yellowness index, chroma, and browning index between whey butter and butter. There were no statistically significant differences in the percentage of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in whey butter and milk cream butter during storage. In whey butter, compared with butter, the cholesterol content was higher, but the amount of cholesterol oxidation products was smaller. However, in whey butter, these amounts increased significantly. The presence of epoxides and their transformation products (i.e., triol cholesterol) was found in storage whey butter