480 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to illustrate the preliminary results of a research project on the dome of Pisa Cathedral (Italy). The final objective of the present research is to achieve a deep understanding of the structural behaviour of the dome, through a detailed knowledge of its geometry and constituent materials, and by taking into account historical and architectural aspects as well. A reliable survey of the dome is the essential starting point for any further investigation and adequate structural modelling. Examination of the status quo on the surveys of the Cathedral dome shows that a detailed survey suitable for structural analysis is in fact lacking. For this reason, high-density and high-precision surveys have been planned, by considering that a different survey output is needed, according both to the type of structural model chosen and purposes to be achieved. Thus, both range-based (laser scanning) and image-based (3D Photogrammetry) survey methodologies have been used. This contribution introduces the first results concerning the shape of the dome derived from surveys. Furthermore, a comparison is made between such survey outputs and those available in the literature

    The Dome of the Temple of Diana in Baiae: Geometry, Mechanics and Architecture

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    The purpose of this paper, which is part of a multi-disciplinary research project started in 2018 [1], is to investigate both the geometry and stability of the dome of the temple of Diana, which partially survived for many centuries. Important observations made by De Angelis d’Ossat [2] and results of the architectonic survey performed by Rakob [3] will be presented and discussed; they introduce the delicate issue concerning the identification of the geometric profile of the dome, on which its structural stability depends. It is the Authors’opinion that ascertaining the geometric profile of a dome is not only a matter of measuring, but also of historical context, geometric knowledge and traditions in construction. Thus, by taking all the above issues into account and making use of data from a recent architectonic survey [1], this paper searches for possible connections with consolidated traditions of the Sassanid architecture imported by the Emperor Alexander Severus, verifies the geometric knowledge presumed to have been acquired by the time of the dome’s construction and identifies the most probable theoretical design: the dome’s meridian profile is a unique curve – to be precise, a parabola, the best approximation of a catenary. Thus, once the profile of the dome has been identified, structural analysis confirms not only the stability of the dome, but also that the Romans were aware of the dome’s behaviour in relation to the construction solutions adopted

    The stone roof of the tholos of Athena Pronaia in Delphi: structural hypotheses starting from fragments of marble tiles

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    This contribution is the first step of a multi-disciplinary research project, aimed at studying the roof of the tholos of Athena Pronaia in Delphi, dating back to the first decades of the 4th century BC. The starting point of this research is the fascination exerted by the tectonic quality of the temple, comprising some complex fragments of marble tiles belonging to the roof of the tholos. Despite the number of studies on this sanctuary, the poor state of preservation and lack of original material did not allow archaeologists to perform concluding research on its original configuration, in particular with reference to the reconstruction of the roof. Aware of the complexity of this topic, this contribution aims at exploring two possibilities, namely, on the one hand, that the fragments of tiles constitute elements supported by a wooden structure, and on the other hand, that they are structural elements of a stone system subjected to compressive stresses. Our contribution intends to serve as food for thought on the need for archaeological studies to be accompanied not only by advanced surveys in the field, aimed at the precise definition of the geometry of the finds, but also by architectural and structural investigations which make it possible to verify the feasibility of the hypothetical reconstructions of the architectural elements aware of the construction techniques used in the past

    Transient effects in the backscattered current of a Luttinger liquid

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    We study the backscattered current in a Luttinger liquid in the presence of a point like weak impurity switched on at finite time, taking into account finite-temperature effects. We show how the well-known results for a static impurity are distorted. We derive a dimensionless parameter τR\tau_{R} as function of the electron-electron interaction and the temperature, such that for τR1\tau_{R} 1) the switching process is relevant (irrelevant). Our results suggest the possibility of determining the value of the Luttinger parameter KK through time measurements in transport experiments at fixed voltage.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Studying a Masonry Sail Vault by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder in the Fortezza Vecchia in Livorno

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    The present contribution aims to illustrate some first results obtained from ongoing research on a 16th-century masonry sail vault in the Fortezza Vecchia (the Old Fortress) in Livorno (Italy). A multidisciplinary research is currently ongoing. The information collected by means of geometric surveys and experimental tests are being used as input data for the different analytical and numerical models expressly developed to study the vault’s structural response. The structural analysis has been performed using two analytical models set within the framework of limit analysis. The first considers the vault as a thin shell, and suitable sets of statically admissible stresses are built; the second model is a modern reinterpretation of Durand-Claye’s method for domes. As an additional term of comparison, numerical analyses are carried out by means of FE models. The study is still under development, and a first set of results has been obtained by limiting the analysis to vertical loads accounting for the self-weight of the vault and that of the overlying soil layer

