255 research outputs found

    Predictions for oil slicks detected from satellite images using MyOcean forecasting data

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    The pan-European capacity for the Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting (MyOcean) Marine Core Service, implementing the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) objectives, targets the provision of ocean state observations from various platforms and analysis and forecasting products to assist, among other downscaling activities, the needs of the operational response to marine safety, particularly concerning oil spills. The MEDSLIK oil spill and trajectory prediction system makes use of the MyOcean regional and Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System (CYCOFOS) downscaled forecasting products for operational application in the Mediterranean and pre-operational use in the Black Sea. Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) satellite remote sensing images from the European Space Agency (ESA) and European Maritime Safety Agency CleanSeaNet (EMSA-CSN) provide the means for routine monitoring of the southern European seas for the detection of illegal oil discharges. MEDSLIK offers various ways, to be described in this paper, of coupling the MyOcean forecasting data with ASAR images to provide both forecasts and hindcasts for such remotely observed oil slicks. The main concern will be the drift of the oil slick and also, in the case of the forecast mode, its diffusive spreading, although some attempt is also made to estimate the changes in the state of the oil. The successful link of the satellite-detected oil slicks with their operational predictions using the MyOcean products contributes to the operational response chain and the strengthening of maritime safety for accidental or illegal spills, in implementation of the Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety (MEDESS-4MS) regarding oil spills

    Determination of the Influence of the Deputy Chairmen of the 6th Duma of the Tambov Region (2016 to 2021)

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    Влиятельность заместителей председателя легислатуры субъекта РФ определяется с помощью позиционной техники идентификации элит. Наибольшим влиянием обладает заместитель председателя региональной ассамблеи, курирующий работу постоянного комитета, обеспечивающего защиту прав и свобод человека и гражданина РФ.The influence of the deputy chairpersons of the legislative authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is determined using the positional technique of elite identification. The greatest influence is wielded by the deputy chairperson of the regional assembly who oversees the work of the standing committee that ensures the protection of rights and freedoms of man and the citizen of the Russian Federation

    Bethe Ansatz Equations for General Orbifolds of N=4 SYM

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    We consider the Bethe Ansatz Equations for orbifolds of N =4 SYM w.r.t. an arbitrary discrete group. Techniques used for the Abelian orbifolds can be extended to the generic non-Abelian case with minor modifications. We show how to make a transition between the different notations in the quiver gauge theory.Comment: LaTeX, 66 pages, 9 eps figures, minor corrections, references adde

    Induced quantum numbers of a magnetic monopole at finite temperature

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    A Dirac electron field is quantized in the background of a Dirac magnetic monopole, and the phenomenon of induced quantum numbers in this system is analyzed. We show that, in addition to electric charge, also squares of orbital angular momentum, spin, and total angular momentum are induced. The functional dependence of these quantities on the temperature and the CP-violating vacuum angle is determined. Thermal quadratic fluctuations of charge and squared total angular momentum, as well as the correlation between them and their correlations with squared orbital angular momentum and squared spin, are examined. We find the conditions when charge and squared total angular momentum at zero temperature are sharp quantum observables rather than mere quantum averages.Comment: 24 pages, minor grammatical changes, journal versio

    Дослідження структурних особливостей взаємодії S-протеїну SARS-CoV-2 з ліпідними мембранами методом малокутового розсіяння нейтронів

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    The effect of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus S-protein on the structural parameters of the model lipid membrane on dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) systems with cholesterol and melatonin impurities was studied by the method of small angle neutron scattering. It is shown that an increase in the concentration of melatonin in the lipid membrane leads to a decrease in the thickness of the lipid bilayer, and an increase in the concentration of cholesterol leads to an increase in it. It has been suggested that increasing the concentration of melatonin in the membrane prevents the interaction of coronaviral S-protein with the lipid membrane of the cell. In the presence of cholesterol impurities in the system, the interaction of the lipid membrane with the active part of the S-protein occurs depending on the phase state of the lipid. Thus, when the lipid is in the gel phase (at 10 ° C), the active part of the S-protein does not change the structural parameters of the lipid bilayer, i.e. the interaction between the lipid membrane and the active part of the S-protein does not occur. At 37 ° C, when the lipid is in the liquid crystalline phase, the addition of RBD SARS-CoV-2 in the system DMPC / 30% Cholesterol / D2O leads to a decrease in membrane thickness, indicating the interaction of S-protein with the membrane. Pages of the article in the issue: 127 - 130 Language of the article: UkrainianМетодом малокутового розсіяння нейтронів проведено дослідження впливу S-протеїну коронавірусу SARS-CoV-2 на структурні параметри модельної ліпідної мембрани на системах диміристоїлфосфатидилхоліну (ДМФХ) з домішками холестерину та мелатоніну. Висунуто припущення, що збільшення концентрації мелатоніну в мембрані запобігає взаємодії коронавірусного S-протеїну з ліпідною мембраною клітини. За присутності домішок холестерину в системі взаємодія ліпідної мембрани з активною частиною S-протеїну відбувається залежно від фазового стану ліпіду: у випадку гель-фази взаємодія не відбувається, а у рідкокристалічній фазі додавання RBD SARS-CoV-2 в систему призводить до зменшення товщини мембрани