3,783 research outputs found

    Major Galaxy Mergers Only Trigger the Most Luminous AGN

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    Using multiwavelength surveys of active galactic nuclei across a wide range of bolometric luminosities (10^{43}<L_{bol}(erg/s<5x10^{46}) and redshifts (0<z<3), we find a strong, redshift-independent correlation between the AGN luminosity and the fraction of host galaxies undergoing a major merger. That is, only the most luminous AGN phases are connected to major mergers, while less luminous AGN appear to be driven by secular processes. Combining this trend with AGN luminosity functions to assess the overall cosmic growth of black holes, we find that ~50% by mass is associated with major mergers, while only 10% of AGN by number, the most luminous, are connected to these violent events. Our results suggest that to reach the highest AGN luminosities -where the most massive black holes accreted the bulk of their mass - a major merger appears to be required. The luminosity dependence of the fraction of AGN triggered by major mergers can successfully explain why the observed scatter in the M-\sigma relation for elliptical galaxies is significantly lower than in spirals. The lack of a significant redshift dependence of the L_{bol}-f_{merger} relation suggests that downsizing, i.e., the general decline in AGN and star formation activity with decreasing redshift, is driven by a decline in the frequency of major mergers combined with a decrease in the availability of gas at lower redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astrophysical Journal Letters, 6 pages in emulateapj format, 3 figure

    The Accuracy of Morphological Decomposition of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies

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    In order to assess the accuracy with which we can determine the morphologies of AGN host galaxies, we have simulated more than 50,000 ACS images of galaxies with z < 1.25, using image and noise properties appropriate for the GOODS survey. We test the effect of central point-source brightness on host galaxy parameter recovery with a set of simulated AGN host galaxies made by adding point sources to the centers of normal galaxies. We extend this analysis and also quantify the recovery of intrinsic morphological parameters of AGN host galaxies with a set of fully simulated inactive and AGN host galaxies. We can reliably separate good from poor fit results using a combination of reasonable error cuts, in the regime where L_{host}:L_{PS} > 1:4. We give quantitative estimates of parameter errors as a function of host-to-point-source ratio. In general, we separate host and point-source magnitudes reliably at all redshifts; point sources are well recovered more than 90% of the time, although spurious detection of central point sources can be as high as 25% for bulge-dominated sources. We find a general correlation between Sersic index and intrinsic bulge-to-total ratio, such that a host galaxy with Sersic n < 1.5 generally has at least 80% of its light from a disk component. Likewise, "bulge-dominated" galaxies with n > 4 typically derive at least 70% of their total host galaxy light from a bulge, but this number can be as low as 55%. Single-component Sersic fits to an AGN host galaxy are statistically very reliable to z < 1.25 (for ACS survey data like ours). In contrast, two-component fits involving separate bulge and disk components tend to over-estimate the bulge fraction by ~10%, with uncertainty of order 50%.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figures, submitted to ApJ ; Accepted Version -- additions to introduction and conclusions; title changed, was "Simulations of AGN Host Galaxy Morphologies

    Radioactivity of ocean sediments VII. Rate of deposition of deep-sea sediments

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    Many of the problems of past geological history and of present processes of sedimentation require a knowledge of the rate of accumulation of marine sediments. A very important step in the determination of the rate of deposition of a sediment is the measurement of a time interval. This is equally true whether use be made of the stratigraphic method with core samples or the supply method based upon the rate of supply of sedimentary material to the sea. The stratigraphic method gives rates for individual localities, whereas the supply method yields averages for large areas over long periods of geological history

    Goddard Robotic Telescope - Optical Follow-up of GRBs and Coordinated Observations of AGNs -

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    Since it is not possible to predict when a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) will occur or when Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) flaring activity starts, follow-up/monitoring ground telescopes must be located as uniformly as possible all over the world in order to collect data simultaneously with Fermi and Swift detections. However, there is a distinct gap in follow-up coverage of telescopes in the eastern U.S. region based on the operations of Swift. Motivated by this fact, we have constructed a 14" fully automated optical robotic telescope, Goddard Robotic Telescope (GRT), at the Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory. The aims of our robotic telescope are 1) to follow-up Swift/Fermi GRBs and 2) to perform the coordinated optical observations of Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) AGN. Our telescope system consists of off-the-shelf hardware. With the focal reducer, we are able to match the field of view of Swift narrow instruments (20' x 20'). We started scientific observations in mid-November 2008 and GRT has been fully remotely operated since August 2009. The 3 sigma upper limit in a 30-second exposure in the R filter is ~15.4 mag; however, we can reach to ~18 mag in a 600-second exposures. Due to the weather condition at the telescope site, our observing efficiency is 30-40% on average.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ASR special issue on Neutron Stars and Gamma Ray Burst

