867 research outputs found

    The Anatomy of Memory Politics: A Formalist Analysis of Tate Britain’s ‘Artist and Empire’ and the Struggle over Britain’s Imperial Past

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    In this paper, I propose a new approach for understanding the meaning of memory politics, which draws upon the archetypal literary criticism of Northrop Frye. I suggest that the four archetypes elaborated by Frye—comedy, romance, tragedy, and satire—can be used as a heuristic device for interpreting the contested historical narratives that are associated with the politics of memory. I illustrate this approach through a case-study of Artists and Empire: Facing Britain’s Imperial Past, an exhibition held at Tate Britain in 2016, amidst increasing contestation over the meaning of the British Empire. In sum, I find that the exhibit narrated Britain’s imperial past as a comedy, in which a key theme was the progressive cultural mixing of the British and the people they colonized. To conclude, I discuss the implications of such a narrative for constructing an inclusive, postcolonial British identity. As an alternative, I draw on Aristotle to suggest that a tragic narrative would have been more propitious

    Learning to prescribe - pharmacists' experiences of supplementary prescribing training in England

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    Background: The introduction of non-medical prescribing for professions such as pharmacy and nursing in recent years offers additional responsibilities and opportunities but attendant training issues. In the UK and in contrast to some international models, becoming a non-medical prescriber involves the completion of an accredited training course offered by many higher education institutions, where the skills and knowledge necessary for prescribing are learnt. Aims: to explore pharmacists' perceptions and experiences of learning to prescribe on supplementary prescribing (SP) courses, particularly in relation to inter-professional learning, course content and subsequent use of prescribing in practice. Methods: A postal questionnaire survey was sent to all 808 SP registered pharmacists in England in April 2007, exploring demographic, training, prescribing, safety culture and general perceptions of SP. Results: After one follow-up, 411 (51%) of pharmacists responded. 82% agreed SP training was useful, 58% agreed courses provided appropriate knowledge and 62% agreed that the necessary prescribing skills were gained. Clinical examination, consultation skills training and practical experience with doctors were valued highly; pharmacology training and some aspects of course delivery were criticised. Mixed views on inter-professional learning were reported – insights into other professions being valued but knowledge and skills differences considered problematic. 67% believed SP and recent independent prescribing (IP) should be taught together, with more diagnostic training wanted; few pharmacists trained in IP, but many were training or intending to train. There was no association between pharmacists' attitudes towards prescribing training and when they undertook training between 2004 and 2007 but earlier cohorts were more likely to be using supplementary prescribing in practice. Conclusion: Pharmacists appeared to value their SP training and suggested improvements that could inform future courses. The benefits of inter-professional learning, however, may conflict with providing professionspecific training. SP training may be perceived to be an instrumental 'stepping stone' in pharmacists' professional project of gaining full IP status

    The New Deal: jeopardised by the geography of unemployment?

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    The New Deal is the Labour government's flagship programme to "end the tragic waste of youth and long-term unemployment" by getting people off welfare benefits and into work. This paper argues that the principal weakness of the New Deal is that it seeks to influence the character of labour supply (i.e. the motivation and skills of the unemployed) while neglecting the state of labour demand, which varies greatly between places. The uneven geography of unemployment in the UK is likely to have a crucial bearing on the programme's impact and effectiveness, but this has been largely ignored in its development. The paper outlines some of the practical consequences of this imbalance and suggests how it could be rectified for the programme to be more effective

    GRNsight: a web application and service for visualizing models of small- to medium-scale gene regulatory networks

