115 research outputs found

    The Model Matching Problem for Max-Plus Linear Systems: a Geometric Approach

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    Linear systems over the max-plus algebra provide a suitable formalism to model discrete event systems where synchronization, without competition, is involved. In this paper, we consider a formulation of the model matching problem for systems of such class, in which the output of a given system, called the plant, is forced, by a suitable input, to track exactly that of a given model. A necessary and sufficient condition for its solvability is obtained by making a suitable use of geometric methods in the framework of systems over the max-plus algebra

    Attention Capture by Direct Gaze is Robust to Context and Task Demands

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    The final publication is available at Springer via https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10919-011-0128-z.Eye-tracking was used to investigate whether gaze direction would influence the visual scanning of faces, when presented in the context of a full character, in different social settings, and with different task demands. Participants viewed individual computer agents against either a blank background or a bar scene setting, during both a free-viewing task and an attractiveness rating task for each character. Faces with a direct gaze were viewed longer than faces with an averted gaze regardless of body context, social settings, and task demands. Additionally, participants evaluated characters with a direct gaze as more attractive than characters with an averted gaze. These results, obtained with pictures of computer agents rather than real people, suggest that direct gaze is a powerful attention grabbing stimulus that is robust to background context or task demands.103305-1/Canadian Institutes of Health Research89822-1/Canadian Institutes of Health Research103305-1/PHS HHS/United States89822-1/PHS HHS/United State

    Robotics in Primary School: A Realistic Mathematics Approach

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    This version of the chapter has been accepted for publication, and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19913-5_6[Abstract]: Robots are technological tools of great interest in primary education for many reasons, but mainly for their compatibility with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). However, it is very important to minimize the impact of the technical issues associated to robotics on the teachers, providing simple and functional tools that allow them to focus their attention in the creation of STEM content. To this end, this chapter presents a methodology, based on Realistic Mathematics, for the integration of Educational Robotics in primary schools. This methodology has been tested during one semester in the Sigüeiro Primary School (Spain) in the subject of Mathematics, with students of different ages ranging from seven up to eleven years old. Two different educational robots, with different features, was used to highlight that the methodology is independent of the robotic platform used. Motivation surveys were administered to the students after the classes. Surveys reported highly successful results, which are discussed in the chapter

    Learning robotics: a review

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    Purpose of Review: With the growing interest for STEM/STEAM, new robotic platforms are being created with different characteristics, extras and options. There are so many diverse solutions, that it is difficult for a teacher/student to choose the ideal one. This paper intends to provide an analysis to the most common robotic platforms existent on the market. The same is happening regarding robotic events all around the world, with objectives so distinctive, and with complexity from easy to very difficult. This paper also describes some of those events which occur in many countries. Recent Findings: As the literature is showing, there has been a visible effort from schools and educators to teach robotics from very young ages, not only because robotics is the future, but also as a tool to teach STEM/STEAM areas. But as time progresses, the options for the right platforms also evolves making difficult to choose among them. Some authors opt to first choose a robotic platform and carry on from there. Others choose first a development environment and then look for which robots can be programmed from it. Summary: An actual review on learning robotics is here presented, firstly showing some literature background on history and trends of robotic platforms used in education in general, the different development environments for robotics and finishing on competitions and events. A comprehensive characterization list of robotic platforms along with robotic competitions and events is also shown

    Adaptive control for non-linear test bench dynamometer systems

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    Engine-in-the-loop (EiL) setups need accurate and fast dynamometer control systems. An accurate test bench model is a demand approach that also offers a significant potential to provide an excellent reproducibility of test runs. The paper presents a novel EiL approach for ASM (Asynchronous Machine) automotive test bench applications. The non-linearity of an ASM is treated with advanced control techniques defining specific parameters to control and model the machine. The integration of adaptive control on the vehicle under test strongly increases the accuracy of each test. The results demonstrate the improved performance obtained with EiL approach and the significant benefits regarding adaptive control

    Escape from Tolentino During an Earthquake Saving as Many Lives and Cultural Objects as You Can

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    In the last five years, the Italian Ministry of Education has placed its focus on digital skills, recognizing them as fundamental and indispensable for the growth of future citizens in the information age. It has thus backed projects aimed at developing computational thinking and digital creativity at school. One of the highest-funded of such projects is “Più vicini al nostro territorio—Valorizziamo i monumenti di Tolentino … giocando con Scratch e App Inventor” (Closer to our territory—appreciating the value of Tolentino’s monuments … while playing on Scratch and App Inventor). In this paper we describe this project, its vertical path, and the results of the first activities, which have already taken place in a primary school. These results show the progression of the skills and competences defined in the National Operational Programme document “For school 2014–2020” (Axis I Education, Objective 10.2, Improving students’ key competences), and those set out in the National Plan for Digital Education