480 research outputs found

    Development of Small and Medium-Sized Regional Enterprises: Creation of Priority Areas (the Case of Sverdlovsk Region)

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    This article presents the results of the research which deals with the current level of development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sverdlovsk region. The study analyses the statistics of entrepreneurship development as well as Russian and international experience in this sphere. It also includes a sociological survey of entrepreneurs’ satisfaction with the business climate in the region. The research was aimed at elaborating guidelines for the long-term development of a regional entrepreneurship support system. This system seeks to facilitate the implementation of the ‘Strategy for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Sverdlovsk Region before 2030’. As a result, an amalgam of strategic responses for the development of SMEs is presented. The completed response comprises measures intended to address the problems entrepreneurs face by developing SME support tools; to solve the endemic problems of the sector by improving the system of regional SME support; and to promote the realization of concrete priority areas for entrepreneurship development.The research work was carried out in collaboration with the Ural Federal University n.a. the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin and OOO “Analytical Centre Expert-Ural’” at the request of Sverdlovsk Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund. The research was conducted in the period of September-November 2014. The state programme of Sverdlovsk region ‘Development of Industry and Science in Sverdlovsk Region Before 2020’ (approved by the Order of Sverdlovsk government of 24 October 2013 № 1293-ПП)

    Sun-Sized Water Vapor Masers in Cepheus A

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    We present the first VLBI observations of a Galactic water maser (in Chepeus A) made with a very long baseline interferometric array involving the RadioAstron Earth-orbiting satellite station as one of its elements. We detected two distinct components at -16.9 and 0.6 km/s with a fringe spacing of 66 microarcseconds. In total power, the 0.6 km/s component appears to be a single Gaussian component of strength 580 Jy and width of 0.7 km/s. Single-telescope monitoring showed that its lifetime was only 8~months. The absence of a Zeeman pattern implies the longitudinal magnetic field component is weaker than 120 mG. The space-Earth cross power spectrum shows two unresolved components smaller than 15 microarcseconds, corresponding to a linear scale of 1.6 x 10^11 cm, about the diameter of the Sun, for a distance of 700 pc, separated by 0.54 km/s in velocity and by 160 +/-35 microarcseconds in angle. This is the smallest angular structure ever observed in a Galactic maser. The brightness temperatures are greater than 2 x 10^14K, and the line widths are 0.5 km/s. Most of the flux (about 87%) is contained in a halo of angular size of 400 +/- 150 microarcseconds. This structure is associated with the compact HII region HW3diii. We have probably picked up the most prominent peaks in the angular size range of our interferometer. We discuss three dynamical models: (1) Keplerian motion around a central object, (2) two chance overlapping clouds, and (3) vortices caused by flow around an obstacle (i.e., von Karman vortex street) with Strouhal number of about~0.3.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, February 16, 201

    Elemental bio-imaging of thorium, uranium, and plutonium in tissues from occupationally exposed former nuclear workers

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    Internal exposure from naturally occurring radionuclides (including the inhaled long-lived actinides 232Th and 238U) is a component of the ubiquitous background radiation dose (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States; NCRP Report No. 160; NCRP: Bethesda, MD, 2009). It is of interest to compare the concentration distribution of these natural ?-emitters in the lungs and respiratory lymph nodes with those resulting from occupational exposure, including exposure to anthropogenic plutonium and depleted and enriched uranium. This study examines the application of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to quantifying and visualizing the mass distribution of uranium and thorium isotopes from both occupational and natural background exposure in human respiratory tissues and, for the first time, extends this application to the direct imaging of plutonium isotopes. Sections of lymphatic and lung tissues taken from deceased former nuclear workers with a known history of occupational exposure to specific actinide elements (uranium, plutonium, or americium) were analyzed by LA-ICPMS. Using a previously developed LA-ICPMS protocol for elemental bio-imaging of trace elements in human tissue and a new software tool, we generated images of thorium (232Th), uranium (235U and 238U), and plutonium (239Pu and 240Pu) mass distributions in sections of tissue. We used a laboratory-produced matrix-matched standard to quantify the 232Th, 235U, and 238U concentrations. The plutonium isotopes 239Pu and 240Pu were detected by LA-ICPMS in 65 ?m diameter localized regions of both a paratracheal lymph node and a sample of lung tissue from a person who was occupationally exposed to refractory plutonium (plutonium dioxide). The average (overall) 239Pu concentration in the lymph node was 39.2 ng/g, measured by high purity germanium (HPGe) ?-spectrometry (Lynch, T. P.; Tolmachev, S. Y.; James, A. C. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 2009, 134, 94?101). Localized mass concentrations of thorium (232Th) and uranium (238U) in lymph node tissue from a person not occupationally exposed to these elements (chronic natural background inhalation exposure) ranged up to 400 and 375 ng/g, respectively. In lung samples of occupationally nonexposed to thorium and uranium workers, 232Th and 238U concentrations ranged up to 200 and 170 ng/g, respectively. In a person occupationally exposed to air-oxidized uranium metal (Adley, F. E.; Gill, W. E.; Scott, R. H. Study of atmospheric contaminiation in the melt plant buiding. HW-23352(Rev.); United States Atomic Energy Commission: Oakridge, TN, 1952, p 1?97), the maximum 235U and 238U isotopic mass concentrations in a lymph node, measured at higher resolution (with a 30 ?m laser spot diameter), were 70 and 8500 ng/g, respectively. The ratio of these simultaneously measured mass concentrations signifies natural uranium. The current technique was not sufficiently sensitive, even with a 65 ?m laser spot diameter, to detect 241Am (at an overall tissue concentration of 0.024 ng/g, i.e., 3 Bq/g). © 2010 American Chemical Society

