960 research outputs found

    Versatile ytterbium ion trap experiment for operation of scalable ion-trap chips with motional heating and transition-frequency measurements

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    We present the design and operation of an ytterbium ion trap experiment with a setup offering versatile optical access and 90 electrical interconnects that can host advanced surface and multilayer ion trap chips mounted on chip carriers. We operate a macroscopic ion trap compatible with this chip carrier design and characterize its performance, demonstrating secular frequencies >1 MHz, and trap and cool nearly all of the stable isotopes, including 171Yb+ ions, as well as ion crystals. For this particular trap we measure the motional heating rate 〈ṅ〉 and observe an 〈ṅ〉∝1/ω2 behavior for different secular frequencies ω. We also determine a spectral noise density SE(1 MHz)=3.6(9)×10-11 V2 m-2 Hz-1 at an ion electrode spacing of 310(10) μm. We describe the experimental setup for trapping and cooling Yb+ ions and provide frequency measurements of the 2S1/2↔2P1/2 and 2D3/2↔3D[3/2]1/2 transitions for the stable 170Yb+, 171Yb+, 172Yb+, 174Yb+, and 176Yb+ isotopes which are more precise than previously published work

    Prostate Cancer Nodal Staging: Using Deep Learning to Predict 68Ga-PSMA-Positivity from CT Imaging Alone

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    Lymphatic spread determines treatment decisions in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. 68Ga-PSMA-PET/CT can be performed, although cost remains high and availability is limited. Therefore, computed tomography (CT) continues to be the most used modality for PCa staging. We assessed if convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be trained to determine 68Ga-PSMA-PET/CT-lymph node status from CT alone. In 549 patients with 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT imaging, 2616 lymph nodes were segmented. Using PET as a reference standard, three CNNs were trained. Training sets balanced for infiltration status, lymph node location and additionally, masked images, were used for training. CNNs were evaluated using a separate test set and performance was compared to radiologists' assessments and random forest classifiers. Heatmaps maps were used to identify the performance determining image regions. The CNNs performed with an Area-Under-the-Curve of 0.95 (status balanced) and 0.86 (location balanced, masked), compared to an AUC of 0.81 of experienced radiologists. Interestingly, CNNs used anatomical surroundings to increase their performance, "learning" the infiltration probabilities of anatomical locations. In conclusion, CNNs have the potential to build a well performing CT-based biomarker for lymph node metastases in PCa, with different types of class balancing strongly affecting CNN performance

    Structural, magnetic and electrical properties of the hexagonal ferrites MFeO3 (M=Y, Yb, In)

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    We thank EPSRC for funding, STFC for providing neutron facilities and Diamond Light Source for provision of synchrotron facilities. We thank Dr Chiu Tang for assistance at Diamond and Dr A. Kusmartseva (University of Edinburgh) for assistance with the SQUID measurements. FDM thanks the Royal Society for a Research Fellowship.The hexagonal ferrites MFeO3 (M=Y, Yb, In) have been studied using a combination of neutron and X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, dielectric measurements and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. This study confirms the previously reported crystal structure of InFeO3 (YAlO3 structure type, space group P63/mmc), but YFeO3 and YbFeO3 both show a lowering of symmetry to at most P63cm (ferrielectric YMnO3 structure type). However, Mössbauer spectroscopy shows at least two distinct Fe sites for both YFeO3 and YbFeO3 and we suggest that the best model to rationalise this involves phase separation into more than one similar hexagonal YMnO3-like phase. Rietveld analysis of the neutron diffraction data was carried out using two hexagonal phases as a simplest case scenario. In both YFeO3 and YbFeO3, distinct dielectric anomalies are observed near 130 K and 150 K, respectively. These are tentatively correlated with weak anomalies in magnetic susceptibility and lattice parameters, for YFeO3 and YbFeO3, respectively, which may suggest a weak magnetoelectric effect. Comparison of neutron and X-ray powder diffraction shows evidence of long-range magnetic order in both YFeO3 and YbFeO3 at low temperatures. Due to poor sample crystallinity, the compositional and structural effects underlying the phase separation and possible magnetoelectric phenomena cannot be ascertained.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Longitudinal response functions of 3H and 3He

