22 research outputs found
Analisis Buku Ajar Termodinamika dengan Konsep Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) untuk Penguatan Kompetensi Belajar Mahasiswa
Telah dilakukan studi analisis content buku ajar termodinamika dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan penggunaan modul berbasis Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK) pada mata kuliah termodinamika. TPACK merupakan pengetahuan yang menggabungkan hubungan antara teknologi, pedagogik, dan konten secara sinergis. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis isi dari buku-buku referensi yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan angket. Hasil analisis kandungan TPACK pada buku ajar I, buku ajar II, buku ajar III masing-masing didapatkan prosentase sebesar 15,38%, 20%, dan 28,57%. Hasil angket responden 23 mahasiswa pendidikan fisika menyatakan bahwa 87% mahasiswa menyatakan perlunya dikembangkan modul termodinamika berbasis TPACK yang mendukung pemahaman konsep
Understanding how demographic factors influence faculty member's perceptions of online learning success: A case study in Thai private higher education
This research study investigates the influence of demographic factors, including gender, position, and year of experience on perceptions of online learning success during the pandemic. The study acknowledges that various factors, such as prior experience with online learning, technological literacy, and cultural context, influenced the perception of human resources towards online learning. The study will utilize a quantitative research approach with surveys and statistical analysis to gather and analyze data from executives managing education programs in Thai private higher education institutions. The participants in the study were executives managing education programs working in Thai private higher education institutions, including deans, vice deans, assistant deans, heads of departments, assistants to department heads, and full-time lecturers. A sample group of 213 participants will be selected using simple random sampling. Data will be collected through surveys distributed electronically to the selected participants. The survey will consist of a validated questionnaire with good content validity and reliability. Quantitative research methods will be employed to analyze the gathered data, including multivariate statistics (ANOVA), to interpret the findings. The research findings from this study will contribute to the existing literature on online learning effectiveness by examining the role of demographic factors in shaping perceptions of success in the context of the pandemic. The findings have practical implications for educational institutions in designing and implementing online learning programs during the pandemic and beyond, considering the demographic characteristics of their participants. The study suggests that institutions should consider the effects of gender, position, and year of experience in shaping perceptions and behaviours related to online learning, provide targeted support, foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, conduct ongoing research and evaluation, and adopt a multi-dimensional approach to enhance the effectiveness of online learning initiatives. Further study and contextual considerations are necessary to understand demographic factors' effects on online learning perceptions comprehensively
Lesson plan concept based on SMIC (spiritual, moral, interpersonal, cultural) literacy
Lesson plan is the most important component of learning. Teachers are expected to design a
meaningful learning and internalize values into students. Students’ understanding of values has been measured
by the implementation. It is called literacy. Literacy is not only in reading but also spiritual, moral,
interpersonal, and cultural (SMIC) aspects that become problems in education today, especially in the
formation of personality in critical ages i.e. Adolescents in high school. This study aims to explain the concept
of the lesson plan based on SMIC-literacy. SMIC-literacy is the previous finding of our research and
development. The integration of learning model based on SMIC literacy becomes the key concept in lesson
plan designing. A literature review is needed to find relevance about the concept of a lesson plan with prior
findings. The results show that in the lesson plan based on smic literacy, all aspects coloring in each indicator,
learning objectives, learning activities, and evaluation system. Consistency between lesson plan components
and SMIC-literacy will help teachers in presenting a good quality of learning.introduction
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Fusion Hand Out sebagai Sumber Belajar Alternatif Peserta Didik SMA
Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran hand out Fusion yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan menggunakan model dari Borg & Gall, dengan tahap-tahap yaitu, pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan awal, pengembangan produk, uji validasi, revisi validasi, uji coba lapngan awal, revisi uji lapangan awal, uji lapangan utama, revisi uji lapangan utama, dan desiminasi. Namun dalam penelitian kali ini hanya dilakukan sampai tahap revisi validasi saja. Kelayakan materi, latihan soal, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajran, dan media hand out Fusion dilihat dari skor validasi menggunakan analisis Sbi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa materi yang ditampilkan dalam hand out Fusion telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori baik. Selain itu, latihan soal yang ditampilkan dalam hand out Fusion telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori sangat baik; dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang digunakan bersama hand out Fusion telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori baik. Secara keseluruhan hand out Fusion telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori bai