63 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbedaan Pemilihan Warna Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor Kelompok Sedan, Jeep, Station Wagon Dan Sejenisnya Dengan Kelompok Truck, Pick Up Dan Sejenisnya Di Surabaya Selatan Tahun 2008 – 2011

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perbedaan pemilihan warna tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor pada unit kendaraan sedan, jeep, station wagon dan sejenisnya dan truck, pick up dan sejenisnya dari tahun 2008 - 2011. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari Dinas Pendapatan Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Samsat Surabaya Selatan.Alat statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi Square dan diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa pada tahun 2008 – 2010 terdapat perbedaan dalam memilih warna tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor dan tahun 2011 tidak terdapat perbedaan dalam memilih warna tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor. Tidak adanya perbedaan tersebut karena adanya pemberlakuan tarif pajak kendaraan progresif (Peraturan Daerah Nomor 9 Tahun 2010).The purpose of this research was to analyze the differences in the color selection of license plate in vehicle unit of sedan, jeeps, station wagons and alike and trucks, pick up and alike from 2008 - 2011. The data used were obtained from Dinas Pendapatan Provinsi Jawa Timur and Samsat Surabaya Selatan. The statistic tool used was Chi Square and the research obtained that between 2008 – 2010 there was difference in choosing the colour of license plate and in 2011 there was no difference in choosing the colour of license plate. The indifference appeared because of the progressive vehicle tax rates (Regional Regulation No 9 of 2010

    Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht

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    The volume contains the critical responses from the perspective of other legal systems to the propositions Helmut Koziol puts forward in 2012 in his book “Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective”. These reports not only describe the legal situation in selected legal systems, but also give a critical response to the propositions developed in respect of the Germanic legal family. Moreover, they consider the possible incorporation or rejection of the said propositions into the legal systems. This study is not only intended to promote mutual understanding between the individual legal systems but also to provide a basis for them to gradually grow together by means of both the internal development of the national legal systems and supranational elaboration of bodies of rules. English Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:815Der vorliegende Band enthält zunächst die kritischen Stellungnahmen aus dem Blickwinkel anderer Rechtsordnungen zu Helmut Koziols Thesen, die er 2012 im Band „Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective“ vorgelegt hat. In diesen Berichten wird nicht nur die Rechtslage in der jeweiligen Rechtsordnung geschildert, sondern es wird kritisch zu den im deutschen Rechtskreis entwickelten Thesen Stellung genommen, aber auch auf deren mögliche Berücksichtigung oder Ablehnung bei der Weiterentwicklung dieser Rechtsordnung eingegangen. Mit dieser Untersuchung soll nicht nur das Verständnis zwischen den einzelnen Rechtsordnungen gefördert, sondern auch eine Grundlage für ein allmähliches Zusammenwachsen durch die innere Fortentwicklung der nationalen Rechtsordnungen aber auch durch überstaatliche Ausarbeitung von Regelungswerken geschaffen werden. Englische Version siehe: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:81

    Children of Prisoners: Their Situation and Role in Long-Term Crime Prevention

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    Studies suggest that maintaining family ties can help reduce the likelihood of reoffending, and that while parental imprisonment can increase a child’s likelihood to offend, positive responses to the situation can aid the children’s well-being, attitude and attainment. Drawing on findings from the recently completed EU-funded COPING Project on the mental health of children of prisoners, this chapter explores the factors that aid a child’s ability to cope with parental imprisonment and the actions that different stakeholders can take to support them. It identifies some of the mental health impacts at different stages of parental imprisonment, the roles played by non-imprisoned parents/carers and by schools, and suggests options for further clarifying the factors that help and hinder children of prisoners in the short and long term

    Pengujian Metode Checksum Dan Anti Dump Software Dengan Teknik Reverse Enginering

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    Pengembangan sebuah perangkat lunak akan memakan waktu dan biaya tidak sedikit. Reverse engineering merupakan teknik atau cara untuk menemukan prinsip-prinsip teknologi suatu produk dengan cara menganalisa struktur, fungsi dan cara pada produk tersebut. Dengan mempelajari struktur fungsi dari sebuah produk penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan patching kedalam sebuah perangkat lunak guna meningkatkan kualitas dari perangkat lunak itu sendiri. Patching yang akan diujikan dalam metode ini adalah Checsum Obfuscation/ Obfuscated Code dan Anti Dumping dimana dari hasil patching tersebut akan di uji kualitas dan diukur Panjang Kode , Output File Hasil, dan Banyaknya Perubahan yang terjadi sehingga terjadi peningkatan kualitas dari perangkat lunak itu sendir

