273 research outputs found

    Description of vowel in the first grammatical work of Tamil and Arabic: A contrastive analysis

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    Abstract Tolkāppiyam and Al-Kitāb, these two grammatical texts are belonging to two different languages Tamil and Arabic. Tamil is a Dravidian family and Arabic is a Semitic family with different writing systems (Tamil-left to right; Arabic-right to left).  These two grammatical texts are written in different historical period, Tolkāppiyam written in BC 300 and Al-Kitāb written in AD 800. Both are describes the vowels of respective language through different phonetic features. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate and analyze the articulatory treatment of vowels in the perspective of first grammatical work of respective languages. The first section of the paper is evaluating the articulatory treatment, theory, classification and phonetic frameworks of vowels in respective grammars, and the second section analyzing in contrastive and describes the commonness and differences between these two texts. This section finds out the commonness in the following features: articulatory treatment, descriptive and use of technical terms etc. The differences are found in the following features: order of the description of speech sounds, method of classification of vowels etc. ---AbstrakTolkāppiyam dan Al-Kitab adalah dua teks gramatikal yang menggunakan dua bahasa yang berbeda, yakni Tamil dan Arab. Ditinjau dari aspek rumpun bahasa, Tamil merupakan keluarga bahasa Dravida, sedangkan Arab adalah keluarga bahasa Semit. Sistem penulisan kedua bahasa itu berbeda bahasa Tamil memiliki sistem penulisan dari arah kiri ke kanan; sedankgan bahasa Arab memakai sistem penulisan dari arah kanan ke kiri. Kedua teks tata bahasa itu ditulis dalam periode sejarah yang berbeda, Tolkāppiyam ditulis dalam SM 300 dan Al-Kitab yang ditulis dalam AD 800. Keduanya menunjukkan vokal bahasa masing-masing, melalui fitur fonetik yang berbeda. Tujuan utama dari artikel ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dan menganalisis cara artikulasi vokal dalam perspektif  tata bahasa, bahasa itu. Bagian pertama dari tulisan ini mengevaluasi cara  artikulasi, teori, klasifikasi dan kerangka fonetik yang menunjukkan bunyi-bunyi vokal dalam tata bahasa masing-masing, dan bagian analisis kedua dilakukan tinjauan aspek kontrastif dan menggambarkan secara umum persamaan dan perbedaan antara dua teks tersebut. Pada kesempatan ini dipaparkan secara umum beberapa fitur antara lain: cara artikulasi, deskripsi dan penggunaan istilah teknis. Bertumpu kepeda beberapa fitur itu terdapat perbedaan yang ditemukan dalam fitur itu, yaknit: urutan deskripsi suara pidato, metode klasifikasi vokal dan beberapa fitur lainnya.DOI: 10.15408/al-turas.v23i1.480

    Scope of chanos farming

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    Among the cultivable waters in India, a total of 1.7 million ha is brackish in nature . Brackish water is more fertile and productive than sea water. It is dynamic, influenced by the tid es, currents and waves, Estuaries were mainly useful for fish capture . Since estuaries are found to be the feeding and breeding places for many of the fishes, their importance is more felt now in view of the fisheries development

    Review on cage and pen culture

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    The paper deals with the various aspects of work done on cage and pen culture in India and abroad The need for these types of culture techniques in India is pointed out, The history of these systems is traced and the various species of fishes used in cage and pen culture are pointed out. Since clams, windowpane oyster, edible oyster, prawns and milk fish are compatible species, they are ideal for culturing together. The different factors governing the success of intensive culture are presented, The kinds of cages and pens installed are discussed with a note on their durability with reference to the materials used for construction The yield achieved in cage and pen culture and the advantages of these two systems are reported. The field problems in these culture methods are indicated. The economics of fish production, particularly the net profit in selected studies are pointed out for taking up these programmes in mass level

    Scope for Mussel Farming in Brackish Waters

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    The present study was carried out by the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in two coastal districts of Maharashtra with the main objectives ' i) to estimate the returns to capital and labour and ii) to compare employment pattern on mechanised boats and country crafts fitted with OBE. The present report mainly deals with the first objective of the stud

    Studies on the growth of spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus in marine cages

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    A raft and four nylon cages were constructed to study the growth of fishes, prawns and lobsters. One of these cages of 2.5 x 1.6 x 4.0 m size was specially designed for lobster culture in the new harbour area at Tuticorin

    Fractures of the proximal humerus in children and adolescents

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    Background: In most children proximal humeral fractures are treated non-operatively with generally good results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of closed/open reduction in children with severely displaced proximal humeral fractures. Materials and Methods: The charts of 15 patients (8 girls and 7 boys; mean age: 9.4 years) with proximal humeral fractures who were managed at our institution were reviewed from October 2011 to December 2013. Results: There were 7 metaphyseal fractures and 8 physeal injuries which were angulated according to Neer-Horowitz score as grade II (n=2), grade III(n=4) and grade IV(n=9). Associated lesions comprised open fracture with head trauma in a 2 year old female child which was operated on primarily and the 14 others by secondary intention. All patients were treated surgically with either closed (n = 5) or open (n=10) reduction and internal fixation with Kirschner wire or titanium elastic nails (TENs). They were assessed for clinical and radiological healing at a mean follow up of 1.25 years ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 years. Conclusion: Surgical option is indicated for severely displaced and unstable fractures in older children and adolescents. In addition to the periosteum , long head of the biceps, deltoid muscle, and bone fragments in combination can prevent fracture reduction. Key words: Proximal humerus fracture, Children, Open reduction, Operative

