25 research outputs found

    Colonization dynamics of Pantoea agglomeransin the wheat root habitat

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    Plants are colonized by microbial communities that have diverse implications for plant development and health. The establishment of a stable plant–bacteria interaction depends on a continuous coexistence over generations. Transmission via the seed is considered as the main route for vertical inheritance of plant-associated bacteria. Nonetheless, the ecological principles that govern the plant colonization by seed endophytes remain understudied. Here we quantify the contribution of arrival time and colonization history to bacterial colonization of the wheat root. Establishing a common seed endophyte, Pantoea agglomerans, and wheat as a model system enabled us to document bacterial colonization of the plant roots during the early stages of germination. Using our system, we estimate the carrying capacity of the wheat roots as 108 cells g−1, which is robust among individual plants and over time. Competitions in planta reveal a significant advantage of early incoming colonizers over late-incoming colonizers. Priming for the wheat environment had little effect on the colonizer success. Our experiments thus provide empirical data on the root colonization dynamics of a seed endophyte. The persistence of seed endophyte bacteria with the plant population over generations may contribute to the stable transmission that is one route for the evolution of a stable host-associated lifestyle

    Is eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions converging among European Union countries?

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    Eco-efficiency refers to the ability to produce more goods and services with less impact on the environment and less consumption of natural resources. This issue has become a matter of concern that is receiving increasing attention from politicians, scientists and researchers. Furthermore, greenhouse gases emitted as a result of production processes have a marked impact on the environment and are also the foremost culprit of global warming and climate change. This paper assesses convergence in eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Eco-efficiency is assessed at both country and greenhouse-gas-specific levels using Data Envelopment Analysis techniques and directional distance functions, as recently proposed by Picazo-Tadeo et al. (Eur J Oper Res, 220:798–809, 2012). Convergence is then evaluated using the Phillips and Sul (Econometrica, 75:1771–1855, 2007) approach that allows testing for the existence of convergence groups. Although the results point to the existence of different convergence clubs depending on the specific pollutant considered, they signal the existence of at least four clear groups of countries. The first two groups are core European Union high-income countries (Benelux, Germany, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries). A third club is made up of peripheral countries (Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece) together with some Eastern countries (Latvia and Slovenia), while the remaining clubs consist of groups containing Eastern European countries

    Origin of congenital coronary arterio-ventricular fistulae from anomalous epicardial and myocardial development.

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAFs) are cardiac congenital anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or another cardiac vessel. In humans, these congenital anomalies can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation, and failure. Unfortunately, despite their clinical relevance, the aetiology of CAFs remains unknown. In this work, we have used two different species (mouse and avian embryos) to experimentally model CAFs morphogenesis. Both conditional Itga4 (alpha 4 integrin) epicardial deletion in mice and cryocauterisation of chick embryonic hearts disrupted epicardial development and ventricular wall growth, two essential events in coronary embryogenesis. Our results suggest that myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall promote the early contact of the endocardium with epicardial-derived coronary progenitors at the cardiac surface, leading to ventricular endocardial extrusion, precocious differentiation of coronary smooth muscle cells, and the formation of pouch-like aberrant coronary-like structures in direct connection with the ventricular lumen. The structure of these CAF-like anomalies was compared with histopathological data from a human CAF. Our results provide relevant information for the early diagnosis of these congenital anomalies and the molecular mechanisms that regulate their embryogenesis.The authors thank Dr. A. Rojas (CABIMER, Sevilla, Spain) and Prof. Thalia Papayannopoulou (University of Washington, WA, USA) for sharing with us the G2- Gata4-Cre and Itga4-floxed mouse lines, respectively. We also thank Vanessa Benhamo (Institut Imagine) for her expert support with HREM. Finally, we thank all members of “DeCA” laboratory (University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain), and the “Heart Morphogenesis” laboratory (Institut Imagine and Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) for their help and fruitful discussions on this paper. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, R+D+i National Programme [grants RTI2018-095410-RBI00 and PID2021-122626-OB-I00], Spanish Ministry of Science-ISCIII [grant number RD16/0011/0030], and University of Málaga [grant number UMA18-FEDERJA-146] to [JMPP]; Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía [grant number PIER-0084- 2019] to [JAGD]; University of Málaga [grant number I Plan Propio-UMA-A.4] to [ARV]; Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MCIU) (CIBER CV) [grant numbers PID2019-104776RB-I00 and CB16/11/00399] to [JLDLP].S

    Carbapenem-resistant Citrobacter spp. isolated in Spain from 2013 to 2015 produced a variety of carbapenemases including VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, NDM-1 and VIM-2