    All-optical dc nanotesla magnetometry using silicon vacancy fine structure in isotopically purified silicon carbide

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    We uncover the fine structure of a silicon vacancy in isotopically purified silicon carbide (4H-28^{28}SiC) and find extra terms in the spin Hamiltonian, originated from the trigonal pyramidal symmetry of this spin-3/2 color center. These terms give rise to additional spin transitions, which are otherwise forbidden, and lead to a level anticrossing in an external magnetic field. We observe a sharp variation of the photoluminescence intensity in the vicinity of this level anticrossing, which can be used for a purely all-optical sensing of the magnetic field. We achieve dc magnetic field sensitivity of 87 nT Hz1/2^{-1/2} within a volume of 3×1073 \times 10^{-7} mm3^{3} at room temperature and demonstrate that this contactless method is robust at high temperatures up to at least 500 K. As our approach does not require application of radiofrequency fields, it is scalable to much larger volumes. For an optimized light-trapping waveguide of 3 mm3^{3} the projection noise limit is below 100 fT Hz1/2^{-1/2}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; additional experimental data and an extended theoretical analysis are added in the second versio

    Analysis of activities of doctors of functional diagnostics service

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    The availability of functional diagnostics by doctors plays a key role in timely diagnosis. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the adequacy of the provision of medical organizations with doctors of functional diagnosis and to evaluate their activities in an outpatient setting. The data of forms of statistical observation for the period from 2012 to 2016 were analyzed to provide doctors with functional diagnostics and the number of their studies in the context of Federal districts and pilot territories of the country for carrying out photochronometric studies. The study showed that in the Russian Federation and its districts there is a low provision of functional diagnostics by doctors working in outpatient conditions, with a favorable trend to their growth. Despite this, over the past five years there has been an increase in their workload, which is reflected in an increase in the number of studies per doctor-specialist and per resident of the country.Обеспеченность врачами функциональной диагностики играет ключевую роль в своевременном установлении диагноза. В этой связи необходимо определить адекватность обеспечения медицинских организаций врачами функциональной диагностики и оценить их деятельность в амбулаторных условиях. Были проанализированы данные форм статистического наблюдения за период с 2012 по 2016 гг. по обеспечению врачами функциональной диагностики и числу проводимых ими исследований в разрезе федеральных округов страны по проведению фотохронометражных исследований. Исследование показало, что в Российской Федерации и ее округах отмечается низкая обеспеченность врачами функциональной диагностики, работающих в амбулаторных условиях, при благоприятной тенденции к их росту. Несмотря на это, за последние пять лет наблюдается увеличение их загруженности, что выражается ростом числа исследований как в расчете на одного врача-специалиста, так и на одного жителя страны

    influence of specific intermolecular interactions on the thermal and dielectric properties of bulk polymers atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of nylon 6

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    Specific intermolecular interactions, in particular H-bonding, have a strong influence on the structural, thermal and relaxation characteristics of polymers. We report here the results of molecular dynamics simulations of Nylon 6 which provides an excellent example for the investigation of such an influence. To demonstrate the effect of proper accounting for H-bonding on bulk polymer properties, the AMBER99sb force field is used with two different parametrization approaches leading to two different sets of partial atomic charges. The simulations allowed the study of the thermal and dielectric properties in a wide range of temperatures and cooling rates. The feasibility of the use of the three methods for the estimation of the glass transition temperature not only from the temperature dependence of structural characteristics such as density, but also by using the electrostatic energy and dielectric constant is demonstrated. The values of glass transition temperatures obtained at different cooling rates are practically the same for the three methods. By proper accounting for partial charges in the simulations, a reasonable agreement between the results of our simulations and experimental data for the density, thermal expansion coefficient, static dielectric constant and activation energy of γ and β relaxations is obtained demonstrating the validity of the modeling approach reported

