77 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Individual Performance in an Indonesian Government Office

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    Reformation in Indonesian government offices leads to many substantial changes, and demands improved job performances while arguably loading employees with more work. This research aims to understand factors that potentially influence job performance in Indonesian government offices that carries on such reformation. Using adapted scales from previous studies, this research investigates the role of workload, responsibility for others (level of responsibility to care for other people) and need for achievement on employee’s performance.  A survey to all full-time workers in an Indonesian government office is conducted. Contrary to expectation, workload does not influence employee’s performance. Instead, regression analysis demonstrates that, employee’s need for achievement and responsibility for others are significant factors affecting individual performance. These results are important because they highlight the significance of need for achievement for the success of reformation in this office, and by extension for reformation in Indonesia. The results are also interesting because this is the first study that points out to the role of responsibility for others in influencing individual performance in Indonesia which is characterized by collectivistic culture. This paper discusses the contributions of these results for theory and practice. &nbsp

    Analisis Subsektor Tanaman Pangan di Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

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    The conversion of food crops to oil palm plantation becomes a critical issue in Riau Province. There are less and less available land for food crops. The aim of this research are to (1) identify the potential subsector of food crops in Siak; (2) to analyze the sector basis and non basis commodity of food crops; (3) identify relatives spreading and coefficient specialist of basis subsector of food crops; (4) and analyze the feasibility of food crops on economic aspect. The study used descriptive to the wide of harvest and products, LQ, the coefficient location, specialist coefficient and RCR. The source result of subsector food crops in Siak has analyze potential in descriptive to be progessed are rice paddy field, cassava, and corn. LQ shows that the food plants is basis sector in Siak with close mark LQ of the wide harvest and product is wet rice field. The coeffient of location shows the activities farming of food crops in Siak spread in some subdistricts. The specialist coefficient in Siak did commodity in certain food plants are done by the farmer in each subdistrict still has variety. In economist farmer effort food crops wet rice field in Siak suibtable to be progressed, this is showed with RCR mark

    Compact Brillouin devices through hybrid integration on Silicon

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    A range of unique capabilities in optical and microwave signal processing have been demonstrated using stimulated Brillouin scattering. The desire to harness Brillouin scattering in mass manufacturable integrated circuits has led to a focus on silicon-based material platforms. Remarkable progress in silicon-based Brillouin waveguides has been made, but results have been hindered by nonlinear losses present at telecommunications wavelengths. Here, we report a new approach to surpass this issue through the integration of a high Brillouin gain material, As2S3, onto a silicon chip. We fabricated a compact spiral device, within a silicon circuit, achieving an order of magnitude improvement in Brillouin amplification. To establish the flexibility of this approach, we fabricated a ring resonator with free spectral range precisely matched to the Brillouin shift, enabling the first demonstration of Brillouin lasing in a silicon integrated circuit. Combining active photonic components with the SBS devices shown here will enable the creation of compact, mass manufacturable optical circuits with enhanced functionality

    25 kHz narrow spectral bandwidth of a wavelength tunable diode laser with a short waveguide-based external cavity

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    We report on the spectral properties of a diode laser with a tunable external cavity in integrated optics. Even though the external cavity is short compared to other small-bandwidth external cavity lasers, the spectral bandwidth of this tunable laser is as small as 25 kHz (FWHM), at a side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) of 50 dB. Our laser is also able to access preset wavelengths in as little as 200 us and able to tune over the full telecom C-band (1530 nm - 1565 nm).Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Gambaran Klinis Penderita Demam Dengue di Rumah Sakit Umum UKI

