10,313 research outputs found

    Electrical properties of oxide glasses containing iron and manganese

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    Verification of mesoscale objective analyses of VAS and rawinsonde data using the March 1982 AVE/VAS special network data

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    Various combinations of VAS (Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer Atmospheric Sounder) data, conventional rawinsonde data, and gridded data from the National Weather Service's (NWS) global analysis, were used in successive-correction and variational objective-analysis procedures. Analyses are produced for 0000 GMT 7 March 1982, when the VAS sounding distribution was not greatly limited by the existence of cloud cover. The successive-correction (SC) procedure was used with VAS data alone, rawinsonde data alone, and both VAS and rawinsonde data. Variational techniques were applied in three ways. Each of these techniques was discussed

    Eccentric discs in binaries with intermediate mass ratios: Superhumps in the VY Sculptoris stars

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    We investigate the role of the eccentric disc resonance in systems with mass ratios q greater than 1/4, and demonstrate the effects that changes in the mass flux from the secondary star have upon the disc radius and structure. The addition of material with low specific angular momentum to its outer edge restricts a disc radially. Should the mass flux from the secondary be reduced, it is possible for the disc in a system with mass ratio as large as 1/3 to expand to the 3:1 eccentric inner Lindblad resonance and for superhumps to be excited.Comment: 6 pages with 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Smectic-C tilt under shear in Smectic-A elastomers

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    Stenull and Lubensky [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 76}, 011706 (2007)] have argued that shear strain and tilt of the director relative to the layer normal are coupled in smectic elastomers and that the imposition of one necessarily leads to the development of the other. This means, in particular, that a Smectic-A elastomer subjected to a simple shear will develop Smectic-C-like tilt of the director. Recently, Kramer and Finkelmann [arXiv:0708.2024, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 78}, 021704 (2008)] performed shear experiments on Smectic-A elastomers using two different shear geometries. One of the experiments, which implements simple shear, produces clear evidence for the development of Smectic-C-like tilt. Here, we generalize a model for smectic elastomers introduced by Adams and Warner [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 71}, 021708 (2005)] and use it to study the magnitude of Smectic-C-like tilt under shear for the two geometries investigated by Kramer and Finkelmann. Using reasonable estimates of model parameters, we estimate the tilt angle for both geometries, and we compare our estimates to the experimental results. The other shear geometry is problematic since it introduces additional in-plane compressions in a sheet-like sample, thus inducing instabilities that we discuss.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The expanding bipolar shell of the helium nova V445 Puppis

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    From multi-epoch adaptive optics imaging and integral field unit spectroscopy, we report the discovery of an expanding and narrowly confined bipolar shell surrounding the helium nova V445 Puppis (Nova Puppis 2000). An equatorial dust disc obscures the nova remnant, and the outflow is characterized by a large polar outflow velocity of 6720 +/- 650 km s(-1) and knots moving at even larger velocities of 8450 +/- 570 km s(-1). We derive an expansion parallax distance of 8.2 +/- 0.5 kpc and deduce a pre-outburst luminosity of the underlying binary of log L/L-circle dot = 4.34 +/- 0.36. The derived luminosity suggests that V445 Puppis probably contains a massive white dwarf accreting at high rate from a helium star companion making it part of a population of binary stars that potentially lead to supernova Ia explosions due to accumulation of helium-rich material on the surface of a massive white dwarf

    The Quiescent Spectrum of the AM CVn star CP Eri

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    We used the 6.5m MMT to obtain a spectrum of the AM CVn star CP Eri in quiescence. The spectrum is dominated by He I emission lines, which are clearly double peaked with a peak-to-peak separation of ~1900 km/s. The spectrum is similar to that of the longer period AM CVn systems GP Com and CE 315, linking the short and the long period AM CVn systems. In contrast with GP Com and CE 315, the spectrum of CP Eri does not show a central 'spike' in the line profiles, but it does show lines of SiII in emission. The presence of these lines indicates that the material being transferred is of higher metallicity than in GP Com and CE 315, which, combined with the low proper motion of the system, probably excludes a halo origin of the progenitor of CP Eri. We constrain the primary mass to M_1>0.27 M_sun and the orbital inclination to 33 degr < i < 80 degr. The presence of the He I lines in emission opens up the possibility for phase resolved spectroscopic studies which allows a determination of the system parameters and a detailed study of helium accretion disks under highly varying circumstances.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Atmospheric corrections for TIMS estimated emittance