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    Trinucleon longitudinal response functions R_L(q,omega) are calculated for q values up to 500 MeV/c. These are the first calculations beyond the threshold region in which both three-nucleon (3N) and Coulomb forces are fully included. We employ two realistic NN potentials (configuration space BonnA, AV18) and two 3N potentials (UrbanaIX, Tucson-Melbourne). Complete final state interactions are taken into account via the Lorentz integral transform technique. We study relativistic corrections arising from first order corrections to the nuclear charge operator. In addition the reference frame dependence due to our non-relativistic framework is investigated. For q less equal 350 MeV/c we find a 3N force effect between 5 and 15 %, while the dependence on other theoretical ingredients is small. At q greater equal 400 MeV/c relativistic corrections to the charge operator and effects of frame dependence, especially for large omega, become more important. In comparison with experimental data there is generally a rather good agreement. Exceptions are the responses at excitation energies close to threshold, where there exists a large discrepancy with experiment at higher q. Concerning the effect of 3N forces there are a few cases, in particular for the R_L of 3He, where one finds a much improved agreement with experiment if 3N forces are included.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    On homothetic cosmological dynamics

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    We consider the homogeneous and isotropic cosmological fluid dynamics which is compatible with a homothetic, timelike motion, equivalent to an equation of state ρ+3P=0\rho + 3P = 0. By splitting the total pressure PP into the sum of an equilibrium part pp and a non-equilibrium part Π\Pi, we find that on thermodynamical grounds this split is necessarily given by p=ρp = \rho and Π=(4/3)ρ\Pi = - (4/3)\rho, corresponding to a dissipative stiff (Zel'dovich) fluid.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Cosmological thermodynamics and deflationary gas universe

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    We establish a general thermodynamic scheme for cosmic fluids with internal self-interactions and discuss equilibrium and non-equilibrium aspects of such systems in connection with (generalized) symmetry properties of the cosmological dynamics. As an example we construct an exactly solvable gas dynamical model of a ``deflationary'' transition from an initial de Sitter phase to a subsequent Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) period. We demonstrate that this dynamics represents a manifestation of a conformal symmetry of an ``optical'' metric, characterized by a specific effective refraction index of the cosmic medium.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in PR

    Cosmological perturbations in the inflationary Universe

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    Previously defined covariant and gauge-invariant perturbation variables, representing, e.g., the fractional spatial energy density gradient on hypersurfaces of constant expansion, are used to simplify the linear perturbation analysis of a classical scalar field. With the help of conserved quantities on large scales we establish an exact first-order relation between comoving fluid energy density perturbations at `reentry' into the horizon and corresponding scalar field energy density perturbations at the first Hubble scale crossing during an early de Sitter phase of a standard inflationary scenario.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, to appear in PR

    Exact 4He Spectral Function in a Semirealistic NN Potential Model

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    The spectral function of 4He is calculated with the Lorentz integral transform method in a large energy and momentum range. The excitation spectrum of the residual 3N-system is fully taken into account. The obtained spectral function is used to calculate the quasi elastic longitudinal (e,e') response R_l of 4He for q=300, 400, and 500 MeV/c. Comparison with the exact R_l shows a rather sizeable disagreement except in the quasi elastic peak, where the differences reduce to about 10% at q=500 MeV/c. It is shown as well that very simple momentum distribution approximations for the spectral function provide practically the same results for R_l as the exact spectral function.Comment: 7 pages, Latex (Revtex), 4 Postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    State Dependent Effective Interaction for the Hyperspherical Formalism

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    The method of effective interaction, traditionally used in the framework of an harmonic oscillator basis, is applied to the hyperspherical formalism of few-body nuclei (A=3-6). The separation of the hyperradial part leads to a state dependent effective potential. Undesirable features of the harmonic oscillator approach associated with the introduction of a spurious confining potential are avoided. It is shown that with the present method one obtains an enormous improvement of the convergence of the hyperspherical harmonics series in calculating ground state properties, excitation energies and transitions to continuum states.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 8 ps figure

    Three-Particle Correlations in Simple Liquids

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    We use video microscopy to follow the phase-space trajectory of a two-dimensional colloidal model liquid and calculate three-point correlation functions from the measured particle configurations. Approaching the fluid-solid transition by increasing the strength of the pair-interaction potential, one observes the gradual formation of a crystal-like local order due to triplet correlations, while being still deep inside the fluid phase. Furthermore, we show that in a strongly interacting system the Born-Green equation can be satisfied only with the full triplet correlation function but not with three-body distribution functions obtained from superposing pair-correlations (Kirkwood superposition approximation).Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PRL, experimental paper, 2nd version: Fig.1 and two new paragraphs have been adde