182 research outputs found

    Conversion of the Organic Matter of Domanic Shale and Permian Bituminous Rocks in Hydrothermal Catalytic Processes

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Comparative studies of hydrothermal transformation of organic matter samples of bituminous rocks from Domanic and Permian deposits of the Tatarstan Republic (Russian Federation) have been carried out. The experiments have been taken at a temperature of 300 °C in a vapor-gas carbon dioxide environment, with a content of 30% water in the reactionary system and an initial pressure of carbon dioxide of 2 MPa. It is shown that the distinguishing features of the organic matter of the analyzed species according to thermal analysis data are most prominent in the loss of its mass at various temperature intervals. Also, changes take place in group and structural composition and hydrocarbon composition, which have an impact on the composition of the initial products of experiments. Hydrothermal effects on the Domanic rock sample result in the destruction of structural polymer fragments of kerogen. It results in an increase in the contents of asphaltenes and their modified structures in the form of carben-carboids, insoluble in solvents characteristic of asphaltenes, thus reducing the relative content of saturated hydrocarbons in the products of the experiment. Under similar hydrothermal conditions, changes in the physical composition of the Permian rock are less significant. For the investigation of activation processes of the transformation of organic matter of the Permian rock, an experiment was conducted using catalysts. As catalysts, a composition of oil-soluble iron(II), cobalt(II), and copper(II) carboxylates with an additive of propanol was used. The use of the catalyst has increased the output of light fractions and reduced the content of resins and asphaltenes as part of Permian rock

    Oil generation potential of the Permian deposits of Tatarstan based on the content, structure and thermal stability of organic matter in rocks

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    © SGEM2016.With the use of thermal analysis and Rock-Eval, as well as on the basis of changes in the content and features of the group and the hydrocarbon composition of organic matter in samples of oil and bitumen-containing rocks of Permian deposits in Tatarstan, according to their mineral composition, evaluated the types of hydrocarbon fluids and oil generation potential of the rocks

    Structural changes of heavy oil in the composition of the sandstone in a catalytic and non-catalytic aquathermolysis

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Currently in connection with exhaustion of actively developed resources of light crude and the increasing consumption of energy carriers the development task solution of scavenger oil which will soon become the most important resource of stabilization and increase of oil production is relevant. The share of scavenger oil which,in particular,treatsuperviscous heavy oil steadily grows in overall balance therefore in the next years the gain of oil extraction will be provided at the expense of such naptha. It is accepted to call these resources of hydrocarbons non-conventional as their extraction requires application of the technologies and methods different from traditional methods of light oil production. One of such methods is steam impact on the layer which is characterized by downloading settlement volume of the heat carrier through delivery wells,creation of a thermal fringe and its subsequent advance by not heated water on layer towards production wells. At the same time use of various additional receptions,in particular,forcing of catalytic systems will allow to increase energy efficiency and to intensify process of heavy oil extraction. Relevance of such researches does not raise doubts. In this work the heavy native oil structural changes are studied; they lie in a sample of petrosaturated sandstone of the Volga-Ural province,being impacted by process of catalytic and not catalytic aquathermolysis

    Учет ограничений по продольной динамике при регулировании пускового режима электропоездов

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    Application of non-contact soft regulation for electric train requires control of traction drive taking into account the restrictions on longitudinal dynamics, i. e. the intensity of increase in traction of train’s acceleration when it starts moving. This task is solved in a control system using a master element that implements restrictions on the intensity of acceleration growth. A block diagram is shown that provides the implementation of this criterion on digital elements.Применение плавного бесконтактного регулирования для электропоездов требует управления тяговым приводом с учетом ограничений по продольной динамике, то есть по интенсивности нарастания силы тяги ускорения поезда при его трогании. Эта задача решается в системе управления с помощью задающего элемента, реализующего ограничения по интенсивности нарастания ускорения. Приведена блок-схема, обеспечивающая реализацию этого критерия на цифровых элементах

    Geoantineutrino Spectrum, 3He/4He-ratio Distribution in the Earth's Interior and Slow Nuclear Burning on the Boundary of the Liquid and Solid Phases of the Earth's Core

