713 research outputs found

    Factors Supporting and Hindering the Use of English at International Class Program (Icp) Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    This study investigates factors supporting and hindering the implementation or the use of English by the students of International Class Program (ICP) Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The primary purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for the Faculty especially the program coor-dinator to acknowledge the problems that need to be solved. This study involved a number of students joining the program. To obtain the data, interviews and questionnaires were distributed to 30 students. After analyz-ing the data, factors supporting and hindering the use of English at ICP were identified. Factors supporting the program are: (1) the students\u27 motivation, (2) the role of lecturers, and (3) the instructional materials. However, some factors hindering the program include: (1) not all students had an electronic English diction-ary, (2) both the lecturers and the students were inconsistent to use English, (3) the poor students\u27 English mastery sometimes also hindered the teaching process, (4) there was no language forums held in English, (5) there was no language lab, (6) the students had not been aware of the importance of practicing English, (7) the ICP students claimed that most of the materials they learned were written in Indonesian. The program coordinator acknowledges the students\u27 interest in learning English. As has been stated before, most of the students have high motivation to learn English. Thus, the program coordinator (1) should notice this and be very sensitive with this situation, because the students\u27 motivation is a very important thing in gaining more English development, needs to give extended role to the lecturers. They are required not only teaching the content materials but also some aspects of English entities, (3) needs to explain clearly that both lecturers and students need to make an agreement regarding the consistency of using English. Key words: factors supporting, factors hindering, International Class Program (ICP

    Chinese Society as Depicted in Early Twentieth Century Chinese-Malay Literature

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    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: the Role of School Environment

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    This paper examines the important role of the school environments to facilitate English program in Indonesian primary schools. The school environment here refers to the environment inside the school: principal, teachers, and foreign language (FL) classroom; and outside the school: the students' parents and the school community. Researchers have investigated teaching English as foreign language (TEFL) in primary schools from different perspectives, such as curriculum, teacher's role, and materials; however, little attention is paid to examine school environment as an important factor to improve the quality of TEFL in Indonesia. The data is taken from the results of my Masters study investigating the implementation of Indonesian language as LOTE program in Kingsbury Primary School (KPS), Bundoora, Melbourne, Australia. Interviews, questionnaires, and observations were employed to obtain the answers as to why Indonesian language was selected as the LOTE program in KPS. The study found several factors supporting the program, and one of the findings relevant to this present investigation was the positive attitude given by the environments. The main reason why Indonesian language was taken as the LOTE program was because there were many Indonesian people who lived around the school and frequently involved in the school activities. This was believed by the school council as important linguistic evidence to establish the program. All the members of the school environment were very supportive. The non-LOTE teachers, for example, occasionally attended the course and watched their children learning Indonesian language. The purpose of doing that, according to the non-LOTE teachers, was to motivate their children to learn it seriously as the children also saw their teachers came and learnt it. The LOTE program was also made possible by the availability of a representative classroom which was fairly large for doing class activities. This classroom was designed especially for the LOTE program and it was completed with printed materials such as books, comics, posters, short stories, and audio visual aids to show the Indonesian family, life and culture. The principal, the LOTE teacher, and LOTE coordinator claimed that having such particular classroom was significant to build the students' motivation to practice the target language when coming into the LOTE classroom because they were immersed with the atmosphere inside the room in which they could read anything written in Indonesian language. Keywords: language, literature, pedagogical approaches, non-native learners

    Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Modal Sosial dan Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Pendamping Pengembangan Masyarakat

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    Based on normal situation effective and successful community development are indicated by severalevidence, namely: improvement of welfare state of the whole segments of the community, development ofsocial trust, improvement of awareness of the community with regard to their potentials, their real needs,their problems in achieving their needs, and getting alternatives of solution to break their problems byutilizing their potentials, people are innovated to get better lives, and finally their have great motivationto be self reliance and develop more inter-dependency with other systems. To obtain such qualifiedcommunity development the role of so-called as partners or insider and outsider change agents of thecommunity is absolutely needed. Commonly, the community cannot sharply know themselves very well.They need somebodies, insider and or outsider individuals who professionally have potentials andcompetencies to develop them in such, that through working together they may achieve better lives. Thecommunity partners in development are those individuals who have prepared themselves through variouslearning processes, who ideally have unique characteristics such as: high empathy, highly care to others,sensitive, have qualified personality, have highly capability to utilize their senses, have highly capabilityin communication, and very consistent in talking and doing which the community are eager to trust andexpress their needs. But unfortunately, based on field studies done by several doctorate candidates showthat the partners of the community on development have not possessed such high qualification. Most ofthem in some district areas in Jawa and outer Jawa Island need more training to improve their socialcapital capacity, and their quality of human resources as well. Consequently, we need smart anddiliguent strategy on how to improve competencies of the partners of the community development throughlearning processes in such, that sooner or later their roles will provide positive impact on the bettermentof quality of life of the community

    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Sikap Pasien RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