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    Objectives: There is little information about carbapenemase-producing (CP) Citrobacter spp.We studied the molecular epidemiology and microbiological features of CP Citrobacter spp. isolates collected in Spain (2013-15). Methods: In total, 119 isolates suspected of being CP by the EUCAST screening cut-off values were analysed. Carbapenemases and ESBLs were characterized using PCR and sequencing. The genetic relationship among Citrobacter freundii isolates was studied by PFGE. Results: Of the 119 isolates, 63 (52.9%) produced carbapenemases, of which 37 (58.7%) produced VIM-1, 20 (31.7%) produced OXA-48, 12 (19%) produced KPC-2, 2 (3.2%) produced NDM-1 and 1 (1.6%) produced VIM- 2; 9 C. freundii isolates co-produced VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Fourteen isolates (22.2%) also carried ESBLs: 8 CTX-M-9 plus SHV-12, 2 CTX-M-9, 2 SHV-12 and 2 CTX-M-15. Fifty-seven isolates (90.5%) were C. freundii, 4 (6.3%) were Citrobacter koseri, 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter amalonaticus and 1 (1.6%) was Citrobacter braakii. By EUCAST breakpoints, eight (12.7%) of the CP isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested. In the 53 CP C. freundii analysed by PFGE, a total of 44 different band patterns were observed. Four PFGE clusters were identified: cluster 1 included eight isolates co-producing VIM-1 and OXA-48; blaVIM-1 was carried in a class 1 integron (intI-blaVIM-1 - aacA4-dfrB1-aadA1-catB2-qacE¿1/sul1) and blaOXA-48 was carried in a Tn1999.2 transposon. Conclusions: We observed the clonal and polyclonal spread of CP Citrobacter spp. across several Spanish geographical areas. Four species of Citrobacter spp. produced up to five carbapenemase types, including coproduction of VIM-1 plus OXA-48. Some CP Citrobacter spp. isolates were susceptible to the four carbapenems tested, a finding with potential clinical implications

    Regional and experiential differences in surgeon preference for the treatment of cervical facet injuries: a case study survey with the AO Spine Cervical Classification Validation Group

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    Purpose: The management of cervical facet dislocation injuries remains controversial. The main purpose of this investigation was to identify whether a surgeon’s geographic location or years in practice influences their preferred management of traumatic cervical facet dislocation injuries. Methods: A survey was sent to 272 AO Spine members across all geographic regions and with a variety of practice experience. The survey included clinical case scenarios of cervical facet dislocation injuries and asked responders to select preferences among various diagnostic and management options. Results: A total of 189 complete responses were received. Over 50% of responding surgeons in each region elected to initiate management of cervical facet dislocation injuries with an MRI, with 6 case exceptions. Overall, there was considerable agreement between American and European responders regarding management of these injuries, with only 3 cases exhibiting a significant difference. Additionally, results also exhibited considerable management agreement between those with ≤ 10 and > 10 years of practice experience, with only 2 case exceptions noted. Conclusion: More than half of responders, regardless of geographical location or practice experience, identified MRI as a screening imaging modality when managing cervical facet dislocation injuries, regardless of the status of the spinal cord and prior to any additional intervention. Additionally, a majority of surgeons would elect an anterior approach for the surgical management of these injuries. The study found overall agreement in management preferences of cervical facet dislocation injuries around the globe

    Origin of congenital coronary arterio-ventricular fistulae from anomalous epicardial and myocardial development

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    Posté sur bioRxiv le 14 janvier 2022.Abstract Aims In this work we investigated the embryonic origin of coronary arterio-ventricular connections, known as coronary artery fistulas (CAF), a congenital heart disease associated to postnatal and adult changes in systemic hemodynamics that may cause cardiac ischemia. Methods and results we have used different animal models (mouse and avian embryos) to experimentally model CAF morphogenesis. Conditional Itga4 (alpha 4 integrin) epicardial deletion in mice and cryocauterisation of chick and quail embryonic hearts disrupted epicardial development and ventricular wall growth, two essential events in coronary embryogenesis. Additional transcriptomics and in vitro analyses were performed to better understand how arterio-ventricular connections are originated in the embryonic heart. Our results show myocardial discontinuities in the developing heart of mutant mice presenting epicardial defects and avian embryos submitted to a physical cryodamage of the ventricle. These ventricular discontinuities promote the formation of endocardial pouch-like structures resembling human CAF. The structure of these CAF-like anomalies was compared with histopathological data from a human CAF, showing histomorphological and immunochemical similarities. Both human and mutant mouse hearts showed similar anomalies in the compaction of the ventricular myocardium. In vitro experiments showed the abnormal contact between the epicardium and the endocardium promote the precocious differentiation of epicardial cells to smooth muscle. Conclusion Our work suggests that myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall are a causative of CAF. These discontinuities would promote the early contact of the endocardium with epicardial-derived coronary progenitors at the cardiac surface, leading to ventricular endocardial extrusion, precocious differentiation of coronary smooth muscle cells, and the formation of pouch-like aberrant coronary-like structures in direct connection with the ventricular lumen. Translational perspective Congenital coronary artery fistulas (CAFs) lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and failure. Unfortunately, and despite their clinical relevance, the origins these congenital anomalies remain unknown. In this work, we provide information on the developmental mechanisms involved in the formation of CAFs that is relevant for their early diagnosis and prevention