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    The description problem of geoantineutrino spectrum and reactor antineutrino experimental spectrum in KamLAND, which takes place for antineutrino energy \~2.8 MeV, and also the experimental results of the interaction of uranium dioxide and carbide with iron-nickel and silicaalumina melts at high pressure (5-10 GP?) and temperature (1600-2200C) have motivated us to consider the possible consequences of the assumption made by V.Anisichkin and coauthors that there is an actinid shell on boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core. We have shown that the activation of a natural nuclear reactor operating as the solitary waves of nuclear burning in 238U- and/or 232Th-medium (in particular, the neutron- fission progressive wave of Feoktistov and/or Teller-Ishikawa-Wood) can be such a physical consequence. The simplified model of the kinetics of accumulation and burnup in U-Pu fuel cycle of Feoktistov is developed. The results of the numerical simulation of neutron-fission wave in two-phase UO2/Fe medium on a surface of the Earth's solid core are presented. The georeactor model of 3He origin and the 3He/4He-ratio distribution in the Earth's interior is offered. It is shown that the 3He/4He ratio distribution can be the natural quantitative criterion of georeactor thermal power. On the basis of O'Nions-Evensen-Hamilton geochemical model of mantle differentiation and the crust growth supplied by actinid shell on the boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core as a nuclear energy source (georeactor with power of 30 TW), the tentative estimation of geoantineutrino intensity and geoantineutrino spectrum on the Earth surface are given.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. Added text, formulas, figures and references. Corrected equations. Changed content of some section


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    The paper presents a classification of parameters of electric locomotives with comments about existing restrictions and a block diagram of a dual-system electric locomotive. Variants for formation of a train of freight electric locomotives (multiple locomotive section) are shown based on a flexible type, taking into account different groups of parameters.The authors underline that locomotive’s reliability is assessed by a number of parameters but availability index is most important. This index is calculated for a given period of time between overhauls and is now considered to be normally equal to 0,95. The authors consider this value effective for future as well.В статье приведены классификация параметров электровозов с комментарием по поводу действующих ограничений и структурная схема двухсистемного электровоза. Показаны способы формирования его грузового варианта на базе гибкого типажа с учетом различных групп параметров. При этом подчеркивается, что надежность локомотива оценивают по большому количеству показателей, но главным среди них остается коэффициент готовности, который вычисляется за фиксированный промежуток времени между капитальными ремонтами и на уровне нормы предполагает сейчас 0,95. Эту цифру авторы считают пригодной и на перспективу


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    Abstract It was recently proposed to use synthetic opals as a host matrix for obtaining 3D arrays of electronic nanodevice

    Persistent, depth-intensified mixing during the Western Mediterranean Transition's initial stages

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    Piñeiro, S., González-Pola, C., Fernández-Díaz, J. M., Naveira-Garabato, A. C., Sánchez-Leal, R., Puig, P., et al. (2021). Persistent, depth-intensified mixing during the Western Mediterranean Transition's initial stages. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016535. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016535. © 2020. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.© 2020. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Major deep-convection activity in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2005 triggered the formation of a complex anomalous deep-water structure that substantially modified the properties of the Western Mediterranean deep layers. Since then, evolution of this thermohaline structure, the so-called Western Mediterranean Transition (WMT), has been traced through a regularly sampled hydrographic deep station located on the outer continental slope of Minorca Island. A rapid erosion of the WMT's near-bottom thermohaline signal was observed during 2005–2007. The plausible interpretation of this as local bottom-intensified mixing motivates this study. Here, the evolution of the WMT structure through 2005–2007 is reproduced by means of a one-dimensional diffusion model including double-diffusive mixing that allows vertical variation of the background mixing coefficient and includes a source term to represent the lateral advection of deep-water injections from the convection area. Using an optimization algorithm, a best guess for the depth-dependent background mixing coefficient is obtained for the study period. WMT evolution during its initial stages is satisfactorily reproduced using this simple conceptual model, indicating that strong depth-intensified mixing (K ∞ (z) ≈ 22 × 10−4 m2 s−1; z ⪆ 1,400 dbar) is a valid explanation for the observations. Extensive hydrographic and current observations gathered over the continental slope of Minorca during winter 2018, the first deep-convective winter intensively sampled in the region, provide evidence of topographically localized enhanced mixing concurrent with newly formed dense waters flowing along-slope toward the Algerian sub-basin. This transport-related boundary mixing mechanism is suggested to be a plausible source of the water-mass transformations observed during the initial stages of the WMT off Minorca.CTM2014-54374-R. BES-2015-074316.Versión del editor3,17

    Effect of Spatial Locality on an Evolutionary Algorithm for Multimodal Optimization

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    Abstract. To explore the effect of spatial locality, crowding differential evolu-tion is incorporated with spatial locality for multimodal optimization. Instead of random trial vector generations, it takes advantages of spatial locality to generate fitter trial vectors. Experiments were conducted to compare the proposed algo-rithm (CrowdingDE-L) with the state-of-the-art algorithms. Further experiments were also conducted on a real world problem. The experimental results indicate that CrowdingDE-L has a competitive edge over the other algorithms tested.

