629 research outputs found

    Hadronic Regge Trajectories: Problems and Approaches

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    We scrutinized hadronic Regge trajectories in a framework of two different models --- string and potential. Our results are compared with broad spectrum of existing theoretical quark models and all experimental data from PDG98. It was recognized that Regge trajectories for mesons and baryons are not straight and parallel lines in general in the current resonance region both experimentally and theoretically, but very often have appreciable curvature, which is flavor-dependent. For a set of baryon Regge trajectories this fact is well described in the considered potential model. The standard string models predict linear trajectories at high angular momenta J with some form of nonlinearity at low J.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Approaches to the isolation of psychological characteristics - transprofessionalism factors

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    The article discusses two approaches to the identification of psychological characteristics factors of transprofessionalismВ статье рассматриваются два подхода к выделению психологических характеристик – факторов транспрофессионализм

    Minigap, Parity Effect and Persistent Currents in SNS Nanorings

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    We have evaluated a proximity-induced minigap in the density of states (DOS) of SNS junctions and SNS nanorings at an arbitrary concentration of non-magnetic impurities. We have demonstrated that an isotropic energy minigap in the electron spectrum opens up already at arbitrarily weak disorder, while angle resolved DOS at higher energies can remain strongly anisotropic. The minigap value ϵg\epsilon_g can be tuned by passing a supercurrent through an SNS junction or by applying a magnetic flux Φ\Phi to an SNS ring. A non-monotonous dependence of ϵg\epsilon_g on Φ\Phi has been found at weak disorder. We have also studied persistent currents in isolated SNS nanorings. For odd number of electrons in the ring we have found a non-trivial current-phase (current-flux) relation which -- at relatively high disorder -- may lead to a π\pi-junction state and spontaneous currents in the ground state of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Particular features of interrelation of motivation, values and sense of life’s meaning as subjective factors of individualizing trajectory in the system of continuous education

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the fact that, as regards methodological and theoretical aspects, the problem of value and motivational sphere is poorly elaborated regarding the interrelation between professional education and professional activity and on the empirical level there is no clear understanding of how the sense of purpose of life and own professional values is related to the professional motivation. The aim of the article is to identify the specific features of the interrelation and effects of meaning of life to the professional values and motivation. The leading method of research is questionnaire method which makes it possible to identify the following: level of sense of life’s purpose – method of life-meaning orientations, specific features of professional motivation – method “Motivation of professional activity” and method “Level of correlation between value and availability of value”. The article presents and discusses the results of empirical study of the interrelation between professional values, professional motivation and life-meaning orientations, as well as the effects of the level of life’s meaning on professional motivation. The practical value is the possibility to use the results of the research in developing programs for correcting and increasing professional motivation, as well as for developing technologies of psychology-pedagogical assistance to sense-making and professional self-identification in projecting and implementing individual educational trajectories in the continuous vocational education system. The article can be useful for specialists in professiology, teachers of technical subjects and professional consultants for forecasting professional development of a person. © 2016 Zavodchikov et al

    Variable Star Candidates in an ACS Field of M31

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    A search for variable stars is performed using two epochs of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) imaging data for a 9.28 square arcminute portion of M31. This data set reveals 254 sources that vary by at least 4-sigma between epochs. The positions and 2-epoch B-band (equivalent) photometry of these sources are presented. The photometry suggests that this catalog includes most of the RR Lyrae population of this portion of M31.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The relationship of time perspective and subjective perceptions of students as the empirical base for individualization of the educational path

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    The significance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the need in practicing individualization of vocational educational process in the continuing education and lack of scientific and methodological support of its accompaniment. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the subjective perceptions and temporal perspective as the empirical bases of individualization of vocational and educational process. The leading method of research of this problem is a questionnaire that allows to identify the level of demonstration time perspectives (adapted technique ZTPI) and differentiate subjective judgments about the system of vocational education, professional self-determination process (questionnaire). The results of empirical study of time perspective, the subjective perception of vocational education and retrospective-prospective (forward-looking) aspects of professional self-determination, as well as their relationship with students are presented and discussed in the article. The results can be taken into account in the scientific and methodological support of individualization of vocational and educational process and in applied methods of formation of individual educational paths in vocational education. © 2016 Zavodchikov et al

    Inactivation of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b by peroxynitrite revisited: does the nitration of Tyr613 in the allosteric inhibition site control enzymatic function?

