1,235 research outputs found

    Saari's homographic conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem under a strong force potential

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    Donald Saari conjectured that the NN-body motion with constant configurational measure is a motion with fixed shape. Here, the configurational measure μ\mu is a scale invariant product of the moment of inertia I=∑kmk∣qk∣2I=\sum_k m_k |q_k|^2 and the potential function U=∑i<jmimj/∣qi−qj∣αU=\sum_{i<j} m_i m_j/|q_i-q_j|^\alpha, α>0\alpha >0. Namely, μ=Iα/2U\mu = I^{\alpha/2}U. We will show that this conjecture is true for planar equal-mass three-body problem under the strong force potential ∑i<j1/∣qi−qj∣2\sum_{i<j} 1/|q_i-q_j|^2

    Extremal words in morphic subshifts

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    Given an infinite word X over an alphabet A a letter b occurring in X, and a total order \sigma on A, we call the smallest word with respect to \sigma starting with b in the shift orbit closure of X an extremal word of X. In this paper we consider the extremal words of morphic words. If X = g(f^{\omega}(a)) for some morphisms f and g, we give two simple conditions on f and g that guarantees that all extremal words are morphic. This happens, in particular, when X is a primitive morphic or a binary pure morphic word. Our techniques provide characterizations of the extremal words of the Period-doubling word and the Chacon word and give a new proof of the form of the lexicographically least word in the shift orbit closure of the Rudin-Shapiro word.Comment: Replaces a previous version entitled "Extremal words in the shift orbit closure of a morphic sequence" with an added result on primitive morphic sequences. Submitte

    Saari's homographic conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem in Newton gravity

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    Saari's homographic conjecture in N-body problem under the Newton gravity is the following; configurational measure \mu=\sqrt{I}U, which is the product of square root of the moment of inertia I=(\sum m_k)^{-1}\sum m_i m_j r_{ij}^2 and the potential function U=\sum m_i m_j/r_{ij}, is constant if and only if the motion is homographic. Where m_k represents mass of body k and r_{ij} represents distance between bodies i and j. We prove this conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem. In this work, we use three sets of shape variables. In the first step, we use \zeta=3q_3/(2(q_2-q_1)) where q_k \in \mathbb{C} represents position of body k. Using r_1=r_{23}/r_{12} and r_2=r_{31}/r_{12} in intermediate step, we finally use \mu itself and \rho=I^{3/2}/(r_{12}r_{23}r_{31}). The shape variables \mu and \rho make our proof simple

    Superluminal behavior and the Minkowski space-time

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    Bessel X-waves, or Bessel beams, have been extensively studied in last years, especially with regard to the topic of superluminality in the propagation of a signal. However, in spite of many efforts devoted to this subject, no definite answer has been found, mainly for lack of an exact definition of signal velocity. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the field of existence of Bessel beams in order to overcome the specific question related to the definition of signal velocity. Quite surprisingly, this field of existence can be represented in the Minkowski space-time by a Super-Light Cone which wraps itself around the well-known Light Cone. So, the change in the upper limit of the light velocity does not modify the fundamental low of the relativity and the causal principle.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    MHD oxidant intermediate temperature ceramic heater study

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    The use of three types of directly fired ceramic heaters for preheating oxygen enriched air to an intermediate temperature of 1144K was investigated. The three types of ceramic heaters are: (1) a fixed bed, periodic flow ceramic brick regenerative heater; (2) a ceramic pebble regenerative heater. The heater design, performance and operating characteristics under conditions in which the particulate matter is not solidified are evaluated. A comparison and overall evaluation of the three types of ceramic heaters and temperature range determination at which the particulate matter in the MHD exhaust gas is estimated to be a dry powder are presented

    Passage of a Bessel beam through a classically forbidden region

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    The motion of an electromagnetic wave, through a classically-forbidden region, has recently attracted renewed interest because of its implication with regard to the theoretical and experimental problems of superluminality. From an experimental point of view, many papers provide an evidence of superluminality in different physical systems. Theoretically, the problem of a passage through a forbidden gap has been treated by considering plane waves at oblique incidence into a plane parallel layer of a medium with a refractive index smaller than the index of the surrounding medium, and also confined (Gaussian) beams, still at oblique incidence. In the present paper the case of a Bessel beam is examined, at normal incidence into the layer (Secs. II and III), in the scalar approximation (Sec. IV) and by developing also a vectorial treatment (Sec. V). Conclusions are reported in Sic. VI

    Regularity of fractional maximal functions through Fourier multipliers

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    We prove endpoint bounds for derivatives of fractional maximal functions with either smooth convolution kernel or lacunary set of radii in dimensions n≥2n \geq 2. We also show that the spherical fractional maximal function maps LpL^p into a first order Sobolev space in dimensions n≥5n \geq 5

    Bessel beam through a dielectric slab at oblique incidence: the case of total reflection

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    The oblique incidence of a Bessel beam on a dielectric slab with refractive index n1 surrounded by a medium of a refractive index n>n1 may be studied simply by expanding the Bessel beam into a set of plane waves forming the same angle with the axis of the beam. In the present paper we examine a Bessel beam that impinges at oblique incidence onto a layer in such a way that each plane-wave component impinges with an angle larger than the critical angle.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Suffix conjugates for a class of morphic subshifts

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    Let A be a finite alphabet and f: A^* --> A^* be a morphism with an iterative fixed point f^\omega(\alpha), where \alpha{} is in A. Consider the subshift (X, T), where X is the shift orbit closure of f^\omega(\alpha) and T: X --> X is the shift map. Let S be a finite alphabet that is in bijective correspondence via a mapping c with the set of nonempty suffixes of the images f(a) for a in A. Let calS be a subset S^N be the set of infinite words s = (s_n)_{n\geq 0} such that \pi(s):= c(s_0)f(c(s_1)) f^2(c(s_2))... is in X. We show that if f is primitive and f(A) is a suffix code, then there exists a mapping H: calS --> calS such that (calS, H) is a topological dynamical system and \pi: (calS, H) --> (X, T) is a conjugacy; we call (calS, H) the suffix conjugate of (X, T). In the special case when f is the Fibonacci or the Thue-Morse morphism, we show that the subshift (calS, T) is sofic, that is, the language of calS is regular.https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ergodic-theory-and-dynamical-systems/article/suffix-conjugates-for-a-class-of-morphic-subshifts/A531E7B26F382EDAF8455382C9C1DC9

    Voting and the Cardinal Aggregation of Judgments

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    The paper elaborates the idea that voting is an instance of the aggregation of judgments, this being a more general concept than the aggregation of preferences. To aggregate judgments one must first measure them. I show that such aggregation has been unproblematic whenever it has been based on an independent and unrestricted scale. The scales analyzed in voting theory are either context dependent or subject to unreasonable restrictions. This is the real source of the diverse 'paradoxes of voting' that would better be termed 'voting pathologies'. The theory leads me to advocate what I term evaluative voting. It can also be called utilitarian voting as it is based on having voters express their cardinal preferences. The alternative that maximizes the sum wins. This proposal operationalizes, in an election context, the abstract cardinal theories of collective choice due to Fleming and Harsanyi. On pragmatic grounds, I argue for a three valued scale for general elections
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