180 research outputs found

    Programming Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Flexibility in Offspring of Male Rats in Response to Maternal Consumption of Slow Digesting Carbohydrates during Pregnancy

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    Skeletal muscle plays a relevant role in metabolic flexibility and fuel usage and the associated muscle metabolic inflexibility due to high-fat diets contributing to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Previous research from our group indicates that a high-fat and rapid-digesting carbohydrate diet during pregnancy promotes an excessive adipogenesis and also increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the offspring. This effect can be counteracted by diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but lower digestion rates. To address the role of the skeletal muscle in these experimental settings, pregnant rats were fed high-fat diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but different digestion rates, a high fat containing rapid-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/RD diet) or a high fat containing slow-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/SD diet). After weaning, male offspring were fed a standard diet for 3 weeks (weaning) or 10 weeks (adolescence) and the impact of the maternal HF/RD and HF/SD diets on the metabolism, signaling pathways and muscle transcriptome was analyzed. The HF/SD offspring displayed better muscle features compared with the HF/RD group, showing a higher muscle mass, myosin content and differentiation markers that translated into a greater grip strength. In the HF/SD group, metabolic changes such as a higher expression of fatty acids (FAT/CD36) and glucose (GLUT4) transporters, an enhanced glycogen content, as well as changes in regulatory enzymes such as muscle pyruvate kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 were found, supporting an increased muscle metabolic flexibility and improved muscle performance. The analysis of signaling pathways was consistent with a better insulin sensitivity in the muscle of the HF/SD group. Furthermore, increased expression of genes involved in pathways leading to muscle differentiation, muscle mass regulation, extracellular matrix content and insulin sensitivity were detected in the HF/SD group when compared with HF/RD animals. In the HF/SD group, the upregulation of the ElaV1/HuR gene could be one of the main regulators in the positive effects of the diet in early programming on the offspring. The long-lasting programming effects of the HF/SD diet during pregnancy may depend on a coordinated gene regulation, modulation of signaling pathways and metabolic flexibility that lead to an improved muscle functionality. The dietary early programming associated to HF/SD diet has synergic and positive crosstalk effects in several tissues, mainly muscle, liver and adipose tissue, contributing to maintain the whole body homeostasis in the offspring.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013

    An analytic model of neutron ambient dose equivalent and equivalent dose for proton radiotherapy

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    Stray neutrons generated in passively scattered proton therapy are of concern because they increase the risk that a patient will develop a second cancer. Several investigations characterized stray neutrons in proton therapy using experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, but capabilities of analytical methods to predict neutron exposures are less well developed. The goal of this study was to develop a new analytical model to calculate neutron ambient dose equivalent in air and equivalent dose in phantom based on Monte Carlo modeling of a passively scattered proton therapy unit. The accuracy of the new analytical model is superior to a previous analytical model and comparable to the accuracy of typical Monte Carlo simulations and measurements. Predictions from the new analytical model agreed reasonably well with corresponding values predicted by a Monte Carlo code using an anthropomorphic phantom. © 2010 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    Predicting global geographical distribution of "Lolium rigidum" under climate change

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    “Lolium rigidum Gaud.” (vallico) es una de las malezas más extendidas y perjudiciales en los cultivos de cereales de invierno. Un modelo bioclimático para esta especie fue desarrollado utilizando CLIMEX. El modelo fue validado con los registros de esta especie en Estados Unidos y Oceanía y utilizado para predecir la distribución potencial global de “L. rigidum” bajo el clima actual y dos escenarios de cambio climático. Las proyección en virtud de las condiciones climáticas actuales indican que “L. rigidum” no ocupa todo el área disponible para su expansión. Considerando los escenarios climáticos futuros, el área potencial de expansión aumentará 3,79% y 5,06% bajo los escenarios moderado y extremo, respectivamente. La proyección del modelo mostró un avance gradual de “L. rigidum” en Norteamérica, Europa, Sudamérica y Asia, mientras que en África y Oceanía se prevé una regresión. Estos resultados proporcionan Los conocimientos necesarios para identificar y poner de relieve las posibles zonas de riesgo de invasión.“Lolium rigidum” Gaud. (rigid ryegrass) is one of the most extended and harmful weeds in winter cereal crops. A bioclimatic model for this species was developed using CLIMEX. The model was validated with records from North America and Oceania and used to assess the global potential distribution of “L. rigidum” under the current climate and under two climate change scenarios. The projection under current climate conditions indicated that “L. rigidum” does not occupy the full extent of the climatically suitable area available to it. Under future climate scenarios, the infested potential area will increase 3.79% in the low-emission CO2 scenario and 5.06% under the most extreme scenario. The model projection showed a gradual advance of rigid ryegrass in North America, Europe, South America and Asia, whilst in Africa and Oceania it indicated regression. These results provide the necessary knowledge for identifying and highlighting the potential invasion risk areas

