53 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Usahatani Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat melalui Pola Kemitraan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    There are three models of partnership in the development of smallholders plantation of palm oil in Center of Kalimantan Province, those are: (1) inti-plasma model that is managed by cooperative; (2) inti-plasma model that is managed by company; (3) inti-plasma model that is managed by individual farmers. This research aims to find the best partnership model amongst them. This research has been done in Kotawaringin Barat District for the first and the third type of models and in Katingan District for the second type. Collecting data and informations was done by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and interviewed to the farmer respondents. A random sampling of 30 farmers was chosen for the first and the second models. For the second model, all of the farmers who follow the program as many as 20 farmers was chosen as this research respondent. The research found that the first type of those models is the best amongst of the partnership models because of following reasons: (1) highest productivity, about 20 tonnes FFB/ha/year; (2) highest farmer income about Rp 15,682,711/ha/year; (3) business risks are shared by all of the cooperative members; (4) there is guarantee of the input supply and marketing of farming yied from company as a business partner; (5) farmers have some opportunities to increase their household income as company workers or through the other activities. This research recommends to the Government of Kalimantan Tengah Province to oblige the plantation companies to implement an inti-palsma partnership model that is managed by cooperative for whom obligation to develop about 20% of their plantation area for smallholders

    Alokasi Optimal Pemanfaatan dan Nilai Land Rent Sumberdaya Tambak di Kecamatan Tanah Merah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Provinsi Riau

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    The aims of this research are to analyse the optimal allocation rate of resources. utilization of pond culture, to estimate and to analyse land rent value of prawn pond culture and to estimate affect of change In exogeneous variable on the land rent value. Finding of the researcah shows that economic value of prawn pond culture of Tanjung Paslr village, Is estimated to be Rp163.864.380,95 and of Tanjung Baru village to be Rp192.484,85. Based on Ricardian land rent concept. tanjung Baru village has land rent value of Rp1.560.182,OO while Tanjung Paslr village has about Rp1.065.431,OO. Multiple regression model, applied for this research Indicates that1here Is a corelation between land rent value and produdivlty fadors and distance. the model has also shows that fador productivity has a positive correlation to the land rent value,.while distance has a negative correlation to the land rent value. It Is also indicated that Tanjung Baru village has reached almost an optimal condition. The finding of sentivity analysis shows that the increase of oil price and urea fertilize reduced the value of land rent and the magnitude of change in the value of land rent be affected by the fador of fertility rate and the distance of the pond location from the existing local spot market

    The Diversity of Tropical Orchids of South Papua

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    Papua is an area with very wide range, from lowland with altitude 0 m to highland area with 4730 m above sea level. Orchids species constitute the greater part of orchids diversity, which can grow on the bare branches of tall trees, or embedded in moss dripping in wet and cool mountain forests, as well as in the eternal shade of tropical rain forest. Numerous plants world-wide are threatened with extinction because of degradation or destruction of their habitat. Orchids are among the most threatened plants of all, especially when pressure from dealers and collectors aggravales the problems. South Papua is a lowland area with the elevation around 0-7 m above sea level, temperature 23-300 C, and 1500 m rainfall per year. The aims of these investigations were to explore the diversity of tropical orchids in South Papua. The exploration and collection were done in Asmat, Boven Digul, Mappi, and Merauke. The study found 22 genera and 75 species, mostly are epiphytic. Key words: orchids, exploration, diversity, South Papua. 

    The role of vitamin A in nutritional anaemia : a study in pregnant women in West Java, Indonesia

