64 research outputs found

    Analisis Peran Aktor Dalam Formulasi Kebijakan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan Di Kelurahan Kemijen, Kota Semarang

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    The implementation of PNPM-MP is still have lots of weakness, it is proven that the number of poor families target years 2009-2011 and 2011-2013 Kemijen Village Semarang are still same. Based on the observation by researcher, PNPM-MP resistance due to weak human resources; institutional coordination; differences in perceptions and lack of understanding of the guidelines. Based on the description of the background of the problem, can be taken 3 problem, they are: How the role of actors in policy formulation for PNPM-MP on Kemijen Village Semarang City?; What are the obstacles in the implementation of PNPM-MP? And how handling the weakness in the implementation of PNPM-MP? According to James Anderson Charles Lindblom and James P. Lester and Joseph Stewart, Jr. actors or actors participate in policy formation process can be divided into two groups, namely the cast and the cast as well as official and unofficial. Which belongs to the actor and is the official government agency (bureaucracy), the president (executive), legislative and judicial. While belonging to the unofficial role include interest groups, political parties and individual citizens. This research uses the theory of James E. Anderson, the policy is as the behavior of a number of actors (officials, groups, government agencies) or a set of actors in a particular policy area. Talk of the policy cannot get out of the relationship between interest groups, both at the government and society at large. According to Walter J.M. Kickert, Erik-Hans Klijn and Joop F.M. Koppenjan, actors cannot be separated from each other and have connection with each other. According to Sri Suwitri, strong policy networks are the five things they are the interests of network members, membership, interdependence, isolation from other networks, and the distribution of resources among the members. Network integration of high membership, membership has stability, interdependence network members, and isolation from other networks. The larger the policy network will strengthen the pluralistic society. This study uses qualitative research and data collection based on interviews with key informants and direct observation conducted by researchers at Kemijen Village Semarang City.Based on theory, the actor cannot move on their own without collaboration of other actors, so that is needed a network diagram to known the role of each actor. In the implementation of PNPM-MP should refer to the operational guidelines PNPM-MP and develop accessibility advisory assistance from the sub-district or districts. Then, it is necessary establishes public complaints unit to accommodate all the complaints that can be sought alternative solutions. In finding such alternative PNPM-MP need to use incremental models so that any problems that arise can be done rectification and correction to create anew policy. Suggestions in this study are it need a similar view from actors to improve the welfare ofsociety and transparency in the implementation of PNPM-MP

    1RXS J180834.7+101041 is a new cataclysmic variable with non-uniform disc

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    Results of photometric and spectroscopic investigations of the recently discovered disc cataclysmic variable star 1RXS J180834.7+101041 are presented. Emission spectra of the system show broad double peaked hydrogen and helium emission lines. Doppler maps for the hydrogen lines demonstrate strongly non-uniform emissivity distribution in the disc, similar to that found in IP Peg. It means that the system is a new cataclysmic variable with a spiral density wave in the disc. Masses of the components (M_WD = 0.8 +/- 0.22 M_sun and M_RD = 0.14 +/- 0.02 M_sun), and the orbit inclination (i = 78 +/- 1.5 deg) were estimated using the various well-known relations for cataclysmic variables.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference "European White Dwarf Workshop, 2010", Tuebingen, German

    Penerapan Dashboard sebagai Media Pengumpulan Data Laporan Penulisan Mahasiswa di Widuri Menggunakan Rinfo Spreadsheet pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Dashboard adalah satu aplikasi yang secara real time akan memonitoring berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh suatu organisasi atau Perusahaan dengan berbagai macam format. Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi informasi yang canggih, saat ini Widuri yang merupakan salah satu website yang ada di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja ternyata belum menerapkan dashboard pada website tersebut sehingga menyulitkan para admin widuri dalam merekap laporan performa widuri wayang. Maka diperlukannya penerapan dashboard pelaporan penulisan Widuri pada Website Widuri dengan menggunakan mediawiki yang bisa menampung dan mengolah data untuk dijadikan sebuah informasi yang dibutuhkan. Kata kunci : Dashboard, Widuri, Informasi Dashboard is an application that in real time will monitor various information needed by an organization or company with various formats. With the development of sophisticated information technology, this time Widuri is one of the websites in the College Raharja was not yet apply the dashboard on the website so difficult for the administrators of widuri in recording performance reports puppet widuri. So the need for the application of dashboard reporting Widuri writing on Widuri Website by using mediawiki that can accommodate and process data to be a needed information. Keywords: Dashboard, Widuri, Information&nbsp