    Diversity and abundance of weed seeds in cereal crop grain in Western Andalusia, South Spain

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    Se analizó la presencia de semillas de malas hierbas en muestras de la cosecha de cereal de 2013 correspondientes a 200 campos de las provincias de Huelva y Sevilla. Se identificaron 91 especies de las que 29 mostraron una frecuencia de presencia de al menos el 5%. La especie más frecuente (74%) y abundante fue “Lolium rigidum”. Las especies arvenses del género “Phalaris” también fueron muy frecuentes (66-32%). Especies con frecuencia superior al 20% fueron “Polygonum aviculare”, “Convolvulus arvensis”, “Chrysanthemum coronarium”, “Pulicaria paludosa” y “Centaurea diluta”. En comparación con estudios previos referidos al conjunto del área cerealista española, se observó una frecuencia similar de las especies dominantes “L. rigidum” y “P. aviculare” y una frecuencia muy superior de “Phalaris spp.” En sentido contrario, la frecuencia de especies segetales especialistas fue muy inferior.We examined the weed seeds present in crop grain samples from 2013 from across 200 cereal fields in Huelva and Seville provinces, Andalusia, South-western Spain. Ninety-one weed species were identified of which 29 species were present in at least 5% of samples. “Lolium rigidum” was the most frequent (74%) and abundant species. The weedy species of the genus “Phalaris” were also highly frequent (66-32%). “Polygonum aviculare”, “Convolvulus arvensis”, “Chrysanthemum coronarium”, “Pulicaria paludosa” and “Centaurea diluta” were detected in more than 20% of samples. Compared to available data for the whole cereal crop area in Spain, we found a similar frequency of the dominant weeds “L. rigidum” and “P. aviculare” but a much higher presence of “Phalaris” spp. In an opposite trend, the frequency of specialist segetal species was much lower

    Multiferroic behavior in the new double-perovskite Lu2_2MnCoO6_6

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    We present a new member of the multiferroic oxides, Lu2_2MnCoO6_6, which we have investigated using X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, specific heat, magnetization, electric polarization, and dielectric constant measurements. This material possesses an electric polarization strongly coupled to a net magnetization below 35 K, despite the antiferromagnetic ordering of the S=3/2S = 3/2 Mn4+^{4+} and Co2+^{2+} spins in an \uparrow \uparrow \downarrow \downarrow configuration along the c-direction. We discuss the magnetic order in terms of a condensation of domain boundaries between \uparrow \uparrow and \downarrow \downarrow ferromagnetic domains, with each domain boundary producing a net electric polarization due to spatial inversion symmetry breaking. In an applied magnetic field the domain boundaries slide, controlling the size of the net magnetization, electric polarization, and magnetoelectric coupling

    The predicted relative risk of premature ovarian failure for three radiotherapy modalities in a girl receiving craniospinal irradiation

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    In girls and young women, irradiation of the ovaries can reduce the number of viable ovarian primordial follicles, which may lead to premature ovarian failure (POF) and subsequently to sterility. One strategy to minimize this late effect is to reduce the radiation dose to the ovaries. A primary means of reducing dose is to choose a radiotherapy technique that avoids irradiating nearby normal tissue; however, the relative risk of POF (RRPOF) due to the various therapeutic options has not been assessed. This study compared the predicted RRPOF after craniospinal proton radiotherapy, conventional photon radiotherapy (CRT) and intensity-modulated photon radiotherapy (IMRT). We calculated the equivalent dose delivered to the ovaries of an 11-year-old girl from therapeutic and stray radiation. We then predicted the percentage of ovarian primordial follicles killed by radiation and used this as a measure of the RRPOF; we also calculated the ratio of the relative risk of POF (RRRPOF) among the three radiotherapies. Proton radiotherapy had a lower RRPOF than either of the other two types. We also tested the sensitivity of the RRRPOF between photon and proton therapies to the anatomic position of the ovaries, i.e., proximity to the treatment field (2 ≤ RRRPOF ≤ 10). We found that CRT and IMRT have higher risks of POF than passive-scattering proton radiotherapy (PRT) does, regardless of uncertainties in the ovarian location. Overall, PRT represents a lower RRPOF over the two other modalities. © 2013 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    Effect of wheel track on the density and composition of weeds in a maize crop

