5,860 research outputs found

    MRI/TRUS data fusion for brachytherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Prostate brachytherapy consists in placing radioactive seeds for tumour destruction under transrectal ultrasound imaging (TRUS) control. It requires prostate delineation from the images for dose planning. Because ultrasound imaging is patient- and operator-dependent, we have proposed to fuse MRI data to TRUS data to make image processing more reliable. The technical accuracy of this approach has already been evaluated. METHODS: We present work in progress concerning the evaluation of the approach from the dosimetry viewpoint. The objective is to determine what impact this system may have on the treatment of the patient. Dose planning is performed from initial TRUS prostate contours and evaluated on contours modified by data fusion. RESULTS: For the eight patients included, we demonstrate that TRUS prostate volume is most often underestimated and that dose is overestimated in a correlated way. However, dose constraints are still verified for those eight patients. CONCLUSIONS: This confirms our initial hypothesis

    RG Flows and Stability in Defect Field Theories

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    We investigate defects in scalar field theories in four and six dimensions in a double-scaling (semiclassical) limit, where bulk loops are suppressed and quantum effects come from the defect coupling. We compute β\beta -functions up to four loops and find that fixed points satisfy dimensional disentanglement -- i.e. their dependence on the space dimension is factorized from the coupling dependence -- and discuss some physical implications. We also give an alternative derivation of the β\beta functions by computing systematic logarithmic corrections to the Coulomb potential. In this natural scheme, β\beta functions turn out to be a gradient of a `Hamiltonian' function H{\cal H}. We also obtain closed formulas for the dimension of scalar operators and show that instabilities do not occur for potentials bounded from below. The same formulas are reproduced using Rigid Holography.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; v2: added reference

    Minilaparotomy a Good Option in Specific Cases: A Case Report of Bilateral Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor

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    Mature cystic teratomas (MCTs) of the ovary represent 44% of ovarian neoplasmas. The surgical approach is important in young women especially for the cosmetic results. Nowadays most of the ovarian surgeries can be performed laparoscopically. An alternative between laparoscopy and laparotomy is the minilaparotomy (ML) which can be an interesting option, thanks to the small incision. We report a 39-year-old woman who was referred to our hospital with acute abdominal pain. In her past history the patient had an uncomplicated delivery. During pregnancy a 6 cm bilateral MCT was diagnosed and expectant management was followed. A left-sided ovarial torsion was postulated, and laparoscopic detorsion was performed. To avoid a rupture of the left MCT, the operation was interrupted. To remove the cyst, a ML was done two weeks later. A left-sided salpingo-oophorectomy was performed due to a large cyst including the entire ovary. On the other side, the right dermoid cyst was entirely removed. The advantage of a ML is not only shorter operating time with less learning curve compared to laparoscopy but also the possibility to extract the adnexal mass from the abdominal cavity with lower risk of rupture and in addition the possibility to preserve more ovarian tissue

    Modular detergents tailor the purification and structural analysis of membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors

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    Detergents enable the purification of membrane proteins and are indispensable reagents instructural biology. Even though a large variety of detergents have been developed in the lastcentury, the challenge remains to identify guidelines that allowfine-tuning of detergents forindividual applications in membrane protein research. Addressing this challenge, here weintroduce the family of oligoglycerol detergents (OGDs). Native mass spectrometry (MS)reveals that the modular OGD architecture offers the ability to control protein purificationand to preserve interactions with native membrane lipids during purification. In addition to abroad range of bacterial membrane proteins, OGDs also enable the purification and analysisof a functional G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Moreover, given the modular design ofthese detergents, we anticipatefine-tuning of their properties for specific applications instructural biology. Seen from a broader perspective, this represents a significant advance forthe investigation of membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids

    Penggunaan Gypsum Block Untuk Mengukur Kadar Air Pada Tanah Lempung

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    The test of soil moisture content that most often method applied is gravimetric. By the development of sciences, nowdays a sensor device test on soil moisture content that is called gypsum block. Such devices could be directed inplanted in the place where the moisture content would be measured. This research aimed at getting the calibration equation and correlation coefficient of gypsum block and to determine whethergypsum block could be used as a test of moisture content of clay. The kind of sample was taken from Oebelo village, Central Kupang Subdistrict, East Nusa Tenggara and variations of water used were 15%, 20%, 30.7% and 40%, and total samples were 20. The results of the research revealed that calibration equation of gypsum block to the measurements for 7 days (constant resistantion) was Y=1.323x-0.54 by r = 0.835. The results of field testing and compared with gravimetric method obtained difference moisture content value in the range of 0.26%-2.56%. From the results it could be concluded that the gypsum block could be used as a device to measure the moisture content of clay