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    The estimated temperature of the average of 500 lines of Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) data of the Pacific Ocean, from flight line 94, collected on 30 Sep. 1988, at 1931 GMT is shown. With no atmospheric corrections, estimated temperature decreases away from nadir (the center of the scan line). A LOWTRAN modeled correction, using local radiosonde data and instrument scan angle information, results in reversed limb darkening effects for most bands, and does not adequately correct all bands to the same temperature. The atmosphere tends to re-radiate energy at the wavelengths at which it most absorbs, and thus the overall difference between corrected and uncorrected temperatures is approximately 40 C, despite the average LOWTRAN calculated transmittance of only 60 percent between 8.1 and 11.6 microns. An alternative approach to atmospheric correction is a black body normalization. This is done by calculating a normalization factor for each pixel position and wavelength, which when applied results in a single calculated temperature, as would be expected for a gray body with near uniform emittance. The black body adjustment is based on the atmospheric conditions over the sea. The ground elevation profile along the remaining 3520 scan lines (approximately 10 km) of flight line 94, up the slopes of Kilauea, determined from aircraft pressure and laser altimeter data is shown. This flight line includes a large amount of vegetation that is clearly discernible on the radiance image, being much cooler than the surrounding rocks. For each of the 3520 scan lines, pixels were classified as vegetation or 'other'. A moving average of 51 lines was applied to the composite vegetation emittance for each scan line, to reduce noise. Assuming vegetation to be like water, and to act as gray body with an emittance of 0.986 across the spectrum, it is shown that that the LOWTRAN induced artifacts are severe, and other than for the 0.9.9 micron channel, not significantly different from applying no corrections at all. As expected, with increasing elevation atmospheric effects are slightly reduced, because moisture tends to be concentrated in the lowermost part of the atmosphere. The black body adjustment is highly robust, and even at elevations nearly 600 meters above the sea, remains an alternative procedure for use in calculating emittance

    Dwarf Nova Oscillations and Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables: III. A New Kind of Dwarf Nova Oscillation, and Further Examples of the Similarities to X-Ray Binaries

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    We present measurements of the periods of Dwarf Nova Oscillations (DNOs) and Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in Cataclysmic Variable stars (CVs), many culled from published literature, but also others newly observed (in VZ Pyx, CR Boo, OY Car, Z Cha, AQ Eri, TU Men, HX Peg, CN Ori, V893 Sco, WX Hyi and EC2117-54). These provide data for 26 systems. We show that in general P_QPO ~ 15 P_DNO and that the correlation for CVs extends by three orders of magnitude lower in frequency the similar relationship found for X-Ray binaries. In addition, we have found that there is a second type of DNO, previously overlooked, which have periods ~ 4 times those of the regular DNOs (As well as those mined from publications, we have observed them in VW Hyi, OY Car, AQ Eri, V803 Cen, CR Boo, VZ Pyx, HX Peg and EC2117-54). Often both types of DNO coexist. Unlike the standard DNOs, the periods of the new type, which we refer to as longer period DNOs (lpDNOs), are relatively insensitive to accretion luminosity and can even appear in quiescence of dwarf novae. We interpret them as magnetically channelled accretion onto the differentially rotating main body of the white dwarf primary, rather than onto a rapidly slipping equatorial belt as in the case of the standard DNOs. This is supported by published measurements of v sin(i) for some of the primaries. Some similarities of the DNOs, lpDNOs and QPOs in CVs to the three types of QPO in X-Ray binaries (burst pulsation, high and low frequency QPOs) are noted.Comment: 19 pages, 30 figures. To appear in MNRA

    Double precision trajectory program /DPTRAJ 2.2C/

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    Four part program computes trajectory of space probe moving in solar system and subject to variety of forces