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si la compactación producida por la rodada del tractor durante las operaciones de siembra influye en la composición y densidad de malas hierbas en cultivo de maíz. Para ello se llevó a cabo el conteo e identificación de las especies presentes en 160 unidades muestrales localizadas en la interlínea de cultivo, de las cuales la mitad estaba afectada por la rodada del tractor y la otra mitad no. El contraste de medias entre los datos con rodada y sin rodada para la riqueza de especies, densidad total y densidad por especies se realizó mediante el test de Mann-Whitney. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que las especies principales, a excepción de “Cyperus rotundus”, fueron significativamente más abundantes en las interlíneas con rodada. En relación a la comunidad arvense, ésta fue igualmente más diversa y abundante en las interlíneas con rodada.The aim of this study was to analyze whether the compaction caused by the tractor during sowing operations affects the composition and density of the weed flora in maize crops. For that, 160 sample units were taken in the crop interline, where half of them were affected by the tractor tread and the other half not. In each sampling unit we carried out the count and identification of weed species. The Mann-Whitney test was performed to contrast differences in species richness, total and individual species densities between tractor-tread and not tractor-tread data. The results revealed that the main species, except for “Cyperus rotundus” were significantly more abundant in the interline with tractor tread. In relation to the weed community, it was also more diverse and abundant in the interline with tractor tread

    Accompanying weeds of a poplar energy crop under different management strategies

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    Se han evaluado los efectos de distintas estrategias de manejo sobre las poblaciones de malas hierbas y la productividad (i.e. biomasa) de un cultivo energético de chopo en la zona centro de España. Para ello, se han realizado dos estudios: 1) análisis durante el primer año de cultivo, el más sensible a la competencia con arvenses, repetido tres veces; y 2) valoración al cabo de los tres años de duración del turno de corte. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto una evolución de la flora arvense con el tiempo, encontrando cambios significativos según la estrategia de manejo. Al finalizar el turno de tres años, las estrategias más productivas fueron la cubierta vegetal sembrada con “Lolium multiflorum” y la basada en herbicidas, coincidiendo con una menor competencia de malas hierbas respecto a la estrategia estándar basada en labores.We have evaluated the effects of different management strategies on weed populations and productivity (i.e. biomass) of a poplar energy crop in central Spain. To do this, two studies have been performed: 1) analysis performed during the first year of production, the most sensitive to competition with weeds, repeated three times; and 2) an assessment after the three-year harvest cycle. The results have revealed a weed flora evolution over time, finding significant changes as a function of management strategies. At the end of the three-year harvest cycle, the most productive strategies were cover crop sown with “Lolium multiflorum” and that based on herbicides, coinciding with less competition with weeds compared to the standard strategy based on tillage

    Gender, biography and oral history or how to tell the life of Ana María Villarreal de Santucho

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    Este trabajo se propone reconstruir la biografía de Ana María Villarreal de Santucho, militante del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores-Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo y esposa de su líder máximo Mario Roberto Santucho entre 1960 y 1972, cuando fue asesinada junto con otrxs quince militantes en la Base Aeronaval Almirante Zar, dependencia de la Armada argentina cercana a la ciudad de Trelew. Para ello, este estudio recurre a un acervo documental variado conformado por entrevistas, cartas personales, fotografías, expedientes judiciales, documentos políticos, prensa comercial y político partidaria.This article purposes to reconstruct the biography of Ana María Villarreal de Santucho, a militant of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores-Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo and wife of its maximum leader, Mario Roberto Santucho, between 1960 and 1972, when she was assassinated along with others fifteen militants at the Almirante Zar Naval Air Base, a dependency of the Argentine Navy near the city of Trelew. To do this, this study recurs to a varied documentary heritage made up of interviews, personal letters, photographs, court files, political documents, commercial and political press.Fil: Andújar, Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina). Instituto de Investigaciones de Estudios de Género Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: D´ Antonio, Débora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina). Instituto de Investigaciones de Estudios de Género Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gatica, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia (Argentina). Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y Sociales. Comodoro Rivadavia; Argentin

    ''Girls Like You''… Gender, Class and Labor in Recent Argentine: A Balance from Social History

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    En este artículo nos proponemos repasar las principales contribuciones que brindan los cruces entre las categorías de clase y género al conocimiento de la historia de la clase trabajadora en el pasado reciente argentino contemplando el lugar de las mujeres. Guían el desarrollo de esta revisión preguntas tales como: ¿cuáles han sido los principales problemas y tópicos que se examinaron?; ¿qué esfuerzos teórico-metodológicos comportó tal empresa? y ¿qué dimensiones y aristas aún permanecen inexploradas?In this article our proposal is to review the principal contributions that link the categories of class and gender that allows us to rebuild the history of the working class in the recent past, centrally considering the women’s role. This work is guided by questions such as: which have been the principal problems and matters that were examined? What theoretical and methodological endeavors did such a company involve? And, what dimensions and edges are still unexplored?Fil: Andújar, Andrea Norma. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: D´antonio, Débora Carina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin