13,388 research outputs found

    Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind TRIZ and TOC

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    Innovative developments in the design of product and manufacturing systems are often marked by simplicity, at least in retrospect, that has previously been shrouded by restrictive mental models or limited knowledge transfer. These innovative developments are often associated with the breaking of long established trade-off compromises, as in the paradigm shift associated with JIT & TQM, or the resolution of design contradictions, as in the case of the dual cyclone vacuum cleaner. The rate of change in technology and the commercial environment suggests the opportunity for innovative developments is accelerating, but what systematic support is there to guide this innovation process. This paper brings together two parallel, but independent theories on inventive problem solving; one in mechanical engineering, namely the Russian Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and the other originating in manufacturing management as the Theory of Constraints (TOC). The term systematic innovation is used to describe the use of common underlying principles within these two approaches. The paper focuses on the significance of trade-off contradictions to innovation in these two fields and explores their relationship with manufacturing strategy development

    An Introduction to Breakdown Phenomena in Disordered Systems

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    The rupture of a medium under stress typifies breakdown phenomena. More generally, the latter encompass the dynamics of systems of many interacting elements governed by the interplay of a driving force with a pinning disorder, resulting in a macroscopic transition. A simple mean-field formalism incorporating these features is presented and applied to systems representative of fracture phenomena, social dilemmas, and magnets out of equilibrium. The similarities and differences in the corresponding mathematical structures are emphasized. The solutions are best obtained from a graphical method, from which very general conclusions may be drawn. In particular, the various classes of disorder distribution are treated without reference to a particular analytical or numerical form, and are found to lead to qualitatively different transitions. Finally, the notion of effective (or phenomenological) theory is introduced and illustrated for non-equilibrium disordered magnets.Comment: Pedagogical article published as part of a special issue on thermodynamics and statistical physics; 20 page

    Assessment of seismic performance of adobe structures in Pakistan and Portugal

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    Adobe buildings exist in different parts of the world. The construction of these buildings can be carried out economically, using locally available materials and skills that do not require use of modern machinery. Therefore, adobe buildings provide an economic housing option. The construction of adobe structures is carried out based on traditional construction practices which vary from region to region. This paper presents the results of a study which was conducted to study the construction practices of adobe buildings in Pakistan and Portugal in the context of their seismic vulnerability. The adobe buildings in both these countries were found to be subjected to seismic hazard levels which, although is low in some regions, may cause significant damages. Lack of essential elements or details for the adequate seismic performance was found in the adobe buildings in both regions

    Estimations for the Single Diffractive production of the Higgs boson at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    The single diffractive production of the standard model Higgs boson is computed using the diffractive factorization formalism, taking into account a parametrization for the Pomeron structure function provided by the H1 Collaboration. We compute the cross sections at next-to-leading order accuracy for the gluon fusion process, which includes QCD and electroweak corrections. The gap survival probability () is also introduced to account for the rescattering corrections due to spectator particles present in the interaction, and to this end we compare two different models for the survival factor. The diffractive ratios are predicted for proton-proton collisions at the Tevatron and the LHC for the Higgs boson mass of MHM_H = 120 GeV. Therefore, our results provide updated estimations for the diffractive ratios of the single diffractive production of the Higgs boson in the Tevatron and LHC kinematical regimes.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Mechanism of Reconnection on Kinetic Scales Based on Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Observations

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    We examine the role that ions and electrons play in reconnection using observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission on kinetic ion and electron scales, which are much shorter than magnetohydrodynamic scales. This study reports observations with unprecedented high resolution that MMS provides for magnetic eld (7.8 ms) and plasma (30 ms for electrons and 150 ms for ions). We analyze and compare approaches to the magnetopause in 2016 November, to the electron diffusion region in the magnetotail in 2017 July followed by a current sheet crossing in 2018 July. Besides magnetic eld reversals, changes in the direction of the ow velocity, and ion and electron heating, MMS observed large uctuations in the electron ow speeds in the magnetotail. As expected from numerical simulations, we have veried that when the eld lines and plasma become decoupled a large reconnecting electric eld related to the Hall current (110 mV/m) is responsible for fast reconnection in the ion diffusion region. Although inertial accelerating forces remain moderate (12 mV/m), the electric elds resulting from the divergence of the full electron pressure tensor provide the main contribution to the generalized Ohms law at the neutral sheet (as large as 200 mV/m). In our view, this illustrates that when ions decouple electron physics dominates. The results obtained on kinetic scales may be useful for better understanding the physical mechanisms governing reconnection processes in various magnetized laboratory and space plasmas

    Rehabilitation of an important cultural and architectural heritage: the traditional adobe constructions in Aveiro district

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    Adobe is a low-cost construction material, locally available, presents excellent thermal and acoustic properties, and is associated to quite simple construction methods that only require a small consumption of energy. It is indeed an economically viable material, and its use respects the environmental equilibrium. Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing traditional adobe constructions contribute to the quality of life improvement of those who use them and for an increase of associated safety levels, particularly if an effective seismic strengthening is assured. The preservation of these constructions also contributes for the recognition of the advantages that adobe, as a structural material, presents, encouraging its use in new constructions, and allowing for the reduction of the efforts and resources that are affected to new edifications that normally replace the adobe existing ones. A research group at the University of Aveiro has been developing work aimed at the characterization of the vast traditional adobe constructed park of Aveiro district, which constitutes an important architectonic and cultural heritage. Studies on the composition and mechanical behaviour of adobe units and mortars, and on the structural behaviour of adobe masonry walls were conducted. These studies aim to establish a basis of knowledge that can support the interpretation of structural pathologies, calibration of numerical models, structural safety assessment, and design of strengthening solutions. This article presents and discusses the developed work, explaining how it can contribute for a more conscious development of rehabilitation practices

    Coasting cosmologies with time dependent cosmological constant

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    The effect of a time dependent cosmological constant is considered in a family of scalar tensor theories. Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models for vacumm and perfect fluid matter are found. They have a linear expansion factor, the so called coasting cosmology, the gravitational "constant" decreace inversely with time; this model satisfy the Dirac hipotesis. The cosmological "constant" decreace inversely with the square of time, therefore we can have a very small value for it at present time.Comment: 7 pages, latex file (ijmpal macro), accepted for publication in Int. Mod. Phys.

    Dynamics of a Generalized Cosmological Scalar-Tensor Theory

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    A generalized scalar-tensor theory is investigated whose cosmological term depends on both a scalar field and its time derivative. A correspondence with solutions of five-dimensional Space-Time-Matter theory is noted. Analytic solutions are found for the scale factor, scalar field and cosmological term. Models with free parameters of order unity are consistent with recent observational data and could be relevant to both the dark-matter and cosmological-"constant" problems.Comment: 13 page
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