115 research outputs found

    Система лазерного мониторинга загрязнений водной среды с применением относительного описания формы сигналов

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    As a rule, the wastewater treatment system is not designed to filter substances formed, as a result of beyond design basis accident. The nature of the beyond design basis accident is associated with the shortterm appearance of a clot of these substances in wastewater, determined by the volume of the substance storage tank. Therefore, a rational approach is to divert this portion of the formed substances into a separate branch of the sewage system or sedimentation tanks. The aim of the work is to implement this approach by creating a laser monitoring system for water pollution. The article proposes a system for automatic detection of a clot of emergency discharge of pollutants into the wastewater of an industrial enterprise. The structural diagram of the system and the purpose of its main elements are given. The system should provide clot detection in real time. To ensure this function, a preliminary study is made of the spectral characteristics of all substances that may appear in wastewater in the event of an emergency. Based on these data, the wavelengths of laser radiation in the system are selected. The obtained measurement data from several probes are presented in the form of a lattice function, which is translated into a relative description representing the order relationship matrix on the set of lattice function components. The relative description is invariant to linear changes in the lattice function. The decision to detect any substance from emergency discharges is made based on a comparison of the relative description of the measurements with the standards prepared at the stage of system setup. The article provides an example of the formation of standards for emergency clots from glycerin and allyl alcohol. The graphs of the lattice functions obtained from the IR spectra of emergency discharges of these substances are given; algorithms for constructing a lattice function and comparison of lattice functions. Thus, using the developed mathematical description of the shape of digital signals based on the relative description, the signal of the monitoring curve can be described in the form of a curve of the optical density change of an aqueous medium

    Direct Evidence of Two Superconducting Gaps in FeSe0.5_{0.5}Te0.5_{0.5}: SnS-Andreev Spectroscopy and Lower Critical Field

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    We present direct measurements of the superconducting order parameter in nearly optimal FeSe0.5_{0.5}Te0.5_{0.5} single crystals with critical temperature TC14T_C \approx 14 K. Using intrinsic multiple Andreev reflection effect (IMARE) spectroscopy and measurements of lower critical field, we directly determined two superconducting gaps, ΔL3.33.4\Delta_L \approx 3.3 - 3.4 meV and ΔS1\Delta_S \approx 1 meV, and their temperature dependences. We show that a two-band model fits well the experimental data. The estimated electron-boson coupling constants indicate a strong intraband and a moderate interband interaction

    Dynamics of Postfire Aboveground Carbon in a Chronosequence of Chinese Boreal Larch Forests

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    Boreal forests store a large proportion of the global terrestrial carbon (C), while wildfire plays a crucial role in determining their C storage and dynamics. The aboveground C (AC) pool is an important component of forest C stocks. To quantify the turning point (transforming from C source to C sink) and recovery time of postfire AC, and assess how stand density affects the AC, 175 plots from eight stand age classes were surveyed as a chronosequence in the Great Xing\u27an Mountains of Northeast China. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses were conducted to describe postfire AC recovery patterns. The results showed that (1) postfire AC exhibited a skewed U‐shaped pattern with the turning point at approximately year 30, when the change rate of AC shifted from negative to positive, (2) it took more than 120 years for this forest ecosystem to recover 80% of AC in unburned old‐growth (200 years) stands, and (3) there was an overall positive relationship between AC and stand density over the entire range of stand age classes; and such relationship was stronger during the early‐ and late‐successional stages, but weaker (p \u3e 0.05) during the midsuccessional stage. Although boreal larch forests have been C sinks under historical fire free intervals, predicted increases in fire frequency could potentially shift it to a C source. Understanding postfire AC dynamics in boreal larch forests is central to predicting C cycling response to wildfire and provides a framework for assessing ecosystem resilience to disturbance in this region

    Система лазерного мониторинга загрязнений водной среды с применением относительного описания формы сигналов

