4,283 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithms: a pragmatic, non-parametric approach to exploratory analysis of questionnaires in educational research

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    Data from a survey to determine student attitudes to their courses are used as an example to show how genetic algorithms can be used in the analysis of questionnaire data. Genetic algorithms provide a means of generating logical rules which predict one variable in a data set by relating it to others. This paper explains the principle underlying genetic algorithms and gives a non-mathematical description of the means by which rules are generated. A commercially available computer program is used to apply genetic algorithms to the survey data. The results are discussed

    The Effects of Frustration and Social Desirability on Heterosexual Attraction

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    Walster, Walster, Piliavin and Schmidt\u27s (1973) finding that a selectively hard-to-get female was preferred over either an easy-to-get or a hard-to-get female was replicated for unfrustrated males. However, when males were mildly frustrated, they preferred females who had indicated attraction toward them. The implications of these results were discussed in terms of external rewards and the motivational state of individuals

    Presencia de minerales poco comunes en la roca alterada de un edificio medieval escocés colonizado por organismos biológicos

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    During the course of a study of biodeterioration at Hermitage Castle in the Scottish Borders various rare minerals: monohydrocalcite, nesquehonite and dypingite were found in association with the biological growths. Monohydrocalcite was found particularly in association with a green alga "Trentepohlia aurea". A brief review of previous publications concerning these minerals is given and the theory put forward with regard to the possible origin of the monohydrocalcite as a biogenic by product.En el transcurso de un estudio sobre el biodeterioro existente en el 'Hermitage Castle', localizado en los 'Scottish Borders' (frontera entre Escocia e Inglaterra), se detectó la presencia de monohidrocalcita, nesquehonita y dipingita, minerales considerados como poco frecuentes, asociados con la colonización biológica presente, especialmente en el caso de la monohidrocalcita y el alga verde Trentepohlia áurea. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre estos minerales así como la teoría del posible origen biogénico de la monohidrocalcita

    Quantized representation of some nonlinear integrable evolution equations on the soliton sector

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    The Hirota algorithm for solving several integrable nonlinear evolution equations is suggestive of a simple quantized representation of these equations and their soliton solutions over a Fock space of bosons or of fermions. The classical nonlinear wave equation becomes a nonlinear equation for an operator. The solution of this equation is constructed through the operator analog of the Hirota transformation. The classical N-solitons solution is the expectation value of the solution operator in an N-particle state in the Fock space.Comment: 12 page

    Living with COVID-19 and preparing for future pandemics: revisiting lessons from the HIV pandemic

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    In April, 2020, just months into the COVID-19 pandemic, an international group of public health researchers published three lessons learned from the HIV pandemic for the response to COVID-19, which were to: anticipate health inequalities, create an enabling environment to support behavioural change, and engage a multidisciplinary effort. We revisit these lessons in light of more than 2 years’ experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. With specific examples, we detail how inequalities have played out within and between countries, highlight factors that support or impede the creation of enabling environments, and note ongoing issues with the scarcity of integrated science and health system approaches. We argue that to better apply lessons learned as the COVID-19 pandemic matures and other infectious disease outbreaks emerge, it will be imperative to create dialogue among polarised perspectives, identify shared priorities, and draw on multidisciplinary evidence

    Studying the cathodic disbondment of coatings using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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    The disbondment of protective organic coatings is a widely reported pipeline coating failure mode in the oil and gas industry. Traditional methods of evaluating cathodic disbondment of pipeline coatings are based on visual inspection of pipeline conditions, and laboratory testing of cathodic disbondment resistance (CDR) using standard methods such as ASTM G8. Although some other laboratory-based techniques, such as scanning kelvin probe and scanning acoustic microscopy have been used to study the cathodic disbondment (CD) of coatings, these are often difficult to apply in practical testing. Over the past decade, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been employed as a potential method for measuring CD. This paper reports preliminary results from an EIS study designed to characterise CD behaviour of epoxy coatings under excessive cathodic protection. EIS data correlated well with the area of disbonded coating. Analysis of EIS data can provide valuable information on the initiation and rates of CD