    Moderate-Luminosity Growing Black Holes From 1.25 < z < 2.7: Varied Accretion In Disk-Dominated Hosts

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    We compute black hole masses and bolometric luminosities for 57 active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the redshift range 1.25 < z < 2.67, selected from the GOODS-South deep multi-wavelength survey field via their X-ray emission. We determine host galaxy morphological parameters by separating the galaxies from their central point sources in deep HST images, and host stellar masses and colors by multi-wavelength SED fitting. 90% of GOODS AGN at these redshifts have detected rest-frame optical nuclear point sources; bolometric luminosities range from 2e43 - 2e46 erg/s. The black holes are growing at a range of accretion rates, with at least 50% of the sample having L/L_Edd < 0.1. 70% of host galaxies have stellar masses M* > 1e10 M_sun, with a range of colors suggesting a complex star formation history. We find no evolution of AGN bolometric luminosity within the sample, and no correlation between AGN bolometric luminosity and host stellar mass, color or morphology. Fully half the sample of host galaxies is disk-dominated, with another 25% having strong disk components. Fewer than 15% of the systems appear to be at some stage of a major merger. These moderate-luminosity AGN hosts are therefore inconsistent with a dynamical history dominated by mergers strong enough to destroy disks, indicating minor mergers or secular processes dominate the co-evolution of galaxies and their central black holes at z ~ 2.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted to ApJ. Sersic indices, AGN/galaxy luminosity ratios, stellar masses etc. provided in Table

    Major Galaxy Mergers and the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Quasars

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    Despite observed strong correlations between central supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and star-formation in galactic nuclei, uncertainties exist in our understanding of their coupling. We present observations of the ratio of heavily-obscured to unobscured quasars as a function of cosmic epoch up to z~3, and show that a simple physical model describing mergers of massive, gas-rich galaxies matches these observations. In the context of this model, every obscured and unobscured quasar represent two distinct phases that result from a massive galaxy merger event. Much of the mass growth of the SMBH occurs during the heavily-obscured phase. These observations provide additional evidence for a causal link between gas-rich galaxy mergers, accretion onto the nuclear SMBH and coeval star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Science. Published by Science Express on March 25th. 17 pages, 5 figures, including supplemental online materia

    Absorption spectra of Fe L-lines in Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    Absorption L-lines of iron ions are observed, in absorption, in spectra of Seyfert 1 galaxies by the new generation of X-ray satellites: Chandra (NASA) and XMM-Newton (ESA). Lines associated to Fe23+ to Fe17+ are well resolved. Whereas, those corresponding to Fe16+ to Fe6+ are unresolved. Forbidden transitions of the Fe16+ to Fe6+ ions were previously observed, for the same objects, in the visible and infra-red regions, showing that the plasma had a low density. To interpret X-ray, visible and infra-red data, astrophysical models assume an extended absorbing medium of very low density surrounding an intense X-ray source. We have calculated atomic data (wavelengths, radiative and autoionization rates) for n=2 to n'=3-4 transitions and used them to construct refined synthetic spectra of the unresolved part of the L-line spectra.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, in pres

    An Over-Massive Black Hole in a Typical Star-Forming Galaxy, 2 Billion Years After the Big Bang

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies are generally thought to coevolve, so that the SMBH achieves up to about 0.2 to 0.5% of the host galaxy mass in the present day. The radiation emitted from the growing SMBH is expected to affect star formation throughout the host galaxy. The relevance of this scenario at early cosmic epochs is not yet established. We present spectroscopic observations of a galaxy at redshift z = 3.328, which hosts an actively accreting, extremely massive BH, in its final stages of growth. The SMBH mass is roughly one-tenth the mass of the entire host galaxy, suggesting that it has grown much more efficiently than the host, contrary to models of synchronized coevolution. The host galaxy is forming stars at an intense rate, despite the presence of a SMBH-driven gas outflow.Comment: Author's version, including the main paper and the Supplementary Materials (16+21 pages, 3+3 figures