    Formation and development of the processing industry in the AIC of the region

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    The theoretical grounding of the management system of animal feedingstuff milling of the region was performed. The facilities of animal feedingstuff milling are divided according to the degree of independence of business conducting and directions of sales of the products manufactured. The factors of the internal and external environment of the animal feedingstuff milling of the region were considered. The analysis was performed and the tendencies in the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the region and the system of its management were revealed; the directions of the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the agrarian region were grounded. The potential capacity of the regional market of animal feedingstuff for livestock breeding of the region was calculated. It was offered to form the body of economic management in the form of an independent legal entity bearing the responsibility for execution of the functions imposed on it to develop and implement the plan of development of animal feedingstuff milling – JSC Animal Feedingstuff Cluster of the Altai Territory.peer-reviewe

    Моделирование транспортной системы на основе аналогий между дорожными сетями и электрическими цепями

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    Дата поступления 10 апреля 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 3 июня 2019 г.Received April 10, 2019; accepted June 3, 2019.This article describes a probabilistic mathematical model which can be used to analyse traffic flows in a road network. This model allows us to calculate the probability of distribution of vehicles in a regional road network or an urban street network. In the model, the movement of cars is treated as a Markov process. This makes it possible to formulate an equation determining the probability of finding cars at key points of the road network such as street intersections, parking lots or other places where cars concentrate. For a regional road network, we can use cities as such key points. This model enables us, for instance, to use the analogues of Kirchhoff First Law (Ohm’s Law) for calculation of traffic flows. This calculation is based on the similarity of a real road network and resistance in an electrical circuit. The traffic flow is an analogue of the electric current, the resistance of the section between the control points is the time required to move from one key point to another, and the voltage is the difference in the number of cars at these points. In this case, well-known methods for calculating complex electrical circuits can be used to calculate traffic flows in a real road network. The proposed model was used to calculate the critical load for a road network and compare road networks in various regions of the Ural Federal District.Предложена вероятностная математическая модель, позволяющая анализировать транспортные потоки в дорожной сети. Эта модель позволяет рассчитать вероятность распределения транспортных средств по дорожной сети региона или улично-дорожной сети города. В модели движение автомобилей трактуется как марковский процесс. Это позволяет сформулировать уравнение, определяющее вероятность нахождения автомобилей в ключевых точках дорожной сети. В качестве таких ключевых точек можно рассматривать, например: пересечение улиц в городах, парковки или другие места скопления автомобилей. В региональной сети автомобильных дорог в качестве таких ключевых точек можно рассматривать города. С помощью этой модели была показана, в частности, возможность использовать аналоги первого закона Кирхгофа (закона Ома) для расчета транспортных потоков. Этот расчет основан на эквивалентности реальной дорожной сети электрическим цепям сопротивлений. Транспортный поток является аналогом электрического тока, сопротивление участка между контрольными точками - это время, необходимое для перехода из одной ключевой точки в другую, напряжение - это разница в количестве автомобилей в этих точках. В этом случае для расчета транспортных потоков в реальной дорожной сети могут использоваться общеизвестные методы расчета сложных электрических цепей. Предложенная модель использовалась для расчета критической нагрузки в дорожной сети и сравнения дорожной сети в различных областях Уральского Федерального округа по этому показателю

    Clinical evaluation of different treatment strategies for motor recovery in poststroke rehabilitation during the first 90 days

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    Background: Motor recovery after stroke is based on neuronal plasticity and the structural reorganization of the brain. Questions are debated about the proper moment to start rehabilitation in the acute period of stroke, the significance of rehabilitation interventions during the so-called “plastic window”, and the advantages of modern and traditional programs. The aims of this study were to evaluate the role of different rehabilitation strategies and their combinations for motor recovery and the impact on functional disability by way of neurological and functional outcomes 3 months after ischemic stroke. Methods: We used three rehabilitation approaches: early rehabilitation from the first day of stroke (Phase I), traditional exercise programs (Phase II), and an author’s new method of biofeedback rehabilitation using motion sensors and augmented reality (AR) rehabilitation (Phase III). Clinical and functional outcomes were measured on the 90th day after stroke. We developed algorithms for quantifying the quality of movements during the execution of tasks in the motor domains of the AR rehabilitation program. Results: Phase I of rehabilitation led to an improvement in functional independence, and the recovery of motor functions of the extremities with an absence of mortality and clinical deterioration. AR rehabilitation led to significant improvement both with respect to clinical and functional scores on scales and to variables reflecting the quality of movements. Patients who were actively treated during Phases II and III achieved the same final level of motor recovery and functional outcomes as that of participants who had only received AR rehabilitation during Phase III. Patients who underwent outpatient observation after Phase I showed a deficit of spontaneous motor recovery on the 90th day after stroke. Conclusions: Early rehabilitation was successful but was not enough; rehabilitation programs should be carried out throughout the entire “sensitive period” of poststroke plasticity. The newly developed AR biofeedback motion training is effective and safe as a separate rehabilitation method in the early recovery period of moderately severe, hemiparalytic, and ischemic stroke. These two rehabilitation approaches must be applied together or after each other, not instead of each other, as shown in clinical practice