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    Nutritional anaemia affects 50-70% of pregnant women in the developing world where vitamin A deficiency is also a problem. Since previous studies have indicated that vitamin A deficiency can be involved in the aetiology of nutritional anaemia, the role of vitamin A deficiency in nutritional anaemia in pregnant women has been investigated in West Java, Indonesia. Of the 318 normal pregnant women examined in a cross-sectional study, 49% were anaemic and, according to multiple criteria, 43% had iron-deficiency anaemia, 22% had iron-deficient erythropoiesis, and 7% were iron depleted. Based on serum retinol values, 2.5% of the women were vitamin A deficient and 31 % had marginal vitamin A status. After adjustment for gestational stage, parity and subdistrict, serum retinol concentrations were significantly positively associated ( p <0.01) with haemoglobin concentrations, haematocrit, and serum iron concentrations. In order to test whether the anaemia observed would respond to improvement in vitamin A supply, a randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled field trial was carried out in which anaemic pregnant women in the same area were supplemented with vitamin A and iron. The women (n=251), aged 17-35 years, parity 0-4, gestation 16-24 weeks, and haemoglobin between 80 and 109 g/L were randomly allocated to four groups: vitamin A (2.4 mg retinol) and placebo iron tablets; iron (60 mg elemental iron) and placebo vitamin A; vitamin A and iron; or both placebos, all daily for 8 weeks. Maximum response in haemoglobin was achieved with both vitamin A and iron supplementation (12.78 g/L, 95% CI 10.86 to 14.70), with one-third of the response attributable to vitamin A (3.68 g/L, 2.03 to 5.33) and two-thirds to iron (7.71 g/L, 5.97 to 9.45). After supplementation, the proportion of women who became non-anaemic was 35% in the vitamin-A-supplemented group, 68% in the iron-supplemented group, 97% in the group supplemented with both, and 16% in the placebo group. In a subgroup (n=104) of the women in the intervention study, the intake of food and nutrients was also measured. The median daily intake of vitamin A, including provitamin A, was 1023 (10th and 90th percentiles; 65, 1914) μg retinol equivalent (RE). About 24% of the women had intakes below the daily intake of vitamin A recommended for pregnant women in Indonesia (700 μg RE). The suboptimal vitamin A status associated with nutritional anaemia suggests that measures to combat anaemia in pregnant women should involve improvement not only of iron status but also of vitamin A status


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    Kemiskinan menjadi permasalahan utama bangsa Indonesia, jumlah penduduk miskin sebesar 28.55 juta orang (11. 47%), sementara ketimpangan pendapatan meningkat hingga mencapai 0.41 (BPS, 2013). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dampak Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) yang berupa conditional grant terhadap pembangunan pertanian, kemiskinan, dan ketimpangan pendapatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model persamaan simultan dengan data time series tahun 2009-2013 dan data cross section pada 11 provinsi di Indonesia. Metode untuk estimasi parameter menggunakan 2SLS. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan alokasi DAK jalan dan irigasi dapat meningkatkan kinerja fiskal, sektor PDRB pertanian, total PDRB, dan total penyerapan tenaga kerja, tetapi penyerapan tenaga kerja sektor pertanian menurun disebabkan adanya kenaikan upah, menurunkan ketimpangan pendapatan dan mengurangi kemiskinan baik di daerah pedesaan maupun perkotaan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa pemerintah pusat hendaknya meningkatkan injeksi dana langsung ke daerah lewat dana alokasi khusus (DAK) bidang infrastruktur karena dampaknya efektif menurunkan kemiskinan.THE IMPACT OF FISCAL TRANSFER (CONDITIONAL GRANT) ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, POVERTY AND INEQUALITY : PANEL ANALYSIS DATAABSTRACTPoverty is the main problem in Indonesia, the number of the poor is 28.55 million people (11.47%), while income inequality increased until 0.41 (BPS, 2013). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of Special Allocation Fund on agricultural development, poverty, and income inequality. This study uses simultaneous equation models with time series data of 2009-2013 and cross section data of 11 provinces in Indonesia. Method for parameter estimation is 2SLS. The simulation results show that the increased allocation of DAK road and irrigation can increase fiscal performance, the agricultural sector GRDP, total GRDP, but the labour force absorbtion of agricultural decreases because of the increasing of wages, the decreasing of income inequality and the reducing of poverty either in rural or urban areas. This study recomends that the central government should improve the injection of funds directly to the regions through a special allocation fund for rural infrastructure and agriculture because it gives an effective impact on poverty alleviation.Keywords : Special allocation fund, poverty, income inequality, fiscal transfer

    Analisis Vegetasi dan Potensi Hutan Bukan Kayu di Kawasan Hutan Kampung Pagai, Distrik Airu, Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua

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    Forest is a resources system which has prospective materials to be used for human needs. Local people within everyday life are very dependent on the natural surroundings, as well as the use of nature for human needs tend to increase. The purpose of this research is to do the analysis of vegetation and determine the potential use of non-timber forest products in Kampung Pagai, Airu District, Jayapura. The method used for the analysis of vegetation is the square plot, while the method to figure out the potential of non-timber forest adopts the method developed by Waluyo (2004). The results showed that there are at least 39 species of trees belonging to the 26 families. Regeneration of trees showed the condition which is good based on the diversity of tree species in the Sapling level, especially matoa (Pometia pinnata), kayu besi (Instia bijuga), and various plants of Ficus ssp. The potential uses of non-timber forest are also quite high. Several types of plants can be used as building materials and accessories, medicines, ornaments (including orchids), fruits, and vegetables. Key words: forest, vegetation, non-timber forest product, Airu District, Jayapura