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    As a rule, the wastewater treatment system is not designed to filter substances formed, as a result of beyond design basis accident. The nature of the beyond design basis accident is associated with the shortterm appearance of a clot of these substances in wastewater, determined by the volume of the substance storage tank. Therefore, a rational approach is to divert this portion of the formed substances into a separate branch of the sewage system or sedimentation tanks. The aim of the work is to implement this approach by creating a laser monitoring system for water pollution.The article proposes a system for automatic detection of a clot of emergency discharge of pollutants into the wastewater of an industrial enterprise. The structural diagram of the system and the purpose of its main elements are given. The system should provide clot detection in real time. To ensure this function, a preliminary study is made of the spectral characteristics of all substances that may appear in wastewater in the event of an emergency.Based on these data, the wavelengths of laser radiation in the system are selected. The obtained measurement data from several probes are presented in the form of a lattice function, which is translated into a relative description representing the order relationship matrix on the set of lattice function components. The relative description is invariant to linear changes in the lattice function. The decision to detect any substance from emergency discharges is made based on a comparison of the relative description of the measurements with the standards prepared at the stage of system setup.The article provides an example of the formation of standards for emergency clots from glycerin and allyl alcohol. The graphs of the lattice functions obtained from the IR spectra of emergency discharges of these substances are given; algorithms for constructing a lattice function and comparison of lattice functions. Thus, using the developed mathematical description of the shape of digital signals based on the relative description, the signal of the monitoring curve can be described in the form of a curve of the optical density change of an aqueous medium.Как правило, система очистки сточных вод не рассчитана на фильтрацию веществ, образованных в результате запроектной аварии. Характер запроектной аварии связан с кратковременным появлением сгустка этих веществ в сточных водах, определяемый объёмом ёмкости хранения веществ. Поэтому рациональным подходом является отведение этой порции образовавшихся веществ в отдельную ветвь сточной системы или отстойники. Целью работы являлась реализация указанного подхода путем создания системы лазерного мониторинга загрязнений водной среды.В статье предлагается система автоматического обнаружения сгустка аварийного сброса загрязняющих веществ в сточные воды промышленного предприятия. Приведена структурная схема системы и назначение основных её элементов. Система должна обеспечить обнаружение сгустков в реальном масштабе времени. Для обеспечения этой функции предварительно проводится исследование спектральных характеристик всех веществ, возможных к появлению в сточных водах в случае аварийной ситуации.На основании этих данных выбираются длины волн лазерного излучения в системе. Полученные данные измерений от нескольких зондов представляются в виде решётчатой функции, которая переводится в относительное описание, представляющее матрицу отношения порядка на множестве составляющих решётчатой функции. Относительное описание инвариантно к линейным изменениям решётчатой функции. Решение об обнаружении какого-либо вещества из аварийных сбросов принимается на основании сравнения относительного описания измерений с эталонами, подготовленными на стадии настройки системы.Приведён пример формирования эталонов для аварийных сгустков из глицерина и аллилового спирта. Приведены графики решётчатых функций, полученных из ИК-спектров аварийных сбросов этих веществ; алгоритмы построения решётчатой функции и сравнения решётчатых функций.Таким образом, с помощью разработанного математического описания формы цифровых сигналов на основе относительного описания может быть описан сигнал кривой мониторинга в виде кривой изменения оптической плотности водной среды

    Система устранения аварийных сбросов в сточные воды предприятий с использованием относительного описания спектров веществ