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    Infeksi virus dengue mengakibatkan penyakit dengue fever(DF) dan dengue hemorrhagic rever(DHF). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran infeksi virus dengue sekaligus merupakan kajian audit medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia (RSU UKI). Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif retrospektif dengan melakukan analisis rekam medik. Indikasi perawatan dan tata laksana selama perawatan dievaluasi dan dibandingkan dengan protokol World Health Organization (WHO). Dilakukan evaluasi besaran biaya perawatan dan dibandingkan dengan cakupan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). Infeksi virus dengue terbanyak adalah DF (79,5%), lebih sering terjadi pada anak perempuan (54,5%), berusia 5-14 tahun (75,0 %), lebih banyak dengan status gizi normal (70,5%). Sebagian besar pasien dirawat atas permintaan keluarga (76,5 %) dan datang dengan gejala khas DHF. Pasien DF datang pada hari ke-4 atau ke-5 demam, sedangkan pasien DHF pada hari ke-4 demam. Jumlah trombosit kurang dari 100 000 sel/mm3 ditemukan antara hari ke-3 dan ke-5 demam, sedangkan peningkatan trombosit hingga di atas 50 000 sel/mm3 terdapat antara hari ke-6 dan ke-7 demam. Tata laksana DHF sudah sesuai dengan protokol WHO, akan tetapi indikasi pulang pasien belum sesuai dengan indikasi pulang menurut WHO. Biaya rawat inap sudah sesuai dengan paket BPJS, tetapi biaya pada pasien kelas satu masih perlu dikaji kembali. Disimpulkan bahwa dengue fever merupakan kasus terbanyak yang diderita oleh anak usia 5-14 tahun. Demam antara hari ke-3 dan ke-5 perlu mendapat perhatian karena terjadi penurunan trombosit yan

    A monolithic integrated photonic microwave filter

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    [EN] Meeting the increasing demand for capacity in wireless networks requires the harnessing of higher regions in the radiofrequency spectrum, reducing cell size, as well as more compact, agile and power-efficient base stations that are capable of smoothly interfacing the radio and fibre segments. Fully functional microwave photonic chips are promising candidates in attempts to meet these goals. In recent years, many integrated microwave photonic chips have been reported in different technologies. To the best of our knowledge, none has monolithically integrated all the main active and passive optoelectronic components. Here, we report the first demonstration of a tunable microwave photonics filter that is monolithically integrated into an indium phosphide chip. The reconfigurable radiofrequency photonic filter includes all the necessary elements (for example, lasers, modulators and photodetectors), and its response can be tuned by means of control electric currents. This is an important step in demonstrating the feasibility of integrated and programmable microwave photonic processors.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) through the NEOTEC start-up programme, the European Commission through the 7th Research Framework Programme project, Photonic Advanced Research and Development for Integrated Generic Manufacturing (FP7-PARADIGM), the Generalitat Valenciana through the Programa para grupos de Investigacion de Excelencia (PROMETEO) project code 2013/012, the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Comercio (MINECO) via project TEC2013-42332-P, PIF4ESP, and the Unwersitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPVOV) through projects 10-3E-492 and 08-3E-008 funded by the Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). J.S. Fandino acknowledges financial support from Formacion de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) grant AP2010-1595.Sanchez Fandiño, JA.; Muñoz Muñoz, P.; Doménech Gómez, JD.; Capmany Francoy, J. (2017). A monolithic integrated photonic microwave filter. Nature Photonics. 11(2):124-129. https://doi.org/10.1038/NPHOTON.2016.233S124129112Novak, D. et al. Radio-over-fiber technologies for emerging wireless systems. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 52, 1–11 (2016).Waterhouse, R. & Novak, D. Realizing 5G: microwave photonics for 5G mobile wireless systems. IEEE Microw. Mag. 16, 84–92 (2015).Won, R. Microwave photonics shines. Nat. Photon. 5, 736 (2011).Capmany, J. & Novak, D. Microwave photonics combines two worlds. Nat. Photon. 1, 319–330 (2007).Yao, J. Microwave photonics. J. Lightw. Technol. 27, 314–335 (2009).Andrews, J. G. et al. What will 5G be? IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 32, 1065–1082 (2014).Gosh, A., et al. Millimetre-wave enhanced local area systems: a high-data-rate approach for future wireless networks. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 32, 1152–1163 (2014).Marpaung, D. et al. Integrated microwave photonics. Laser Photon. Rev. 7, 506–538 (2013).Iezekiel, S., Burla, M., Klamkin, J., Marpaung, D. & Capmany, J. RF engineering meets optoelectronics: progress in integrated microwave photonics. IEEE Microw. Mag. 16, 28–45 (2015).Mitchell, J. E. Integrated wireless backhaul over optical access networks. J. Lightw. Technol. 