    Loss of UBE3A from TH-expressing neurons suppresses GABA co-release and enhances VTA-NAc optical self-stimulation

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    Motivated reward-seeking behaviours are governed by dopaminergic ventral tegmental area projections to the nucleus accumbens. In addition to dopamine, these mesoaccumbal terminals co-release other neurotransmitters including glutamate and GABA, whose roles in regulating motivated behaviours are currently being investigated. Here we demonstrate that loss of the E3-ubiquitin ligase, UBE3A, from tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing neurons impairs mesoaccumbal, non-canonical GABA co-release and enhances reward-seeking behaviour measured by optical self-stimulation

    Experimental Rugged Fitness Landscape in Protein Sequence Space

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    The fitness landscape in sequence space determines the process of biomolecular evolution. To plot the fitness landscape of protein function, we carried out in vitro molecular evolution beginning with a defective fd phage carrying a random polypeptide of 139 amino acids in place of the g3p minor coat protein D2 domain, which is essential for phage infection. After 20 cycles of random substitution at sites 12–130 of the initial random polypeptide and selection for infectivity, the selected phage showed a 1.7×10(4)-fold increase in infectivity, defined as the number of infected cells per ml of phage suspension. Fitness was defined as the logarithm of infectivity, and we analyzed (1) the dependence of stationary fitness on library size, which increased gradually, and (2) the time course of changes in fitness in transitional phases, based on an original theory regarding the evolutionary dynamics in Kauffman's n-k fitness landscape model. In the landscape model, single mutations at single sites among n sites affect the contribution of k other sites to fitness. Based on the results of these analyses, k was estimated to be 18–24. According to the estimated parameters, the landscape was plotted as a smooth surface up to a relative fitness of 0.4 of the global peak, whereas the landscape had a highly rugged surface with many local peaks above this relative fitness value. Based on the landscapes of these two different surfaces, it appears possible for adaptive walks with only random substitutions to climb with relative ease up to the middle region of the fitness landscape from any primordial or random sequence, whereas an enormous range of sequence diversity is required to climb further up the rugged surface above the middle region

    Identification of cells secreting a thymostimulin-like substance and examination of some histoenzymatic pathways in aging avian primary lymphatic organs: II. Bursa of Fabricius

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    The Bursa of Fabricius of 15 day, 1-, 3-, and 6 month-old adult chickens (White Leghorn strain) were studied by histological and histochemical staining, histoenzymatic reactions (LDH, SDH, a-GPDH, NAD, NADPH, Ca++-dependent ATP-ase, pH 8.5) and by anti-thymostimulin immunoreaction. Positive reactions for mucopolysaccharides and enzymatic activities were located in the epithelia of the follicles, i.e. in follicleassociated- epithelium (FAE), inter-follicle-epithelium (IFE) and in different epithelial compartments of cortical and medullary zones. Positive reaction for thymostimulin-like (TSlike) substance was restricted to FAE cells and weakly to the basal lamina of IFE. In 6-month-old chickens, the FAE cells disappeared; the phenomenon of bursal regression was evident, although not all the follicles were involved. In the few still normal follicles, the good reactivity to the enzymes tested suggests that residual physiological activity is still present, even if reduced

    Evaluation of the carotenoid and fat-soluble vitamin profile of industrial hemp inflorescence by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and photodiode-array detection

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    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a plant matrix whose use is recently spreading for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical purposes. Detailed characterization of hemp composition is needed for future research that further exploits the beneficial effects of hemp compounds on human health. Among minor constituents, carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins have largely been neglected to date despite carrying out several biological activities and regulatory functions. In the present paper, 22 target carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins were analyzed in the inflorescences of seven Italian industrial hemp varieties cultivated outdoor. The analytes were extracted by cold saponification to avoid artifacts and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. Phytoene, phytofluene, and all-trans-β-carotene were the most abundant in all analyzed samples (31–55 μg g−1, 11.6–29 μg g−1, and 7.3–53 μg g−1, respectively). Besides the target analytes, liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode-array detection allowed us to tentatively identify several other carotenoids based on their retention behavior and UV–vis spectra with the support of theoretical rules and data in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive characterization of carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins in industrial hemp inflorescence