112 research outputs found

    Recent tectonic reorganization of the Nubia-Eurasia convergent 2 boundary heading for the closure of the western Mediterranean

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    : In the western Mediterranean area, after a long period (late Paleogene-Neogene) of Nubian northward subduction beneath Eurasia, subduction is almost ceased as well as convergence accommodation in the subduction zone. With the progression of Nubia-Eurasia convergence, a tectonic reorganization is therefore necessary to accommodate future contraction. Previously-published tectonic, seismological, geodetic, tomographic, and seismic reflection data (integrated by some new GPS velocity data) are reviewed to understand the reorganization of the convergent boundary in the western Mediterranean. Between northern Morocco, to the west, and northern Sicily, to the east, contractional deformation has shifted from the former subduction zone to the margins of the two backarc oceanic basins (Algerian-Liguro-Provençal and Tyrrhenian basins) and it is now active in the south-Tyrrhenian (northern Sicily), northern Liguro-Provençal, Algerian, and Alboran (partly) margins. Compression and basin inversion has propagated in a scissor-like manner from the Alboran (c. 8 Ma) to the Tyrrhenian (younger than c. 2 Ma) basins following a similar propagation of the subduction cessation and slab breakoff, i.e., older to the west and younger to the east. It follows that basin inversion is rather advanced in the Algerian margin, where a new southward subduction seems to be in its very infant stage, while it has still to properly start in the Tyrrhenian margin, where contraction has resumed at the rear of the fold-thrust belt and may soon invert the Marsili oceanic basin. GPS-derived strain rates higher in the Tyrrhenian margin than in the Algerian boundary suggest that this latter manner of contraction accommodation (contraction resumption at the rear of the orogenic wedge) is more efficient than subduction inception and basin inversion along newly-generated reverse faults (Algeria), but the differential strain rates may also be explained with the heterogeneous distribution of GPS stations. Part of the contractional deformation may have shifted toward the north in the Liguro-Provençal basin possibly because of its weak rheological properties compared with the area between Tunisia and Sardinia, where no oceanic crust occurs and seismic deformation is absent or limited compared with the adjacent strands of the Nubia-Eurasia boundary. The tectonic reorganization of the Nubia-Eurasia boundary in the study area is still strongly controlled by the inherited tectonic fabric and rheological attributes, which are both discontinuous and non-cylindrical along the boundary. These features prevent, at present, the development of long and continuous thrust faults. In an extreme and approximate synthesis, the evolution of the western Mediterranean is inferred as being similar to a Wilson Cycle in the following main steps: (1) northward Nubian subduction with Mediterranean backarc extension (since ~35 Ma); (2) progressive cessation, from west to east, of Nubian main subduction (since ~15 Ma); (3) progressive compression, from west to east, in the former backarc domain and consequent basin inversion (since ~8-10 Ma); (4) possible future subduction of former backarc basins

    A geology-based 3D velocity model of the Amatrice Basin (Central Italy)

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    In this paper we present a new methodological approach which integrates geological and geophysical data into a 3D modelling process to be mainly employed in seismic hazard assessment studies of earthquake-prone areas around the world, as well as in applications for land use and urban planning. As a case study, the reconstruction of a geology-based 3D velocity model of the uppermost hundreds of metres of the Amatrice high-seismic-hazard area is described. The model was constructed using geological (e.g., maps, cross-sections and core-wells) and geophysical (e.g., down-hole, MASW, refraction, and seismic noise measurements) data, which were georeferenced and uploaded into 3D geological modelling software, where faults, stratigraphic boundaries, and geophysical attributes were digitised, checked, hierarchised, and modelled. The performed 3D geological model was parameterised with Vs and Vp velocities and, finally, the environmental noise (i.e., horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio analysis, HVSR) recorded at some seismic stations was compared with the seismic responses modelled at some nearby control points. In the study area, the proposed geology-based 3D velocity model represents both a new potential geophysical prediction tool for areas devoid of geophysical measurements (i.e. HVSR curves) and a potential input-model for future ground-motion and seismic-wave-propagation simulations aimed at a more precise local seismic response assessment and, consequently, at the development of more realistic seismic hazard scenarios. The model here presented constitutes a first version of the 3D geological-geophysical model for the studied area, which will be improved with new data and more advanced algorithms available in the future

    The tectonic puzzle of the Messina area (Southern Italy): Insights from new seismic reflection data

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    The Messina Strait, that separates peninsular Italy from Sicily, is one of the most seismically active areas of the Mediterranean. The structure and seismotectonic setting of the region are poorly understood, although the area is highly populated and important infrastructures are planned there. New seismic reflection data have identified a number of faults, as well as a crustal scale NE-trending anticline few km north of the strait. These features are interpreted as due to active right-lateral transpression along the north-eastern Sicilian offshore, coexisting with extensional and right-lateral transtensional tectonics in the southern Messina Strait. This complex tectonic network appears to be controlled by independent and overlapping tectonic settings, due to the presence of a diffuse transfer zone between the SE-ward retreating Calabria subduction zone relative to slab advance in the western Sicilian side

    New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards: The Case of Ontario, Canada

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    Looking forward to a decarbonized era. Geothermal potential assessment for oil & gas fields in Italy

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    The target of this work is to produce a vision of the geothermal potential stored in the depleted oil & gas fields in Italy, by using the available information provided by the Ministry of Economic Development, the published data on hydrocarbon fields, and the estimated temperature at depth from the Italian National Geothermal Database. Five most promising fields have been selected and the volume method has been applied to assess their geothermal potential. Then a probabilistic approach has been adopted to obtain not a single value but a distribution of values of the technical potential TP. The results indicate that the available heat in hydrocarbons fields is encouraging and it is fundamental to analyze the production capacities of the existing wells to have a clearer idea of the possible uses of this existing and wasted heat
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