    Casein haplotype structure in five Italian goat breeds

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the genetic structure of the casein gene cluster in 5 Italian goat breeds and to evaluate the haplotype variability within and among populations. A total of 430 goats from Vallesana, Roccaverano, Jonica, Garganica, and Maltese breeds were genotyped at alphas1-casein (CSN1S1), alphas2-casein, (CSN1S2), beta-casein (CSN2), and kappa-casein (CSN3) loci using several genomic techniques and milk protein analysis. Casein haplotype frequencies were estimated for each breed. Principal component analysis was carried out to highlight the relationship among breeds. Allele and haplotype distributions indicated considerable differences among breeds. The haplotype CSN1S1*F- CSN1S2*F-CSN3*D occurred in all breeds with frequencies >0.100 and was the most common haplotype in the Southern breeds. A high frequency of CSN1S1*0-CSN1S2*C-CSN3*A haplotype was found in Vallesana population (0.162). Principal component analysis clearly separated the Northern and Southern breeds by the first component. The variability of the caprine casein loci and variety of resulting haplotypes should be exploited in the future using specific breeding programs aiming to preserve biodiversity and to select goat genetic lines for specific protein production

    Testbeam and Laboratory Characterization of CMS 3D Pixel Sensors

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    The pixel detector is the innermost tracking device in CMS, reconstructing interaction vertices and charged particle trajectories. The sensors located in the innermost layers of the pixel detector must be upgraded for the ten-fold increase in luminosity expected with the High- Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) phase. As a possible replacement for planar sensors, 3D silicon technology is under consideration due to its good performance after high radiation fluence. In this paper, we report on pre- and post- irradiation measurements for CMS 3D pixel sensors with different electrode configurations. The effects of irradiation on electrical properties, charge collection efficiency, and position resolution of 3D sensors are discussed. Measurements of various test structures for monitoring the fabrication process and studying the bulk and surface properties, such as MOS capacitors, planar and gate-controlled diodes are also presented.Comment: 14 page


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    Perkembangan Kota Kupang yang semakin pesat serta meningkatnya aktifitas masyarakat menyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan lalu litas pada jalan khususnya pada simpang 4 bersinyal Polda. Berdasarkan kaitannya dengan manajemen lalu lintas maka kinerja persimpangan menjadi kebutuhan yang mendesak. Kinerja simpang diketahui dengan cara melakukan evaluasi terhadap pengaturan fase pada simpang bersinyal Polda. Analisis tahap pertama dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja simpang Polda dengan pengaturan 4 fase dan tahap kedua dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui kinerja simpang Polda jika dilakukan perubahan fase menjadi 2 fase. Adapun data yang didapatkan dari hasil survey dianalisis dengan menggunakan Pedoman kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 2014. Hasil analisis dengan sistem 4 fase menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan dan tundaan yang tinggi yaitu 1,01 untuk Jl. Jend Sudirman, 1,04 untuk Jl. Jend. Soeharto, 0,48 untuk Jl. Herewila dan 0,89 untuk Jl. Nisnoni serta tundaan rata-rata sebesar 120 det/smp. Analisis dengan sistem 2 fase menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan dan tundaan yang lebih rendah yaitu 0,48 untuk Jl. Jend. Sudirman, 0,55 Jl. Jend. Soeharto, 0,26 Jl. Herewila dan 0,52 Jl. Nisnoni serta tundaan rata-rata 17,16 det/smp. Dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan kapasitas simpang Polda perlu diberlakukan sistem 2 fase pengaturan larangan belok kanan pada simpang serta penggunaan fasilitas u-turn.The rapid development of traffic in Kupang City has caused  frequent traffic jams, especially at four-legged signalized intersection of Polda,therefore traffic management needs to be done to improve the performance of the intersection. The analysis was conducted in two stages and was based on the 2014 Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual. In the first stage, the performance of the current Polda intersection that has 4-phase signal setting, and the second stage, an intersection performance analysis is performed if the changes are made into 2-phase signal. The analysis showed that the application of 4-phase system resulted in a relatively high degree of saturation those are 1,01 for the Jend. Sudirman Street, 1,04 for Jend. Soeharto Street, 0,48 for Herewila Street and 0,89 for Nisnoni Street with an average delay of 120 sec/pcu. At the change into 2-phase signal the analysis result showed a lower degree of saturation those arefor Jend. Sudirman, Jend. Soeharto, Herewila and Nisnoni Street respectively of 0,48, 0,55, 0,26 and 0,52, with an average delay of 17,16 sec/pcu. Thus, a 2-phase signal system needs to be applied to improve performance at the Polda intersection. This system must be equipped with a right turn restriction arrangement, installation of u-turn facilities as well as required sign and mark

    Casein haplotype variability in Apulian goat breeds

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    Due to the tight linkage among the casein genes, the study of the haplotype variability is a necessary approach in order to identify important effects which could be exploited for the genetic improvement of goat species, showing considerable casein genetic variation. The aim of this paper was to analyse the casein haplotype distribution, with particular attention to the linkage phase between as1-casein (CSN1S1) and b-casein (CSN2). The two first loci of the casein cluster, which are only 12 kb apart and are convergently transcribed. Apulian goats from Garganica, Jonica, and Maltese breeds were considered. DNA typing showed that the CSN2*C allele is mainly associated to CSN1S1*A and CSN1S1*F allele. Most probably, the differentiation between CSN2*C and CSN2*A occurred before the numerous mutations affecting CSN1S1 locus