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    The mushrooming hospitals in Bantul had forced PKU Muhammadiyah hospital to conduct promotions. A promotion will be very useful to provide information to the society about the service excellence offered by a hospital in order that it becomes the society's preference when they seek for medical and health treatment. This research was a descriptive quantitative one using cross sectionalapproach. The population included all outpatients, and the sample was confined to 90 patients. Meanwhile, the analytical tool was the multiple linier regression. This research found a regression equation of Y = 0.225 X1 + 0.267X3 + 0.338X4 + e. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.649, which explained that the involvement of promotion influenced patients' attitude as much as 64.9%. The score of F count was 42.159 with F significance of 0.000 and 95% confidence. For the mean time, the influence of promotional activities to the attitude of the patients of PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital comprised advertising (2.129, p = 0.036), direct marketing (2.774, p = 0.007), and public relation (3.657, p= 0.000). Meanwhile, the variable personal selling did not influence the patient's attitude (1.074, p = 0.286). To sum up, the factors in promotion mix influencing the attitude of the patients in PKU MuhammadiyahBantul Hospital are advertising, direct marketing, and public relation

    Are male orangutans a threat to infants? Evidence of mother-offspring counter strategies to infanticide in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii)

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    Sexually selected infanticide by males is widespread in primates. Female primates employ a variety of strategies to reduce infanticide risk. While infanticide has never been directly observed in wild orangutans (Pongo spp.), their slow life history makes infants vulnerable to infanticide. The mating strategies of female orangutans include polyandrous and postconceptive mating that may serve to increase paternity confusion, an infanticide avoidance strategy. Here, we investigate whether female orangutans alter their social interactions with males as another infanticide avoidance strategy. We hypothesize that females with younger offspring avoid males and that the distance between mother and offspring decreases in the presence of males. We use long-term behavioral data collected between 1994 and 2016 from Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in Gunung Palung National Park, Indonesia, to test whether the sexual selection hypothesis for infanticide helps explain aspects of orangutan social behavior. We found that mothers with offspring 6 yr. old and females without offspring. In addition, the distance between a mother–offspring dyad showed a statistically significant decrease in the presence of males, but not females. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that female orangutans employ strategies to reduce infanticide risk in their social interactions. Because orangutans have a high fission–fusion dynamic, they have flexibility in manipulating social interactions as a counter-infanticide strategy. Our results suggest that infanticide by males is a selective pressure shaping female orangutan social behavior.Accepted manuscrip

    Kepapaan dan Perekat Sosial

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    Dalam majalah FORBES ASIA yang terbit tanggal 28 Nopember 2005 terdapat satu halaman artikel menarik yang patut dicermati dan ditulis oleh Ferguson, salah seorang wartawan majalah itu. Ferguson mengangkat beberapa hal penting berasal dari wawancara eksklusif dengan Bapak Presiden Yudhoyono pada tanggal 8 Nopember 2005. Salah satu hal penting yang dikemukakan adalah bahwa dewasa ini terdapat sekitar 20% atau angka tepatnya 42 juta orang yang terlibat di dalam USAha kecil dan menengah (baca: ‘small enterprises) yang berperan sebagai ‘sabuk pengaman' (safety belt) ekonomi nasional, yakni tatkala beberapa Perusahaan besar nyaris atau bangkrut pada akhir tahun 1990, yang dampaknya menam-bah semakin bengkaknya angka pengangguran sebagai akibat pemutusan hubungan kerja

    Relasi Sang Ego dan Sang Liyan dalam Tjerita Njai Dasima Soewatoe Koeban dari pada Pemboedjoek : Kajian Feminis Pascakolonial

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    This ND text tells complexity of matters on the relation betweenthe ego and the other. The relation is suspected for annexation.Elucidation of the relation shows that the ego annexes the other many times over. Identity games, role obscurity, power loss and good deeds of the ego lead the main body and mind, is used as a device and politics by the ego to destroy, disdain and civilize the other. The ND text also deconstructs or demolishes its\u27narrative building\u27 and textual strategy. It is evident when Mark Buyung as a tangent area breaks down ond destroys various discourse and the ego construction to annex the other (indigenous). Nyai Dasimo is a representation and symbol of a colony, women and colonial power so os to become a prey for the ego and the other, her legal owner

    Harmonisasi Kearifanlokalterhadap Implementasi Pendidikankarakter di Sanggar Anakalam YOGYAKARTA

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    Harmonization of local knowledge will be a lake that never subsided in the long dry season, when the values of wisdom for the realization of the ideals of the nation\u27s balance maintained by all elements in a society both physically and mentally. In addition to functioning as a filter for the values come from outside, local knowledge may give rise to a strong passion to apply them in social life. Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta has harmonization in implementing character education through nature and local wisdom. The concept of learning at the Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta is based on the natural environment, so that the environment is a key to the success of learning. Therefore, the value of environmental care and harmonization of local knowledge is one of the principal characters were implanted and developed in this school. The purpose of this study is to analyze how to harmonize the local knowledge that exists in the implementation of the character values in Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta. The method used is a qualitative research method descriptive exploratory naturalistic. Based on the analysis of data and discussion can be concluded that the established harmonization good local knowledge of the implementation of character education in Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta. This takes place both planting and caring character development environment in the Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta or structured activities outside learning. Planting and character development to the values of local wisdom to do with the formation of the student mindset through the appreciation of food, health, education, arts and culture are integrated in the regular activities of the school
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