32, 3373–3382 (2014).Liu, C., Wang, J., Cheng, L., Zhu, M. & Chang, G.-K. Key microwave-photonics technologies for next-generation cloud-based radio access networks. J. Lightw. Technol. 32, 3452–3460 (2014).Norberg, E. J., Guzzon, R. S., Parker, J. S., Johansson, L. A. & Coldren, L. A. Programmable photonic microwave filters monolithically integrated in InP/InGaAsP. J. Lightw. Technol. 29, 1611–1619 (2011).Guzzon, R., Norberg, E., Parker, J., Johansson, L. & Coldren, L. Integrated InP–InGaAsP tuneable coupled ring optical bandpass filters with zero insertion loss. Opt. Express 19, 7816–7826 (2011).Fandiño, J. S. & Muñoz, P. Photonics-based microwave frequency measurement using a double-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation and an InP integrated ring-assisted Mach–Zehnder interferometer filter. Opt. Lett. 38, 4316–4319 (2013).Burla, M. et al. On-chip ultra-wideband microwave photonic phase shifter and true time delay line based on a single phase-shifted waveguide Bragg grating. In IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics 92–95 (IEEE, 2013).Shi, W., Veerasubramanian, V., Patel, D. & Plant, D. Tuneable nanophotonic delay lines using linearly chirped contradirectioinal couplers with uniform Bragg gratings. Opt. Lett. 39, 701–703 (2014).Guan, B. et al. CMOS compatible reconfigurable silicon photonic lattice filters using cascaded unit cells for RF-photonic processing. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 20, 359–368 (2014).Khan, M. 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    Level of Gastrin Serum and Ulcer Size on Gastric Ulcer Correlated to Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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    Background: Previously has been defined that peptic ulcer has strongly correlated to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. But it hasn\u27t determined about correlation of gastrin serum level to the ulcer severity on H. pylori infection. The aims of this study were to find the percentage of H. pylori infection on peptic ulcer cases and its correlation to the gastrin serum level. Method: This is analytic cross sectional study in 50 patients with gastric ulcer who came to Adam Malik hospital from February to October 2007. The correlation between gastrin serum level and the size of ulcer with positive and negative Urea Breath Test (UBT) group was analyzed by unpaired student t- test. The correlation between gastrin serum level and ulcer size were investigated with Pearson correlation test and linier regression. Result: Fifty eligible patients, 33 (66%) had positive UBT and 17 (34%) were negative. There were statistically significant difference on gastrin serum level in positive UBT and negative respectively (p = 0.017). There were also significant difference between mean of ulcer size in positive UBT and negative respectively (p = 0.025). There were correlation between gastrin serum level and ulcer size (r = 0.315; p = 0.026). It can predict the increasing ulcer size in 0.012 mm every 1 pg/mL of gastrin serum elevated. Conclusion: Patients with positive UBT has greater ulcer size and higher gastrin level as compared to the negative group. There were positive correlation between gastrin serum level to the size of ulcer in peptic ulcer patients and increase of ulcer size followed with elevated of gastrin serum level

    Profile of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Endoscopic Unit at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital - Medan

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most prevalent cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide every year. Rates of this Malignancy vary by country. In Indonesia, the prevalence is estimated to have an increased tendency. The objectives of this sudy was to examine the prevalence and profile of colorectal cancer, which are diagnosed by endoscopic examination. Method: The study was conducted retrospectively, by examining the Result of endoscopic findings of patients with rectal bleeding, altered bowel habit, chronic diarrhea, unexplain abdominal pain, and other signs and symptoms at The Endoscopic Unit Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Pirngadi hospital from January 2004 to June 2008. Results: We found 197 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) from 760 patients examined by colonoscopy (25.9%). One hundred and one patients (51.3%) out of 197 CRC patients were female. Most were in the group of age 51-60 years (28.9%). The most frequent ethnic of the patients were Bataknese (46.2%). The most common symptom was rectal bleeding (70.6%). The most common location of CRC was in the rectum (74.6%). Histopathologic Result was adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: The prevalence of colorectal cancer in this study were twenty six percents. Rectal bleeding appeared to be the most common sign in this study. Rectum was the most common site of the cancer. Most of patients were Bataknese. Patients were at advanced stage and most of them were having well-differentiated adenocarcinoma
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