    Фармакоэкономическая оценка программы ускоренного выздоровления и кровосбережения при расширенно-комбинированных операциях на органах малого таза

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    Background: The newly diagnosed pelvic cancer appears to be locally advanced in every third patient, which requires a comprehensive approach to treatment and often extensive combined surgical interventions. Long duration of operations, blood loss, complications of the tumor process during or after previous treatment often lead to the development of complications, slow rehabilitation and increasing cost of treatment. The use of fast track protocol (FTP) and blood-saving technologies can reduce the impact of these adverse factors.Aim: The evaluation of the pharmaco-economic efficiency of fast track protocol and blood-saving technologies in patients after extended combined operations for pelvic tumors.Materials and methods: The study included 111 patients with pelvic tumors who underwent an extensive combined surgery for rectal or gynecological tumors. Among them, 52 patients were underwent the same fast track protocol with a focus on the use of blood-saving technologies (2020–2021), the management of patients in the control group was more conservative (n = 59, 2018–2019). After analyzing the factors affecting the treatment outcomes, 2 groups of 16 patients comparable in basic clinical indications were formed by selection of pairs patients using quasi-randomization to assess the direct costs of treatment.Results: The cost of treatment in the FTS group and the control group was 157744 ± 32728,72 and 273429 ± 217931,5 (P < 0,05) rubles,  respectively. The lower blood loss (206 ± 70 ml vs 430 ± 208, р = 0,3) allowed for a statistically significant difference in the frequency of transfusion of blood components (2 vs 12, p < 0,0009), despite the higher cost of supplies in the FTS group (132913 vs 57347 rubles). Also, the resuscitation bed-day (1,75 ± 1,3 vs 3,5 ± 2, р = 0,5) and the postoperative bed-day (16,8 ± 8; 8–32; vs 27 ± 18, р = 0,6) were lower in the FTS group.Conclusion: According to our data using the fast track protocol and blood-saving technologies in a group of patients with locally extensive pelvic organs tumors has helped to reduce the cost of treatment and improve the efficiency of the hospital.Актуальность: У каждого третьего пациента с диагностированными впервые опухолями органов малого таза процесс носит местнораспространенный характер, что требует комплексного подхода к лечению и проведения расширенных оперативных вмешательств. Высокая продолжительность операций, кровопотеря, осложнения опухолевого процесса или предшествующего лечения часто приводят к развитию осложнений, замедляют реабилитацию, повышают стоимость лечения. Применение программ ускоренного выздоровления (ПУВ) и кровосберегающих технологий позволяет снизить влияние этих неблагоприятных факторов.Цель исследования: оценка фармако-экономической  эффективности применения программы ускоренного выздоровления и кровосбережения при расширенно-комбинированных операциях по поводу опухолей малого таза.Материалы и методы: В исследование было включено 111 пациентов, которым была выполнена расширенно — комбинированная операция по поводу опухолей прямой кишки или женской репродуктивной сферы. В группе исследования(n = 52, 2020–2021 гг.) использовалась стандартизированная ПУВ с включением кровосберегающих технологий, в группеконтроля (n = 59, 2018–2019 гг.) ведение пациентов было более консервативным. С целью устранить влияние гетерогенности показателей пациентов и выполненных вмешательств на стоимость лечения использован метод псевдорандомизации (propensity score matching): после оценки ковариат исхода «общие затраты на госпитальный этап лечения» путем подбора пар были сформированы сопоставимые по основным клиническим показателям группы по 16 пациентов. В этих группах проведен сравнительный анализ стоимости лечения в целом и его различных компонентов.Результаты: Средняя стоимость лечения составила 161,2 ± 32,7 тыс. рублей в группе исследования против 273,4 ± 217,9 тыс. рублей в группе контроля, соответственно (р = 0,048). Применение  современных электролигирующих устройств, а также отказ от рутинного применения обструктивных резекций прямой кишки привели к увеличению стоимости расходных материалов в группе исследования, однако более низкий объем кровопотери (медиана 200 ± 70 мл против 500 ± 209, р = 0,3) позволил добиться статистически значимого различия по частоте переливания компонентов крови (4 против 12, р = 0,014), сокращения реанимационного (1,75 ± 1,3 против 3,5 ± 2, р = 0,5) и послеоперационного койко-дня (10 ± 8 против 14 ± 15, р = 0,6).Заключение: Применение ПУВ и кровосберегающих технологий при выполнении расширенно-комбинированных вмешательств на органах малого таза способствует снижению затрат на лечение и уменьшению длительности послеоперационного койко-дня, повышая эффективность работы стационара