    Pengaruh Computer Self-efficacy Terhadap Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Layanan, Penggunaan, Kepuasan Pengguna, Dan Dampak Individu

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    The study aims to determine the effect of computer self-efficacy (CSE) on the qualitysystem, the quality of information, quality of service, USAge, satisfaction and impact of individualusers by using a model of success Delone and McLean information systems. The studyconducted on students of system users of e-learning in higher education. The population used inthis study amounted to 144 686 students with a total sample of 178. The sampling method usingproportional random sampling. The analysis tool used is the Generalized Structured ComponentAnalysis (GSCA). The results showed that CSE significant effect on the quality system, thequality of information, quality of service, USAge and impact of the individual. Quality systemshave a significant effect on the quality of information, USAge, and user satisfaction. The qualityof information significantly influence the use and user satisfaction. Service quality significantlyinfluence the use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction significantly influence the individualimpact. The results also show that the better CSE students will further improve system quality,information quality, service quality, use, and impact of the individual. The better the students'perceptions of the quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service willincrease the USAge and user satisfaction. The better use will have an impact on user satisfaction,so that will have an impact on individual performance

    Lipid-soluble Vitamins A, D, and E in HIV-Infected Pregnant women in Tanzania.

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    There is limited published research examining lipid-soluble vitamins in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected pregnant women, particularly in resource-limited settings. This is an observational analysis of 1078 HIV-infected pregnant women enrolled in a trial of vitamin supplementation in Tanzania. Baseline data on sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, clinical signs and symptoms, and laboratory parameters were used to identify correlates of low plasma vitamin A (<0.7 micromol/l), vitamin D (<80 nmol/l) and vitamin E (<9.7 micromol/l) status. Binomial regression was used to estimate risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Approximately 35, 39 and 51% of the women had low levels of vitamins A, D and E, respectively. Severe anemia (hemoglobin <85 g/l; P<0.01), plasma vitamin E (P=0.02), selenium (P=0.01) and vitamin D (P=0.02) concentrations were significant correlates of low vitamin A status in multivariate models. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was independently related to low vitamin A status in a nonlinear manner (P=0.01). The correlates of low vitamin D status were CD8 cell count (P=0.01), high ESR (ESR >81 mm/h; P<0.01), gestational age at enrollment (nonlinear; P=0.03) and plasma vitamins A (P=0.02) and E (P=0.01). For low vitamin E status, the correlates were money spent on food per household per day (P<0.01), plasma vitamin A concentration (nonlinear; P<0.01) and a gestational age <16 weeks at enrollment (P<0.01). Low concentrations of lipid-soluble vitamins are widely prevalent among HIV-infected women in Tanzania and are correlated with other nutritional insufficiencies. Identifying HIV-infected persons at greater risk of poor nutritional status and infections may help inform design and implementation of appropriate interventions

    Why do adult women in Vietnam take iron tablets?

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    BACKGROUND: Conducting iron supplementation programs has been a major strategy to reduce iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. However, only a few countries have reported improvements in the anemia rate at a national level. The strategies used for control of nutrition problems need regular review to maintain and improve their effectiveness. The objective of this study was to analyze the factors in compliance with taking iron tablets, where daily doses of iron (60 mg) and folic acid (400 μg) were distributed in rural Vietnamese communes. METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted in Nghe An province, Vietnam in January, 2003. The study population was adult women aged less than 35 years who delivered babies between August 1(st )2001 and December 1(st )2002 (n = 205), of which 159 took part in the study. Data for the study were collected from a series of workshops with community leaders, focus group discussions with community members and a questionnaire survey. RESULTS: Improvements in the rate of anemia was not given a high priority as one of the commune's needs, but the participants still made efforts to continue taking iron tablets. Two major factors motivated the participants to continue taking iron tablets; their experience of fewer spells of dizziness (50%), and their concern for the health of their newborn baby (54%). When examining the reasons for taking iron tablets for at least 5–9 months, the most important factor was identified as 'a frequent supply of iron tablets' (OR = 11.93, 95% CI: 4.33–32.85). CONCLUSION: The study found that multiple poor environmental risk factors discouraged women from taking iron tablets continuously. The availability (frequent supply) of iron tablets was the most effective way to help adult women to continue taking iron tablets
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