47 research outputs found

    Model Implementasi Mission Assurance Dalam Business Process Management

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    Business Process Management (BPM) menggunakan Teknologi Informasi (TI) sebagai salah satu sarana dalam merealisasikan tujuannya. Aktivitas BPM yang berlangsung dalam cyberspace selain memberikan keuntungan yang banyak, juga berdampak pada munculnya kerentanan-kerentanan dan ancaman-ancaman cyber dalam keamanan informasi BPM itu sendiri. Prosedur Mission Assurance dibutuhkan untuk menjamin keamanan informasi dari ancaman cyber yang bersifat dinamis dan terus berkembang. Dalam kajian ini diidentifikasikan peranan Mission Assurance dalam memberikan tingkat jaminan yang memadai untuk keberhasilan misi BPM. Identifikasi jaminan dan analisis dilakukan menggunakan Mission Assurance Category (MAC) dan Mission Assurance Analysis Protocol (MAAP). Hasil kajian menunjukkan Mission Assurance dapat memberikan pengukuran untuk menjamin misi dari BPM tercapai. Mission Assurance juga dapat mencegah dan mereduksi dampak-dampak dari serangan-serangan cyber yang kemungkinan dapat dialami oleh BPM.Kata kunci—Ancaman cyber; Business Process Management; Mission Assurance; Mission Assurance Analysis Protocol; Mission Assurance Categor

    Real-Time Fluorescence Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Diagnosis of Malaria

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular diagnostic methods can complement existing tools to improve the diagnosis of malaria. However, they require good laboratory infrastructure thereby restricting their use to reference laboratories and research studies. Therefore, adopting molecular tools for routine use in malaria endemic countries will require simpler molecular platforms. The recently developed loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method is relatively simple and can be improved for better use in endemic countries. In this study, we attempted to improve this method for malaria diagnosis by using a simple and portable device capable of performing both the amplification and detection (by fluorescence) of LAMP in one platform. We refer to this as the RealAmp method. METHODOLOGY AND SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS: Published genus-specific primers were used to test the utility of this method. DNA derived from different species of malaria parasites was used for the initial characterization. Clinical samples of P. falciparum were used to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this system compared to microscopy and a nested PCR method. Additionally, directly boiled parasite preparations were compared with a conventional DNA isolation method. The RealAmp method was found to be simple and allowed real-time detection of DNA amplification. The time to amplification varied but was generally less than 60 minutes. All human-infecting Plasmodium species were detected. The sensitivity and specificity of RealAmp in detecting P. falciparum was 96.7% and 91.7% respectively, compared to microscopy and 98.9% and 100% respectively, compared to a standard nested PCR method. In addition, this method consistently detected P. falciparum from directly boiled blood samples. CONCLUSION: This RealAmp method has great potential as a field usable molecular tool for diagnosis of malaria. This tool can provide an alternative to conventional PCR based diagnostic methods for field use in clinical and operational programs

    “It is all about the fear of being discriminated [against]
the person suffering from HIV will not be accepted”: a qualitative study exploring the reasons for loss to follow-up among HIV-positive youth in Kisumu, Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Youth represent 40% of all new HIV infections in the world, 80% of which live in sub-Saharan Africa. Youth living with HIV (YLWH) are more likely to become lost to follow-up (LTFU) from care compared to all other age groups. This study explored the reasons for LTFU among YLWH in Kenya. METHODS: Data was collected from: (1) Focus group Discussions (n = 18) with community health workers who work with LTFU youth. (2) Semi-structured interviews (n = 27) with HIV + youth (15–21 years old) that had not received HIV care for at least four months. (3) Semi-structured interviews (n = 10) with educators selected from schools attended by LTFU interview participants. Transcripts were coded and analyzed employing grounded theory. RESULTS: HIV-related stigma was the overarching factor that led to LTFU among HIV + youth. Stigma operated on multiple levels to influence LTFU, including in the home/family, at school, and at the clinic. In all three settings, participants’ fear of stigma due to disclosure of their HIV status contributed to LTFU. Likewise, in the three settings, the dependent relationships between youth and the key adult figures in their lives were also adversely impacted by stigma and resultant lack of disclosure. Thus, at all three settings stigma influenced fear of disclosure, which in turn impacted negatively on dependent relationships with adults on whom they rely (i.e. parents, teachers and clinicians) leading to LTFU. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions focusing on reduction of stigma, increasing safe disclosure of HIV status, and improved dependent relationships may improve retention in care of YLWH

    Afri-Can Forum 2

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    Dampak Pembelajaran Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning terhadap Pengetahuan Metakognitif Siswa pada Topik Kesetimbangan Kelarutan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan metakognitif siswa kelas XI IPA sebagai dampak dari pembelajaran POGIL dan verifikasi pada topik kesetimbangan kelarutan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalalah quasy experiment. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney U pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan metakognitif antara siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan pembelajaran POGIL dan verifikasi. Siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan POGIL memiliki pengetahuan metakognitif lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran verifikasi

    On the development of climate data visualization tool for interpretation of empirical results from climate model : does it add value to different stakeholders?

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    Tools for visualization of climate data have been developed specifically for scientists and professionals in climatology but more recently, there is need for interpretation of results from simulated and modeled climate data useful for different stakeholders. Various experts (climate scientist, water resources engineer, agricultural engineer, hydrologist, gender specialist, economics experts and computer scientist) worked together in understanding and solving problems pertaining to climate, crop, and economic modeling. In this paper, we present a climate data visualization tool developed to allow interactive display of maps as per multi-dimensional data sets from multiple parameters of climate data as per needs of different stakeholders