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    There is increasing evidence that sequence-specific formation of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) may cause functional changes in target proteins. Recently, the nitration of Tyr residues in glycogen phosphorylase b (Ph-b) was implicated in the age-associated decline of protein function (Sharov et al., Exp. Gerontol. 41, 407–416; 2006); in another report, the nitration of one specific residue, Tyr613, located in the allosteric inhibition site was hypothesized as a rationale for peroxynitrite inactivation (Dairou et al., J. Mol. Biol. 372, 1009–1021; 2007). In the present study, we have optimized the analysis of in-gel Ph-b digests by high performance liquid chromatography-electro spray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry, in order to achieve a quantitative analysis of nitration of individual Tyr residues at a high coverage of Tyr-containing sequences (92%). Our data do not confirm the role of Tyr613 nitration in the control of enzymatic function. Furthermore, we show here that the enzymatic activity of Ph-b does not directly correlate with the protein nitration levels, and that the modification of Cys and, potentially, other amino acid residues can better rationalize Ph-b inactivation by peroxynitrite

    Fermi level pinning study at the surface of GaP nanowires

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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 18-72-00231)

    The Kinematics and Metallicity of the M31 Globular Cluster System

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    With the ultimate aim of distinguishing between various models describing the formation of galaxy halos (e.g. radial or multi-phase collapse, random mergers), we have completed a spectroscopic study of the globular cluster system of M31. We present the results of deep, intermediate-resolution, fibre-optic spectroscopy of several hundred of the M31 globular clusters using the Wide Field Fibre Optic Spectrograph (WYFFOS) at the William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands. These observations have yielded precise radial velocities (+/-12 km/s) and metallicities (+/-0.26 dex) for over 200 members of the M31 globular cluster population out to a radius of 1.5 degrees from the galaxy center. Many of these clusters have no previous published radial velocity or [Fe/H] estimates, and the remainder typically represent significant improvements over earlier determinations. We present analyses of the spatial, kinematic and metal abundance properties of the M31 globular clusters. We find that the abundance distribution of the cluster system is consistent with a bimodal distribution with peaks at [Fe/H] = -1.4 and -0.5. The metal-rich clusters demonstrate a centrally concentrated spatial distribution with a high rotation amplitude, although this population does not appear significantly flattened and is consistent with a bulge population. The metal-poor clusters tend to be less spatially concentrated and are also found to have a strong rotation signature.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figure

    At last, a Pennsylvanian stem-stonefly (Plecoptera) discovered

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stem-relatives of many winged insect orders have been identified among Pennsylvanian fossils (Carboniferous Period). Owing to their presumed 'basal' position in insect phylogeny, stoneflies were expected to occur at this period. However, no relative has ever been designated convincingly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we report specimens belonging to a new fossil insect species collected from the Tupo Formation (Pennsylvanian; China). The wing venation of <it>Gulou carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>. exhibits character states diagnostic of the order Plecoptera, but lack character states shared by unequivocal representatives of the order. Derived from this identification, the delimitation of the fossil species is ascertained based on comparison of several extant stonefly species. This comparative analysis allowed a trait present in <it>G. carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>., but rarely occurring in extant species, to be documented and highlighted as atavistic. Affinities of taxa formerly proposed as putative stem-stoneflies are reconsidered in the light of the new discovery.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Gulou carpenteri </it><b>gen. et sp. nov</b>. is considered the only genuine Plecoptera reported from the Pennsylvanian. Continuing efforts on the systematics of Pennsylvanian winged insects indicate a fauna more diverse than previously appreciated. It suggests that insects already had a long, yet undocumented, history by this time.</p