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    Peak emergency discharges of harmful substances to the industrial companies waste waters that normally form coagulates over time present a serious environmental problem. These coagulates can enter natural water bodies during the wastewater discharge. Thus, detecting these coagulates in real-time is a relevant problem.To solve this problem, the authors suggest building an automated system that shall record and identify the emergency harmful substances discharges to the industrial companies waste waters caused by accidents. This system features a laser probing module which scans waste water at several wavelengths simultaneously and in real time.Emergency discharge identification is performed based on the substance transmission spectra analysis using the original description of the recorded substance spectra digital signals. The relative description on the components of the lattice function of the spectrum of emergency discharges is used, constructed using the order ratio between the components of the lattice function.The emergency discharge identification can be implemented by comparing the relative description of the emergency discharge spectrum with the reference spectra for the harmful substances that can be present at the given industrial facility, and the standards of the spectra of these substances are presented in the form of a relative description using the ratio “more”–“less”.The authors provide a flow chart for the emergency discharge elimination system, describe its operation and the functions fulfilled by its elements. The system features an emergency coagulate identification device, a processing device for the spectrum recorded that can also store the reference spectra of harmful substances, and a valve-control device for the waste water system. Due to installation of laser radiation sources along the perimeter of the pipe along which the liquid moves, simultaneous laser action on the emergency clot of harmful substances passing through the pipe is ensured. The analysis of the clot passing through the sewer pipe allows opening the valves for each of the predicted emergency clots when receiving a command from the control device and diverting the clot that has appeared to the appropriate sump. Серьёзной экологической проблемой являются залповые аварийные сбросы вредных веществ в сточные воды предприятий, которые, как правило, представляют сгустки определённой длительности. Образованные сгустки могут попасть в естественные водоёмы при сбросе сточных вод. Поэтому актуальна задача обнаружения указанных сгустков в реальном масштабе времени.Для решения данной задачи предлагается вариант построения автоматизированной системы фиксации и идентификации аварийных сбросов вредных веществ в сточные воды промышленного предприятия при запроектных авариях. Отличие системы заключается в использовании лазерного зондирования сточных вод одновременно на нескольких длинах волн излучения в реальном масштабе времени.Идентификация аварийных сбросов производится на основании анализа спектров пропускания веществ с использованием оригинального описания цифровых сигналов регистрируемых спектров веществ. Используется относительное описание на составляющих решетчатой функции спектра аварийных сбросов, построенное с использованием отношения порядка между составляющими решетчатой функции. Идентификация аварийного сброса осуществляется путём сравнения относительного описания спектра аварийного сброса с эталонами спектров возможных вредных веществ для данного предприятия, причём эталоны спектров этих веществ представлены в виде относительного описания с использованием отношения «больше»–«меньше».Приведена структурная схема системы устранения аварийных сбросов, описана её работа и назначение отдельных элементов системы. Система содержит устройство идентификации аварийных сгустков, устройство обработки регистрируемых спектров и хранения эталонов спектров вредных веществ и устройство управления задвижками в системе сточных вод. За счёт установки источников лазерного излучения по периметру трубы, по которой движется жидкость, обеспечивается одновременное лазерное воздействие на проходящий по трубе аварийный сгусток вредных веществ. Анализ проходящего по сточной трубе сгустка позволяет проводить открытие задвижек для каждого из прогнозируемых аварийных сгустков при получении команды от устройства управления и отвести появившийся сгусток в соответствующий отстойник

    A dataset of forest biomass structure for Eurasia

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    The most comprehensive dataset of in situ destructive sampling measurements of forest biomass in Eurasia have been compiled from a combination of experiments undertaken by the authors and from scientific publications. Biomass is reported as four components: live trees (stem, bark, branches, foliage, roots); understory (above- and below ground); green forest floor (above- and below ground); and coarse woody debris (snags, logs, dead branches of living trees and dead roots), consisting of 10,351 unique records of sample plots and 9,613 sample trees from ca 1,200 experiments for the period 1930–2014 where there is overlap between these two datasets. The dataset also contains other forest stand parameters such as tree species composition, average age, tree height, growing stock volume, etc., when available. Such a dataset can be used for the development of models of biomass structure, biomass extension factors, change detection in biomass structure, investigations into biodiversity and species distribution and the biodiversity-productivity relationship, as well as the assessment of the carbon pool and its dynamics, among many others

