2,675 research outputs found

    Nonexistence of self-similar singularities for the 3D incompressible Euler equations

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    We prove that there exists no self-similar finite time blowing up solution to the 3D incompressible Euler equations. By similar method we also show nonexistence of self-similar blowing up solutions to the divergence-free transport equation in Rn\Bbb R^n. This result has direct applications to the density dependent Euler equations, the Boussinesq system, and the quasi-geostrophic equations, for which we also show nonexistence of self-similar blowing up solutions.Comment: This version refines the previous one by relaxing the condition of compact support for the vorticit

    Epitaxial growth and the magnetic properties of orthorhombic YTiO3 thin films

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    High-quality YTiO3 thin films were grown on LaAlO3 (110) substrates at low oxygen pressures (<10-8 Torr) using pulsed laser deposition. The in-plane asymmetric atomic arrangements at the substrate surface allowed us to grow epitaxial YTiO3 thin films, which have an orthorhombic crystal structure with quite different a- and b-axes lattice constants. The YTiO3 film exhibited a clear ferromagnetic transition at 30 K with a saturation magnetization of about 0.7 uB/Ti. The magnetic easy axis was found to be along the [1-10] direction of the substrate, which differs from the single crystal easy axis direction, i.e., [001].Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey parent population - I. Sample selection and number counts

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    We present the selection of the Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum (JBF) radio source sample, which is designed to reduce the uncertainties in the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) gravitational lensing statistics arising from the lack of knowledge about the parent population luminosity function. From observations at 4.86 GHz with the Very Large Array, we have selected a sample of 117 flat-spectrum radio sources with flux densities greater than 5 mJy. These sources were selected in a similar manner to the CLASS complete sample and are therefore representative of the parent population at low flux densities. The vast majority (~90 per cent) of the JBF sample are found to be compact on the arcsecond scales probed here and show little evidence of any extended radio jet emission. Using the JBF and CLASS complete samples we find the differential number counts slope of the parent population above and below the CLASS 30 mJy flux density limit to be -2.07+/-0.02 and -1.96+/-0.12, respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Global classical solutions for partially dissipative hyperbolic system of balance laws

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    This work is concerned with (NN-component) hyperbolic system of balance laws in arbitrary space dimensions. Under entropy dissipative assumption and the Shizuta-Kawashima algebraic condition, a general theory on the well-posedness of classical solutions in the framework of Chemin-Lerner's spaces with critical regularity is established. To do this, we first explore the functional space theory and develop an elementary fact that indicates the relation between homogeneous and inhomogeneous Chemin-Lerner's spaces. Then this fact allows to prove the local well-posedness for general data and global well-posedness for small data by using the Fourier frequency-localization argument. Finally, we apply the new existence theory to a specific fluid model-the compressible Euler equations with damping, and obtain the corresponding results in critical spaces.Comment: 39 page

    B0850+054: a new gravitational lens system from CLASS

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    We report the discovery of a new gravitational lens system from the CLASS survey. Radio observations with the VLA, the WSRT and MERLIN show that the radio source B0850+054 is comprised of two compact components with identical spectra, a separation of 0.7 arcsec and a flux density ratio of 6:1. VLBA observations at 5 GHz reveal structures that are consistent with the gravitational lens hypothesis. The brighter of the two images is resolved into a linear string of at least six sub-components whilst the weaker image is radially stretched towards the lens galaxy. UKIRT K-band imaging detects an 18.7 mag extended object, but the resolution of the observations is not sufficient to resolve the lensed images and the lens galaxy. Mass modelling has not been possible with the present data and the acquisition of high-resolution optical data is a priority for this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Direct Measurements of Magnetic Twist in the Solar Corona

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    In the present work we study evolution of magnetic helicity in the solar corona. We compare the rate of change of a quantity related to the magnetic helicity in the corona to the flux of magnetic helicity through the photosphere and find that the two rates are similar. This gives observational evidence that helicity flux across the photosphere is indeed what drives helicity changes in solar corona during emergence. For the purposes of estimating coronal helicity we neither assume a strictly linear force-free field, nor attempt to construct a non-linear force-free field. For each coronal loop evident in Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) we find a best-matching line of a linear force-free field and allow the twist parameter alpha to be different for each line. This method was introduced and its applicability was discussed in Malanushenko et. al. (2009). The object of the study is emerging and rapidly rotating AR 9004 over about 80 hours. As a proxy for coronal helicity we use the quantity averaged over many reconstructed lines of magnetic field. We argue that it is approximately proportional to "flux-normalized" helicity H/Phi^2, where H is helicity and Phi is total enclosed magnetic flux of the active region. The time rate of change of such quantity in the corona is found to be about 0.021 rad/hr, which is compatible with the estimates for the same region obtained using other methods Longcope et. al. (2007), who estimated the flux of normalized helicity of about 0.016 rad/hr

    A compact and reconfigurable silicon nitride time-bin entanglement circuit

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    Photonic chip based time-bin entanglement has attracted significant attention because of its potential for quantum communication and computation. Useful time-bin entanglement systems must be able to generate, manipulate and analyze entangled photons on a photonic chip for stable, scalable and reconfigurable operation. Here we report the first time-bin entanglement photonic chip that integrates time-bin generation, wavelength demultiplexing and entanglement analysis. A two-photon interference fringe with an 88.4% visibility is measured (without subtracting any noise), indicating the high performance of the chip. Our approach, based on a silicon nitride photonic circuit, which combines the low-loss characteristic of silica and tight integration features of silicon, paves the way for scalable real-world quantum information processors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction study for spectroscopy of 21^{21}Na

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    The 24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction was measured at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in order to better constrain spins and parities of energy levels in 21^{21}Na for the astrophysically important 17^{17}F(α,p\alpha, p)20^{20}Ne reaction rate calculation. 31 MeV proton beams from the 25-MV tandem accelerator and enriched 24^{24}Mg solid targets were used. Recoiling 4^{4}He particles from the 24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction were detected by a highly segmented silicon detector array which measured the yields of 4^{4}He particles over a range of angles simultaneously. A new level at 6661 ±\pm 5 keV was observed in the present work. The extracted angular distributions for the first four levels of 21^{21}Na and Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) calculations were compared to verify and extract angular momentum transfer.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilization (ICABU2014