    HBHA 4705-03: A new cataclysmic variable

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    Results of photometric and spectroscopic studies for the new eclipsing cataclysmic variable star HBHA 4705-03 with an orbital period of 0. 1718 days are presented. Its spectrum exhibits hydrogen and helium emission lines. The Doppler maps constructed from hydrogen lines and the He II λ 4686 line show that the regions near the inner Lagrangian point are the main source of emission in these lines, while the maps constructed from He I lines suggest the presence of an accretion disk around the primary. The masses of the components (MWD = 0. 54 ± 0. 10M⊙ andMRD = 0. 45 ± 0. 05 M⊙) and the orbital inclination of the system (i = 71. 8° ± 0. 7°) have been determined from observational data using well-known relations for close binaries and cataclysmic variable stars. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Analysis of reflection effects in HS 2333+3927

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    The results of photometric and spectroscopic observations of the pre-cataclysmic variable HS 2333+3927, which is a HW Vir binary system, are analyzed. The parameters of the sdB subdwarf companion (T eff = 37 500 ± 500 K, log g = 5.7 ± 0.05) and the chemical composition of its atmosphere are refined using a spectrum of the binary system obtained at minimum brightness. Reflection effects can fully explain the observed brightness variations of HS 2333+3927, changes in the HI and HeI line profiles, and distortions of the radial-velocity curve of the primary star. A new method for determining the component-mass ratios in HW Vir binaries, based on their radial-velocity curves and models of irradiated atmospheres, is proposed. The set of parameters obtained for the binary components corresponds to models of horizontal-branch sdB subdwarfs and main-sequence stars. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Investigation of the new cataclysmic variable 1RXS J180834.7+101041

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    We present the results of our photometric and spectroscopic studies of the new eclipsing cataclysmic variable star 1RXS J180834. 7+101041. Its spectrum exhibits double-peaked hydrogen and helium emission lines. The Doppler maps constructed from hydrogen lines show a nonuniform distribution of emission in the disk similar to that observed in IP Peg. This suggests that the object can be a cataclysmic variable with tidal density waves in the disk. We have determined the component masses (M WD = 0.8 ± 0.22M ⊙ and M RD = 0.14 ± 0.02M ⊙) and the binary inclination (i = 78° ± 1.5°) based on well-known relations between parameters for cataclysmic variable stars. We have modeled the binary light curves and showed that the model of a disk with two spots is capable of explaining the main observed features of the light curves. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Investigation of the new cataclysmic variable 1RXS J180834.7+101041

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    We present the results of our photometric and spectroscopic studies of the new eclipsing cataclysmic variable star 1RXS J180834.7+101041. Its spectrum exhibits double-peaked hydrogen and helium emission lines. The Doppler maps constructed from hydrogen lines show a nonuniform distribution of emission in the disk similar to that observed in IP Peg. This suggests that the object can be a cataclysmic variable with tidal density waves in the disk. We have determined the component masses (M_WD =0.8 \pm 0.22 M_sun and M_RD =0.14 \pm 0.02 M_sun) and the binary inclination (i =78 \pm 1.5 deg) based on well-known relations between parameters for cataclysmic variable stars. We have modeled the binary light curves and showed that the model of a disk with two spots is capable of explaining the main observed features of the light curves.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, published in Astronomy Letters, 2011, 37, 845-85

    A Semantic-Driven Model for Ranking Digital Learning Objects Based on Diversity in the User Comments

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    This paper presents a computational model for measuring diversity in terms of variety, balance and disparity. This model is informed by the Stirling’s framework for understanding diversity from social science and underpinned by semantic techniques from computer science. A case study in learning is used to illustrate the application of the model. It is driven by the desire to broaden learners’ perspectives in an increasingly diverse and inclusive society. For example, interpreting body language in a job interview may be influenced by the different background of observers. With the explosion of digital objects on social platforms, selecting the appropriate ones for learning can be challenging and time consuming. The case study uses over 2000 annotated comments from 51 YouTube videos on job interviews. Diversity indicators are produced based on the comments for each video, which in turn facilitate the ranking of the videos according to the degree of diversity in the comments for the selected domain

    Bilkent University at TRECVID 2007

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    We describe our fourth participation, that includes two high-level feature extraction runs, and one manual search run, to the TRECVID video retrieval evaluation. All of these runs have used a system trained on the common development collection. Only visual information, consisting of color, texture and edge-based low-level features, was used
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