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    GRNsight is a web application and service for visualizing models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). A gene regulatory network (GRN) consists of genes, transcription factors, and the regulatory connections between them which govern the level of expression of mRNA and protein from genes. The original motivation came from our efforts to perform parameter estimation and forward simulation of the dynamics of a differential equations model of a small GRN with 21 nodes and 31 edges. We wanted a quick and easy way to visualize the weight parameters from the model which represent the direction and magnitude of the influence of a transcription factor on its target gene, so we created GRNsight. GRNsight automatically lays out either an unweighted or weighted network graph based on an Excel spreadsheet containing an adjacency matrix where regulators are named in the columns and target genes in the rows, a Simple Interaction Format (SIF) text file, or a GraphML XML file. When a user uploads an input file specifying an unweighted network, GRNsight automatically lays out the graph using black lines and pointed arrowheads. For a weighted network, GRNsight uses pointed and blunt arrowheads, and colors the edges and adjusts their thicknesses based on the sign (positive for activation or negative for repression) and magnitude of the weight parameter. GRNsight is written in JavaScript, with diagrams facilitated by D3.js, a data visualization library. Node.js and the Express framework handle server-side functions. GRNsight’s diagrams are based on D3.js’s force graph layout algorithm, which was then extensively customized to support the specific needs of GRNs. Nodes are rectangular and support gene labels of up to 12 characters. The edges are arcs, which become straight lines when the nodes are close together. Self-regulatory edges are indicated by a loop. When a user mouses over an edge, the numerical value of the weight parameter is displayed. Visualizations can be modified by sliders that adjust the force graph layout parameters and through manual node dragging. GRNsight is best-suited for visualizing networks of fewer than 35 nodes and 70 edges, although it accepts networks of up to 75 nodes or 150 edges. GRNsight has general applicability for displaying any small, unweighted or weighted network with directed edges for systems biology or other application domains. GRNsight serves as an example of following and teaching best practices for scientific computing and complying with FAIR principles, using an open and test-driven development model with rigorous documentation of requirements and issues on GitHub. An exhaustive unit testing framework using Mocha and the Chai assertion library consists of around 160 automated unit tests that examine nearly 530 test files to ensure that the program is running as expected. The GRNsight application (http://dondi.github.io/GRNsight/) and code (https://github.com/dondi/GRNsight) are available under the open source BSD license

    Single intraoperative intravenous Co-Amoxiclav versus postoperative full oral course in prevention of postadenotonsillectomy morbidity: a randomised clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adenotonsillectomy results in postoperative morbidity which otolaryngologists attempt to reduce by use of antibiotics. The regimes used as quite varied with some opting for a full oral course postoperatively while others prefer prophylactic doses. This randomised clinical trial done in Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya had the aim of comparing the efficacy of Co-Amoxiclav given as a single intravenous dose with a full oral course in the prevention of post adenotonsillectomy morbidity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>126 patients below 12 years scheduled to undergo adenotonsillectomy were randomised into two groups. 63 were given a single intravenous dose of Enhancin [Co-Amoxiclav] at induction while the remaining half received a five days oral course of the same postoperatively. All received oral Pacimol [Paracetamol] in the postoperative period. Analysis was done and comparison made between the two groups with regards to pain, fever and diet tolerated in the postoperative period with a follow up period of seven days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no statistical significant difference between the two groups with regards to postoperative pain, fever and diet tolerated. All had a P-value > 0.2. Postoperative pain was highest in the first postoperative day and reduced progressively to the lowest level on the 7<sup>th </sup>postoperative day. As pain reduced, patients were able to tolerate a more solid diet with all but 6 tolerating their usual diet. 4 patients developed fever in the 1<sup>st </sup>postoperative day which did not progress to the next day. One patient had fever on the 4<sup>th </sup>and 7<sup>th </sup>postoperative day and was admitted in the paediatrics' ward with a chest infection. All these patients with history of fever were in the group that was on oral postoperative Co-Amoxiclav.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A single intraoperative dose of Co-Amoxiclav given intravenously at induction was found to be just as effective as a full oral course of the same given postoperatively in the prevention of post adenotonsillectomy morbidity. The prophylactic dose is favoured over the later as it is cheaper, ensures compliance and relieves off the need for refrigeration of the oral suspension as not all have access to refrigeration in low economy countries as ours.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01267942">NCT01267942</a></p
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