    Asymmetric forest transition driven by the interaction of socioeconomic development and environmental heterogeneity in Central America

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    Forest transitions (FT) have been observed in many developed countries and more recently in the developing world. However, our knowledge of FT from tropical regions is mostly derived from case studies from within a particular country, making it difficult to generalize findings across larger regions. Here we overcome these difficulties by conducting a recent (2001–2010) satellite-based analysis of trends in forest cover across Central America, stratified by biomes, which we related to socioeconomic variables associated with human development. Results show a net decrease of woody vegetation resulting from 12,201 km(2) of deforestation of moist forests and 6,825 km(2) of regrowth of conifer and dry forests. The Human Development Index was the socioeconomic variable best associated with forest cover change. The least-developed countries, Nicaragua and Guatemala, experienced both rapid deforestation of moist forests and significant recovery of conifer and dry forests. In contrast, the most developed countries, Panama and Costa Rica, had net woody vegetation gain and a more stable forest cover configuration. These results imply a good agreement with FT predictions of forest change in relation to socioeconomic development, but strong asymmetry in rates and directions of change largely dependent upon the biome where change is occurring. The FT model should be refined by incorporating ecological and socioeconomic heterogeneity, particularly in multicountry and regional studies. These asymmetric patterns of forest change should be evaluated when developing strategies for conserving biodiversity and environmental services

    Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective

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    The starting point for this project on the »Basic Questions of Tort Law« was the book written by Helmut Koziol, the »Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective« (Sramek Verlag, 2012), a volume which presented an introduction into the law of torts from a Germanic perspective. Colleagues from seven countries were then invited to give critical responses to the ideas presented in the 2012 volume. The comparative law conclusions then attempt to pick up on the ideas expressed in the legal systems examined and to make them amenable for debate on the further development of the legal systems and their harmonisation. German Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:603Ausgangspunkt für das Projekt „Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht“ war das von Helmut Koziol verfasste Buch „Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts“ (Sramek Verlag, 2010), welches eine Einführung in das Schadenersatzrecht des deutschsprachigen Raums darstellt. Vertreter aus sieben Ländern wurden gebeten, kritische Stellungnahmen zu den in diesem Buch erörterten Ideen abzugeben. Die daraus gewonnenen rechtsvergleichenden Schlussfolgerungen greifen die den behandelten Rechtsordnungen zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien auf und sollen diese damit einer Diskussion über die weitere Entwicklung und Harmonisierung der Rechtsordnungen zugänglich machen. Deutsche Version siehe: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:60


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    D,:Cotrcle Blain;Da) Cotinu on J. if necesar andtnu 18vrs identifye 1 byecssr blocknit numbt r)b Loss measurements were conduw:ted using a five-hole conical pneumatic probe in a subsonic wind tunnel containing a modeled cascade: of controlled diffusion (CD) stator blades. Following reference measurements at high incidence one blade was modified (slotted at the leading edge) in an attempt to (passively) reduce the size of the leading edge separation bubble and thereby improve performance. Prior to the surveys, the acquisition and reduction software was modified to provide loss calculations using both mass-averaged and fully-mixed-out conditions for the upstream and downstream flows. Results showed that the mass-averaged method provided the more consistent results, and this was explained. The slotted leading edge blade was found to produce less loss than the reference blade, a--! it was concluded that the control concept should be explored in more detail. Professor Raymond P._S'Ireevo _ 4&C, o4b-2593 Code ~~ DO Form 1473, JUN 86 1 1vu i,trn ire ohsolie i L A ' S CA,9 W,'

    Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective

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    The starting point for this project on the »Basic Questions of Tort Law« was the book written by Helmut Koziol, the »Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective« (Sramek Verlag, 2012), a volume which presented an introduction into the law of torts from a Germanic perspective. Colleagues from seven countries were then invited to give critical responses to the ideas presented in the 2012 volume. The comparative law conclusions then attempt to pick up on the ideas expressed in the legal systems examined and to make them amenable for debate on the further development of the legal systems and their harmonisation. German Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:60

    Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht

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    The volume contains the critical responses from the perspective of other legal systems to the propositions Helmut Koziol puts forward in 2012 in his book “Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective”. These reports not only describe the legal situation in selected legal systems, but also give a critical response to the propositions developed in respect of the Germanic legal family. Moreover, they consider the possible incorporation or rejection of the said propositions into the legal systems. This study is not only intended to promote mutual understanding between the individual legal systems but also to provide a basis for them to gradually grow together by means of both the internal development of the national legal systems and supranational elaboration of bodies of rules. English Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:81
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