532 research outputs found

    Karst of the Fireside quadrangle and portions of the Flat Rock and Clyde quadrangles, Ohio

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    Karst terrain forms by dissolution of carbonate rocks, such as limestone or dolomite, or evaporites, such as gypsum or salt, and is characterized by features including sinkholes, disappearing streams, caves, and springs. Sinkholes (or sinks) are enclosed depressions that do not usually hold water; they often have a ā€œthroatā€ or opening at the bottom where they drain to the subsurface. When a stream flows into a sinkhole, it is known as a disappearing stream or losing stream. Water flowing into the ground can cause solution enlargement of natural fractures in the rock and eventually can grow into caves. In Ohio, a cave is defined as ā€œā€¦a naturally occurring void, cavity, recess, or system of interconnecting passages beneath the surface of the earth or within a cliff or ledgeā€¦ā€ The many passageways formed in karst terrain allow for high connectivity between the land surface and the water table. These passageways permit water to bypass soil and rock layers that filter out contaminants. Consequently, when compounds such as fertilizers, pesticides, and waste enter sinkholes, they are rapidly transported to the water table and quickly pollute water wells, streams, and rivers. When water exits these solutional features, a spring is formed. Such springs enable release of these contaminants at the surface. The different types of karst features may pose infrastructure complications; roads, utilities, houses, and other facilities built in karst areas are at risk of subsidence, collapse, or other damage. In order to provide a reference for future planning on both the local and regional scale, the Ohio Geological Survey has produced this map book identifying the known and suspected karst areas in the vicinity of Bellevue, Ohio, including portions of Erie, Huron, Sandusky, and Seneca Counties

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Eksperimen terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa (Studi Eksperimen di Kelas VII SMP pada Konsep Energi dalam Sistem Kehidupan)

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    This research purposed to know the influences of student learning result in 7th grade The First Public Junior High School Ciamis on the Energy in Living Systems concept. The research was conducted from 29 November 2013 to 1 March 2014. The population in this study were all classes in 7th grade The First Public Junior High School Ciamis which consists of 9 classes as much as 337 student. The samples used in this research were 2 classes taken using cluster random sampling technique, which VII D and VII E. Instrument that used in this study is achievement test on the Energy in Living Systems concept, form multiple choice with four option as much as 50 question. Data analysis techniques used by t test. The result researching at the experiment class pointed that pre test = 8,87 and post test = 22,19, where was at the control class pre test = 9,47 and post test = 10,84. The median score was determined is 22,5, as for the real of median scores= 25 and control class="10", research result show that in class experimental has exceeded the value of Minimum Completness Chriterian (MCC) and control class didn't sure pass it yet. Seen from N-gain eskperimen =0,70 including the high category and N-gain kontrol = 0,23 including the low category. Thus, experimental learning methods affect the improvement of student learning result in the experimental class than questioning teaching methods in the control class and appropriate used for the process of learning the concept of Energy in Life Systems on 7th grade The First Public Junior High School Ciamis

    Surfactant therapy for meconium aspiration syndrome in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital ā€“ A case series

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    Introduction: Meconium staining of amniotic fluid (MSAF) is a natural phenomenon in pregnant mothers and their fetuses. MSAF may lead to developing Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS). Surfactant replacement therapy has recently emerged as a therapy in MAS, but no guideline outlines how to administer it properly. Case Presentation: We present two term neonates with severe MAS cases focusing on the bolus surfactant replacement therapy. The first baby was given surfactant at 23 hours after birth and the second baby at 8 hours after birth. We used Survanta (beractant) in the dose of 100 mg/kg BW in both cases. Clinical improvement was observed 24 hours after surfactant bolus administration with different clinical characteristics, treatment approaches, and outcomes.Conclusion: In conclusion, therapeutic surfactant bolus in severe MAS may improve outcomes without significant adverse side effects

    Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Nanosilika dari Jerami Padi

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    PREPARASI DAN KARAKTERISASI NANOSILIKA DARI JERAMI PADIABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik silika yang diekstraksi dari jerami padi yang diperoleh dari wilayah USAha tani padi Pekalongan. Silika diperoleh dengan metode sol-gel, yang melibatkan ekstraksi silika dengan larutan alkali dan gelasi silika menggunakan larutan asam. Ditemukan bahwa hasil tertinggi diperoleh dari ekstraksi menggunakan larutan KOH 5% dengan waktu ekstraksi 60 menit, dan pH gelasi 7.0. Persiapan berhasil diproduksi dengan memanaskan jerami padi pada suhu 10 Ā°C/menit dan menahannya pada suhu 500Ā°C untuk memudahkan penguraian dan pengadopsian bahan organik sambil menghindari pengapian otomatis. Komposisi kimia SiO2 diperkuat oleh EDS dan FTIR dan sifat amorf oleh XRD.Serbuk nanosilika dengan ukuran pori rata ā€“ rata 45,3869 nm dan memiliki permukaan spesifik (94,761 m2/g).Kata kunci: Jerami padi; Nanopartikel silika, Sol gel PREPAPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION NANOSILICAFROM RICE STAWABSTRACTThis study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of silica extracted from rice straw obtained from rice farming region of Pekalongan. The silica was obtained using sol-gel method, which involves extraction of silica using alkalis solution and gelation of the silica using acid solution. It was found that the highest yield was obtained from the extraction using 5% KOH solution with the extraction time of 60 minutes, and gelation pH of 7.0. Preparation was successfully produced by heating rice straw at 10 Ā°C/min and holding at 500Ā°C to facilitate decomposition and gasiļ¬cation of the organics while avoiding auto-ignition. The SiO2 chemical composition was conļ¬rmed by EDS and FTIR and the amorphous nature by XRD. Nanosilica powders with a 45,3869 nm average pore size and have speciļ¬c surface (94,761 m2/g)

    Global Carbon Emissions in the Coming Decades: The Case of China

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    Collective Action by Womenā€™s Groups to Combat Drought and Poverty in Northern Kenya

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    Collective action can be an effective means of local development and risk reduction among rural people, but few examples have been documented in pastoral areas. We conducted extensive interviews for 16 womenā€™s groups residing in northern Kenya. Our objectives were to understand how groups were formed, governed, and sustained and what activities they have pursued. The groups we interviewed were 10 years old, on average. Charter memberships averaged about 24 women, 20 of whom were illiterate. Half of the groups formed after facilitation by a development partner and half formed spontaneously. Groups are governed under detailed constitutional frameworks with elected leaders. Groups primarily form to improve living standards of the members and undertake a wide variety of activities founded on savings and credit schemes, income diversification, small business development, education, health service delivery, and natural resource management. Groups have evolved means to buffer members from drought and poverty. The greatest threats to the sustainability of the groups come from internal factors such as unfavorable group dynamics and illiteracy, while external challenges include drought, poverty, and political incitement. Principles of good group governance and wisdom in business are reportedly the key ingredients for long-term success
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