    Incidence and management of incidental durotomy during thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries: a retrospective review in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Incidental durotomy is among the most common complications of spine surgery with reported incidence ranging from 1.7% to 16%. Various management options including primary repair, fascial or fat graft, epidural blood patch, fibrin glue sealant, etc., have been proposed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the incidence of incidental durotomy and the efficacy of different management options during a five year period at a tertiary care center.Methods: All patients who underwent various surgical procedures in thoracic and lumbar spine from January 2006 - December 2010 in our centre were retrospectively reviewed. Data on demographics, primary diagnosis, associated co morbidities, details of surgical procedure, training level of the operating surgeon, details of the incidental durotomy, the treatment, complications and the postoperative stay were recorded.Results: Of 2270 patients, 1401 patients were included in the study. The incidence of incidental durotomy was 3.49% (49 patients). We found a very high incidence of 33.33% incidental durotomies among patients who underwent revision procedures as compared to 3.23% for patients who underwent primary surgeries. 5.10% of incidental durotomies were caused by fellows under training, 4.27% by junior consultants and 2.92% by senior consultants. Of 49 durotomies, complication were 5 cases of intracranial hypotension, 5 postoperative neurological deficits, 2 deep wound infection, 2 pseudomeningocele and 1 meningitis.Conclusions: The risk of incidental durotomy in thoracolumbar surgeries is high in revision surgeries and when performed by fellows in training. Intraoperative identification and primary repair with suturing or sealant reduces postoperative complications

    Reactions at polymer interfaces: A Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Reactions at a strongly segregated interface of a symmetric binary polymer blend are investigated via Monte Carlo simulations. End functionalized homopolymers of different species interact at the interface instantaneously and irreversibly to form diblock copolymers. The simulations, in the framework of the bond fluctuation model, determine the time dependence of the copolymer production in the initial and intermediate time regime for small reactant concentration ρ0Rg3=0.163...0.0406\rho_0 R_g^3=0.163 ... 0.0406. The results are compared to recent theories and simulation data of a simple reaction diffusion model. For the reactant concentration accessible in the simulation, no linear growth of the copolymer density is found in the initial regime, and a t\sqrt{t}-law is observed in the intermediate stage.Comment: to appear in Macromolecule

    Irreversible Adsorption from Dilute Polymer Solutions

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    We study irreversible polymer adsorption from dilute solutions theoretically. Universal features of the resultant non-equilibrium layers are predicted. Two cases are considered, distinguished by the value of the local monomer-surface sticking rate Q: chemisorption (very small Q) and physisorption (large Q). Early stages of layer formation entail single chain adsorption. While single chain physisorption times tau_ads are typically microsecs, for chemisorbing chains of N units we find experimentally accessible times tau_ads = Q^{-1} N^{3/5}, ranging from secs to hrs. We establish 3 chemisorption universality classes, determined by a critical contact exponent: zipping, accelerated zipping and homogeneous collapse. For dilute solutions, the mechanism is accelerated zipping: zipping propagates outwards from the first attachment, accelerated by occasional formation of large loops which nucleate further zipping. This leads to a transient distribution omega(s) \sim s^{-7/5} of loop lengths s up to a size s_max \approx (Q t)^{5/3} after time t. By tau_ads the entire chain is adsorbed. The outcome of the single chain adsorption episode is a monolayer of fully collapsed chains. Having only a few vacant sites to adsorb onto, late arriving chains form a diffuse outer layer. In a simple picture we find for both chemisorption and physisorption a final loop distribution Omega(s) \sim s^{-11/5} and density profile c(z) \sim z^{-4/3} whose forms are the same as for equilibrium layers. In contrast to equilibrium layers, however, the statistical properties of a given chain depend on its adsorption time; the outer layer contains many classes of chain, each characterized by different fraction of adsorbed monomers f. Consistent with strong physisorption experiments, we find the f values follow a distribution P(f) \sim f^{-4/5}.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. E, expanded discussion sectio

    Differing roles of CD1d2 and CD1d1 proteins in type I natural killer T cell development and function

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    MHC class I-like CD1 molecules have evolved to present lipid-based antigens to T cells. Differences in the antigen-binding clefts of the CD1 family members determine the conformation and size of the lipids that are presented, although the factors that shape CD1 diversity remain unclear. In mice, two homologous genes, CD1D1 and CD1D2, encode the CD1d protein, which is essential to the development and function of natural killer T (NKT) cells. However, it remains unclear whether both CD1d isoforms are equivalent in their antigen presentation capacity and functions. Here, we report that CD1d2 molecules are expressed in the thymus of some mouse strains, where they select functional type I NKT cells. Intriguingly, the T cell antigen receptor repertoire and phenotype of CD1d2-selected type I NKT cells in CD1D1−/− mice differed from CD1d1-selected type I NKT cells. The structures of CD1d2 in complex with endogenous lipids and a truncated acyl-chain analog of α-galactosylceramide revealed that its A′-pocket was restricted in size compared with CD1d1. Accordingly, CD1d2 molecules could not present glycolipid antigens with long acyl chains efficiently, favoring the presentation of short acyl chain antigens. These results indicate that the two CD1d molecules present different sets of self-antigen(s) in the mouse thymus, thereby impacting the development of invariant NKT cells