    Direct evidence of two superconducting gaps in FeSe<inf>0.5</inf>Te<inf>0.5</inf>: SnS-Andreev spectroscopy and the lower critical field

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.We present direct measurements of the superconducting order parameter in nearly optimal FeSe Te single crystals with the critical temperature TC ≈ 14 K. Using the intrinsic multiple Andreev reflection effect (IMARE) spectroscopy and measurements of the lower critical field, we directly determined two superconducting gaps, ΔL ≈ 3.3−3.4 meV and ΔS ≈ 1 meV, and their temperature dependences. We show that a twoband model fits well the experimental data. The estimated electron–boson coupling constants indicate a strong intraband and a moderate interband interaction

    Forest Biomass Observation: Current State and Prospective

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    With this article, we provide an overview of the methods, instruments and initiatives for forest biomass observation at a global scale. We focus on the freely available information provided by both remote and in-situ observations. The advantages and limitation of various space borne methods, including optical, radar (C, L and P band) and LiDAR, as well as respective instruments available on the orbit (MODIS, Proba-V, Landsat, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 , ALOS PALSAR, Envisat ASAR) or expecting (BIOMASS, GEDI, NISAR, SAOCOM-CS) are discussed. We emphasize the role of in-situ methods in the development of a biomass models, providing calibration and validation of remote sensing data. We focus on freely available forest biomass maps, databases and empirical models. We describe the functionality of Biomass.Geo-Wiki.org portal, which provides access to a collection of global and regional biomass maps in full resolution with unified legend and units overplayed with high-resolution imagery. The Forest-Observation-System.net is announced as an international cooperation to establish a global in-situ forest biomass database to support earth observation and to encourage investment in relevant field-based observations and science. Prospects of unmanned aerial vehicles in the forest inventory are briefly discussed. The work was partly supported by ESA IFBN project (contract 4000114425/15/NL/FF/gp)

    Electronic Structure and Coexistence of Superconductivity with Magnetism in RbEuFe4As4

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    In the novel stoichiometric iron-based material RbEuFe4As4, superconductivity coexists with a peculiar long-range magnetic order of Eu 4f states. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we reveal a complex three-dimensional electronic structure and compare it with density functional theory calculations. Multiple super-conducting gaps were measured on various sheets of the Fermi surface. High-resolution resonant photoemission spectroscopy reveals magnetic order of the Eu 4f states deep into the superconducting phase. Both the absolute values and the anisotropy of the superconducting gaps are remarkably similar to the sibling compound without Eu, indicating that Eu magnetism does not affect the pairing of electrons. A complete decoupling between Fe-and Eu-derived states was established from their evolution with temperature, thus unambiguously demonstrating that superconducting and a long-range magnetic orders exist independently from each other. The established electronic structure of RbEuFe4As4 opens opportunities for the future studies of the highly unorthodox electron pairing and phase competition in this family of iron-based superconductors with doping.We thank Matthew Watson for his critical reading of the manuscript. We thank Diamond Light Source for access to beamline I05 (Proposal No. SI15074 and No. SI19041) that contributed to the results presented here. Work was done using equipment from the LPI Shared Facility Center. K.S.P. and V.M.P. acknowledge support by the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF Project No. 21-12-00394). A.V.S. and A.S.U. acknowledge support by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 21-52-12043). E.V.C. acknowledges funding by Saint Petersburg State University project for scientific investigations (ID No. 73028629). S.V.E. acknowledges support from the government research assignment for ISPMS SB RAS (Project FWRW-2019-0032). R.V. acknowledges funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) TRR 288 (Project A05). V.B. thanks the Goethe University Frankfurt for computational resources and Daniel Guterding for providing the FS plotting software. K.K. thanks M. Valvidares, J. Herrero, H. B. Vasili, S. Agrestini, and N. Brookes for their support during the XMCD experiment at ALBA via IHR Proposal 2019063615. D.V.V. also acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MAT-2017-88374-P